Author Archive

The Roots of Terrorism: Saudi Arabia – by Rusty Walker: The roots of terrorism are derived from a single, draconian ideology that has its source traced from a depraved interpretation of the Quran by the theologian and self-appointed “reformer,” Sheikh Ibn Taymiyya. In the United States the 9/11 hijackers

The United States under a new president – by Rusty Walker: I have until now refrained from commenting on the presidential race due to the vitriolic outcry from both sides of the American parties. It is now time to become one again as a nation, as was the plea from the

The Black Flag can only be Exterminated by Global Resolve by Rusty Walker: The book I just finished: “Black Flag: The Rise of ISIS” 2016 Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction, by Joby Warrick. But, the book doesn’t skim the surface of ISIS. I had flipped through it when it first came out;

July 4, 2016 Independence Day in America – fought for by Immigrants by Rusty Walker: Photo: Muslim American Police Officer and his family living in Dearborn, Mich., home to one of the country’s largest Muslim American populations. All are welcome to the United States if they come in peace. Independence Day – “American” Colonists

Myths and Realities of Terrorism – by Rusty Walker: Myths and Realities of Terrorism: Territorial Claims No captured land in an on-going war belongs to Taliban in Afghanistan. Neither Taliban nor ISIS should be negotiated with. No ISIS-claimed territory belongs to ISIS in an on-going war. The recently absurd claim

Omar Matten succumbs to ISIS ideology resulting in needless deaths – Essay by American, Rusty Walker: Omar Mateem, a 29 year old American citizen, turned Jihadist, was born in the U.S., and responsible for the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. He was killed at the scene by an American SWAT team. He mentioned ISIS in

Understanding the Concept of a Peaceful Islam, rests on the Truth about “Islamic Terrorism” – by Rusty Walker: A global understanding of a peaceful Islam rests on the truth being told about “Islamic Terrorism.” Amr Mousa, former Secretary General of the Arab League does not speak the truth about “Islamic Terrorism,” thus, leaving the Western World confused

Malala Revisited: Perhaps a potential future Leader, still Maligned by her own Country, Update by Rusty Walker: I published this two years ago and have found that it still applies. Pakistan has a born leader that it does not recognize. You may have another Benazir Bhutto that you can protect this time (unlike the brilliant martyr

“Do not kill women, children, the old, or the infirm…” words “From your mouth to Heaven’s Door,” by Rusty Walker: It is the terrorists that are responsible for the death of this child. Not the drowning, not the fleeing of this child’s homeland. Culpability lies on the blood-soaked hands of the Takfiri Salafist invaders- Daesh who set off the chain of

How to beat ISIS: Give the Moderate Shia, Sunnis and Kurds Their Own Permanent Regions for which to fight – by Rusty Walker: How to beat ISIS involves giving moderate Shia, Sunnis and Kurds something to fight for that is sustainable…and, something new: guaranteed U.S. coalition support until the job is done: and separate states. Absurd?Should we send in more troops to Iraq and

Tahir Ashrafi and Malik Ishaq: Two of a kind, but with different methods of mayhem – by Rusty Walker: Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi and Malik Ishaq, are indeed two of a kind, in their blatant Deobandi extremism- one shouts fatalist, hate-speech, the other follows with fatal hate-crimes. Speeches can kill, when killers are influenced by hateful ideologies. They simply

Ridding Islamophobia is as simple and as difficult as Educating the Public – by Rusty Walker: The following is my response to my friend’s article, Dr. Danusha Goska’s, “Pushing the “Islamophobia” Myth on National Public Radio,” published in “Jihad Watch,” July 27, 2015. All panels that I have witnessed on Islamophobia seem to share a

ISIS is not an Islamic State: It is an un-Islamic coral snake disguised in our midst – by Rusty Walker: Where is Daesh? Everywhere. An Islamic State? Hardly. These self-appointed gatekeepers to the faithful, variously referred to as ISIS/ISIL/Daesh are merely a murdering terrorist group in Iraq and Syria, while hiding in plain sight elsewhere, recruiting our youth. They

As the music burns, along with Jordanian pilots, the U.S. President denies the destruction has roots in Deobandi and Salafi Islam – by Rusty Walker: The Islamic State’s Islamic roots, within the Wahhabi Salafi and Deobandi hate cults, are being denied by U.S. President Obama. As the music burns, along with Jordanian pilots, and beheaded Coptic Christians, the term Islamic is absent in Obama

Martin Luther King Day in Civil Rights Era Compared to Prejudice, Ethnic and Religious, in Pakistan and Abroad – by Rusty Walker: I wish to commemorate Martin Luther King Day by some background that relates to all nations and their oppressed minorities, and then relating a few personal stories. Martin Luther King (MLK) was supported by a wide spectrum of Americans:

Not unlike Benizar Bhutto, Salmaan Taseer was assassinated for his belief in a pluralistic and democratic Pakistan: About the author: Rusty Walker is an educator, author, political commentator, ex-military, from a military family, retired college professor, former Provost (Collins College, U.S.A.), artist, musician and family man. Rusty Walker is an ardent supporter of Pakistan. The Tragic

Why has the geopolitical analyst Rusty Walker been silent on the massacre in Pakistan of 135 innocent children?: Fact: December 16, 2014, seven Taliban (TTP), murdered 132 innocent schoolchildren (ages 8 -18), shooting faculty in front of them at the Army Public School in Peshawar. The REASON for my silence follows: No more patience for inaction &

ISIS Is not “Islamic”, they are “Islamist,” The difference? ISIS are Salafi Deobandi terrorists – by Rusty Walker: This article of mine is a rebuttal to the Professor Jerry A. Coyne’s misleading article in New Republic, “If ISIS Is Not Islamic, then the Inquisition Was Not Catholic: There is no such thing as ‘true’ religion.” I’ll start by

ISIS Is not “Islamic”, they are “Islamist,” The difference? ISIS are Salafi Deobandi terrorists – by Rusty Walker: This article of mine is a rebuttal to the Professor Jerry A. Coyne’s misleading article in New Republic, “If ISIS Is Not Islamic, then the Inquisition Was Not Catholic: There is no such thing as ‘true’ religion.” I’ll start

Slaughter of Iraqi Yazidis? Why should we care? by Rusty Walker: Why should we care about the Yazidis? And, who are they? Yazidis in Iraq are in danger of genocide by the “Islamic State,” i.e., the Islamic State of Iraq and

ISIS Expands its Killing Fields from Syria to Iraq – by Rusty Walker: Salafist ISIS ‘execute’ 1,700 Iraqi Soldiers Why are organized soldiers attacking Iraq, and who are these Army combatants in Iraq? And, who is funding them? The first question includes the component of timing: Iraq is neither militarily or economically

U.S. Drones Hit No Pakistani Civilians in 2014 – TTP confirms that PAF Jets Caused more Collateral Damage: As the mob continues baying for American blood over Hellfire Predator Drones launched into Pakistani TTP targets, we find the number of civilians killed since the beginning of the year= Zero. Civilian deaths this year have been

U.S. Predator Drones Need only be Feared by Terrorists -by Rusty Walker: “Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result.” – Winton Churchill In Pakistan, and surprisingly, in the U.S., there exists politically correct pressure to sustain a belief that drones kill thousands of civilians, women

Hakaimullah Mehsud Deobandi: Drone be upon him – by Rusty Walker: The recent U.S. drone attack that took out Hakeemullah Mehsud, a leader of banned Deobandi terrorist outfit ‘Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan’ (aka TTP), was a positive stroke for the liberal progressives in Pakistan, and a negative for

The World’s Red Line? – by Rusty Walker: Obama’s red line amounted to a “green light.” It was AFTER Obama drew a red line that Syria used chemical weapons, (or, al Qaeda used chems). Subsequently, Obama lied about his clear statement, and smoothly reframed it as a

In a U.S. strike on Syria where a significant number of rebels are Salafists, critics mock Obama: “U.S. is al Qaeda’s Air Force” – by Rusty Walker: Let us learn our lessons. … Never believe any war will be smooth and easy or that anyone who embarks on that strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter. The statesman who yields to war

Obama Threatens to Teach Bashar al-Assad a Lesson- by Rusty Walker: After months of posturing and indecision, President Obama appears to be forced to act by his own pronounced “red line.” ‘President Obama’s narrative heats up against Syria and its alleged use of chemical weapons: “The goal here is to

Syria and the Confused Role of the United States – by Rusty Walker: Rebel forces and human rights activists have confirmed that poison gas was used at a site near Damascus, killing several hundreds of people, including women and children, August 21, 2013. It cannot be confirmed who did this, while UN

Sayyeda Zainab’s tomb attacked by Syria rebels, Al Qaeda and Pakistani Taliban – by Rusty Walker: The attack on Sayyeda Zainab’s (A.S.) mausoleum, in the Syrian capital, Damascus, is an instance of the Takfiri Deobandis from Pakistan partnering with Wahhabis and Salafis to form the Global Al- Qaeda that is unwittingly backed by NATO and

Pakistanis should protect and cherish their national heroes, such as Malala Yousafzai, not ridicule them – by Rusty Walker: There are some born leaders in history that make such a positive mark on a nation’s psyche, through their historical achievements that they earn iconic status. I will discuss one such person here after some commentary: Malala Yousafzai. Such

A compilation of awards and tributes for Malala Yousafzai – by Rusty Walker: World leaders unanimously denounced the attack by Taliban, and are astonished that despite glowing praise from around the world for Malala and her message, derision emanates all too often against her within Pakistan. United States President Barak Obama found the news

Why is there Increasing Criticism for Malala Yousafzai, and so Little Support for her Cause in Pakistan? – by Rusty Walker: Malala Yousafzai- Why wouldn’t Pakistan’s elites move mountains to support her cause and assure that she receives funds for advanced education- considering such humble origins? This soft-spoken, articulate, attractive, youthful feminine dynamo, could be the next Benazir Bhutto. One that is not part of

An Unnecessary Debate: Mehdi Hasan Obfuscates the Terrorist Problem both sides Danced Around – by Rusty Walker: These are the sites to observe an Oxford Union debate on: “Is Islam a Peaceful Religion, or a Non-Peaceful Religion?” Anne-Marie Waters | Islam Is Not A Peaceful Religion | Oxford Mehdi Hasan | Islam Is A Peaceful

Syria & Geopolitical Fact Reporting: Understanding the Nuances – by Rusty Walker: Syrian conflict In reading the comprehensive and enlightening essay by Sarah Khan, “Demographic composition of foreign Jihadist militants in Syria” – USA Study, I am noticing disturbing insults hurled Sarah Khan’s way for simply stating

Why did PPP lose elections 2013? Interview with Rusty Walker (a U.S. citizen): LUBP is currently conducting a series of interviews with Pakistan Peoples Party’s long-time supporters (Jiyalas) and independent political analysts to have their views on the party’s electoral debacle in 2013. The aim of this series is to provide constructive

Woolwich Beheading: Educating the West about the Wahhabi brand of terror – by Rusty Walker: Photo: Proof of Salafist connections to terrorists are often missed, as the press use generic terms like, “Jihadist.” The Wahhabi connection is more evident in this photo of Anjem Choudary, British-based Wahhabi-Deobandi hate preacher, pictured with the Woolwich terrorist

What the PPP failed to do, and what we should expect from the PMLN – by Rusty Walker: The PML-N has won. We can no longer blame the PPP for what they did not do, when they had the chance. Political parties ran on what the PPP was unable to do. Let us celebrate then, what the Pakistani

On U.S. approach to Syria: Enemies of your enemies are not necessarily your friends – by Rusty Walker: A video shows the Syrian rebel Abu Sakkar, taking a bite from the heart of a dead soldier. This act is a violation of the laws of international war and has been widely condemned. The main Syrian opposition coalition

Pakistan elections 2013: A U.S. citizen’s perspective – by Rusty Walker: Justifications for voting for the cult of personality, Imran Khan of pro-Taliban Islamist party PTI, seem to center on voting against the secular-liberal PPP that allegedly failed in areas of education, minority oppression and could not stop the Shia

Stop the Wahhabi Deobandi hate to prevent Boston type attacks – by Rusty Walker: In the U.S we have become insulated against uncomfortable truths in the effort to be politically correct. We want so badly to not appear Islamophobic, that the Islamofascist have free reign in this country. The Chechens involved in the
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