United Nations Archive

Amnesty, HRW want Saudis removed from UN Human Rights Council: UNITED NATIONS: Two leading human rights group urged UN member-states on Wednesday to suspend Saudi Arabia from the UN Human Rights Council over the killing of civilians in Yemen and repression at home. Amnesty International and Human Rights

United Nations chief exposes limits to hs authority by citing Saudi threat – Agha Shaukat Jafri: This past week, the credibility of a supposedly sovereign organization was desecrated by the traders of torture and tyranny in the open bazar of nations. According to none other than that august body’s man on the helm, Saudi

UN chief faced ‘blackmail’ after blacklisting Saudi-led coalition for killing children in Yemen: Saudi Arabia reportedly threatened to cut aid to Palestinian refugees and to issue a fatwa against the United Nations if it was not removed from a UN blacklist of groups that kill children. A campaign of threats and

UK has ‘legal duty’ to challenge Saudi Arabia over Yemen airstrikes: The British government must challenge Saudi Arabia over whether it is using UK weapons to breach international humanitarian law by launching indiscriminate airstrikes in Yemen, a leading lawyer has told the UK arms export control

Brussels Attacks-The unquestioned questions – by Zahra Abidi: The suicide attacks of March 22nd, 2016 in Brussels killed 35 and wounded 180. This was indeed tragic, but the bigger calamity that hit Brussels was in the aftermath of the event when the government, media, security

دیوبندی صحافی کا اعتراف، دیوبندی اور سلفی جہادیوں نے اپنے مقاصد کے لئے امریکہ اور یورپ کو استعمال کیا: نوٹ: اپنے فیس بک پیج پر شائع کردہ اس نوٹ میں مشہور طالبان و لشکر جھنگوی پرست صحافی فیض الله خان دیوبندی نے اعتراف کیا ہے کہ دیوبندی اور سلفی وہابی جہادی دنیا بھر میں اپنے تکفیری خارجی ایجنڈے

Yemen: Embargo arms to Saudi Arabia: (Sanaa) – The United States, United Kingdom, France, and others should suspend all weapon sales to Saudi Arabia until it not only curtails its unlawful airstrikes in Yemen but also credibly investigates alleged violations. Since March 26, 2015,

U.N. says Saudi-led bombing of Yemen market may be international crime: The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen may be responsible for “international crimes”, a category that includes war crimes and crimes against humanity, the top U.N. human rights official said on Friday. Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, United Nations High

ایرانی وزیر خارجہ جواد ظریف خوانساری کا اقوام متحدہ کے جنرل سیکرٹری بان کی مون کے نام خط: جواد ظریف ایرانی وزیر خارجہ نے یو این کے جنرل سیکرٹری بان کی مون کے نام ایک خط لکھا ہے اور اس خط میں انھوں نے بان کی مون پہ واضح کیا ہے کہ ایرانی صدر حسن روحانی کی

Prince Mohammed bin Salman: Saudi Arabia’s psychopath prince is provoking war – by Patrick Cockburn: At the end of last year the BND, the German intelligence agency, published a remarkable one-and-a-half-page memo saying that Saudi Arabia had adopted “an impulsive policy of intervention”. It portrayed Saudi defence minister and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed

UN condemns Yemen’s decision to expel rights envoy: The United Nations secretary general has decried a decision by officials of the former Yemeni government to expel the head of the world body’s human rights office in the crisis-hit Arab country, terming the move “an extremely regrettable

یمن پر سعودی حملوں میں عام شہریوں اور بچوں کے قتل عام پر اقوام متحد ہ کی مذمت: اقوام متحدہ کی بچوں کے بہبود کے ادارے يونیسیف کا کہنا ہے کہ یمن میں ایک ماہ سے جاری سعودی عرب کے فضائی حملوں میں کم سے کم 115 بچے ہلاک اور 172 اپاہج ہو گئے ہیں۔ اقوام متحدہ

نواز شریف کی خارجہ پالیسی ناکام – ایاز امیر اور نذیر ناجی: Source: http://jang.com.pk/jang/oct2014-daily/15-10-2014/col1.html Source: http://e.dunya.com.pk/colum.php?date=2014-10-16&edition=LHR&id=38718_33490925

World Environment Day: saving small islands – by Haroon Mustafa Janjua: Despite extreme weather conditions and unpredictable rains resulting in floods and disasters, the state showed that it still remains visionless over such an important issue by cutting down the budget for environmental action World Environment Day is celebrated

UN rejects Pakistan’s allegations on fake polio campaign – by Sardar Sikander Shaheen: ISLAMABAD: The country chief of a UN agency on Friday strongly rejected Pakistan’s allegations that the UN agencies were used in fake polio vaccination campaigns – an obvious reference to the tracking of slain al Qaeda

Syed Ali Abbas Zaidi clearly identifies Deobandi terrorists responsible for masscres of Shias and Sunni Barelvis in Pakistan: We commend Pakistani human rights activist and chariman of Pakistan Youth Alliance, Syed Ali Abbas Zaidi, on delivering a well argued and convincing speech on Shia genocide in Pakistan, at a corner meeting of UN Human Rights Commission in

Why Diplomacy Matters – by Marziyeh Ozark: Diplomacy is criticized for being too slow a process and often yielding no concrete results. The US and Russia had met for a year, and discussed at great length the disposal of Syria’s chemical weapons stock pile , but

LUBP appreciates the clear headed stance by Ed Miliband: Editors Note: LUBP appreciates the clear headed stance by ED Miliband leader of the opposition Labor party in the British Parliament. Wars have been undertaken too many times on flimsy evidence and in haste, the West must learn from

Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on crimes against humanity in Balochistan: Mr Ban Ki-moon Secretary General, United Nation 1 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017 Dated: 28/07/2013 Dear Sir, The Baloch Social Media Activists forum would like to draw your kind attention towards the heinous crimes that the

Malala and our hypocrisy – by A Z: We are ready to judge Malala even before she has done something wrong and not willing to judge Taliban even after they have killed tens of thousands. Why? To me, this ‘why’ is nonsensical. What else can one expect?

British Parliament’s Human Rights Group approaches the UN to stop #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan: UN approached over targeted killings of Pakistani Shias – by Murtaza Ali Shah Source: The News, 1 June 2013 LONDON: All Parliamentary Human Rights Group in the British Parliament has submitted to the United Nations what is believed by

Top Iranian officials and clerics urge UN Security Council to hold emergency session on #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan: A high-ranking Iranian legislator has called on the UN Security Council to hold an emergency meeting to study the ongoing massacre of Shia Muslims in Pakistan, and take effective measures to stop violence against the community in the Asian

On Women’s Day: The Gift of Life – by Shiraz Paracha: Women are like flowers–soft and delicate like light in darkness, like color and fragrance Beauty means women and women mean beauty They are our strength and they are our weakness They purify our souls and inspire our minds

Don’t insult our dead by electing Pakistan to UN Human Rights Council: Related post: Shia genocide database Hina Khar tries to hide Shia genocide, paints rosy picture of human rights in Pakistan While unveiling the country’s national report at the UN’s Human Rights Council (HRC) on Tuesday, the government glossed over

Memri Report: Calls to put Pakistan on genocide watch – by Tufail Ahmad: Source: Memri Table of Contents Introduction Persecution and Genocide Of Shi’ite Muslims Persecution Of Christians Persecution Of Hindus And Sikhs Persecution Of Ahmadi Muslims Conclusion Introduction [LUBP Editor’s comment: In recent years thousands of Shiite Muslims, dozens of Ahmadiyya

After slaughtering U.S. diplomats in Libya, Saudi-funded goons attack an Iranian diplomat in New York: Related post: Western media and analysts are downplaying Saudi-funded Salafists’ role in US Ambassador’s murder in Libya A group of Saudi-funded protesters, waving Free Syria flag, attacked Iranian Deputy Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast near the United Nations in

SOS from Damascus: Save the lives of Shia and Sunni Sufi Muslims living near Syeda Zainab’s shrine: Related post: We condemn attack on the shrine of Prophet Muhammad’s granddaughter by Saudi sponsored terrorists Adapted and edited from SRW July 20, 2012 Washington DC – According to our sources in Sayedah Zainab, Syria, 10 kilometers outside Damascus,

A PPP Jiyala’s perspective on Sherry Rehman Lobby’s discourse on NATO supply blockade: As a diehard Bhuttoist and proud Jiyala, I am extremely troubled to see some fake civil society activists (pseudo-liberals) presenting themselves as pro-PPP but at the same time undermining the very foundations of the elected parliament. My leader, Shaheed

Violation of minorities’ fundamental rights and freedoms: مذہبی اقلیتوں کے حقوق اور آزادیوں کی پامالی عالمی انسانی حقوق کے تقاضوں اور قوانین کا لب و لباب یہی ہے کہ تمام انسان آزاد پیدا ہوتے ہیں لہٰذا تمام انسان احترام اور حقوق میں مساوی حیثیت کے حامل

The Buddhist heritage of Pakistan: The beauty of ancient globalisation: Pakistan’s problems with violent extremism have eclipsed its historical role as a place with a tradition of tolerance. TODAY Peshawar in north-west Pakistan is a hotbed of insurgency and a strategic military entry point into Afghanistan. But more than

UN humanitarian chief appeals for funds to help Pakistani flood victims: The top UN humanitarian official on Monday added her voice to the global appeal for donors to fund a $357 million plan to help the Pakistani Government provide vital assistance to more than five million people affected by massive

UN calls on Pakistan to probe abductions, extrajudicial killings & human rights violation: The United Nations is urging Pakistan to investigate human rights violations, including several recent attacks on journalists. A spokesman for the U.N. human rights commissioner, Rupert Colville, said Friday the U.N. agency has recently received reports on the killing

The world may help Pakistan through United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission on Pakistan (UNMOVICP): Related articles: A commodity called security Appeal to international community: Impose travel restrictions on all senior officers of Pakistan army On BBC’s Secret Pakistan and Ejaz Haider: Their denials and propagandists – by Abbas Daiyar A comment on

PPP government pledges to end violence against women: The present government led by Pakistan People’s Party is fully committed to the welfare of women and the ideology of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir, who had remarked, “women’s rights are inseparable from human rights” The empowerment of women is the PPP’s manifesto and

Asma Jahangir awarded UN prize for promoting human rights: UNITED NATIONS: One of Pakistan’s leading human rights defenders, Asma Jahangir, was Tuesday named as this year’s winner of a UN award that recognizes outstanding individual contribution to promoting a culture of human rights around the world. The Director-General

Pakistan floods: Forgotten… but not gone: "When devastating floods hit Pakistan, the world rushed to help. But while the horror has slipped from our TV screens, millions remain stranded."

UN bodies urge Pakistan to prevent women, minorities ‘victimization’: Related Articles: Doctor rapes Christian student nurse, sexual assault and violence adds greatly to minorities vulnerability Situation of minorities in Pakistan GENEVA — Three UN human rights bodies on Wednesday called on Pakistan to ensure that women, minorities and

SP Ashfaq Anwer’s statement confirms rogue elements’ role in Benazir Bhutto’s murder – by Kamran Shafi: Good news at last By Kamran Shafi IT is one of the best pieces of news this year, yes, even more than the Supreme Court’s (SC) sagaciously and correctly signalling that parliament could legislate amendments to the constitution by

Pakistan: Civilians in war: My friends at CIVIC just released a new report with findings on the conflicts in northwest Pakistan, particularly the civilian harm occurring on a daily basis that we seldom here about back here in Washington. The group conducted over 160

Obama’s Wars: implications for Pakistan — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: We do not know if Bob Woodward had meant to time it this way, but his latest book, Obama’s Wars, has hit the shelves exactly 14 years after Kabul fell to the Taliban, with Pakistani ‘security advisers’ present as
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