Monthly Archive:: March 2015

Kingdom of Soodi Barbaria to protect Democracy in Yemen – Syed Farrukh Abbas: After successfully exporting ” Democracy ” (read ISIS, Alqaida) to Syia and Iraq now the People’s Republic of Kingdom of Soodi Barbaria is protecting it in Yemen. Hired mercenaries from 10 countries including GCC countries, Egypt, Morocco, Qatar, Kuwait,

Becoming a part of a Saudi-led coalition will be stupidity at its most stupid – Ejaz Haider: Editor’s note : Very good column by Ejaz Haider on the Saudi invasion of Yemen. Also note that Ejaz Haider clearly mentions Deobandi and Salafi militants who are massacring Shias and Sunni Sufis in Pakistan and elsewhere. A March

اس سال کالعدم سپاہ صحابہ کے 16 دہشت گردوں گرفتار جبکہ لشکر جھنگوی کے 6 دہشت گرد مارے، قائم علی شاہ: خبر ٹی وی (کراچی) وزیر اعلیٰ سندھ سید قائم علی شاہ نے کہا ہے کہ اس سال کالعدم سپاہ صحابہ کے 16 دہشت گردوں گرفتار جبکہ لشکر جھنگوی کے 6 دہشت گرد مارے، تحریک طالبان کے 52 دہشتگردوں کو

False Sunni-Shia binary on Yemen in mainstream media – Abubakr Al-Shamahi: About the author: Abubakr Al-Shamahi is a British–Yemeni freelance journalist. He holds an MA in Near and Middle Eastern Studies from SOAS, University of London. Abubakr tweets at @abubakrabdullah. His blog can be found at The following article,

یمن پر سعودی عرب کی بمباری سے معصوم بچوں کی اموات پر ایمنسٹی انٹرنیشنل کا اظہار تشویش: انسانی حقوق کے عالمی ادارے ایمنسٹی انٹرنیشنل نے سعودی عرب اور اس کے اتحادیوں سے فوری طور پر یمن پر فضائی حملے روکنے کا مطالبہ کیا ہے اور سعودی جارحیت کو ایک خود مختار ریاست کی حدود اور بین

عمران خان اور پرویز خٹک ڈیرہ اسمعیل خان میں دہشت گرد گروہ سپاہ صحابہ کے ہاتھوں شیعہ نسل کشی روکنے کے لئے اقدامات کریں: عمران خان جہاں ایک طرف نیا پاکستان بنانے کی بات کرتے ہیں وہاں جس صوبے میں ان کی حکومت ہے وہاں آے دن بے گناہ شیعہ مسلمانوں کا خون تکفیری دیوبندی دہشت گردوں کے ہاتھوں بہایا جا رہا

“Security is Not the business of the State!” – by Syed Riaz Malik Hajjaji: Happy Two Nation Deobandi Dangerous Duffer Alliance Day. May the God of Caliph Yazeed Bin Muawiya protect the Pakistani Establishment – Generals, Judges, Jihadis and Journalists along with “Anti-Establishment” PML N and PML N:B-Team previously known as the PPP.

We’re dying from apathy, not terrorism – Murtaza Haider: Thousands have been targeted, but only a few have lived to tell the tale. Sitting in the semi-lit lounge at the Washington Plaza Hotel, Raza Rumi narrated the details of the fateful Friday in March when his driver

The IS behemoth, yet another Western project gone wrong – Murtaza Haider: It is a typical summer flick, but it holds a great lesson for the global power politics. Hercules, released earlier in the summer, shows how the son of Zeus fights against tyrants only to realise later that he

Beardless folks – Shazia Gulzar: Beard holds a significant importance in the Islamic Society. It plays a pivotal role in how people should perceive you. You are instantly known as a Sufi or Ustad ji, even if you aren’t one. It definitely changes

Yemen Under Attack: Pakistanis condemn Saudi Arabia’s illegal attack on Yemen: On behalf of Pakistani liberals and rights activists, we condemn Saudi Arabia’s illegal attack againts a soveign nation, Yemen. Saudi Arabia has violated internaitonal law and UN charter by attacking a sovereign country. We condemn the tragic loss of

فیصل آباد: القاعدہ، طالبان اور سپاہ صحابہ کی حلیف شہبازشریف حکومت کی جانب سے پر امن سنی اتحاد کونسل اور صاحبزادہ حامد رضا کے خلاف انتقامی کاروائی: فیصل آباد میں مذہبی جماعت سنی اتحاد کونسل کی جانب سے لاؤڈ سپیکر ایکٹ کے خلاف ہڑتال کے دوران گھنٹہ گھر کے آٹھ بازاروں میں زبردستی دکانیں بند کروانے اور تاجروں سے ہاتھا پائی کے الزام میں نقضِ امن

Karachi Police: Sectarian terrorist group ASWJ and TTP behing the attacks on Bohra mosque and Rangers mobile: Karachi: Last Friday’s dual terror attacks on a Bohra community mosque and a Rangers patrol mobile were the work of two separate groups, according to city police chief Ghulam Qadir Thebo. “The investigation teams have been looking

PPP’s Khurshid Shah is ASWJ’s Ludhyanvi’s best friend: Do you need further evidence that some PPP’s leaders are committed allies of Lashkar-e-Jhanagvi aka ASWJ? Remember what Faisal Raza Abidi said a few days ago? Here’s a recent news report about PPP’s Khurshid Shah’s mateship with ASWJ-LeJ’s

A response to Najam Sethi’s TFT editorial, “Terrorism of all hue” – by Laleen Ahmad: We at LUBP have never shied away from praising or criticising people based on our secular-humanist philosophy of live and let live. In our criticism or praise, we have never made any distinction between people based on race, religion,

We’re not moving towards civil war, we’re in it – Murtaza Haider: Being a Shia is not a crime, but in Pakistan it now carries a death sentence. The 24 Shias from Kohat and Orakzai agency, who were summarily executed by the militants near the Pak-Iran border, have now been

Sectarianism in Iraq — is Pakistan watching? – Murtaza Haider: Iraq has descended into a full-blown civil war. The Jihadists have captured three towns and are marching on to Baghdad. They claim to have killed 1,700 prisoners in violation of Islamic and other laws governing warfare. They have also

Jummah mubarak, you ‘kafir’! – Ale Natiq: Last Friday, nearly 150 Shias were killed and 400 wounded in triple suicide blasts that targeted the Shia community during the Friday congregational prayers in Yemen’s capital Sanaa. ISIS/ISIL claimed responsibility of the attack and a statement released

دادو کے جیالے ‘ ضیاؑ ‘گدھے اور لہراتی دھوتیاں – ندیم فاروق پراچہ: جو ہوا وہ پہلے اس خطے میں کسی نے نہ دیکھا تھا نہ سنا تھا ضیا کے بدترین دور میں سندھ میں آئے دن خبر آتی تھی کہ آج مورو میں فوج نے فائرگ کر کے پانچ جمہوری

Rs400,000, or hand over your son to the madrassa – Murtaza Haider: It is one of the weirdest school enrolment drives ever: Surrender a son to the madrassa (religious seminary), or pay 400,000 rupees (US$4,000) instead. The militants in Pakistan’s tribal areas are openly coercing families to hand over their sons,

There is a mini Boko Haram thriving in every Muslim society – Murtaza Haider: We know them as al Qaeda, Boko Haram, and the Taliban. Their branding may differ, but their misogynist ideologies do not. These so-called Islamists have promoted discrimination against women for centuries. Now, they abduct young women and threaten to

250 Sunnis and Shias killed in Yemen, Pakistan and Syria by Deobandi-Salafi terrorists: For the Deobandi-Salafis, its Friday. The day set aside for massacring Shia muslims. You know, those “sectarian Shias” as described in increasing sections of the global media – who are getting too uppity and want to decide their own

دیوبندی مدارس کی حمایت کرنے پر پنجاب حکومت کا جامعہ المنتظر کو 80 لیپ ٹاپ کا تحفہ: شیعہ نیوز (پاکستانی شیعہ خبر رساں ادارہ) حکومت پنجاب نے وفاق المدارس الشیعہ پاکستان سے الحاق شدہ مدارس کے پوزیشن ہولڈرز طلبا و طالبات کے لئے 80 لیپ ٹاپ فراہم کر دیئے جو جامعتہ المنتظر ماڈل ٹاؤن لاہور

ایم کیو ایم کے خلاف آپریشن اور مذہبی اور سیاسی جماعتوں کی منافقت: ایم کیو ایم کے خلاف آپریشن سے اس کی مخالف سیاسی اور مذہبی جماعتوں میں خوشی کی لہر دوڑ گئی۔قیام پاکستان کی مخالف جماعت اسلامی نے بانیان پاکستان کی اولادوں کی جماعت ایم کیو ایم کے خلاف آپریشن پر

Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah: Founder of excommunication and exclusion – Aamir Hussaini: Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah is a very controversial figure in Muslim history. On the one side there are those who believe that he adopted Imam Ahmad bin Hanbals’ rigid, violent and Zahiriya (emphasizing on outward appearance) in Tauheed (‘the oneness’)

The continued abuse of the Pashtun woman – Murtaza Haider: They all suffer in silence, but compared to the rest of Pakistan, women in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) suffer domestic violence in greater proportions. While terror-stricken Pakistan is focused on North Waziristan for a breakthrough with the violence sponsoring Taliban,

Fasaad Fi sabilillah? – Murtaza Haider: It could have been just another ordinary patient arriving at an eye clinic for treatment. Abdul Rauf, a 20-something resident of Badami Bagh Lahore, took his father to Dr. Ali Haider’s clinic. A delay at the clinic ticked

You are free to go to your mosques ….. Just as long as it is a Deobandi one with Arabic-only Khutbas: ISLAMABAD: On Friday, students at the International Islamic University (IIUI) Islamabad offered prayers outside the locked doors of a mosque, recently shut down by the university administration. The administration recently closed down the decades old mosque aligned with the

چند دلچسپ تاریخی مغالطے – از تنویر اختر: یہ ایک مسلمہ حقیقت ہے کہ 23 مارچ 1940 کو جس قرارداد کی “ازخود” منظوری کے مفروضہ پر ہم اس تاریخ کو “یوم پاکستان” کا نام دے کر “جشن” منایا کرتے ہیں، وہ دراصل اس روز نہیں بلکہ ایک

The Deobandi Salafi terror: Islamabad’s International Islamic University shuts down Sunni Sufi Barelvi mosque: ISLAMABAD: On Friday, students at the International Islamic University (IIUI) Islamabad offered prayers outside the locked doors of a mosque, recently shut down by the university administration. The administration recently closed down the decades old mosque aligned with the

Yemen massacre of Zaidi Shias by the Salafi Al-Qaeda: It’s not ISIL and it’s not Sunni-Shiite Conflict – Juan Cole: The massive twin bombings at mosques in the capital that shook Yemen on Friday, killing over 100 and wounding many more, were immediately claimed by Daesh (ISIS, ISIL). Since the mosques were largely attended by members of the

The Battle For Saudi Arabia : Royalty Fundamentalism and global Power: پروفیسر اسد ابو خلیل امریکی یونیورسٹی میں پولیٹکل سائنس کے استاد ہیں اور وہ لبنانی نژاد عرب ہیں ، بیروت سے شایع ہونے والے عربی روزنامہ ” الاخبار” میں باقاعدگی سے آرٹیکل لکھتے ہیں اور کئی کتابوں کے

Fatima Bhutto’s Blog in New York Times Photoshopped by Tribune – by Zulfiqar Ali: 1. Fatima Bhutto wrote Op-Ed in New York Times. Tribune reproduced it. I believe they have arrangements with NYT. BUT 2. They changed Op-Ed to Blog of E-Tribune. SO it means that FB writes ‘blog’ for tribune. Blog has

Aamir Hussaini-Remembering Langah: I was in Lahore last week when a friend informed me that the President of Pakistan Seraiki Party, Taj Muhammad Langah, had passed away. That was sad and very shocking news to me but I could not attend

Deobandi extremists in the UK – Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: It could be a millenarian crisis or a delayed reaction to decades of bad history, but millions of Muslims seem to have turned inwards, hankering for an imagined golden age. They are contemptuous of modernity’s bendable, ductile values. Some

The News: Nexus of Deobandi terror outfits strikes again: Police suspect the involvement of the nexus between the Taliban, the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, the Jundullah and other terrorist outfits, which is already responsible for several sectarian attacks, in the bomb attack on a Bohra community mosque in Arambagh on

The Islamic State arrives in Pakistan: Since the beginning of 2015 Pakistan’s press, both printed and electronic, together with independent blogs, have been reporting with increasing frequency the spread of the Islamic State’s (IS) influence on Pakistani territory. Both the intelligence services of the USA

Sellout Shia clerics’ alliance with Hanif Jalandhri and other Takfiri Deobandi disciples of Yazid- by Laleen Ahmad: “Hussain was a rebel and traitor. He rebelled against the Allah-appointed Caliph Hazrat Yazid, Allah be pleased with him, and deserved death [Wajibul Qatal]!” These were the very words which the head of the Raja Bazaar Deobandi seminary uttered