Monthly Archive:: March 2013

Chal Parha – Shehzad Roy is going to secularize the education system of Pakistan – by Khurshid Khan: Editor’s note: Opinion is not in line with LUBP editorial board. However we respect the right to free speech and respect dissent. Few years back, when I was a school student and a good listener of music, I was a

Hamid Mir confirms that some elements in Pakistan army support banned Deobandi terror outfit ASWJ-LeJ in Balochistan: Related post: کوئٹہ میں نیشنل ایکشن پلان کا جنازہ سول و فوجی افسران کے کندھے پر۔ خرم زکی Here is a thought-provoking column by Hamid Mir in daily Jang (4 March 2013) where he highlights how certain rogue

Like Sana Saleem, let’s deflect attention from ASWJ-LeJ by blaming Abbas Town attack on Sharmila Farooqi Bhutto – by Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: I want to take this opportunity to thank renowned liberal blogger and human rights activist Sana Saleem and her Good Liberal friends for their tireless activism for the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ aka ASWJ) and their parents in GHQ (Pakistan army).

شیعہ نسل کشی۔ ایک سچ۔ اور اس کے کیے کیا کیا جا سکتا ہے؟: بحیثیت اشخاص, پیشہ ور اور ایک منظم گروہ کے ہم سب کی ذمہ داری ھے ۔کہ ہم ایک خاموش تماشایی کی بجاے نسل کشی کی دھمکیوں کے خلاف دنیا کے سامنے آواز بلند کریں۔ میں اس نظریہ کو پر

پاک فوج کی صفوں میں گھس بیٹھیے جمہور دشمنوں اور دیوبندی تکفیریوں پر ایک نظم – احمد فراز: Related post: پاکستان میں تکفیری دیوبندیوں کے ہاتھوں سنی صوفی بریلوی اور شیعہ مسلمانوں کی نسل کشی کی مناسبت سے ایک نظم – منیر نیازی Ahmed Faraz’s poem on corrupt army officers which also refers to their role in

Hunting down Shias: Society’s deafening silence on #ShiaGenocide – by Maheen Usmani: KARACHI: Hauled off buses, targeted in their clinics, on boulevards, in alleys, in shops, in offices, in processions and pilgrimages, is there any place left safe for Shias in Pakistan? At Ashura, they were chastised for taking out Moharram

عباس ٹاؤن کے مکینوں پر ٹوٹ پڑی قیامت: لیل و نہار/عامر حسینی میں آج رات جب یہ کالم لکھنے بیٹھا ہوں تو ایک غم جس میں میرا ذاتی دکھ بھی شامل ہے میرے ساتھ ہے اور میں ایک بہت بڑے امتحان سے گزر کر اپنی بصیرت کو

Why Pakistan army needs LeJ-ASWJ and other proxy militants: The Kayani doctrine – by Dr Farrukh Saleem: The Kayani Doctrine, built on four pillars, comprises: American troops would have to withdraw from Afghanistan; reconciliation among Afghan factions is not possible without the ISI; the Jalalabad-Torkham-Karachi route remains the most viable for withdrawing American forces and India

#ShiaGenocide in Pakistan: Deobandi militants of ASWJ massacre at least 50 Shias and 20 Sunnis in Abbas Town Karachi: At least 70 people, most of them Shia Muslims but also some Sunni Muslims (about 20) have been killed – including women and children – and around 150 wounded after a bomb attack by Deobandi militants in Pakistan’s largest

Pakistan is sliding from terrorism to sheer barbarism! – by A Z: On Sunday twin bomb blasts rocked the Shia neighbourhood of Abbas Town in Karachi. Over forty people died and another hundred were injured, many of them severely. Dozens of the flats and households in this low income area were

Agencies have tasked Mufti Naeem Deobandi to infiltrate MQM to create support for the banned terrorist outfit SSP-ASWJ: According to informed sources from Karachi, the notorious pro-Taliban Deobandi cleric Mufti Naeem of Jamia Binoria has been tasked by agencies to infilitrate the MQM, a secular and moderate political party. Mufti Naeem Deobandi is known for his views

Does the majority approve of alliances with the ASWJ, of surrender to the TTP, of misogyny? – by Saroop Ijaz: Making it Count Jam Tamachi was a ruler of Sindh and was immortalised by Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai in Shah Jo Risalo in the form of the tale of Noori Jam Tamachi. It is a simple beautiful folk tale. Noori was

فرقہ واریت کا عفریت اور طاہرہ کا لعل ! -تحریر: مجاہد مرزا: تحریر: مجاہد مرزا موت تو کسی کی بھی ہو اور کیسی بھی کیوں نہ ہو، دردمند انسان کے لیے باعث افسوس ہوتی ہے، چہ جائیکہ “ٹارگٹ کلنگ” جو کسی بھی بنیاد پر کیوں نہ کی جائے۔ چاہے وہ بنیاد

سعودی عرب میں انقلابی لہر اور پاکستانی میڈیا بے خبر: رپورٹ: صفدر عباس سید: سعودی عرب کے صوبے الغسیم کے صوبائی دارالحکومت بریدہ میں سینکڑوں کی تعداد میں لوگوں نے جن میں اکثریت خواتین اور بچوں کی ہے احتجاجی مظاہروں کا ایک سلسلہ شروع کر رکھا ہے جن میں

Pakistan army rejects dialogue with Taliban, says no difference between TTP and LeJ -by Amir Mir: ISLAMABAD: While an All Parties Conference has supported talks with the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, the security establishment believes that holding a dialogue with the TTP would be like negotiating with the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) since there was barely any difference between

Takfiri terrorists’ attacks on naval officers in Karachi: Excise this cancer or else – by Abbas Nasir: Related post: Will Pakistan Navy care to protect its Shia officers from ASWJ-LeJ terrorists? RECENT events have been a reminder of what journalist Saleem Shahzad reported on May 27, 2011, even though he feared what was lurking round the

Political and military leadership must take decisive action against Deobandi-Wahhabi militants – by Iqbal Jafar: Battle for our souls Let me begin with the obvious: This nation is in the throes of an ideological struggle that is reflected in the entire spectrum of our daily lives, from the theoretical field of school textbooks to

میرا مسیح سچا اور اپ کا جھوٹا: پچھلے دنوں اپنے ٹویٹر کے ایک دوست سے لڑائی ہو گئی. اصل نام نہیں جانتی، مگر فرضی نام مرے پسند کے کھانے پر ہے، اس لئے دوست بنایا عام دنوں میں تو ٹھیک ٹھاک ہوتے ہیں، اس د ن

Politically Incorrect: Malik Riaz of Bahria Town -by Amir Mateen: Malik Riaz may have hundreds of cases against him but has never been jailed even once. Nor his son, Ali Riaz who is Bahria Town’s Chief executive. Both father and son have been nominated in numerous cases of murder,

Najam Sethi’s wife Jugnu Mohsin and employee Raza Rumi insult sacred memory of Benazir Bhutto: Related posts: Najam Sethi’s shameful role in undermining Benazir Bhutto’s democratic government Princess and the Playboy: Zardari and Benazir Bhutto were partners in corruption – by Najam Sethi While Najam Sethi is known for the dark role he played

Good Liberals and Good Taliban Stand United with Pakistan Army – by Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Related post: Where Hamid Mir and Ejaz Haider converge: Politicians, not army, responsible for #ShiaGenocide It makes my Hujjaji Syed blood boil whenever I see liberal fascist LUBP criticize Good “European” Liberals like Ejaz Haider for his advocacy of

Malik Ishaq Deobandi’s arrest by Punjab govt: An eyewash? – by Mohammad Shehzad: The Punjab government has put Lashkar-e-Jhangvi founder Malik Ishaq under house arrest after it was strongly criticized for being soft on perpetrators of sectarian violence. But the move, made under the Maintenance of Public Order law, will not stop

Goebbels denies #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan – by Khalid Niazi: To present Nazi Germany and the Holocaust as a symmetrical tit-for-tat fight between the Nazis and the Polish Resistance would be pretty insensitive. To arrive at this description on the basis of information provided by Goebbels, Goering and Himmler

2900 Shia Muslims slaughtered in Gilgit Baltistan since 1988: Sadly IHRO hides #ShiaGenocide: A report of the International Human Rights Observer’s (IHRO’s) Gilgit-Baltistan chapter estimates that around 3,000 people have been killed in Gilgit-Baltistan Province since 1988. On the loss of lives and its impact, IHRO states that about 900 women have

We have to answer our future – by Javed Akram: On 3 February 2013, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesman Ehsnaullah Ehsan in a video interview appearing with Adnan Rashid, the prime convict in the Pervez Musharraf (Ex-President of Pakistan) attempted suicide attack case, said that if Pakistan-Muslim-League-Nawaz (PML-N) chief Nawaz