Wikileaks Archive

An obituary of The New York Times: Working with the government to suppress stories, covering up election fraud in the ruling party and ruthlessly campaigning against the main US opposition leader, The New York Times has sentenced itself to wither away into irrelevance. Remembered only

امریکی خفیہ مراسلے : شام کیسے لہو رنگ ہوا-آخری حصّہ: فروری 21 ، 2006ء کا ایک مراسلہ بتاتا ہے پس پردہ رابطے ( شام میں امریکی سفارت خانے کے روابط ) امریکی حکومت کی جانب سے شامی حزب اختلاف کے لئے 5 ملین ڈالر کی امداد کے اعلان کی مذمت

امریکی خفیہ مراسلے : شام کیسے لہو رنگ ہوا -تیسرا حصّہ: یہ تسلیم کرنے میں ناکام رہنا کہ امریکہ کے حریفوں کے تحفظات ریشنل ہیں یہ ایک ایسے عالمی نظریہ کو سامنے لاتے ہیں جس میں امریکی دھمکیاں نارمل ، ناقابل زکر اور ایک لینڈ سکیپ کا ناگزیر حصّہ ہیں

Qatar and Saudi Arabia ‘have ignited time bomb by funding global spread of radical Islam (extremist Salafi Deobandi): Qatar and Saudi Arabia have ignited a “time bomb” by funding the global spread of radical Islam, according to a former commander of British forces in Iraq. General Jonathan Shaw, who retired as Assistant Chief of the Defence

WikiLeaks reveals Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar in secret anti-Syria plot: ‘Whistleblower website WikiLeaks says leaked documents from Saudi ministries have revealed that Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey had a secret deal three years ago to topple the Syrian government. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told Rossiya-1 (Russia 1) TV

امریکی خفیہ مراسلے : شام کیسے لہو رنگ ہوا- دوسرا حصّہ: مارچ 22 ، 2009ء – سعودی عرب میں امریکی سفارت خانے سے ایک مراسلہ امریکی حکومت کو ” سعودی انٹیلی جنس چیف سے جان برینان کی علاقائی سلامتی بارے بات چیت ” کے عنوان سے ارسال کیا گیا –

امریکی خفیہ مراسلے : شام کیسے لہو رنگ ہوا – پہلا حصہ: ویکی لیکس نے 2010ء میں دو لاکھ اکیاون ہزار دو سو ستاسی کلاسی فائیڈ سٹیٹ ڈیپارٹمنٹ تار کو ریلیز کرڈالا تھا اور اب ان کلاسی فائیڈ کیبلز کے بارے میں کئی ایک لکھاریوں کے تجزیاتی مضامین پر مشتمل ایک

WikiLeaks Reveals How the US Aggressively Pursued Regime Change in Syria, Igniting a Bloodbath – By Robert Naiman: In 2010, WikiLeaks became a household name by releasing 251,287 classified State Department cables. Now, a new book collects in-depth analyses of what these cables tell us about the foreign policy of the United States, from authors including Truthout

WikiLeaks and Saudi obsession with Iran – Agha Shaukat Jafri: How many additional revelations the Western powers and their policy makers would need so as to shut the faucets of friendship and favoritism that are showered non-stop upon the evil empire of Saudi Arabia. Pakistan, Iraq, and

زید حامد اور دیگر پاکستانیوں کی سعودی جیلوں سے رہائی کے لئے پاکستانی حکومت فوری اقدام کرے – مبشر لقمان: سعودی عرب انسانی حقوق کی خلاف ورزی کرنے والا بد ترین ملک ہے، میں سعودی عدالتوں کو نہیں مانتا – سعودی حکومت کو زید حامد کے علاوہ ان نو ہزار پاکستانیوں بشمول ہزاروں خواتین اور بچوں کو

Sticks and stones – How WikiLeaks could help precipitate the fall of the Saudi empire: Comment by Abdul Qadir : Now that the cat is literally out of the bag it will be much more difficult for the kingdom to manipulate from behind closed doors – plotting requires a certain degree of secrecy and

Stratfor emails about Saleem Shahzad: Some lessons for Pakistani journalists: Here are some quick comments on the Stratfor emails (via WikiLeaks) that point towards late Saleem Shahzad’s possible affiliation with two intelligence agencies, ISI (previous affiliation) and CIA (affiliation at the time of his murder). Despite our unconditional and

Saudi Arabia, UAE financing radical Deobandi-Wahhabi organizations in Pakistan: Related post: SSP-LeJ-JUI and the Libyan connection: In the light of WikiLeaks A US official in a cable sent to the State Department stated that “financial support estimated at nearly 100 million USD annually was making its way to

WikiLeaks confirms that Pakistan’s Deobandi clerics Ludhyanvi, Fazl-ur-Rehman are funded by Arab countries: The following cable confirms what was long suspected, i.e., the connection between Deobandi clerics and terrorists in Pakistan and their financiers, the Arab dictators. The cable confirms that the banned Pakistani Deobandi terror outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP, currently operating as

Our US problem -by Babar Sattar: Last week our leader of the opposition felt obliged to address a press conference to reiterate his undivided allegiance to Pakistan after Wikileaks revealed that his children are US citizens. How did we get to this pass where a

Wikileaks about Kayani’s unprofessional approach & ISI backed media’s twisted headlines: September 3, 2011. Wikileaks has revealed that the in-charge of Pakistan’s ideological borders, faith and two nation theory the honorable chief Ashfaq Pervez Kayani told privately & confidentially to the ex-US ambassador Anne Patterson that he was very unhappy

Washington Post’s report on Geo: The Washington Post’s Islamabad correspondent Karin Brulliard reports on Pakistani leading media group’s bias, irresponsible reporting, negativity against modern liberal concepts, anti American views, it’s pro religious extremist approach and anti democratic agenda. KARACHI, Pakistan — In a nation

Wikileaks – President Zardari, Iran and US Pressure: Related Articles: Shahbaz Sharif was willing to remove CJP after restoration General Kayani wanted more US drone strikes in Pakistan US blames Jang Group of publishing ‘false, inflammatory’ stories I have been meaning to write on the recent Wikileaks

WikiLeaks: The Truth and Learning from our Mistakes: By Hamza Usman Locally published for the first time, courtesy an MoU between Julian Assange and the Dawn Media Group, the WikiLeaks documents reveal classified details about Pakistan and its relations with the United States. This new front in

WikiLeaks: US blames Jang Group of publishing ‘false, inflammatory’ stories: ID: 180281 11/26/2008 14:10 08ISLAMABAD3712 Embassy Islamabad UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY “VZCZCXRO0447 PP RUEHLH RUEHPW DE RUEHIL #3712/01 3311410 ZNR UUUUU ZZH P 261410Z NOV 08 FM AMEMBASSY ISLAMABAD TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC PRIORITY 0399 RUEHBUL/AMEMBASSY KABUL 9470 RUEHNE/AMEMBASSY NEW

Shahbaz Sharif was willing to remove CJP after restoration: Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz group which prides in being a principled party has been badly exposed in a new series of Pakistan exclusive Wikileaks release. Dawn and Wikileaks , have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the exclusive first use

WikiLeaks: General Kayani wanted more US drone strikes in Pakistan: The cable states that Anne Patterson remarks that “Kayani is often direct, frank, and thoughtful. .. is an avid golfer, he is President of the Pakistan Golf Association. He smokes heavily and can be difficult to understand as he

Writers needed for “Friends, Not Masters II”: Related article: Fake criticism of Pakistan army by FCS proxies A reputed inter-services public relations firm is looking for senior writers to author a book titled as “Friends not Masters Part II” Background The Pakistan army has a long

General Kayani explains his position on WikiLeaks via Haroon-ur-Rashid: Related article: Kayani dictates talking points to “free media” A number of key writers in Pakistan’s Urdu and English press have been recently ‘tasked’ to repair the image of the GHQ and General Kayani. The notable amongst them are:

LUBP Interview with Olaf Kellerhoff, Resident Representative Pakistan at Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom: Related Interviews: LUBP Exclusive: A critical interview with Nadeem F. Paracha LUBP Interview with Kamran Shafi LUBP Interview with Dr Ayesha Siddiqa (Part I) LUBP Interview with Dr Ayesha Siddiqa (Part II) Brief Introduction: LUBP is pleased

On General Musharraf’s betrayal by General Kayani – by pejamistri: In a recent interview General Pervez Musharraf has admitted that he was indeed betrayed by no other than his own generals. Saleem Safi (Geo TV) asked him out of the politicians he acquainted with during his era whom he

Afghan peace, attacks during Ashura and the fake Wikileaks – by TLW: Specially contributed to the LUBP, this post was first published at These Long Wars blog If there is one thing that has “obsessed” me over the last few days of being too farigh over the internet, it’s Afghan peace.

Misinforming Pakistan -by Huma Imtiaz: As 2010 comes to a close, Pakistan’s journalists are in mourning for their colleagues that have been taken from them in incidents of bombings and targeted killings. At least eight journalists have been killed in Pakistan this year, with

Shouldn’t General Kayani step down? -by Yousuf Nazar: I have followed the VikiLeaks revelations relating to Pakistan with a yawn but was amused by how papers like the Jang, the News, the Express Tribune, the Nation, and some others rushed to print and splashed agencies’ planted material across

Lost out – by Waseem Altaf: The Report: After the fall of Dacca, eight days later, on Dec 24, 1971, the then President of Pakistan Mr.Zulfikar Ali Bhutto set up the War Inquiry Commission, commonly known as the Hamood-ur-Rehaman Commission. It examined 213 witnesses, mostly

Purveyors of fiction – by George Fulton: For those who don’t know Ahmad Quraishi, according to his website — — he is “a public policy writer, commentator and broadcaster”. In reality, he is widely known to be a crude propagandist for the army/intelligence nexus. At

The ISI media’s two pronged strategy: From Ahmed Quraishi to Azhar Abbas: The front end: the ISI strikes back Recently, the LUBP wrote an article titled “Pakistan Army owns up the ISI man on a suicide attack mission in India”. ‘Renowned’ nationalist, patriot, and ‘asset’, Ahmed Quraishi, took exception to our

WikiLeaks, journalists and that elusive public interest -by Jonathan Holmes: Related articles: Progressive Pakistani bloggers in support of Julian Assange Don’t shoot the messenger for revealing uncomfortable truths – by Julian Assange Assange: charges are part of campaign to close down WikiLeaks, he vows to fight extradition Julian Assange’s

Wikileaks cables: US worry over UK homegrown extremism: According to the BBC, US concerns that the UK was struggling to cope with homegrown extremism have been revealed in new Wikileaks cables. One cable said the British government made “little progress” in engaging with the UK’s Muslim community

How to kill the Shia snake: Letter from brother Abdullah – by Hakim Hazik: Related article: Shia-phobia of Saudi Arabia and the institutional genocide of Shia Muslims in Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan Source: Justice Denied When the head is rotten it affects the whole body. We must kill the snake. We must crush

WikiLeaks cyber war: pro-Assange Anonymous v US nationalists: Assange lawyers say US preparing charges WikiLeaks release ‘deplorable’: Obama WikiLeaks: gathering secrets in the new age WikiLeaks loyalists form new leak site FULL WIKILEAKS COVERAGE The controversy surrounding WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has started a heated cyber war

WikiLeaks: A conspiracy against Pakistan and Muslim ummah – by Saleem Safi: Related articles: Progressive Pakistani bloggers in support of Julian Assange Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks VS Mir Shakil ur Rahman’s Mickeyleaks سازش، سازش اور سازش جرگہ…سلیم صافی سازش، سازش اور سازش۔ کان پک گئے اس لفظ کو سنتے سنتے۔ اپنی حماقتوں

Wikileaks and Pakistani Media – by Naveed Ali: Related articles: A glaring example of how ISI dictates Pakistani newspapers: The case of a missing WikiLeak cable Zafar Hilaly’s ‘hate India’ op-ed in service of his masters in the ISI Mohsin Baig’s Online-International News Network: A news ‘agency’

Keeping secrets WikiSafe -by Scott Shane: WASHINGTON — Can the government still keep a secret? In an age of WikiLeaks, flash drives and instant Web postings, leaks have begun to seem unstoppable. That may be just a first impression. Sobered government officials are scrambling to

Terrorists win if Julian Assange and WikiLeaks are silenced, supporters plan protests worldwide: Related articles: Progressive Pakistani bloggers in support of Julian Assange Don’t shoot the messenger for revealing uncomfortable truths – by Julian Assange Assange: charges are part of campaign to close down WikiLeaks, he vows to fight extradition Julian Assange’s
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