General Kayani explains his position on WikiLeaks via Haroon-ur-Rashid
Related article: Kayani dictates talking points to “free media”
A number of key writers in Pakistan’s Urdu and English press have been recently ‘tasked’ to repair the image of the GHQ and General Kayani. The notable amongst them are: right-wing proxies: Kamran Khan, Dr Moeed Pirzadah, Haroon-ur-Rashid etc, and ‘liberal’ proxies: Mosharraf Zaidi, Ejaz Haider, Zafar Hilaly, Adil Najam, Shirin Mazari etc.
In the recent past, the LUBP has exposed the pro-GHQ and anti-democracy narratives of several Islamist and liberal proxies. For example, here is a video clip of veteran ISI agent, Kamran Khan, in defence of General Kayani (Aaj Kamran Khan ke saath, Geo TV, 2 Dec 2010):
In today’s Jang newspaper, veteran ISI proxy, Haroon-ur-Rashid attempts to repair General Kayani’s image which has been badly tarnished by WikiLeaks. Most probably the alleged meeting between Haroon-ur-Rashid and General Kayani took place at either General Hameed Gul’s or General Pasha’s residence in Rawalpindi.
Whether General Kayani’s explanation via Haroon-ur-Rashid is satisfactory is something better left to our readers. One may however wish to read the following news report:
Talking to journalists, Asfandyar said Asif Ali Zardari had offered him presidency before his election as President, but he had declined the proposal. The presidency was a right of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) because it had been given the mandate, he added.
A leaked diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks said: “During Ambassador’s fourth meeting in a week with Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Kayani on March 10 (2009), he again hinted that he might, however reluctantly, have to persuade President Zardari to resign if the situation sharply deteriorates. He (Kayani) mentioned Asfandyar Wali Khan as a possible replacement. This would not be a formal coup but would leave in place the PPP government, led by PM Gilani, thus avoiding elections that likely would bring Nawaz Sharif to power,” the cable added.
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain had confirmed the disclosure, saying, “Asfandyar Wali Khan received the offer to become the president but he declined… “Our party didn’t have the support required for the post and we could not accept the offer.”
Critical readers may also wish to revisit the following resources, General Kayani might as well wish to explain his position on such cables which happen to be so true about Pakistani politicians but so baseless about our saviours in khakis:
Wikileaks on General Kayani and his ‘democratic’ puppets
WikiLeaks unmasks who are our real puppet-masters?
Wikileaks reconfirm the Taliban ISI Alliance (LUBP update 29 Nov 2010)
General Kayani allowed US special forces to secretly operate in Pakistan
‘President’ Kayani is the most powerful man of Pakistan
US embassy cables: Pakistani army chief hints at unseating Zardari
ہارون الرشید
میں اس وقت گوجر خان میں تھا ، جب کسی نے فون پر پوچھا : کیا راولپنڈی میں تم فلاں جگہ پہنچ سکتے ہو۔ غیر متوقع طور پر پروفیسر احمد رفیق اختر گھر میں موجود نہ تھے ۔ انہوں نے کہا تھا: کھانا کھا لو ، کچھ دیر میں ، میں واپس آتا ہوں۔ سفاک شب میں کمرہ گرم تھا اور بھوک بے تاب کرتی ہوئی۔ اندازہ یہ تھا کہ ڈیڑھ دو گھنٹے میں وہ لوٹ کر آئیں گے۔ غالباً آٹھ بجے تھے اور سوا دس بجے تک انتظار کیا جاتا کہ گیارہ بجے وہ سو جاتے ہیں۔ایک سیکنڈ میں مگر میں نے فیصلہ کیا: پروفیسر صاحب سے کل بھی ملاقات ممکن ہے ۔
سڑک ویران تھی۔ پچاس منٹ کا فاصلہ پینتیس منٹ میں طے ہو گیا۔ ڈرائنگ روم میں داخل ہوا تو وہ سوپ پی رہے تھے اور یا للعجب جنرل کیانی بھی وہاں موجود تھے۔ خود کو صوفے پر گرا کر میں نے سگریٹ سلگانے کا ارادہ کیا تو کسی نے مجھ سے کہا: پہلے سوپ پی لیجئے۔ یکایک احساس ہوا کہ ماحول کچھ زیادہ ہی سنجیدہ ہے ۔ ذہنی طور پر میں تیار تھا کہ شکایت کی جائے گی مگر پریشان نہیں ۔ اوّل اس لیے کہ اپنے موقف کی صداقت کا مجھے یقین تھا ، ثانیاً جنرل ایک بہت ہی شائستہ آدمی ہے ۔ دلیل سے وہ بات کرتا اور دلیل سے سنتا ہے ۔ موصوف کا روّیہ بھی ہمیشہ خوشگوار رہا۔ ایک بار اگر نکتہ چینی کی اور اگرچہ بہت ہی سخت الفاظ میں لیکن کوئی ذاتی پس منظر نہیں ۔
ہم وسیع و عریض ڈرائنگ روم کے ایک کونے میں تھے اور کوئی چوتھا وہاں نہ تھا۔ “ہم وکی لیکس کے بارے میں بات کر رہے تھے”مشترکہ دوست نے کہا ، دل کی گہرائیوں میں جس کا احترام اور محبت ہے ۔ واضح طور پر ان کا اشارہ اس کالم کی طرف تھا ، امریکی سفیر کے ساتھ، وکی لیکس میں منکشف ہونے والی جنرل کی ملاقات میں ، جس پر تبصرہ کیا تھا۔ عرض یہ کیا تھا : چیف آف آرمی سٹاف ، جنرل اشفاق پرویز کیانی سے ملاقات نہ ہو سکی وگرنہ خود کو میں تھام نہ سکتا اور
“You too Brutus”
کا وہ ترجمہ انہیں سناتا جو ایک عرب شاعر نے کیا تھا”تم بھی بروٹس؟ پس افسوس ہے ، پھر افسوس ہے ، پھر افسوس ہے” جیسے ہی مشترکہ دوست نے تمہیدی جملہ کہا ، ماحول کے تناؤ کو کم کرنے کے لیے ، میں نے فارسی کا مصرعہ پڑھا۔
قلم گوید کہ من شاہ جہانم
(قلم نے کہا، میں ہی دنیا کا بادشاہ ہوں)
۔ تناؤ مگر کم نہ ہو سکا۔ جنرل کے چہرے پر سنجیدگی تھی اور بہت گہری سنجیدگی لیکن جب انہوں نے بات شروع کی تو اندیشہ تحلیل ہو گیا۔ اس سے زیادہ تیزی کے ساتھ ، جب سورج کی تابناک کرن ، شبنم کا قطرہ پگھلا دیتی ہے ۔ “آپ سے میں نے عرض کیا تھا کہ وکی لیکس ، امریکی سفیر کا نقطہ نظر ہے اور ان کے نقطہ نظر سے مرتب کی گئی خام معلومات ” ان مہربان نے لقمہ دیا۔ “جی ہاں”میں نے کہا”لیکن اگر دوسروں کے بارے میں وکی لیکس کے انکشافات درست ہیں تو یہ کیوں نہیں؟”
اس بھولی بھالی صورت والی این ڈبلیو پیٹرسن کے متعلقہ تار میں انکشاف یہ تھا: جنرل نے ان سے کہا کہ وہ اسفند یار ولی یا صدر زرداری کی ہمشیرہ محترمہ فریال تالپور کو صدر بنانے کے آرزومند ہیں۔
اب جنرل نے لب کھولے اور ہمیشہ کے دھیمے انداز میں یہ کہا “آپ میرا موقف سن لیجئے۔ اس کے بعد آپ چاہیں تو اپنے موقف پر قائم رہ سکتے ہیں “42 سال کی صحافتی زندگی میں ، سیّد ابو الاعلیٰ مودودی، نواب زادہ نصر اللہ خاں اور گلبدین حکمت یار سمیت، ان گنت فصیح لوگوں سے واسطہ رہا لیکن جنرل کیانی سے بہتر انداز میں اپنا موقف پیش کرنے والا آدمی نہ دیکھا۔ وہ نواب زادہ ، گلبدین اور سید صاحب ایسے فصیح تو شاید نہیں کہ اردو اور انگریزی کا ملغوبہ بناتے ہیں۔ محتاط مگر ایسے اور اس قدر سوچا سمجھا اظہارِ خیال کہ آپ حیران رہ جاتے ہیں۔
چند جملوں میں بات انہوں نے نمٹا دی اور مجھے عرب شاعر امراوالقیس یاد آیا، جس نے کہا تھا: جب میں کلام کرتا ہوں تو کوئی دوسرا نہیں بولتا اور جب میں خاموش ہوجاتا ہوں تو کسی کے کہنے کو کچھ باقی نہیں بچتا۔
جنرل نے سوال کیا: کیا آپ نے تار کا پورا متن پڑھا ہے ؟ عرض کیا : جی نہیں ، فقط اخبار کی خبر۔ جنرل نے یہ نہ کہا کہ پورا متن پڑھے بغیر تبصرہ زیبا نہ تھا اور وضاحت کی : تین باتیں محترمہ نے کہی ہیں۔ اوّل یہ کہ میں نے اسفند یار ولی خاں کو صدارت کی پیشکش کی، ثانیاً یہ کہ محترمہ فریال تالپور کو یہ منصب سونپنے کا ارادہ کیا۔ اسکے بعد وہ یہ کہتی ہیں: جنرل نے کہا”میں مداخلت نہ کروں گا”ان کا موقف یہ تھا:اوّل یہ کہ اسفند یار ولی کو صدارت کی پیشکش میں نے نہیں ، خود زرداری صاحب نے کی تھی اور اے این پی کے رہنماؤں نے یہ بات پوری طرح واضح کر دی ہے ۔ محترمہ فریال تالپور کا کبھی ذکر ہی نہ ہوا ، معلوم نہیں یہ مغالطہ کہاں سے در آیا اور سب سے اہم نکتہ یہ ہے کہ جب میں نے مداخلت نہ کرنے کا عزم کر لیا تھا توکسی کو صدارت کا منصب کیونکر سونپتا۔ اس کے بعد انہوں نے واشنگٹن پوسٹ کے ایک حالیہ تبصرے اور کچھ دوسرے واقعات کا حوالہ دیا۔ امریکہ بہادر کے بارے میں اپنے طرزِ احساس پر براہ راست کوئی تبصرہ نہ کیا لیکن مفہوم آشکار تھا : بدترین حالات میں بھی ، میں نے وہی کچھ کرنے کی کوشش کی جو ملک کے مفاد میں تھا۔
اب میری باری تھی ۔ گزارش کی : جنرل صاحب! صدمہ بہت شدید تھا ۔ جب قوم کے رہنما امریکی سفیر سے ملک کے داخلی معاملات پر بے تکلفی سے بات کریں تو ایک عام پاکستانی کو دکھ پہنچے گا۔ صبح گیارہ بجے تک اخبار دیکھنا ہوتے ہیں۔ کالم لکھنے کے لیے تب فقط ایک گھنٹے کا وقت ہوتا ہے ۔ متن کو گاہے عرق ریزی سے دیکھا نہیں جا سکتا۔ آپ کا موقف درست لگتا ہے لیکن صدمات نے نڈھال کر رکھا ہے اور ضبط کا یارا نہیں۔
اب کچھ اور موضوعات پر گفتگو شروع ہوئی ۔ ہلکی پھلکی باتیں، سیاست سے براہِ راست جن کا تعلق نہ تھا۔
غیر ضروری تبصروں سے گریز جنرل کی فطرت ثانیہ ہے ۔ پنجابی محاورے کے مطابق ساری زندگی اس طرح اس نے گزاری ہے ، جیسے بتیس دانتوں میں زبان۔
ایک غریب خاندان کا فرد، ہوش سنبھالتے ہی جسے یتیمی کا داغ سہنا پڑا اور خاندان کی ذمہ داری اس پر آپڑی۔ وہ ایک تنہا آدمی ہے ، یکسر تنہا۔ پھونک پھونک کر اس نے زندگی کا ایک ایک قدم اٹھایا ہے ۔ عمر بھر اسے بقا کا سوال درپیش تھا۔ زندگی اب اس پر مہربان ہے لیکن اب اوربھی مجبور۔ جذبات سے کھولتے ، باہم متصادم اور اپنی باقی ماندہ آزادی کے لیے برسرِ جنگ معاشرے میں ایسی ذمہ داریاں اس پر آپڑی ہیں کہ ذرا سی بے احتیاطی کا وہ خطرہ مول نہیں لے سکتا۔
۔ اتنے میں اس صاحبِ ذوق نے ایک شعر پڑھا۔
بہلا نہ دل نہ تیرگیء شامِ غم گئی
یہ جانتا تو آگ لگاتا نہ گھر کو میں
اللہ اس کا حامی و ناصر ہو۔ پہلے بھی عرض کیا تھا کہ جنرل کی حب الوطنی اور دیانت پر مجھے کبھی شبہہ نہ ہوا۔ دل پر یہ زخم البتہ باقی ہے اور پیہم ٹیس دیتا ہے کہ کاش امریکی سفیر کو اعصاب پہ سوار نہ کیا جاتا۔پاکستان ایسا بھی مجبور نہیں ۔کاش ایک دن و ہ سحر طلوع ہو ، جب قائد اعظم کا پاکستان استعمار کے پنجوں سے نکل آئے۔ آئینی حدود میں رہتے ہوئے ، خاموشی اور عاجزی کے ساتھ جنرل اس سلسلے میں بہت اہم کردار ادا کر سکتا ہے ۔
Asfandyar was considered for President: Wikileaks
US embassy cables: Pakistani army chief hints at unseating Zardari**, Tuesday 30 November 2010 22.06 GMT
* Article history
Thursday, 12 March 2009, 04:28
EO 12958 DECL: 08/04/2018
Classified By: Anne W. Patterson, for reasons 1.4 (b)(d)
Summary1. As street protests threaten to topple the Pakistani government, the US ambassador discusses ways to end the crisis with leaders. In one meeting the head of the Pakistani army, General Ashfaq Kayani, tells her that he may be forced to “persuade” President Asif Ali Zardari to resign. The ambassador says the comments are not an indicator of an imminent army coup. Key passage highlighted in yellow.
2. Read related article
1. (C) Summary. In a last-ditch effort to reduce tensions with the Sharif brothers ahead of the start of the lawyers’ march on March 12, President Zardari offered Pakistan Muslim League (PML) leader Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain the post of Senate leader if PML would form a government with the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) in Punjab but will do little to pacify Nawaz Sharif or the lawyers. Shujaat is considering the deal, which will be sealed by the March 12 vote in the Senate; it could end governor’s rule in Punjab–if Shujaat can keep the PML forward block in line. Other compromise efforts have failed, although the UK High Commission is probing for the various parties’ positions in advance of a possible HMG mediation effort. After seeing Interior Minister Malik and Awami National Party leader Asfundyar Wali Khan, Ambassador will see Shujaat March 11 and the Sharifs on March 12.
2. (C) Amid reports of possible targeted killings and Mumbai style attacks during the march, the GOP began arresting Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N) and Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) members and some civil activists. Interior Minister Malik assured Ambassador he had no plans to arrest the Sharifs or key civil society leaders like Aitzaz Ahsan, but caveated this by saying he might have to arrest Imran Khan or others “who did not obey the law.” Lawyers and JI activists already have begun infiltrating Islamabad; if a significant number of demonstrators cannot enter the capital, we expect protests in multiple areas, especially in Punjab, beginning March 12. Accordingly, we are issuing a Warden Notice March 11.
3. (C) During Ambassador’s fourth meeting in a week with Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Kayani on March 10, he again hinted that he might, however reluctantly, have to persuade President Zardari to resign if the situation sharply deteriorates. He mentioned Asfundyar Wali Khan as a possible replacement. This would not be a formal coup but would leave in place the PPP government led by PM Gilani, thus avoiding elections that likely would bring Nawaz Sharif to power. We do not believe Army action is imminent. We do believe Kayani was laying down a clear marker so that, if he has to act, he can say he warned the U.S. in advance and gave us ample opportunities to pressure both sides to back down. Kayani is trying to leverage what he considers predominate U.S. influence over Zardari, instead of seeking a direct confrontation that could provoke an unhelpful civil-military clash.
4. (C) Two weeks ago, Zardari was staring at victory on all fronts; today, he recognizes he must compromise with the Sharifs and might well be looking over his shoulder at the Army. Even if the lawyers’ march fizzles–and it may–Nawaz retains the high moral ground in public opinion and can continue attacking a now weakened Zardari. We should encourage Zardari to continue efforts to ease tensions and ask the Saudis and the UAE to weigh in with their respective allies. This could be a protracted process. End Summary.
5. (C) There are three political scenarios in play as tensions between President Zardari and the Sharif brothers rise ahead of the start of the lawyers’ march on March 12: mediation/accommodation, which resolves the Sharifs’ disqualification from holding public office, ends governor’s rule in Punjab and addresses the judicial issue; confrontation, which leads to violence and possible Army intervention; and a fizzled march that sets the stage for continued conflict.
6. (C) On March 11, Awami National Party (ANP) leader Asfundyar Wali Khan described to Ambassador and Polcouns his
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mediation efforts with Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam leader Fazlur Rehman over the past week. Zardari, he asserted, agreed to request a review of the Supreme Court decision disqualifying the Sharifs, said that after a positive outcome to that review Shahbaz Sharif would be reinstated as Chief Minister Punjab, and agreed to a conference to discuss restoring the judiciary. In return, Nawaz should delay the lawyers’ march.
7. (C) Nawaz reportedly agreed but then changed his mind and demanded reversal of the court decision, an end to governor’s rule in Punjab and reinstatement of the former Chief Justice. Under pressure, Nawaz relented and agreed to the judicial conference idea but offered only to ask the lawyers to consider postponing the march, and said all this had to be accomplished in a day. Asfundyar noted that it was impossible to demand a immediate review of a Court decision that had not been formally issued. He told Nawaz that he would win the next election and should just be patient; by pressing now, he threatened a political vacuum that would be filled by the Army. This time, warned Asfundyar, Nawaz might not be sent into a comfortable exile. Nawaz refused to budge.
8. (C) Asfundyar said that Zardari was surrounded by advisors who were not politicians, so he was not being encouraged to compromise; Nawaz’s chief advisor was Chaudhry Nisar who, with the Sharif brothers disqualified, stood the best chance of being the next PML-N Prime Minister. Nawaz had provoked the Court by launching a campaign over the doctored exam scores of the Chief Justice’s daughter, and this had prompted the ruling against Shahbaz. Asfundyar attributed the crisis 70 percent to Nawaz and 30 percent to Zardari. In Asfundyar’s view, there was an absence of trust on both sides, and what was needed was a cease-fire in which to conduct reasonable negotiations. If the march fizzled, there could be time to work out a compromise; if the march sparked violence, there was “nothing to do but pray.”
9. (C) Asfundyar welcomed the idea of UK mediation but said it was the U.S. view that counted most. He also urged that we contact the UAE to pressure Zardari and the Saudis to pressure Nawaz to back off. ANP had seen PML-N members distributing cash envelopes to a stream of supporters this week; like Zardari, Asfundyar said he believed the money was coming from the Saudis. Asfundyar was open to continue mediating if asked. He reminded Ambassador that Zardari had offered him the job of Prime Minister immediately after the February 2008 elections.
10. (C) In a separate meeting with Ambassador and Polcouns, UK High Commissioner Brinkley said he had received approval to approach the various sides, discern their bottom lines, and report back to London. HMG had not yet decided whether to take on any role of mediator or guarantor. The UK planned to make a public statement today urging the parties to resolve their differences democratically and eschew violence. Brinkley was scheduled to see PM Gilani and possibly Zardari and Shahbaz Sharif on March 11, and Chief of Army Staff General Kayani and Asfundyar Wali Khan on March 12.
11. (C) Late on March 11, the PML confirmed press reports that the PPP had reversed course (Ref B) and now had offered Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain the post of leader of the Senate if PML agreed to join PPP in a coalition government in Punjab. Shujaat will meet PM Gilani later March 11; on March 12, the newly constituted Senate would vote on a party leader. If the deal goes through, it would end governor’s rule in Punjab but it is unclear if a PPP-led government will reduce tensions. It remains unclear, however, if Shujaat can hold on to his 28-35 member “forward block” of Nawaz supporters to seal this deal. Without the PML forward block, the PPP cannot form a government.
12. (C) In a March 11 meeting with Ambassador and Polcouns, Interior Minister Malik described his efforts to mediate with the lawyers to convince them to hold a peaceful march outside of Islamabad, but he said the lawyers so far have spurned the GOP’s proposals. Malik plans to block roads into Islamabad
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beginning March 13. Ambassador warned that efforts to arrest the Sharifs or high-profile activists like Aitzaz Ahsan would not be well received in Washington or elsewhere. Malik denied he had any intention of arresting the Sharifs or Aitzaz but qualified this by saying “unless they do not stop, but I will tell you first. I have to maintain law and order.” He said he might have to arrest Imran Khan and some JI activists. (Note: On March 10, Punjab police began arresting 200-250 JI student activists and low-level PML-N workers. Mission contacts report many activists already are going underground. Neither the Sharifs nor Aitzaz Ahsan have been arrested. Geo TV News, which the GOP has criticized for being anti-government, disappeared from cable TV. See septel for updates.)
13. (C) Malik said he had received serious threat information regarding a Mumbai style attack in Karachi on March 13-14 by the Jandallah group that previously had attacked the U.S. Consulate. There were also reports of a proposed targeted killing, against whom was unclear. JI leaders were giving their students “black coats” so they could look like lawyers and already were infiltrating Islamabad. Malik expected crowds of at least 4,000-5,000 in the capital, even with road closures.
14. (S) In four conversations with Ambassador this week, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Kayani hinted that, however reluctantly, he might have to urge Zardari to resign, if conditions deteriorate. He did not offer any red lines. Kayani indicated that Asfundyar Wali Khan or someone else broadly acceptable might be an appropriate replacement for Zardari. We do not believe Army action is imminent, but we do believe Kayani was laying down a marker that, if he had to intervene, the U.S. had been forewarned and given many opportunities to avoid intervention by pressuring both Nawaz and Zardari. Kayani made it clear that regardless of how much he disliked Zardari, he distrusted Nawaz even more. The scenario Kayani hinted at was one in which he would pressure Zardari to resign (and presumably leave the country). This would not be an official Army “coup;” it would leave the PPP government led by Prime Minister Gilani in place and preclude the need for elections that likely would bring Nawaz to power.
15. (S) Kayani hinted at disquiet among his corps commanders who believe Zardari is corrupt and has not been paying enough attention to Pakistan’s economic and security challenges. ISI DG Pasha highlighted to Ambassador his concerns about Zardari’s alleged corruption on the flight to the U.S. for the strategic review, and we have multiple sources demonstrating Army complaints about Zardari. Kayani believes the U.S. has the most influence over Zardari, and he knows we are Pakistan’s most important ally, especially for increasing the capacity of the Pakistani Army. Kayani told Ambassador he has talked directly to Zardari, but he does not appear to have conveyed the seriousness of Army concerns about Zardari or the security situation vis a vis the march. (Note: Kayani may be seeking to avoid a confrontation that would prompt Zardari to make a disastrous decision to try and oust the COAS.)
A Fizzle
16. (C) At this point, everything appears to rest on the outcome of the lawyers’ march. PML-N does not have a proven reputation for putting demonstrators on the streets, although JI does. By applying the road closure/detention tactics that worked for Musharraf in 2007 to stop pro-Nawaz demonstrations, the government might be able to avoid a serious clash this time. But if a policeman fires into the crowd or a terrorist attacks protesters, all bets are off.
17. (C) There is also the likelihood that the march will not occur as scheduled. Blocked from Islamabad, there could be multiple flash points in the Punjab, early demonstrations in Islamabad, and a series of confrontations with the police. This could be a protracted clash of wills.
18. (C) Comment: Two weeks ago, Zardari was staring victory in the face after negotiating a PPP win in Senate elections, setting Nawaz up for an entirely legal
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disqualification, and looking toward successful Friends and Donors meetings that would provide the financial support needed to bolster his sagging popularity. By over-reaching to make a grab for Punjab without doing his homework on vote counting in Punjab, Zardari now needs to compromise with the Sharifs and might well be looking over his shoulder at the Army. Even if the march fizzles, Nawaz retains the high moral ground in the public’s eyes and will use it to continue attacking a weakened Zardari. Zardari needs to win back the military’s confidence.
LUBP Archive on Haroon-ur-Rashid
On General Kayani
Kayani behind conflict on Kerry-Lugar bill: Wikileaks
November 30, 2010
The released documents alleged that General Kayani is using the parliament and the government while staying in the background. –File Photo
KARACHI: The whistle-blower website Wikileaks released sensitive documents alleging that the Pakistan’s army chief Ashfaq Parvez Kayani’s opposition led to the conflict on the Kerry-Lugar Bill as it was going to result in greater civilian control on the military, DawnNews reported.
A correspondence from the head of the French Interagency’s Pak-Afghan cell, Jasmine Zerinini, is also included in the new secret documents released by Wikileaks. The correspondence sheds light on the Pakistan Army’s policies in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata).
According to the released documents, General Kayani has learnt from the mistakes made by former military ruler Pervez Musharraf. He is using the parliament and the government while staying in the background, the documents allege. In this way, he is becoming an obstacle to any major change in the country’s policy pertaining to Fata.
Zerinini’s correspondence also stated that the West has lost the opportunity to crush the Afghan Taliban with Pakistan’s help.
The correspondence stated that with aid coming in from the Gulf States, the Haqqani network has grown too strong, that defeating it will not be easy for the Pakistani military.
In November 2010, General Kayani dictated talking points to “free media”
A glaring example of how ISI dictates Pakistani newspapers: The case of a missing WikiLeak cable
3 tasks assigned to Haroon Rasheed are
a) Repair Kayani’s image, present him as THE SAVIOR
b) Criticize PPP and PML-N and the entire political leadership
c) Present Imran Khan as our future Messiah
Haroon is an notorious qasida-khwan of General Zia-ul-Haq, General Hamid Gul, General Akhtar Abdur-Rehman and other criminals of ISI. He wrote a book titled Faateh on a corrupt general Akhtar Abdur-Rehman
آپ لوگوں کو ہر اس شخص سے تکلیف ہے جو ملک کا درد رکھتا ہے اگر جنرل کیانی اس ملک کو امریکہ کی غلامی سے نکالنا چاہتے ہیں تو اس میں کیا برائی ہے ؟ زرداری سے نجات حاصل کے بغیر ہمارے حالت بہتر نہیں ہو سکتے . کتنے پیسے ملتے ہیں تم لوگوں کو پروپگنڈہ کرنے کے؟
Long live the Generals and their foot soldiers….
ہارون رشید مودودی افکار کے پھڑپھڑا تے ہوئے چراغوں میں سے ایک ہے -کبھی کبھی تو ایسے کالم ہوتے ہیں جن کا سر پیر بھی نہیں ہوتا پر پھر بھی جنگ گروپ اپنا مذہبی فریضہ انجام دیتے ہوئے ایسے لوگوں کو پروموٹ کر رہا ہوتا ہے –
ہاروں رشید اب جماعت اسلامی ،عمران خان اور طالبان سے مایوس ہونے کے بعد اب فوج کی طرف دیکھ رہے ہیں .ہارون رشید جیسے لوگوں نے برسوں ایک خاص فلسفے کو سپورٹ کرتے ہوئے زندگی گزاری ہے پر آج ایسے لوگ شدید قسم کی مایوسی اور جھنجھلاہٹ کا شکار ہیں ،ایسے لوگ نہ دین دار تصور کے جاتے ہیں اور نہ ہی دنیا دار .
ویسے جنگ گروپ کی خاص بات یہ ہے کہ یہ غیر محسوس انداز سے پروپگنڈہ کرتا ہے ،جنگ کی سائٹ پر روزانہ تازہ ترین میں کسی نہ کسی جماعت اسلامی والے کا بیان لگایا جا تا ہے تاکے ایک فضا بنی رہے .
ہارون رشید کو میڈیا والے اس لیہ بلاتے ہیں کہ وہ حکومت کا مخالف رہتا ہے ایک دن میں وہ تین چار ٹی وی چنلز پر آرہا ہوتا ہے .
ایسے لگتا ہے کہ سب چور ڈاکو ہیں اور یہ چند صحافی ہی ملک کو بچائیں گے
kab tak, aakhir kab tak, Haroon-ur-Rashid and his likes will keep on lying and misguiding this unfortunate nation?
کب تک آخر کب تک …ناتمام…ہارون الرشید
۔ بارہ برس ہوتے ہیں بے نظیر بھٹو سے ایک دیہاتی نے کہا کہ راستہ تو کوئی اور تھا ۔ وہ رو پڑیں۔ ایک بار جنرل حمید گل نے امریکہ سے دور رہنے کا مشورہ دیا تو حسرت سے بولیں :میں بہت دور نکل آئی ہوں۔ ہم سب بہت دور نکل آئے ہیں۔ ہم سب بہت دور نکل آئے ہیں۔ اللہ مغفرت کرے وہ اپنے رب کے پاس چلی گئیں۔ ہمارے لئے مہلت موجود ہے۔توبہ کے لئے اس کا در چوپٹ کھلا۔
بار بار میں نے سوچا : جنرل اشفاق پرویز کیانی آپ بھی؟ دھن دولت سے آپ کو محبت نہیں، وطن سے ہے۔ فرض شناس اور ریاضت کیش بھی آپ بہت۔ اللہ پہ مگر بھروسہ نہ ہو تو نتیجہ معلوم۔ اگر وہ ملتے تو شاید میں خود کو تھام نہ سکتا۔ اور
” You Too Brutus“
کا وہ ترجمہ انہیں سناتا جو ایک عرب شاعر نے کیا ہے
فانت منھم یا بروتس
فآھا ثم آھا ثم آھا
(کیا تم بھی انہی میں سے ایک ہو اے بروٹس۔ پس افسوس، پھر افسوس ، پھر افسوس) ۔
کوئی سازش نہیں ، اس خدا کی قسم، جس کے ہاتھ میں انسانوں کی جان اور آبرو ہے، وکی لیکس ہرگز کوئی سازش نہیں۔ امریکیوں کا تناظر، امریکیوں کی جمع کردہ معلومات۔ ہر ورق کا مگر ایک سیاق و سباق مثلاً پرویز مشرف اور ان کے چیلے پرویز الٰہی اچھے ہیں تو واشنگٹن کے لئے۔ زرداری بھی۔ عمران خان کے سوا ، صرف ایک عمران خان کے سوا، تمام لیڈر کھوکھلے ۔ بائیں بازو کے مشہور دانشور طارق علی نے صدمے کی حالت میں لکھا ہے “Sadly one and only Imran Khan”۔ گارڈین لندن کی ایک دوسری رپورٹ کا انشاء اللہ میں ترجمہ کروں گا۔
امریکی وفد کو جھیل کے مقابل بلندیوں پر بنے اس کے مکان میں جانا پڑا۔ 30 منٹ کی رسمی ملاقات طے تھی لیکن گھنٹہ بھر کپتان کی ڈانٹ ڈپٹ سننا پڑی: تم اول درجے کے احمق کہ افغانستان میں قتل عام کیا اور خطے کا امن برباد۔ تم کبھی نہ جیتو گے۔ تین برس ہوتے ہیں بھارت کے ایک سیمینار میں صدر بش کے سیاست دان بھائی سے تو کپتان نے یہی کہا ۔ بھونچکا وہ سنتا رہا اور آخرکار سوال کیا کہ اب کیا کریں۔ کہا : بوریا بستر گول کرو اور چلے جاؤ۔
عجیب آدمی ہے ، عمران خان عجیب آدمی ہے۔ مطمئن اور شاد کام ، شوکت خانم ہسپتال کیلئے امریکہ میں پاکستانی آبادیوں کی خاک چھان رہا ہے۔ فون کیا : کسی چینل کو انٹرویو دو، مضمون لکھو یا کم از کم اخباری بیان ۔ کہا : جلدی کیا ہے۔ جماعت اسلامی بچ گئی کہ امریکی دربار میں جاتی ہی نہیں۔
۔ خوفزدہ لوگ مگر کیسے یکسو ہوں؟ جس کا اللہ نہیں اس کی امید بھی کوئی نہیں۔
کب جاگے گی، یہ قوم کب جاگے گی۔ اقبال #ایسا عبقری اور محمد علی جناح جیسا بے مثال لیڈر سموچا نگل گئی۔ تاریخ کے چوراہے پر سوئی پڑی ہے۔ اللہ سے مانگتی نہیں۔ خود پہ بھروسہ نہیں کرتی۔ انتہا ہے ، انتہا ہے۔ آصف زرداریوں، نواز شریفوں، الطاف حسینوں، فضل الرحمانوں، اسفند یاروں اور چودھریوں سے آس لگاتی ہے۔ کب تک آخر کب تک؟
Note: If both Mosharraf Zaidi (liberal proxy) and Haroon-ur-Rashid (Islamist proxy) are praising the PPP-phobe and Shia-phobe Tariq Ali, something must be GOOD about him!
ہارون رشید صاحب الله آپ کو لمبی عمر دیں اور اپ یونہی ان ضمیر فروش اور ننگ انسانیت
لوگوں کا مقابلہ کرتے رہیں
آپ نے جب اس ( بے) شرمیلا کو اس کی اوقات یاد کرائی تو اس کے پاس بغلیں جھانکنے اور
آئیں بائیں شائیں کرنے کے سوا کچھ نہیں تھا
جیسے آپ کھلے عام جس طرح ان کو چلینج کرتے ہیں ان میں اگر غیرت ہو تو ڈوب مریں
What logic here people are presenting to counter Haroon’s point. Did he not honestly accepted Asima Jahangir’s point also? One should be just towards others, while analysing their actions, words and thoughts. If general accepted it, one should logically analyze it, instead of just flaming the dying ashes. Being an intellectual and trying to be a fake one is much different.
These zealots ally with the Rawans of in the name of Raam,
The ideological Chowkidars, have made The whole region a hostage to their lust and have found people like this Haroon reciept, as their advocates…
Though it is very difficult to understand Hindi/Urdu written in Arabic Script, but the man is a regular commentator at very enthusiastically conducted Pakistani Talk shows, and the way he talks in his irritating tone, and his criticism of Political forces is not in any way different from the anchors.
They say, Pakistanis watch these news channels more than entertainment channels, that is why every channel have their own set of comedians posing as analysts and commentators.
There are only a few journalists who express their views to guide and educate the people with sincerity.
Most of Journalists, particularly from Right Winged domain, are sold out. Since the creation of Pakistan, Rightist media always supported conspiracies and negativity, what has pushed Pakistan to a level of Failed State.
During Late Bhutto’s regime they played for America and the same faces are beating their drums against America.
Haroon Rashid is one of those opportunists who change according to the flow of wind. They don’t have their personal vision.
London- 17 May 2001
Lamenting the Chief Executive of Pakistan General Pervez Musharraf, on his shameful and irresponsible remarks as well as unfounded allegations made against Mr Altaf Hussain, founder and leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) in an interview to the British newspaper The Guardian, Dr Imran Farooq, Convenor of the MQM said that if national interest is genuinely dear to General Musharraf, he should then try and punish the Army Generals who have plundered and dismembered the country.
In a statement issued from London, Dr Imran Farooq condemning the outrages allegations made by the Chief Executive said that Mr Altaf Hussain is the undisputed leader of over thirty million Mohajirs and the ninety-eight per cent of the Middle Class and down trodden people of Pakistan. He has never worked against the national interest in the past nor is he working against the national interest now. His only crime is that he has never compromised on his principles or traded his conscience to the Army Generals. He has always worked for the abolishment of the antiquated feudal political system of Pakistan and raised his voice for the rights of the ordinary people.
Dr Imran Farooq said that the abolishment of the archaic feudal political system is against the vested interests of the Army Generals. Whenever, their interests are hurt, the Army Generals term those actions against the national interests. He said that in accordance with the policies of the Army Establishment, General Parvez Musharraf is also denouncing the peaceful political struggle of Mr Altaf Hussain, against the national interests, which manifests that the national interests are not dear to General Parvez Musharraf but the interests of the Army Establishment are.
Dr Imran Farooq stated that if national interests are genuinely dear to General Pervez Musharraf and he has the moral courage then he should bring those Generals to book and hang them who were responsible for the dismemberment of Pakistan in the aftermath of the publication of the Humood-ur-Rahman Commission Report. He demanded exemplary punishment to those Generals who committed blood bath of their fellow brethren in the former East Pakistan, were involved in smuggling, trafficking and led a licentious lifestyle damaging the interests of the country instead of protecting the geographical boundaries of Pakistan. He said that those responsible for the surrender of the ninety-three thousand soldiers in the former East Pakistan and belittling Pakistan should be severely punished.
Dr Imran Farooq lashing out against General Pervez Musharraf said that on the one hand, General Musharraf has levelled shameful and baseless allegations against Mr Altaf Hussain under the rubric of national interest while on the other hand, advised people to forget the tragic dismemberment of Pakistan instead of adhering to the public demand of trying and punishing the Army Generals responsible for the fragmentation of our beloved country.
Dr Imran Farooq addressing General Parvez Musharraf said that he and other Army Generals instead of dropping a few tears on the tragic break-up of Pakistan in the aftermath of the publication of the Humood-ur-Rahman Commission Report are levelling baseless and unfounded allegations against patriotic people of working against the national interests.
Dr Imran Farooq declared that General Pervez Musharraf himself and other Army Generals are the biggest traitors who are responsible for repeatedly abrogating the Constitution of the country but they, however, fail to see their own images even after the publication of the Hamood-ur-Rahman Commission Report. He asked, why General Pervez Musharraf does not arrest and punish himself and other Army Generals who repeatedly impose Martial Laws in the country trampled the Constitution under their boots and dismantled democracy causing irreparable losses to the country. He asked, why does General Pervez Musharraf not arrest and punishes those Generals who took billions of dollars in kickbacks and commissions in the arms deals and filled their own coffers damaging the national interests.
Dr Imran Farooq said that talk of national interests is not befitting to those who impose Military Rule in the country, trample the Constitution under their boots, loot and plunder the country and honourably set free into exile those sentenced by the Courts for heinous crimes. He said that Mr Altaf Hussain is a public leader and he does not need a certificate of working in the national interest from General Parvez Musharraf. He said that Mr Altaf Hussain is a leader of millions of people and went abroad on their insistence. Mr Altaf Hussain is staying in London on the insistence of the party leaders and workers and guiding them from London in accordance with their desire. Dr Imran Farooq condemning the remarks of General Pervez Musharraf that Mr Altaf Hussain has no place in the politics of Pakistan said that Mr Altaf Hussain does not need permission to return to Pakistan from General Pervez Musharraf or any other Army General. He said that the public has accepted Mr Altaf Hussain as their leader and have reposed their confidence in him and his leadership repeatedly then who is General Musharraf to declare that Mr Altaf Hussain has no place in Pakistani politics?
Dr Imran Farooq demanded a public apology from General Pervez Musharraf for hurting the sentiments of millions of people by making shameless and irresponsible remarks as well as levelling unfounded allegations against Mr Altaf Hussain. He demanded for the withdrawal of his allegations and remarks. Meanwhile, the Co-ordination Committee of the MQM has called for an urgent meeting to discuss the matter.
The Coordination Committee of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) has asked from the Chief Executive General Parvez Musharraf to answer the following questions, so that the people of Pakistan could come to know who is the real traitor and working against the interest of the country.
Question No 1: Was Pakistan disintegrated by the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 2: Who committed the act of dishonouring the Pakistani Flag and the surrender of 93000 personnel of Pakistan Army in front of the Indian Army, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 3: Who signed the documents of surrender in front of the Indian Generals, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 4: Who handed over a large area of Siachen to India, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 5: Who retreated from Kargil, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 6: Who is accountable for not liberating Kashmir till today, the privileged Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 7: Who grabbed the lands of Sindh Province, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 8: Who owns the thousands of acres of valuable properties in the country, including that in Defence, Clifton etc. of Karachi, the retired and serving Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 9: Who made billions of rupees by taking commissions and kickbacks in Defence Deals, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 10: Specify whether the Army Generals amassed billions of rupees on the basis of their salaries or through other means? How much wealth Altaf Hussain has accumulated within and outside the country?
Question No 11: Who was involved in the Mehran Bank Scandal, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 12: Who distributed billions of rupees from the national exchequer amongst the corrupt politicians, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 13: Who introduced the culture of Corruption in the country’s politics, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 14: Who trampled the country’s Constitution under their boots, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 15: Who ridiculed the country’s Constitution, Courts and the Law, by taking fresh oath of allegiance from the Judges of the Supreme Court and the High Court, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 16: Who allowed the corrupt politicians involved in looting the national exchequer to leave the country with their ill-gotten wealth, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 17: According to General Parvez Musharraf, the convicted Nawaz Sharif was released and sent abroad on the request of a friend country. On the other hand, refusing to accept several requests of the friend countries, who hanged Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto of Sindh– the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 18: Who is responsible for the Ojhri Camp Incident in Rawalpindi, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 19: Who is responsible for the Crash of C-130 Plane, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 20: Who conspired for the failure of operations Trojan Horse and Black Cobra, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 21: Serving their masters, who opened fire upon the Kaabat-Ullah (The House of Allah Almighty), the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 22: Who carried out the massacre of Muslims in Palestine and Somalia, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 23: Who is responsible for the massacre of Bengali Muslims, the dishonouring and gang rape of Bengali Muslim mothers and sisters, the loot and plunder; and the smuggling of valuable goods from the then East Pakistan – the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 24: Who is responsible for the bombardment in Balochistan, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 25: Who is responsible for the massacre of Sindhis in 1983 and the bombardment upon them, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 26: Who massacred more than 15000 innocent Mohajirs, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 27: Following the instructions of foreign Masters, who introduced the heroin and kalashinkov culture in Pakistan, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Question No 28: Who is involved in the smuggling of arms, the Army Generals or Altaf Hussain?
Mirpurkhas – 24 February 2001
Mr Altaf Hussain, Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM), has stated that in Pakistan it is always the Army Generals and not the people who have dislodged the elected governments and abrogated the Constitution. Therefore, those who are raising the slogan of democracy today should first start a movement against those Army Generals who are responsible for dismissing the elected governments and should announce that in future any army general who abrogates the Constitution would be hanged in public. He was addressing a gathering of journalists, intellectuals, lawyers, writers, poets and general public at Mirpurkhas in Sindh, Pakistan.
Mr Hussain said that the people of Sindh are deprived of their rights. They are even deprived of clean drinking water and forced to commit suicide due to unemployment. He said that we should ponder whether it is only the Establishment that is responsible for the deteriorating condition of Sindh province or we are also responsible for this? He said that a few people in the subcontinent, to gain favours and titles, aided the British Army in occupying the entire province. He said that the majority of the so-called nationalist leaders of Sindh by raising the slogan of the rights of Sindh have attained nothing for the people of Sindh but instead have made enormous personal gains. Pakistan Peoples Party came into power three times at the Federal as well as the Provincial level but what it achieve for Sindh? Similarly, what did Pakistan Muslim League achieve for Sindh? Mr Z A Bhutto drafted the 1973 Constitution, however, this Constitution could not even protect him or the Governments of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and Pakistan Muslim League (PML).
Today once again, slogans for democracy are being raised. Now the people of Sindh must ponder what is meant by such democracy? When in the democratically elected National Assembly the question for the rights of Sindh is raised then the standpoint of the Members belonging to Sindh province is opposed by the Members belonging to the Punjab province who are in majority regardless of their affiliation, either with the PPP or the PML. Similarly, before the creation of Pakistan, Hindus were in majority and the Muslims were in minority, therefore, the leaders of the Muslim League feared that after the independence of the Undivided India the Hindus would rule, being in majority, therefore, this lead to the concept of two-nation.
After the creation of Pakistan, Bengalis were in majority and according to the democratic norms they had the right to govern, however, despite enjoying majority in the General Elections of 1970, the slogan of Idhar Hum – Udhar Tum (We Rule Here and You Rule There) was raised and the Army, in violation to all the democratic norms, despite transferring power carried out a military operation against the Bengali people, which resulted in the disintegration of the country. In the 1956 Constitution, the Bengalis despite being in majority accepted the rule of parity in the larger interest of the country, however, today the Establishment of Punjab does not accept the demand of applying parity for the smaller provinces.
Mr Hussain said that today one must ponder on the slogans being raised for democracy. Is it that once again the same game of power politics is being played to grab power for oneself and one’s family so that the national exchequer could be looted to increase one’s personal wealth within and outside the country? Such a democracy would not achieve anything either for the oppressed people of Sindh or Pakistan and the feudal system would continue to flourish. He demanded that it is essential that a new constituent assembly is formed with equal representation of all provinces, to constitute a new Constitution according to the spirit of the 1940 Resolution on the basis of equality of all the provinces. The Army should be reconstituted in such a manner that from the Army General to an ordinary soldier, every province must have equal representation. Mr Hussain said that Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto being a Prime Minister belonging to Sindh was hanged over an allegation of issuing instruction for a murder, whereas Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif being from the Punjab province are allowed to honourably leave the country despite being convicted by the courts. Leaders from Sindh and Balochistan including Dr Farooq Sattar are being incarcerated on false and fabricated charges engineered by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), whereas, the plunderers of national wealth and billionaire sons of Army Generals belonging to Punjab are roaming freely.
Mr Hussain said that the patriotism of the people of Sindh is under suspicion because majority of Hindus live here who are considered as “security risk” by the Establishment, however, in Punjab the Sikhs are invited and welcomed, the Jamaat-e-Islami openly declares that they and the Sikhs have the same God. If Hindus are non-Muslims then so are the Sikhs, but inviting Sikhs in Punjab is not considered as “security risk” because both of them speak the same language. To meet their relatives, the people of Sindh have to go to Lahore where while crossing the Wahga Border, they have to pay heavy bribes. But the Khokhrapar Border in Sindh is not opened as it is considered to be a “security risk”. Mr Hussain invited the people of Sindh to jointly struggle for the rights of Sindh and if force would be used to crush our peaceful struggle then nobody should object if the people of Sindh would demand for the right to self determination according to the United Nations Charter.
Mr Hussain said that now he has been awarded the British citizenship, he would like to assure the people of Sindh that to present the Sindh Case he would visit Geneva, other democratic countries and the human rights organisations throughout the world.
Mr Hussain emphasised that the Urdu Speaking Sindhis and the Sindhi Speaking Sindhis have to live and die together, therefore, both should get united and struggle for the rights of Sindh. Similarly, those Punjabis and Pakhtoons who are permanent settlers in Sindh should also struggle alongside their Sindhi brothers for the rights of Sindh province. Mr Hussain demanded that the Khokhrapar Border should be opened, the victims of earthquake in Sindh must be compensated and provided aid, aid should be provided to the victims of drought in Thar and Sindh province should be provided its due share of water and in the NFC Award.
26 February 2002
Mr Kofi Annan
Secretary General
The United Nations
U N Plaza, New York 10017
Dear Secretary-General
I hope that you are in good health and spirit. I know that you are one of the busiest person in the world and, therefore, I will try and keep this letter short, as much as possible which is about the subject mentioned above.
After the horrific terrorist acts against the United States of America on 11th September 2001, the United Nations, United States of America and the entire sovereign nations, peace loving political leaders including Mr Altaf Hussain, Founder and Leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM), the third largest political party in Pakistan and the second largest in the province of Sindh, strongly condemned the cowardly acts of terrorism in the United States of America. MQM held the biggest rally on 26th. September 2001 in Karachi (port city of Pakistan) to demonstrate its solidarity that it stands shoulder to shoulder with the international community against all sorts of terrorists’ acts and terrorism throughout the world. MQM also offered its unconditional support to the international community against all sorts of terrorism.
As you would know that one of the journalists of the Wall Street Journal, Mr Daniel Pearl was kidnapped on 23rd January 2002 in Karachi. The kidnappers put certain demands for the release of Mr Daniel Pearl. The present Military Government of Pakistan and its high officials were assuring the entire world that the Authorities and police will recover Mr Daniel Pearl alive within two or three days but failed.
Pakistan’s interior minister on Friday predicted a “major breakthrough” and more arrests within 48 hours in the search for Daniel Pearl. The official rejected a claim from Pearl’s self-confessed kidnapper that the Wall Street Journal reporter is dead.
Los Angeles Times, Breakthrough Expected in Kidnap Case, Pakistan Says, February 16, 2002
No one has explained why Sheikh Omar was held in ISI custody for a week before civilian authorities were informed of his arrest. Two former ISI officers have been questioned about Pearl’s murder.
The Observer, Vicious Web of Intrigue that Trapped Daniel Pearl, February 24, 2002
Mr Daniel Pearl was decapitated ruthlessly. What plans had been made by the ISI in collusion with Ahmed Omar Sheikh while he was in its custody only God knows! The Interior Minister of Pakistan and even President General Pervez Musharraf were not aware of this plan.
Not only in Pakistan but also throughout the world, the educated and politically aware people know that the ISI is above all the institutions and even above the law in Pakistan. ISI is a State within a State. ISI is not answerable to the Presidents, Prime Ministers or anyone else.
‘They are a state within a state… ‘The ISI is the only institution powerful enough to
dare to disobey the President.’
The Guardian, Torture, treachery and spies – cover war in Afghanistan, November 4, 2001
The ISI is responsible for harbouring the terrorists’ not only in Pakistan but also throughout the world under the pretext of “Jihad”. The ISI is not at all happy with the decisions taken by the present Government for eradicating religious fanatics, as they are its own creation.
The ISI and only the ISI is behind this barbaric killing of Mr Daniel Pearl because the ISI wanted to give the message to the USA that by supporting the present Government the USA will not be able to achieve its goals and the United States of America must deal with the ISI and not with anybody else; and if the United States of America would continue to support the present Government then they have to face and see many more barbaric acts.
From early on in the Pearl investigation, ISI involvement was evident.
The Observer, Vicious Web of Intrigue that Trapped Daniel Pearl, February 24, 2002
Dear Secretary-General,
The ISI has become a monster and until and unless the ISI is disbanded or dismantled, my apprehensions are that the ISI will continue to form, fertilise, harbour, train and provide financial support to create more and more religious fanatical groups like Jesh-e-Mohammad and others.
The intelligence agency’s past actions indicate that its interests – or, at a minimum, those of former agency officials – have often dovetailed with the interests of Mr. Pearl’s kidnappers, as reflected in their original demands. New disclosures of links between Mr. Sheikh and two recently dismissed agency officials only intensify suspicions about its role in this case.
The New York Times, Death of Reporter Puts Focus on Pakistan’s Intelligence Unit, February 25, 2002
Dear Secretary-General,
I request you to convey my apprehensions to the International Community including the United States of America and its allies and to use your good office to ask the Government of Pakistan to dismantle the ISI. I would also request you that for the dismantling of the ISI, full support and active involvement of the United Nations, USA and the International Community would be required otherwise the present Government or any other Government in Pakistan would not be able to dismantle the ISI.
I also request you that if the United Nations Organisations and international community seriously and sincerely want to see the entire world free from any source of terrorism, they must take serious and practical steps and actions for completely wiping out the ISI otherwise, it would be too late for the world’s sorrow and tears. The killings of innocent people would be the fate of the world.
Thank you for giving me your precious time.
Yours truly,
Dr Imran Farooq
DAWN/The News International, KARACHI 30 December 1999, Thursday, 21 Ramazan 1420 (click on underlined key words to get more details)
Policemen involved in extrajudicial killings being rewarded, alleges Altaf
LONDON: Chief of Muttahida Qaumi Movement Altaf Hussain said on Wednesday that he would keep the nation informed about the secret planning of the law enforcement agencies to commit genocide of Mohajirs.
According to press release issued from London, Altaf said the MQM Intelligence Bureau had collected information based on solid proofs over a long period of time of the secret hands involved in the planning of carrying out genocide of Mohajirs. He said he would inform the people about these proofs so that the nation could understand the facts regarding the genocide of Mohajirs and in the light of these facts could comprehend the reasons and rationale behind his strategy.
Altaf Hussain said that on the one hand the present government and its officials were claiming that they would take action against the police personnel involved in the extrajudicial killings, but on the other hand, the information collected by the MQM Intelligence Bureau revealed that personnel involved in the extrajudicial killings of Mohajirs were placed on high offices, they were being rewarded and commendations were bestowed upon them by the higher officials of the present government.
Altaf Hussain said that according to the MQM Intelligence Bureau, a week ago, Corps. Commander Karachi, General Muzaffar Usmani invited the ‘most notorious’ SHOs (Station House Officers) of Karachi, involved in the extrajudicial killings of Mohajirs in general and the MQM workers in particular. Not only he invited them, he embraced them, praised them for extrajudicial killings of the MQM workers and presented them with expensive Rolex watches, Altaf Hussain said.
He said that having read this, the MQM workers in general and the Mohajir intellectuals in particular should understand clearly the conspiracy and should not have any hopes from the high ranking Mohajir officials.
Altaf Hussain, quoting information of the MQM Intelligence Bureau, said that on December 4, 1999, the ISI (Inter-Service Intelligence Agency) Chief for Sindh met the ring leader of ‘Haqiqi terrorists’ in the barrack number 74 of Malir Garrison where he also arranged a telephone conversation between the ring leader of ‘Haqiqi terrorists’ and the D G (Director General) ISI.
Altaf Hussain demanded of the Chief Executive, General Pervaiz Musharraf and senior officials of the GHQ (General Headquarters) to have the report of the MQM Intelligence Bureau verified. He also appealed to the MQM workers not only to read his statements minutely but also save them as part of their record. He finally stated that he would continue to have the report of the MQM Intelligence Bureau published in the newspapers from time to time.
Altaf to expose plot against MQM
LONDON, Dec 29: Muttahida Qaumi Movement chief Altaf Hussain has said that he will soon inform the nation about the plans of the intelligence agencies to annihilate Mohajirs.
In a press statement issued here on Wednesday, the MQM chief claimed that his party has collected hard evidence and facts about the intelligence agencies’ plans.
The statement came a day after Altaf Hussain announced that he would reveal his future strategy to the people very soon. The MQM chief said that the details of the plans would enable the people to understand his new strategy. He said on the one hand the government and its officials were claiming that action would be taken against all those police officials involved in extra-judicial killings in the past while on the other hand, according to MQM information, government officials were conferring awards on those police officials who are involved in extra-judicial killings.
Mr Altaf Hussain said that according to MQM Intelligence Bureau Report, last week Corp Commander Karachi, General Muzaffar Usmani invited all those Station House Officers (SHOs) who were involved in extra-judicial killings and not only praised their “efforts” but also gave them costly wrist watches. “Mohajir people should not expect any good from any senior government official,” he said.
The MQM chief said according to another MQM Intelligence Bureau Report, on December 4, 1999, the head of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) in Sindh, met the head of the “Haqqiqi activist” at Barrack No 73 of Malir Garrison. He claimed a telephonic meeting was also arranged between the “Haqqiqi activists” and the Director General of ISI in Islamabad. He called upon General Pervez Musharraf and other army officials in GHQ to investigate these incidents.
Mr Altaf Hussain also asked the MQM workers not only to seriously read his statements but also keep the cutting of the newspapers in which these are published for future reference.
NON-VIOLENCE: Meanwhile, MQM Convenor Dr Imran Farooq in a separate statement issued here on Wednesday said that MQM will continue to pursue a policy of non-violence in future. He said that some confusion has arisen because of the statement of Mr Altaf Hussain in which he had told workers that he would announce the MQM policy soon.
Dr Imran Farooq said that Mr Altaf Hussain after the publication of these reports has told him in clear terms that MQM will continue to pursue a policy of non-violence.
The MQM Convenor said that MQM’s “new strategy” would also be based on “non-violence” and pursuing the objectives through peaceful means. The MQM Convenor also severely criticized the government for failing to produce Dr Farooq Sattar before the Sindh High Court despite a court order.
He said on 26th November, 1999, Dr Sattar voluntarily courted his arrest from Karachi Press Club Karachi and since then is being kept in unlawful detention by the government.
Bawa said:
الحذر …… ناتمام …….. ہارون الرشید
غیر متوقع طور پر پروفیسر احمد رفیق اختر گھر میں موجود نہ تھے ۔ انہوں نے کہا تھا: کھانا کھا لو ، کچھ دیر میں ، میں واپس آتا ہوں۔ سفاک شب میں کمرہ گرم تھا اور بھوک بے تاب کرتی ہوئی۔ اندازہ یہ تھا کہ ڈیڑھ دو گھنٹے میں وہ لوٹ کر آئیں گے۔ غالباً آٹھ بجے تھے اور سوا دس بجے تک انتظار کیا جاتا کہ گیارہ بجے وہ سو جاتے ہیں۔ایک سیکنڈ میں مگر میں نے فیصلہ کیا: پروفیسر صاحب سے کل بھی ملاقات ممکن ہے۔ سڑک ویران تھی۔ پچاس منٹ کا فاصلہ پینتیس منٹ میں طے ہو گیا۔ ڈرائنگ روم میں داخل ہوا تو وہ سوپ پی رہے تھے اور یا للعجب جنرل کیانی بھی وہاں موجود تھے
اب کوئی یہ کالم پڑھکر بھی نہ سمجھ سکے کہ ہارون الرشید اسٹبلشمنٹ کا ایجنٹ ہے تو پھر اسکی عقل پر ماتم کے علاوہ ہی کیا جا سکتا ہے
ہارون الرشید کی اہمیت کا اندازہ لگائیں کہ جنرل کیانی نے این ڈبلیو پیٹرسن کے متعلقہ تار کے جواب میں فوج کے شعبہ تعلقات عامہ آئی ایس پی آر کی طرف سے پریس ریلیز جاری کرنے کی بجائے ہارون الرشید سے کالم لکھوانا زیادہ پسند کیا. آخر ایجنٹ کس کام کے لیے ہوتے ہیں؟
اور اسٹبلشمنٹ کا سربراہ بلائے تو پچاس منٹ کا فاصلہ پینتیس منٹ میں طے ہو جاتا ہے
jaagpakistanijaag said:
میرا بھائی یہ تو کوئی دھکی چھپی بات نہیں ہے کہ ہارون رشید فوج کا بندہ ہے فوج کے مقاصد کے لیے لکھتا ہے اور کام کرتا ہے صحافتی حلقوں میں تو یہ بات سب کو معلوم ہے جو نہ ماننا چاہیے اس کی مرضی ہے اسی طرح ہو سکتا ہے بہت سے لوگوں کو یہ بات بری لگے یا ان کو حیرت ہو لیکن یہ بات بالکل سچ ہے کہ اس وقت فوج کا سب سے بڑا ایجنٹ طلعت حسین ہے جو پہلے اج تی وی پر تھا اور اب ڈان ٹی وی پر چلا گیا ہے
MQM Against Pakistan Army.
سپہ سالار جنرل اشفاق پرویز کیانی…ناتمام…ہارون الرشید
جنرل اشفاق پرویز کیانی نے اپنی روداد لکھی تو اتنا کچھ بے نقاب ہو گا کہ دنیا دنگ رہ جائے گی ۔تب تک انتظار کہ مالک نے ہر چیز کا وقت مقرر کر رکھا ہے ۔ و الی اللہ ترجع الامور۔ اور معاملات تو اسی کے سپرد ہیں ۔
بالاخر جنرل سے ایک طویل ملاقات ہوئی ۔ سب سوالات تو ظاہر ہے کہ اٹھائے نہ جا سکے ۔ کتنا بھی وقت ہو ، ہر استفسار کا جواب نہیں ملتا۔ کچھ پہلو تشنہ رہ جاتے ہیں ۔ کچھ پر آپ فوراً رائے قائم نہیں کرسکتے ۔ اس قدر محتاط اور سلیقہ مند آدمی کہ گفتگو ٹیپ کر کے چھاپ دیں تب بھی وہ موردِ الزام نہ ٹہرے ۔ ایسی غیر معمولی یاداشت اور پیہم انہماک کہ سامع ششدر رہ جاتا ہے ۔ یہ خیال میں ان کے پاس چھوڑ آیا کہ خودنوشت لکھیں۔ عرض کیا کہ کرنل محمد خان اور My Fuedal Lord کی مصنفہمحترمہ تہمینہ بھی اس میدان کے لوگ نہ تھے مگر ان کی اولین تحریریں تہلکہ خیز، مقبول اور یادگار رہیں۔ یہ خیال بعد میں آیا کہ صدر بارک اوباما کے نام ان کا چودہ صفحے کا مکتوب تاریخ میں برقرار رہے گا ۔ اسی کے بعد سی آئی اے اور پینٹاگان جنرل کے دشمن ہو گئے اور شاید ہمیشہ رہیں گے ۔ عالمی طاقتیں جسارت گوارا نہیں کیا کرتیں اور جنرل تو مسلسل مرتکب ہے ۔
ایک نہ سمجھا گیا آدمی ۔ ایک چھوٹی سی بات جتلانے کے لیے میں ان کے پاس گیا۔ گفتگو لیکن پھیلتی گئی ۔ میں نہیں جانتا کہ یہ اظہار انہیں گوارا ہو گا یا ناگوار ۔ رقم کرنے کی اجازت نہ لی تھی اور بظاہر سب کچھ نجی تھا۔ میری اس طرح کی حرکتیں بعض اوقات اس نے برداشت کر لیں۔ کبھی پریشان اور ایک بار برہم بھی ہوئے مگر معاف ہی کر دیا۔ اخبار نویس اپنے احساسات اورمعلومات سے قاری کو باخبر رکھنے کا آرزومند ہوا کرتا ہے۔ کرّہ ارض کے بارے میں تنہا عالمی طاقت کے عزائم، بالخصوص پاکستان اور افغانستان کے بارے میں انکل سام کی منصوبہ بندی سمیت، بعض نکات تاریخی اہمیت کے حامل ہیں مگر انکشاف انگیز اور بھی تھے۔ زندگی کے ذاتی اور جذباتی پہلو، جنرل کا طرزِ احساس اور طرزِ فکر، خاندان اور نجی حیات۔ ترجیحات کے تعین کا طریقہ ۔ مستقبل کے بارے میں اس کا تجزیہ اور سوالات۔
جنرل کے سپہ سالار بننے کے بعد کرید ناشروع کیا۔ کبھی نہ بتایا کہ میرے ایک بھائی کبھی ان کے ہم جماعت تھے۔ بعض مشترک دوستوں سے وہ واقف ہیں لیکن ایسے بھی ہیں، جن کا ذکر کبھی نہ ہوا۔ جوں جوں زیادہ جانتا گیا، حیرت بڑھتی گئی۔ درحقیقت وہ عام تاثر سے بالکل مختلف ہیں ، ایک بالکل مثبت آدمی ۔ اس منفرد آدمی کی زندگی کا سب سے زیادہ چونکا دینے والا پہلو یہ ہے کہ سحر سات بجے سے رات گئے تک وہ ایک مزدور کی طرح مشقت کرتاہے۔ آغاز اکثر ساڑھے سات بجے صبح اور بعض اوقات شب چار بجے وہ بستر پر دراز ہوتا ہے ۔ ایک دن میں تین دن کا کام۔ایسے آدمی کا کوئی کیا بگاڑ لے گا، اگر وہ عدل پہ قائم رہے۔
عملی زندگی اس کے لیے امتحان سے شروع ہوئی اور اب تک ویسی ہی آزمائش جاری ہے ۔ ایک کے بعد دوسرا چیلنج ۔ وہ ایک تنہا آدمی ہے اور زندگی کے آخری سانس تک شاید ایسا ہی رہے گا۔کوئی کتنا ہی سخت جان ہو ، کسی کے اعصاب فولادی نہیں ہوتے۔ ہر ایک کو تسکین اور فرار کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے ۔ مینگورہ کی اتفاقی ملاقات میں ، جب تقریب میں وزیراعظم کو تاخیر ہو گئی ، میں نے جنرل سے پوچھا: کتنے سگریٹ روزانہ ؟ اس نے ٹال دیا ۔ اب کی بار میں نے انہیں بتایا کہ میں نے گن لیے ہیں ، ساٹھ عدد۔ حیرت سے انہوں نے میری طرف دیکھا اور ظاہر ہے کہ اس پر وہ خوش نہ تھے ۔ احتیاط! ایک تو فلٹر ،پھر کش وہ زور سے نہیں لگاتے ۔ یوں سمجھیے کہ تین سگریٹ اصل میں ایک ہی ۔ گذشتہ چند ہفتوں میں وزن ذرا سا بڑھ گیا ہے اور نشان دہی کی گئی تو کہا شکر کم کر دی ہے اور ورزش میں تو مجھے معلوم ہی تھا کہ کافی باقاعدگی ہے ۔ جنرل نے بتایا :بھوری شکر محض ایک ڈھکوسلا ہے اور پھر گنوار پن سے بے تکلف ہو جانے والے مہمان کے لیے اوّل کیمیکل کے بغیر بننے والا گڑ اور پھر شہد منگوایا۔ خورونوش پر بات ہوئی تو رسان سے بتایا کہ ان کے ہاں فقط ایک سالن پکتا ہے ۔ اوّل ان کے صاحبزادے سروش بھی موجود تھے۔ صلاحیت تومعلوم نہیں مگر اپنے نامور والد کی طرح سادہ اطوار اور دھیما آدمی جو اپنے گرد وپیش کو بچوں کی سی معصومیت سے دیکھتا رہتا ہے ۔ آرمی ویلفئیر ٹرسٹ میں وہ ایک معمولی سی ملازمت کرتا ہے مگر باپ بیٹے کی احتیاط کا عالم یہ ہے کہ تنخواہ کا پورا چیک اسی ادارے کے خیراتی فنڈ میں جمع ہو جاتا ہے۔اپنی عزت کے باب میں جنرل حیران کن حد تک حسّاس ہے ۔ ان کے بھائیوں کے بارے میں بات ہوئی ۔دل گداز پہلو یہ ہے کہ اوائل شباب میں یتیم ہو جانے والے افسر نے باپ بن کر انہیں پالا او رایک ماں کی طرح ان کے لیے ایثار کیش رہا ۔ سب سے چھوٹے بھائی ، سبکدوش میجر کامران کا ذکر خاص طور پر محبت سے کیا۔ یہ بالکل ایک باپ کا لہجہ تھا اور آواز میں جذبات کی آنچ۔ الزام تراشی، بے رحم زبانوں کا ذکر۔ ڈوبتی رات کے سنّاٹے میں جنرل نے خود کو سنبھالے رکھا اور جو کچھ بتایا، اس سے یہ اخذ کیا : ان کی پرورش کی ، سنبھالا اور پڑھایا۔ اپنے پاؤں پر کھڑا ہونے میں مدد دی ، آزاد روی کی حوصلہ افزائی لیکن بوجھ ان پر کبھی نہ ڈالا۔ کہا: جس دن سپہ سالار کا منصب سنبھالا، گھر بلا کر بتا دیا: اب میں اس کرسی کا ہوں اور اس ملک کا ۔ ملاقات اب طے شدہ پروگرام کے تحت ہوتی ہے اور اکثر مختصر سی ۔ تفصیل پھر کبھی اور ظاہر ہے کہ تحقیق کے بعد ۔ میجر کامران کا ذکر ہو اتو بتایا : وزیر اعلیٰ شہباز شریف نے ایک بار حوالہ دیا تو میں نے کہا تھا: اگر وہ قاعدے قرینے سے کام کرے تو بجا وگرنہ اٹھا پھینکئےKick him out”” ۔ اللہ اللہ خیر صلّا ۔ اخبار نویس کو پہلے سے معلوم تھا کہ میجر کامران کا کاروبار مسلسل سکڑ رہا ہے اور افواہوں کا کاروبار اسی رفتار سے فروغ پذیر ہے۔ مثال کے طور پر لاہور میں جنرل کیانی کا فارم ہاؤس، دوکنال کا ایک پلاٹ نکلا، جو کسی کی عنایت نہیں ۔ کیا اس کے بھائی بھی اتنے ہی ؟ نہیں معلوم ، تحقیق طلب ہے اور تفصیل پھر کبھی۔ لاہور میں اس کا شراکت دار بہرحال ایک نجیب آدمی ہے ۔ پچاس سال سے جسے جانتا ہوں ، جب وہ ساتویں کا طالبِ علم تھا۔
عالمِ اسلام کی سب سے بڑی فوج کے سربراہ نہیں بالاخر یہ ایک آدمی سے ملاقات تھی، ایک زندہ آدمی سے ۔ سب کچھ ایک کالم میں سما نہیں سکتا ، پھر لکھوں گا۔ میرا احساس بہرحال یہ ہے کہ اشاروں ، کنایوں کی بجائے اخبار نویسوں کو تحقیق کرنی چاہئیے اور ہر چیز الم نشرح کر دینی چاہئیے۔نقرئی ، سیاہ، بھورا،گلابی اور آتشیں، سب کچھ۔
دور سے آدمی اور طرح کے لگتے ہیں، قریب سے اور ۔ بات تحقیق سے کھلتی ہے ۔ تعصبا ت گمراہ کرتے ہیں ۔ پسند اور ناپسند اثر انداز ہوتی ہے اور ہم ایسے لوگ ہیں جو رائے قائم کرنے میں تعجیل سے کام لیتے ہیں ۔ وہ غور و فکر کا آدمی ہے ، بے حد غور و خوض کا۔ ریاضت اور بے حد ریاضت ۔ محبِ وطن اور حد درجہ محبِ وطن مگر ظاہر ہے کہ فرشتہ نہیں ۔ شرمیلا، صاحبِ مطالعہ ، خوش اخلاق اور بے حد صابر۔ وہ ایک نوکری پیشہ جفاکش تھا جو لیڈر بن گیا اور جس کے کندھوں پر اب آندھیوں میں گھری قوم کی ذمہ داری ہے ۔ایسے آدمی کے باب میں جو زیادتی کریں ، وہ خاک چاٹتے ہیں کہ صبر کا محض اجر نہیں ہوتا، اللہ صابر کا نگہبان ہوتا ہے ۔ ملٹری آپریشنز ، آئی ایس آئی اور پھر فوج کے سربراہ کی حیثیت سے ، وہ کرّہ ارض پر قیامت اٹھانے والے ایک عہد کا وہ سب سے اہم گواہ ہے ۔ جنرل نے اپنی خودنوشت لکھی تو اتنا کچھ بے نقاب ہو گا کہ لوگ دنگ رہ جائیں۔ اس سے پہلے مجھ ایسے بہت سے گواہ لکھیں گے ۔تب تک انتظار کہ مالک نے ہر چیز کا وقت مقرر کر رکھا ہے ۔ و الی اللہ ترجع الامور۔۔۔ اور معاملات تو اسی کے سپرد ہیں ۔
اضافہ: تنقیدی مضامین اور مزاحیہ پروگراموں کی بھرمار ہے ۔ کچھ تنقید بجا ، کچھ حاسد اور کچھ بھاڑے کے ٹٹو۔ صد شکر کہ صبر کرنا سیکھ لیا ہے ۔ ہمیں کام اپنے ہی کام سے ۔تیرے ذکر سے، تری فکر سے ، تری یاد سے ، تیرے نام سے ۔
5th Rightly Guided Caliph – brought to you by Haroon-ur-Rasheed
America Wants To Kill General Kayani:Haroon Rasheed Senior Journalist
The devotional piece on “Commander-in-Chief Ashfaq Pervaz Kayani” appearing in one of our leading papers deserves to be framed and put up in all army messes and auditoriums. “A man not fully understood…a completely positive man…the most striking thing about this unique individual being his capacity for hard work from early morning till late at night…a solitary man who will remain thus until his last breath…(so simple that) in his household only one dish is cooked…the son working in Army Welfare Trust but father and son so careful that every month his pay cheque is returned to the same organisation…in the quiet of the night holding his emotions under check as he explains (the cruel rumours about his brother’s business undertakings)…a man of reflection, deep reflection…patriotic and limitlessly patriotic but obviously not an angel…those saying ill of such a man deserve to lick dust.”
With such qualities surely no ordinary mortal but a new Salahuddin Ayubi. But what is to be said of the Pakistani nation which doesn’t recognise merit the way it should?
Who’s afraid of the holy warriors?
Ayaz Amir
Friday, February 24, 2012
ں۔ آرمی چیف جنرل اشفاق کیانی صاحب کے بارے میں سرکردہ اخبارات میں شائع ہونے والے عقیدت بھرے الفاظ سنہرے فریم میں سجا کرآرمی کے میس اور آڈیٹوریم میں رکھنے کے قابل ہیں:
”ذی فہم و ذی وقار ہیں مثبت روی کے ساتھ…ہر آن، ہر ساعت، بیدار و خرد مند… بے مثل بے مثال صلاحیتیں لئے…اور قوم کے لیے ہیں وہ حد درجہ درد مند…ہیں سخت کوش، محنتی ، مزدور پیشہ شاہ… دن رات سادگی سے ہی کرتے ہیں وہ نباہ…دشواریوں کا سامنا زندہ دلی کے ساتھ…اولاد کے لیے ہیں وہ مثلِ چراغ ِ راہ“۔ اُن کی استقامت (ظاہر ہے) اظہر من الشمس ہے اور اُنھوں نے اپنا دامن دنیاوی آلائشوں سے محفوظ رکھا ہے۔ اُن کا بیٹا بھی (بھائی کے بارے میں حاسدوں کی پھیلائی ہوئی کچھ افواہیں ہیں، اُن کو جانے دیں) فوج کے ویلفیئر ٹرسٹ میں کام کرتا ہے لیکن باپ اور بیٹا مالی معاملات میں حددرجہ محتاط ہیں۔ ایسے محب ِ وطن شخص پر طعنہ زنی کرنے والے منہ کی کھائیں گے۔ عقل حیران ہے کیونکہ سنا تھا کہ صلاح الدین ایوبی صاحب مدتوں پہلے اس دارِ فانی کو داغ ِ مفارقت دے چکے ہیں ۔ اگر فی واقعی ایسا ہی ہے تو پاکستانی قوم از حد حق ناشناس ہے۔
جہادیوں سے کون خائف ہے؟…ایازا میر
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