Iran Saudi Arabia Proxy War Theory Archive

Saudi-Swedish proxy war against polio workers and police in Pakistan: So yesterday, the Saudi-sponsored banned Takfiri Deobandi terrorist group Sipah Sahaba (aka ASWJ-LeJ) killed 6 policemen guarding polio workers. Renowned Deobandi atheist Fayaz Bad-Nami called it a Saudi-Swedish proxy war because Sweden was trying to impose Ikea furniture

شیخ نمر کی موت اور سعودی ایران پراکسی جنگ کا نظریہ: پرامن سعودی رہنما شیخ نمر کی مظلومانہ شہادت شیعہ سنی یا سعودی ایران مسئلہ نہیں جیسا بعض متعصب تکفیری وہابی اور دیوبندی خوارج بتا رہے ہیں۔ یہ ظالم اور مظلوم کا معاملہ ہے۔ ظالم بہانوں سے اپنا ظلم چھپا

Jeff Siddique explains the misunderstood false binary of Iran and Saudi Arabia: Ahmed: When are we going to realize that Iran is as bad as Saudi ? The mullah of Iran are worse than Wahhabis and contributed to much more death to the region. Saudis have interest selling oil Iran have

Kamran Bokhari uses falses Sunni-Shia binary to promote Saudi-CIA perspective, hides the Salafi-Sunni divide.: Editor’s note : Kamran Bokhari uses falses Sunni-Shia binary to promote Saudi-CIA perspective, hides the Salafi-Sunni divide. Apparently, he is doing a thesis on “Moderation Among Salafists and Jihadists”. In history, there are quite a few Bokharis who are

Saudi Arabia continues strengthening ISIS in Yemen – Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: If this is true, then Salafi-Deobandi ISIS is the Saudi proxy in Yemen against the indigenous Hanafi Zaydis and Shafis Yemenis. ISIS killing Yemeni soldiers delineates this conflict as one where the Saudis with their intense bombing in

Viewpoint: How far is Saudi-Iranian rivalry fuelling Yemen war?: Salafi power Saudi Arabia has – deliberately or otherwise – projected the fighting in Yemen as a proxy war with regional Shia rival Iran, though this is a dangerous mischaracterisation of the conflict. The Saudis see growing Iranian influence

France 24 TV debunks Pakistan’s secular sectarians’ false Sunni-Shia binary – Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: Attention to Pakistan’s Pseudo Sufyani Liberals, Secular Sectarianists and Muawiya Marxists, The following short documentary by France 24 blows a giant hole in the Intellectually Dishonest “Sunni vs Shia”/”Iran vs Saudi” binaries that you have been peddling to

Guidelines for the victims of ongoing Genocide in Pakistan: When you are attacked as you worship, immediately stop doing that and lie down in a straight line, as it will help in your identification and mass grave later Do not fight with the attackers as you will

An open letter to Blame-The-Victims brigade – Syed Farrukh Abbas: Since Iran Saudi Proxy war or Tabba’ra and Drone Ka Reaction theory is not applicable, Daeshbags are now trying to blame the Christian Community for killing two ” Suspects ” who were found with guns and according to the

The Salafi-Deobandi Vatican Proxy War? Saudi Chief Salafi Cleric decrees for the destruction of all churches in Gulf: The poor Saudi chief cleric is just engaging in a “sectarian” “proxy war” with Vatican-backed Christians in Pakistan who want to impose high-quality, under-appreciated health, education, professional, sanitary, entertainment, security and cultural services in Pakistan. It is thanks

The Christian massacre in Lahore, Deobandi clerics and Pakistani media – Ale Natiq: In the aftermath of the slaughter of 18 Christians in Lahore Yohanabad churhces, not surprised that Pakistani media, Deobandi clerics and the irrelevant idealist human rights champions are spending more time taking on Christian mob who killed two instead

نظریہ ردعمل کی تاویلیں پیش کرنے والے دیوبندی علما اور داعشوروں سے سوال – از م ا ق: ہاں جی، کہاں ہیں “نظریہ ردعمل” کی تاویلیں پیش کرنے والے “جید علما” جو اب اس حیوانی ردعمل پہ نوحہ کناں ہیں؟ – امام بارگاہ میں دیوبندی/وہابی پھٹے تو تاویل دی گئی کہ شیعہ عظمتِ صحابہ کا منکر

تکفیری دیوبندیوں کے ہاتھوں مسیحیوں کا منظم قتل عام: کیا یہ سعودی عرب بمقابلہ ویٹی کن پراکسی وار ہے؟ – عامر حسینی: پاکستان میں اگر دیوبندی تکفیری دھشت گردوں کے ہاتھوں ہونے والی شیعہ نسل کشی کو آیران – سعودی پراکسی وار کا رنگ دیا جاسکتا ہے تو آج عیسائیوں کے ان کے کلیسا میں ہونے والے قتل عام کو

Haider al-Abadi, not Qasem Soleimani, is the real hero of Iraq’s war against ISIS – by Abdul Nishapuri: In the background of the Iraqi Armed forces’ recent success against ISIS in Tikrit, some naive Pakistani Shias are displaying pictures of Qasem Soleimani, Hassan Nasrallah, Khamenei while others are foolishly displaying flags and banners of Iran, Hezbollah etc.

A comment on Vali Nasr’s lecture in Karachi on “Sectarianism in Muslim politics globally and in Pakistan” – by Abdul Nishapuri: Related post: Vali Nasr’s problematic discourse on ‘Sunni-Shia sectarianism’ On 22 November 2014, Professor Vali Nasr delivered a lecture at the Habib University Karachi on the “growing role of sectarianism in Muslim politics globally and in Pakistan” . Nasr,

Vali Nasr’s problematic discourse on ‘Sunni-Shia sectarianism’: This false Sunni-Shia and Saudi-Iran binary by Vali Nasr is a major disservice to thousands of Sunni and Shia Muslims, Christians, Yezidis, Kurds and other communities who are being massacred in countries as diverse as Nigeria, Kenya, Syria, Libya,

Javed Ghamidi’s false neutrality: Shias and Sunnis are beheading each other in Pakistan: On 1 November 2014, Pakistan’s “moderate” cleric Javed Ahmad Ghamidi discussed the significance of “Unity and Diversity (Shia Sunni Differences)” in Samaa Tv’s program Ghamidi Kay Saath (Host: Nida Sameer). In that program, Ghamidi said quite a few things

Mai Yamani confused by false Shia Sunni binary but makes some good points: Saudi Arabia’s pilgrimage to Pakistan: Editor’s note: Mai Yamani’s own article denies her narrative. Mai Yamani reduces a geopolitical conflict to a false Shia Sunni binary and a Iran Saudi conflict. This note should not be taken as blanket criticism as Mai does make some good points about

A Pashtun scholar recycles the Saudi-Iran proxy war theory to obfuscate Deobandi terrorism: These days, a Pshtun scholar is busy in painting the Shia genocide as an outcome of the Arab-Ajam or Arab-Iran war, ignoring the fact that Shia sect is essentially an Arab-origin sect with its roots in Makkah, Madinah, Najaf

نواز حکومت نے پاکستان کی خارجہ و سیکورٹی پالیسیوں کو سعودیہ عرب کا تابع کردیا – تجزیہ تعمیر پاکستان: سوموار کی شام پاکستان اور سعودیہ عرب نے علاقائی ایشوز پر مشترکہ موقف اختیار کرنے کا اعلان کیا سعودی وزیر دفاع اور ولی عهد پرنس سلیمان بن عبدالعزیز کے پاکستان کے تین روزہ دورے کے اختتام پر مشترکہ اعلامیہ

Rawalpindi riots and the original sin: So as my previous post goes, slowly the information has started to trickle down and we are getting to the see a much clearer picture of what really happened on the day of Ashura in Rawalpindi. By the way

Saudi Iran proxy war is one of key reasons for Pakistan’s unending terrorism – by Nasim Zehra: On 8 July 2013, Pakistan’s senior journalist Nasim Zehra who also happens to be a regular speaker at Sherry Rehman / Raza Rumi’s Jinnah Institute and Beena Sarwar’s Citizens for Democracy stated that Saudi-Iran proxy was was one of

Shia Hazara killings and Pakistan Government’s lies about Saudi Iran proxy war – by Dr Mohammad Taqi: Not that one expected the new federal and provincial dispensations to magically fix the terrorism problem but their initial handling of the discourse has not been very reassuring More than 50 innocent people killed in one day would

ایران،سعودی عرب،امریکا اور پاکستان – از حق گو: . پاکستان میں ہر گزرتے دن کے ساتھ یہ تاثر زورپکڑتا جا رہا ہے کے پاکستان میں ہونے والی شیعہ نسل کشی ایران اور سعودی عرب کی پراکسی وار ہے…اس تاثر کو تقویت دیتے ہیں وہ لوگ جو خود اس

Is Shia Genocide an outcome of Iran-KSA proxy war in Pakistan?: By alexpressed Read anything on Shia Genocide in Pakistan or watch an ‘analyst’ discussing it on one of those talk shows and you will definitely find this repeatedly: Iran-KSA proxy war. It has become a fashion to label the

Dr Taqi debunks Iran-Saudi proxy war theory that Najam Sethi and others use to obfuscate #ShiaGenocide: There is no indication that the dark night of Takfiri terrorism is about to lift its heinous shadow from Quetta’s Shia Hazara. Are 40 days enough of a respite for the Hazara to be digging mass graves for their

Najam Sethi continues to obfuscate #ShiaGenocide: During his Nightly Gossip show on Pakistan’s TV channel owned by the War (Jang) Group (Geo TV, Aaps Ki Baat 18 Feb 2013), Najam Sethi stepped up to obfuscate Shia Genocide in Pakistan. While acknowledging that the Pakistan Taliban,

Evidence of Shia genocide in Pakistan, one year before Iran’s Islamic revolution!: One of the most dishonest media tactics in Pakistan is to present the ongoing Shia Genocide as a Saudi-Iran proxy war. This serves multiple purposes, the most important of which is to deflect attention away from the State

Shia Genocide is not a Saudi-Iran proxy war – by Ali Taj: A debate that took place on a Facebook forum highlights the nature and reasons of Shia genocide in Pakistan. The conversation was initiated by a repetition of oft-repeated theories that are deeply insensitive to the victims who in this

Urgently required: Holocaust deniers for obscuring propaganda about Shia genocide in Pakistan – by Riaz Malik Hujjaji: Dear Ghairatmands, We urgently require good quality Holocaust Deniers. The powerful liberal fascist lobby is doing its best to spread propaganda that there is a Shia Genocide going on in Pakistan. Look at this baseless article: Is Shia genocide

Is Shia genocide in Pakistan an outcome of Saudi-Iran proxy war?: Editor’s Note: The following debate took place on a facebook forum that highlights the nature and reasons of Shia genocide in Pakistan. The conversation was initiated by a repetition of oft-repeated theories that are deeply insensitive to the victims in

Is Shia genocide an adequate term to describe the plight of Pakistan’s Shia Muslims?: Related posts: Misrepresentation of Shia genocide Shia genocide: what’s in a name? – by Dr. Taqi “If this isn’t Shia genocide, what is?” – by Zofeen Ebrahim Participate in international campaign to stop Shia genocide in Pakistan: Sample letters

State-sponsored Shia genocide or Sunni violence against Shia community? A response to Sadanand Dhume: Related post: ISI-sponsored #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan or Sunni-Shia sectarian violence? ‘Sectarian Violence’ or Gradual Genocide of Shia Muslims? – by Dr. Nakvisson Raza Rumi’s discourse on Pakistan’s Shia Muslims Is Shia genocide an adequate term to describe the plight of

Obfuscation by Sethi and Rumi in The Friday Times: Shia genocide by Deobandis in Pakistan or Sunni-Shia sectarian violence?: Related posts: ‘Sectarian Violence’ or Gradual Genocide of Shia Muslims? – by Dr. Nakvisson Raza Rumi’s discourse on Pakistan’s Shia Muslims Is Shia genocide an adequate term to describe the plight of Pakistan’s Shia Muslims? ISI-sponsored Shia genocide in

Media Review: DAWN’s insensitive portrayal of Shia killings: Related post: Is Shia genocide in Pakistan an outcome of Saudi-Iran proxy war? DAWN’s continual slide is best encapsulated in some of the editorial and opinion pieces today. For instance, Huma Yusuf’s “Sectarian Scourge” is a typical example of

Some common fallacies often shared by Taliban apologists and (fake) liberals: Related posts: Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan Unloading the entire blame of sectarian terrorism on Saudi Arabia and Iran is unfair – by Adnan Farooq LUBP archive on Shia genocide in Pakistan Here is a list

Unloading the entire blame of sectarian terrorism on Saudi Arabia and Iran is unfair – by Adnan Farooq: Source: View Point Related posts: Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan Some common fallacies often shared by Taliban apologists and (fake) liberals Iranian- Saudi war spills over to Pakistan: Unloading the entire blame on a foreign pedestal