Corrupt generals Archive

Human Rights of Pakistan Army – by Riaz Malik Hajjaji: Related posts: Appeal to international community: Impose travel restrictions on all senior officers of Pakistan army Urgent Petition: Stop Pakistan Army’s Crimes against Humanity On BBC’s Secret Pakistan and Ejaz Haider: Their denials and propagandists – by Abbas Daiyar

American Empire takes over American Republic—-By Shiraz Paracha: Warmongers in the Empire of America are preparing for their ‘Pakistan Adventure’ as helpless but peace loving citizens of the Republic of America watch with horror how a very powerful group of people and institutions is pursuing a murderous agenda in the

Army Major arrested in Pakistan Railways copper heist case: LAHORE: The Pakistan Army on Monday confirmed the arrest of a serving Major in Pakistan Railway’s (PR) copper stealing scam. PR authorities said a train with copper wire was sent from Khanewal to Lahore where the wire was to

Court orders seizure of Musharraf’s property: An anti-terrorism court (ATC) on Saturday ordered seizure of Pervez Musharraf`s property and freezing of his bank accounts while declaring him absconder in the Benazir Bhutto assassination case. The order was issued by ATC-III Judge Shahid Raffique after the

All credit to Nawaz Sharif: Source: The Hindu, Editorial The recent remarks by Nawaz Sharif, the leader of Pakistan’s main opposition party, show that there are politicians in that country prepared to stand up against the populist view of India as dushman humsaya or the

Carving out new federating units for stronger federation: What is Federalism John Kincaid, Professor at Lafayette College in Pennsylvania and director of the College’s Meyner Center for the Study of State and Local Government gave a useful definition of federalism: Federalism is essentially a system of voluntary

Remembering Habib Jalib Baloch —by Sanaullah Baloch: While in the Musharraf era, the focus of the establishment was to eliminate patriots from the Baloch tribal elite such as Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, the current strategy has shifted to the destruction of the middle strata leadership to

Tere dar pe sanam chale aai: On General Pasha’s visit to Washington: Army Chief says: ‘momin hou tau bey AID bhi larta hai sipahi’ Corps commanders’ meeting: Army shrugs off ‘punitive’ aid cut-off by US On the other hand, General Pasha is going to Washington today to revive aid and clarify any

Going ‘Dutt’ against America -by Khaled Ahmed: Today, most leaders say they would have stood up defiantly (dutt jata) in the face of the American request to join its war on terror. Former president Pervez Musharraf is being abominated for kowtowing to the Americans; and General

Is Pakistan “more shameless” than the US? – by B. R. GOWANI: The author Christopher Hitchens, a former leftist turned US patriot, in an article in the July issue of the Vanity Fair, blasts Pakistan for the various ills bedeviling that country. Another of his point is that Pakistan is extracting

Time to change: ‘Iman, Taqwa, Jihad fi Sabilillah’–by Shiraz Paracha: India centric mindset of the Pakistan military is one of the root causes of Pakistan’s problems. From generals to soldiers most men in the armed forces are paranoid about India and some have racist tendencies, too. This mindset has

In Pakistan, denial is easier than heartbreak: Pakistanis have long revered their Army as heroic and pure. Now, they’re coming to terms with the fact that it might not be as awesome as they thought. Denial is a natural reaction. By Nzaar Ihsan Doha, Qatar Ever

Will CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry resign this year? – by Ali Sher Mussali: There is a rumour in market of politics that a round of talks had taken place between CJ’s party Supreme League of Pakistan (SLOP) and Nawaz Sharif’s party PMN-N during 2009. Both parties reached an agreement that Chief Justice

Radicals in ranks -by Abdullah Malik: Takes a look at incidents of support for terrorists from within the armed forces and police Despite Gen Zia’s Islamisation, the promotion of piety in the barracks, and the support for puritanical movements that were allowed to organise sermons,

Saleem Shahzad murdered by Pakistani security service: Saleem Shahzad had warned that the authorities might act against him and revealed a previous threat. by Andrew Buncombe A surge of outrage and grief jolted Pakistan last night after the discovery of the body of a journalist who

Es ghar ko aag lag gayi , ghar ke chirag se -by Arshad Mahmood: Originally published in the ‘Daily AajKal’.

Outsource defense of Pakistan -by Waseem Altaf: It is now proven beyond doubt, after Sunday’s incident at PNS Mehran that after years of meddling into matters which do not relate to them, our so called valiant armed forces have been rendered, completely neutralized to take on

Aye watan ke sajeeley jarnailo!!!: Disclaimer: The poem is about the Generals not the Jawaans of Pakistan Armed forces, who have sacrificed their lives fighting in the war games inflicted upon them by the Generals pursuing hyper-extension of their strategic influence, causing millions of

To the honourable generals of Pakistan army – by Rashid Aurakzai: In the aftermath of Osama bin Laden’s discovery by the US commandos in a Safe House in the garrison town of Abbottabad, it feels as if we, Pakistanis, are going through a horrible dream of being naked in public.

Pakistan: ISI rigged elections -by Inam R Sehri: On 2nd May 2011 evening, PPP ultimately joined hands with PML(Q) and offered them 18 slots in executive allocating them different assignments, mostly carrying ministreal perks. The young generation knows them little from days of Gen Musharraf when they

Pakistan belongs to Captain Hammad and Mastois not Mukhtaran, Zarina and Shazia Khalid: کیپٹن حماد اور مستوئیوں کا پاکستان ایما ڈنکن نے ضیاء دور کے اپنے قیام کا سیاسی سفرنامہ لکھتے ہوئے اپنی ہر شعبہ زندگی کے لوگوں سے ملاقاتوں کے حوالے سے اس بات کا خصوصیت سے تذکرہ کیا تھا کہ

Musharraf’s “non-political” journey – by D. Asghar: As usual our former President Musharraf was throwing pies in the sky. In a recent interview to a popular daily, he made a tall claim. He was going to be back in the country before the year end. He

The military should apologize for Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s judicial murder – by Shiraz Paracha: Related posts: LUBP archive on Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Parrot writers and journalists in Pakistan always praise the position of a serving Army Chief. Those who have sold their souls tell us how great the military’s top brass is. It

Pakistani Soldiers and Bahraini Mogambo – by Danial Lakhnavi: Related articles: Recruitment of Bahrain National Guards in Lahore to kill Shia protesters in Bahrain بحرین میں پاکستانی بندوق برداروں کی بھرتی اور اہل وطن کے رویوں پر تحریر بحرین میں عوامی احتجاج اور اس کے خلاف ریاستی تشدد

Breaking News: Pakistan army exports new mercenaries to kill Bahraini protesters: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Bahrain Recruitment of Bahrain National Guards in Lahore to kill Shia protesters in Bahrain Pakistani Soldiers and Bahraini Mogambo – by Danial Lakhnavi Overseas Employment Services: Fauji Foundation headhunts for Bahrain’s security units By

Age relaxation for CSS 2012 exam Part 1 – by Shamoon Qureshi: This post is related to CSS candidates’ age relaxation and I would like to offer some recommendation based on comparative analysis of age limits in our neighboring countries which are also common wealth sovereign states that how they relax

The Case of Cholistan’s Stolen Land – by Ayesha Siddiqa: Anyone passing through lower Cholistan, especially if they happen to be participating in the famous Cholistan jeep rally, will not fail to notice the prominent Lashkare Tayyaba (LeT) and Jamat-ud-Daawa (JuD) wall-chalkings. One of the slogans decries India for

The pipe dreams of General Musharraf – by D. Asghar: Our “saviour and moderately enlightened leader”, none other than former President and General Musharraf is facing a shoe in London. Some disgruntled person at the meeting of newly originated party, “All Pakistan Muslim League, dislodged the footwear. It never

The tale of ‘general’ Usmani – By Ayesha Siddiqa: This is not the story of Lt-General (retd) Muzaffar Usmani of the 1999 martial law fame, but that of an ordinary travel agent from Bahawalpur, Waqar Usmani, who eventually came to be known as ‘general’ Usmani due to his

Will Pakistan’s FREE judiciary try army generals for treason?: Here is a classic case of the selective morality of Pakistan’s urban, pro-establishment class. Where are Imran Khan, Munawar Hassan and Nawaz Sharif? Were are Aitzaz Ahsan, Hamid Khan and Justice Wajihuddin Ahmed? Where are Hamid Mir, Ansar Abbasi,

General Kayani explains his position on WikiLeaks via Haroon-ur-Rashid: Related article: Kayani dictates talking points to “free media” A number of key writers in Pakistan’s Urdu and English press have been recently ‘tasked’ to repair the image of the GHQ and General Kayani. The notable amongst them are:

Exposing Pakistan Army’s land corruption: Well done, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan!: PAC comes down hard on defence secretary * Committee directs secretary to be better prepared in next meeting * Audit officials say army using govt land falling in A-1 category worth Rs 120.767bn for commercial purposes By Zeeshan Javaid

We never asked you to investigate the role of ISI and MI in Benazir Bhutto’s murder: Here is a latest example of the notorious Teen Jeem Alliance (the pro-military establishment alliance of Pakistan’s judiciary, army and media). This news item was carefully censored or de-prioritized by most newspapers and TV channels in Pakistan. According to

An account of invaluable services of the ISI to the nation – by Muhammad Ali: ISI, the Inter Services Intelligence, an agency members of whom were found guilty of raping more than 35000 women in East Pakistan. 1386 members of the famous ISI were recommended to be trailed in the Hamood ur Rehman Commission’s

General Musharraf (and his military establishment) killed Benazir Bhutto – by Hamid Mir: شہید بی بی کو اپنے قاتل کا پتہ تھا قلم کمان …حامد میر وہ نومبر 2007ء کی ایک خوشگوار صبح تھی لیکن محترمہ بینظیر بھٹو کچھ افسردہ اور پریشان نظر آرہی تھیں۔ انہوں نے مجھے زرداری ہاؤس اسلام آباد

On General Musharraf’s betrayal by General Kayani – by pejamistri: In a recent interview General Pervez Musharraf has admitted that he was indeed betrayed by no other than his own generals. Saleem Safi (Geo TV) asked him out of the politicians he acquainted with during his era whom he

Can the Left become relevant to Islamic Pakistan? – by Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy: The left has always been a marginal actor on Pakistan’s national scene. While this bald truth must be told, in no way do I wish to belittle the enormous sacrifices made by numerous progressive individuals, as well as small

Pakistan’s powerful religious right: How Islam has shaped modern Pakistan – by Urmila Venugopalan: It’s Unfortunate that native Sufi Islam in Pakistan has become threatened by Wahabi Islam(Saudi Arabia’s official Islamic ideology), especially in many areas of the northwestern area and southern Punjab. The mordancy, of course, is that Wahabism was imported into