Corrupt generals Archive

The fall of Dhaka: a personal narrative – by Hassan N. Gardezi: December 16, 1971 was a gray and chilly winter day in Canada. We had just turned of the TV after watching the ritual of Gen. (Tiger) Niazi surrendering East Pakistan to an Indian commander displayed on the evening news

Asif Zardari’s corruption in French submarine deal: Agosta submarine deal – Benazir, Zardari not involved: ex-naval spy chief Former director-general of Naval Intelligence Commodore (retd ) Shahid Ashraf has said that President Asif Ali Zardari and former prime minister Benazir Bhutto were not involved in the

Army must take over in India to curb rampant corruption: Given the usual ‘politicians are corrupt’ mantra which is often recited by Pakistan army generals (and their agents in Pakistani media and blogs) to sabotage democratic governments and justify coup d’etat, Indian army too must avail from the excellent

NLC: Yet another evidence of Pakistan army’s financial corruption – by Rauf Klasra: Related articles: Corrupt politicians and our saviours in army Zardari’s corruption and our saviours in Pakistan Army In defense of Nawaz Sharif: Are our politicians corrupt? Is Pakistan Army a sacred cow? PML-N’s fact sheet on corrupion of our

Leaks show US government always knew that Pakistan was misusing US taxpayers’ money -by Dr. Azeem Ibrahim: The deal President Bush struck with Pakistan’s General Musharraf seemed straightforward enough: Pakistan would fight terrorists, and the US would pay for it. Islamabad promised to train, equip, and deploy its army and intelligence service in counter-terrorism operations. Washington

Myth busted: Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry got a plot in 2002 from General Musharraf – by Rauf Klasra: Here is a breaking news story by Rauf Klasra which speaks about the ‘institutional corruption’ and opportunism of Pakistani bureaucrats. Let us see if our Insaf tiger, Imran Khan, and his Talibanic mentor Munawar Hassan direct their guns towards

Benazir’s murder probe extends to Musharraf: The investigation into the assassination of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto has been extended to former president Gen (r) Pervez Musharraf and a questionnaire carrying 32 questions has been sent to him abroad, a private TV channel reported on

Corruption aur jamhooriat – by Nazir Naji: ایسا صرف جمہوریت میں ہوتا ہے… سویرے سویرے …نذیرناجی معیشت اپنے پیروں پر کھڑی ہو اور کسی دوسرے سے قرض مانگ کر اپنے معاملات چلانے کی علت نہ ہو‘ تو پاکستان تیسری دنیا کے ملکوں سے زیادہ مختلف نہیں۔

The Quaid’s address to Pakistani generals and their pseudo-liberal (middle class urban) soldiers – by Hakim Hazik: Related article: Another pseudo-liberal muck-raking of the PPP: So what’s new? – by Qudsia Siddiqui Onward Middle Class Soldiers Dear patriatic jernails af Pakistan, this is your Quaid ispeaking. Dear jernails, we isloot the services that you have undertaken

No contradiction when it comes to Gen. Kiyani – by Adnan Farooq: One expression of hegemony that in Antonio Gramsci’s view sustains rulers in power, is self-censorship practiced by mainstream media professionals. Here is a case in point: Noted Geo-anchorperson and Jang-columnist, Hamid Mir, in his column last week (November 04)

Bush faults Pakistan on extremism: "In his book "Decision Points" published Tuesday, Bush said he had "complex" relations with Pakistan and its former military leader Pervez Musharraf, who pledged to support the United States after the September 11, 2001 attacks."

The real story- by Peja Mistri: ISI routinely hires Pakistan’s right wing journalists to feed the stories in order to improve the image of military mafia. Such stories are usually very abstract and are written by the ISPR ”master minds” in such a way which

The holy cows in uniform – by M Usama Kabbir: This is a bird’s eye view of military control in Pakistan. It is easy to point out and criticize ‘Democratic Political Governments’ for their incompetence and their ‘force’ of cabinet members who are a burden on the “National Treasury”

General Ziauddin’s revelations – by Mohammed Hanif: بٹ اچھا، بدنام برا گزشتہ چند ہفتوں سے آئی ایس آئی کے سابق سربراہ اور بارہ اکتوبر 1999 کو چند گھنٹوں کے لیے اپنے آپ کو پاک فوج کا سپہ سالار سمجھنے والے جنرل خواجہ ضیالدین بٹ شہ سرخیوں

Our saviours in army: Two top generals found involved in yet another multi-million-rupee corruption – by Rauf Klasra: Two top army generals have been found involved in yet another multi-million-rupee scam in the National Logistics Cell (NLC) after it was disclosed in aPublic Accounts Committee (PAC) meeting on Tuesday that the pair had quietly given a loan

Pakistan army’s Taliban strategy – by Kamran Shafi: Making sense of it all WHEN Musharraf made his U-turn on the Taliban upon American `urging` after 9/11, some of us thought he meant it. And, being the boss of bosses of the establishment of the Land of the

Military Mullah Nexus – by Shahid Mahmood: Related articles on LUBP: General Ahmad Shuja Pasha’s letter to Mullah Baradar – by Hakim Hazik Taliban Apologist Court bars extradition of Mullah Baradar It is not a self-created tragedy that almost one million people gave up their lives

Transparency International’s damning report on Pakistan’s judiciary and army: An interesting fact which remains, in the main, ignored in various reports and media analyses of the Transparency International Pakistan’s Corruption Perception Index is the mentioning of two institutions which are ranked as most corrupt in today’s Pakistan, i.e.

Pakistan’s Corrupt Generals: An Analysis: By: MUAHAMMAD AAMIR MUGHAL It was Hameed Gul who briefed Zia against the Geneva Accords and got the ISI to badmouth Yaqub Khan who was right once again (after East Pakistan) in siding with prime minister Junejo who had

PML-N alliance with Musharraf League: Tariq Azeem to meet Nawaz in London: It seems, the Pakistan Muslim league Nawaz and it’s Chief Mian Nawaz Sharif have not learnt a lessons from past experiences.This is a true perception that, the PML-N and it’s leadership always went for their vested interest rather going after

‘Chief Sahab’ how was this ‘interview’ possible under house arrest? – by Farhad Jarral and Hafsa Khawaja: A few baffling events have come into view, including the situations that occurred during the tumultous time of Musharraf’s November 3 Emergency and the Judiciary Movement such as the interviews conducted by various media names with CJ Iftikhar Muhammad

Ansar Abbasi at his best, yet again- by Ali Asad: This is the latest from from Ansar Abbasi’s bag. His report titled “Benazir, Musharraf joined hands to keep Nawaz out” was published in The News on October 17, 2010. He has referred Shaikh Rashid for this revelation. These

Pakistan army frees Taliban commander Mullah Baradar: Related articles on LUBP: General Ahmad Shuja Pasha’s letter to Mullah Baradar – by Hakim Hazik Taliban Apologist Court bars extradition of Mullah Baradar Pakistan has freed the supreme commander of the Taliban in Afghanistan, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar,

Who is security risk: politicians or army generals? – by Arshad Mahmood: Here is a though provoking column on patriotism and security risk published on 10 October 2010.

“Yeh ghazab to siasatdan bhee na kartay” – by Rauf Klasra: Army generals are the biggest thief in Pakistan. According to Rauf Klasra, there is a list in making process (Bangladesh model?) to replace the current political setup and these so called technocrats (civil and military bureuacrats) are bigger thieves

BB & Zardari’s innocence in Swiss Courts — by Sikandar Mehdi: Musharraf has himself spoken that no case was proven against them. Musharraf has spoken once again. In his one of the recent interviews he has said plainly that there was no case proven against Benazir & Zardari. What

Welcome back Pervez Musharraf – by Ali Raja: A wide grin appeared on face my face as I recalled all those lovely little childhood stories. Stories which are the only asset a junior owns, stories around which his life revolves and stories which make a kid float

Enlightened Moderation, Part 2 – by Hakim Hazik: It is great to see the best and the brightest in Pakistan assembled for this historic occasion. I welcome Mr Sher Afgan Niazi, the foremost public intellectual of the Eastern hemisphere; Dr Naseem Ashraf, physician, philosopher and toad eater

A critical view on General Musharraf’s ‘All Pakistan Muslim League’ – by Shahid Mahmood: Former president Pervez Musharraf has launched a new political party, All Pakistan Muslim League, in London, thinking he is the only solution to the all problems he created himself in the modern era of Pakistani politics. Forget about the

Are times a-changin’ in Pakistan? – By Daud Khattak: Two and a half years of fragile democracy, war against terror, devastating floods, economic slow-downs, millions of displaced people, and now calls from the self-exiled leader of Urdu-speaking community in Karachi, Altaf Hussain, for a French-style “revolution.” Meanwhile, some

On Pakistani Navy’s forced Impounding of Baloch’s Land in Turbat – By Aamir Hussaini: Source: Daily Aajkal

Pakistan Peoples Party on the crossroads – by An LUBP Visitor: یوں لگتا ہے کہ جو کام ضیاء الحق، غلام اسحاق خان، پرویز مشرف، حمید گل اور ان کے سولین بغل بچے اپنی تمام تر قہر سامانیوں کے باوجود نہ کر پاے، وہ جنرل کیانی صاحب کے دور با برکات

Brutal extrajudicial killings by the Pakistan army – where is the media?: A very brutal video has recently been circulated on the internet. Taken by a cell phone camera it shows soldiers in Pakistan army uniform brutally killing a number of teenaged boys by first shooting them in a firing squad

Our expats: The Pakistanis living abroad, Part 2 – by Fawad Manzoor: In the original article( click here) I wrote about the negative contributions of our Ex-Pats with few positive ones. I was expecting the editor will hesitate in posting the article but I am glad he posted. I am also surprised that I

Objectives of Pakistani Conspiracy Theorists – by Anas Abbas: Objective 1. To denigrate Baluchistan’s resistance movements and to present a picture where the blame of all Baluch sufferings go to foreign elements even though the real culprits are the Punjabi elite and the Pakistan army for their military

Q and F merge to form APML: Pir Pagara, chief of the Pakistan Muslim League-Functional (PML-F) said all generals of the Pak Army are patriots, adding the Army would not force into the scene at anyone’s behest; instead, it would come on time. Talking to media

My comments to Azizi (Hasb e Hal) @ Dunya TV after Mushrraf’s telethon -by Faheem Aamer: My dear friends at screen, I appreciate your concern for three so called political parties’ hypocrisy. Yet I would like to draw your attention towards a fact that its not the hypocrisy of one political party or three political