Age relaxation for CSS 2012 exam Part 1 – by Shamoon Qureshi
This post is related to CSS candidates’ age relaxation and I would like to offer some recommendation based on comparative analysis of age limits in our neighboring countries which are also common wealth sovereign states that how they relax age to let competent people participate in the exam.
When Musharraf regime seized the power through military coup back in 1999, the best strategy for the regime was to control the government institutions and public offices effectively. Therefore, the concept of devolution of power to grass root level was revived and introduced with some changes in the departmental role of civil servants. Police Ordinance and DMG roles’ restructuring methods were made; this was only done to suite the vested interest of then regime. Tightening the age limit was also one of the tools which were applied to block the entry of competent persons through this perilous process of examination. The other ulterior motive was to allow contractual hiring of favorites on the key positions on the pretext of available less experienced and relatively young age for the required positions. As a result the retired servicemen regained the ‘lost paradise’ and clung to the position they had been retired from. It is really commendable that Supreme Court eventually took notice and null and void all contractual hired consequently paving the way for within department promotions.
On May 17, a senate standing committee had oragnized a debate on age relaxation in FPSC offered job (other than competitive exam, proceeding is available on the internet), the initiative was taken by Senator Haji Ghulam Ali. The proposal of age relaxation was unanimously accepted. It is beyond logic that why government is reluctant to take competent people onboard by just removing a restriction imposed by a dictator, even though candidates would secure their seats on competition basis. Why governemnt is not allowing them to take just exam and prove their competency? Age restriction was imposed on about a decade ago, since then education system have undergone a number of changes e.g. now universities are offering FOUR YEARS GRADUATION PROGRAM. To complete this education, one has to study four years, therefore, 28 years of age makes no sense. Secondly, after completion of education a number of candidates join private sector to eke out their living and to support their families. How is it possible for an average middle class to continue the studies without supporting his or her family? In 2008, SPSC has given 10 years of age relaxation to aspirant to appear in exam and prove their competency, as a result number of candidates appeared and only handful of ‘best of the best’ could make it. What’s a problem with CSS exam? However, there is a rumour that goverment would relax age by 5 years and education qualification would be 16 years but not cleared yet.
On 24, June 2010, Establishment division had issued an Office Memorandum (No: 9/2/91-R-5), as ‘Most Immediate’ was mentioned on it, regarding Clarification on general age relaxation of upper limit prescribed in recruitment rule. In this memorandum, the general age relaxation is given for five years to all posts except through CSS. No one could understand the reason or logic behind this decision. Why the whole government seems reluctant to let aspirant compete and take best of the best on board? The point#2 of this office memorandum is read as:
“2- In light of the recommendation of the Senate Standing Committee, the Ministries/Divisions/Departments are advised that hence-forth, the concession of 5 years general relaxation in upper age limit shall be clubbed with the maximum age limit of the post n their advertisments. In case usual upper age limit of posts in various Basic Pay Scales is as in column (2) below, the maximum age limit shall be as in column (4) below:”
BPS | Age Limit | General Age Relaxation | Maximum Age Limit |
1-15 | 25 years | +5 years | 30 years |
16 | 28 years | +5 years | 33 years |
17 | 30 years | +5 years | 35 years |
18 | 35 years | +5 years | 40 years |
19 | 40 years | +5 years | 45 years |
20 | 45 years | +5 years | 50 years |
21 | 50 years | +5 years | 55 years |
It is quite ridiculous that, the BPS 17 person of ex-cadre is given 5 years age relaxation and age limit is already set 30 years but for the CSS exam, age is restricted to 28!
On July 1, 2010 Chairman FPSC has presented the annual report to the Honorable President Mr. Asif Ali Zardari and explained the dearth of competent candidates especially from Sindh (rural/urban). In order to retain and attract the smartest people in the civil services the president had ordered to give incentives to the bureaucrats and young civil servants in terms of constructing high rise buildings and increased pay packages. It is indeed a good move forward but the basic question remains unanswered that how would government attract ‘competent’ people for civil services? In 2008, the annual report was presented to the president highlighting some problems in which the prime one was ‘declining education standard’, the real road block for skiming out best of the best; in 2006, approx 82% and 68% were failed in Essay and English Precis Writing respectively. This percentage rose to 92% in English Precis Writing, quite pathetic. On the basis of such drastic and declining education standards, the recruitment system was gravely demanding improvement. Owing to this need, consultants were hired through word bank as stated in annual report 2008 which is as follows:
c) Improvement in CSS Recruitment System.
Consultants hired through World Bank have completed their study
on CSS recruitment system and after thorough analysis, FPSC’s
recommendations for improvements have been forwarded to the
Government. Modifications and changes in our present system are
essential in order to bring CSS recruitment system in line with modern
day requirements and practices.
Consultants’ fee was payed off from tax payers’ money yet we are unable to implement the changes suggested by them. We are so much radical and conservatives that we seem always in love with our old archaic practices. Why can’t we adapt to global changing patterns? I think that is why we are backwarded, war torn and extremism ridden society although we are a nuclear state. Simply, we don’t want to get change, we don’t want to mend our ways and don’t want to learn from the history.
India and Bangladesh have very flexible and relaxing age criteria for the prospective candidates of Civil services having graduation as academic qualification. India, Pakistan and Bangladesh have the same system of government as inherited from the British Raj. But how the others evolved their system to compete the modern challenges of globalization and how naïve are we to complicate the system to suite a regime’s vested interest. India and Bangladesh has age limit of between 21 to 30 but they facilitate to have maximum participation for it is the democratic right of every ‘capable and competent’ person to serve his or her country. Please see below the criteria of both neighboring countries; India and Bangladesh.
i. A candidate must have attained 21 years and not be over 30 years on August 1 of the year of examination.
ii. The upper age limit is relaxed in specific cases as mentioned below:
a. upto a maximum of 5 years if the candidate belongs to SC/ST.
b. upto a maximum of 3 years if the candidate belongs to Other Backward Classes.
c. upto a maximum of 5 years if the candidate had been domiciled in Jammu & Kashmir during the period between January 1, 1980 and December 31, 1989.
d. upto a maximum of 3 years in the case of Defence Services personnel disabled during hostilities with foreign countries or in a disturbed area and consequently released.
e. upto a maximum of 5 years in the case of ex-servicemen including Commissioned Officers and ECOs / SSCOs who have rendered at least five years Military Service as on August 1 of the year of examination and have been released:
o on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year from August 1 of the year of examination) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency, or
o on account of physical disability attributable to Military Service, or
o on invalidment.
f. upto a maximum of 5 years in the case of ECOs / SSCOs who have completed an initial period of assignment (5 years Military Service) as on August 1 of the year of examination and whose assignment has been extended beyond 5 years. Such candidates will have to provide a certificate from the Ministry of Defence stating that they can apply for civil employment and they will be released on a notice of 3 months, upon selection, from the date of receipt of offer of appointment.
g. upto a maximum of 10 years in the case of blind, deaf-mute and orthopaedically handicapped candidates.
• If not a child of a freedom fighter or a candidate for health cadre, the age should be between 21 to 30 years on the first day of advertisement year.
• If the candidate is a child of a freedom fighter or he/she is a candidate for health cadre, the age should be between 21 to 32 years on the first day of advertisement year.
• If the candidate is a scheduled tribal group member, the age should be between 21 to 32 years on the first day of advertisement year.
I would strongly suggest the government and policy makers to enhance the age limit to 35 years and qualification criteria to at least 16 years. Most of the universities are offering now four years graduation program i.e. candidates are getting 16 years of education as compared to previously 14 years of education.
This will help to cut down unnecessary training costs abroad for the people of this mature age would also bring some experience coupled with expertise with them to run the business of state effectively.
It is requested to Honorable President of Pakistan Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, Chief Justice of Pakistan Mr. Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudry and His Excellency Mr. Yousuf Raza Gilani to please look into this matter and do needful. Our President has claimed in his Birmingham speech that he is a common people’s president and vigilantly aware of peoples’ problems and issues.
Therefore, it is requested to Mr. President to specially look into this matter being the Awami Saddar.
The author is a freelance writer, having rich corporate sector experience. He can be reached at
this is really a gud effort and is a dire need of time to extand the age limit.
LUBP welcomes writings and contributions from friends who wants to draw attention of the people towards real issue and offers its space if someone contradict the data, facts and arguments provided by the writer in his excellent post…
We also welcome Shamoon Qureshi to write pieces like that as its the way to be engaged in discussions and debates to construct and influence views and opinions
CSS is very tough exam, age relaxation is necassary to serve country in a better way with better talent. I love my country and want to join civil services in order to serve my country. Unfortunately, I am 29 years old and not able to join Civil services through CSS due to age factor.
Asif Amin- Karachi
This is indeed the foremost need of the youth of this country which is having multiple social and economic challenges altogether and thus exceeding in their age while fighting to these disparities.Given the current political, bureaucratic and economic turmoil,there is dire need to bring more matured people in bureaucracy so that they be able to serve their country with more devotion and farsightedness.
Well Shamoon, as suggested by other fellows at the CSS forum that we should move to the court as well to get our due right as I don’t wont to tell my children a story: “Once upon a time I appeared in CSS exam and got failed in the paper of English Essay, although I have 2 other chances to appear in the exam but could not do so as I crossed the ‘age bar’ of 28 years. Do you know why it happened to me? Then I have to tell you my children that I started my job (a lower rank one) at the age 20 when I just finished up with my B.Sc exams as my father has been retired from an ordinary government job and his pension was being fixed in a few thousands. Although during this period I supported my family during their hard times and also completed my remaining education while dreaming to becoming a CSP (an honest CSP! having no negative intentions in my mind whatsoever); but the time passed like a rocket and made me a 29 year “old man” who is not allowed to appear in CSS exam for rest of his life. So my children! Moral of the story is that to please qualify the CSS exams and to become a CSP as before leaving this world I want to see ‘myself’ a CSP ”
Imran Javaid
i m master in English but my age is 29.It should be extremely find if the age limit will raise up to 35 years.
Yes. CSS aspirants are in dire need of age relaxation. I hope peoples government will resolve this geniune issue.
Thank you all of you who have posted their comments, be it for or against. I really appreciate that you have taken your time out and read out my article with diligence and interest. I am indebted to your obligation.
1- In my opinion it is very imperative that age bar be lifted up to let competent people participate in this exam. Remember the Peter Principle, which says that man is promoted to the level his incompetence. This exam is acting like a filter where only certain level of competence can pass through and rest are filtered out. This is done to fix them in the state machinery to run the government affairs smoothly. If one is capable then why he/she be afraid of competition? Let all competent people enter the arena and then prove your competence. My dear come out of this ‘ostrich type’ approach, learn how to face trouble. Pakistan need quality not quantity, there is a dearth of cadre whereas crowd is abundant.
2- Those who are worried and concerned about the promotions of the young batch mates to BPS 21 and 22 while some more aged people would be retired and suffer anxiety. I would say, please don’t worry and have chill and remember peter principle. Secondly, most retirees go on contract employment on top positions of almost all government organizations because of young officers less experience to run the state affairs. For proof please see the recent SC’s verdict for the abolition of contract employees from top posts and see the Establishment division’s reply for the case of DG FIA Wasim Ahmed removal. Government refused to depose him immediately because he is overseeing cases of national importance. It shows that there is a dearth of competence in the organization that the department lacks the expertise, which Mr. Wasim Ahmed possesses. He is a retiree but still serving because of his competence, where is age issue now? FPSC Chairman Justice (R) Rana Bhagwandas is also a retiree but still heading the FPSC, where is age issue for him now?
3- If you remember Gen (R) Musharraf had tightened the age limit otherwise it was 30 generally and two years age relaxation for tribal people and 35 years for government employees@ 14 years of education. He did it to suite his vested interested and people are still mesmerized under his spells. There is a grave need for the paradigm shift, we must think out of the box in the greater national interest. Come out of the well and see the ocean is large enough then expectation.
4- Read my previous post for the demand of age bar lifting with the academic criteria change.
Apart of it I have created a group on Facebook and invite all aspirants to join this age relaxation bandwagon.
Facebook: Shamoon Qureshi
Mr Shamoon you would find me as your SECOND in this connection.
its realy very nice effort
Dear Friends if you really liked it then I need your support to get this conundrum resolved if for an all. I really appreciate your interest and want to materialize our common wish; age be relaxed with educational qualification for real competition. If you agree then please visit and get subscribed to age relaxation supporters group:!/home.php?sk=group_170392173012377&ap=1
I will really appreciate your initiative.
Shamoon Qureshi
thanks for shamoon nd advice for those who r against age relexation the reason is simple they r narrow minded and dont have courage to face much candidats they should do work hard
we r wid u shamoon and salam ur efforts
Thank you Gul Azaz I am so kind of you and proud of your support. It is really heartening that aspirants are flocking in and subscribing to the groupd I created.
In order to materialize our dreams it is very imperative to get unite and be organized. Please you are also requested to subscribe to this group, link is below mentioned:
supporters group:!/home.php?sk=group_170392173012377&ap=1
shamoon i have read two before a newspaper cutting regarding css age limit to 28 year although age limit for 16 grade and 18,19 grade is also extended the news paper was kawish from karachi i think it s a well thought plan of government whta should we do becz it the ripe time as policy is under consideratoin this the only chance
newspaper of 26 march i think
dear friends, i have drafted our case regarding age relaxation and in this connection tomorrow i shall post the courier to supreme court of Pakistan, Prime minister yousuf raza gilani and MQM’s leader Altaf Hussain.
all of you must have the addresses of above mentioned personalities.
1. Honorable Chief justice of pakistan, islamabad.
2. Dr. Erfa Iqbal additional PSO to prime minister. prime minister secretariat, Islamabad.
3. MQM Fax # London. 00442089529282.
and phone number is 00442089057300.
If You happen to call from Ufone network it will charged 2.67 Rs per minute.
Dear friends, do share your cell numbers with one another so that we may easily and any time come in contact with one another. 0333 2792320 is my cell number. You will find me your well wisher.
Mr: farhan from karachi, Mr: Raees from Peshawer Mr: Qamar from Panjab and some other CSS aspirants have come in contact with me. WE are trying to catch the support of famous TV’s anchor persons like Talat Hussain, kamran khan , javed Chaudhry, Mubashir Luqman, Sana bucha, Asma Shirazi etc. we are also in searching of cell numbers of famous politicians and we got success to some extent. so please make sure your support by performing effectively and practically rather than writing or hue and crying. i shall be anxiously waiting for your reply.
Honorable Chief Justice Of Pakistan
It is humbly submitted to the supreme court of Pakistan, Islamabad with a view to describing the injustice and unjustified ways and means legalised by the government of Pakistan to deprive the poor youths of their basic and fundamental rights by minimising the age limit Of CSS examination from 30 years to 28 years in General Pervaiz Musharaf’s regime.
How it can be justified and even logical that the force of untrained and ignorant teachers, recruited on political parties’ pressure, can produce well educated generation in Pakistan. Our villages, especially in Sindh (rural ) and Balochistan, have lost the pomp and grandure of education due to our primary, middle and high schools being the den of filthy education, whereas the federal government had gone ahead to bring the age limit from 30 years to 28 years.
It appears purely illogical and beyond justice that the law making assemblies are at large to get rid of qualification, age and other limits. But graduates of Pakistan, whose prime period has been mongered and destroyed by the untrained teachers and lecturers, have been deprived of 2 years age benifit, as it has been brought down from 30 years to 28 years.
If the afe limit of CSS examination, as it was 30 years could not be extended further, how it would be justified to down it to the limit of 28 years? The aspirants of CSS, especially belonging to the poor class, devote atleast 2 to 3 years to learn and polish english language afresh with a view to preparing for the CSS examination, whereas majority of candidates, without well preparation, start sitting for the CSS examination without westing their age. The altimate result is always failure even in two or three attempts. Those who mend their english know how and try to be properly prepared for the CSS examination, they have to face the problem of age limit of 28 years.
In India and Bangladesh, the minimum age limit for civil services examination is 30 years, whereas their education standard is far better than ours.
Beyond all doubts, the candidates of CSS from poor class are deprived of the boon of age. An extention of 5 years general relaxation in age limit would or may change the fate of the poor communities of Pakistan.
Poor aspirants of CSS examintion hope the Supreme Court Of Pakistan would bestow the boon of justice upon those, who have neither apportunities of jobs nor they are in position to build up their carriers in 28 years only becouse of below standard of education, especially in Sindh (rural), as they have to devote 2 to three years to build up their english language up to the require standard of CSS examination.
It is to be considered and justified by the Supreme Court Of Pakistan for the sake of human rights whether to extend the age limit is a part of justice or not. The Supreme Court is well acquainted with the fact that justice is the only instrument which can pave the path of justice in Pakistan.
Dear you can amend this draft and all of you have to send this to Supereme Court, Prime minister and Altaf hussain as above mentioned addresses.
i shall be waiting for your comments
yesterday I telephoned to Mr: Javed Chaudhry and told about our concerns. He gave me his gmail address and wished to write him at his gmail address. i am going to mention his gmail address and cell number ([email protected]) and his cell number is 03008543103. all of you are at large to make him call. good luck fellows.
you are quite right in demanding to lift age limit bar. here Im adding an other point too, that if govt employee are granted 2 years age relaxation , why do not semi govt employees have same right.
Yes, you are right Shaheer, its time to restored policy which was drafted according to basic requirement and literacy rate in Pakistan
I also agreed with Rahat , the candidates who have been supporting their families more then five or six years and serving privet services and during privet job its very hard to take time for studies so it is very hard get prepared before 28 years.
come and join hands with shamoon and shaheer dont wait any more for curropt politicians
3rd time election of prime minister and graudation was the the problem of only curropt politicians so was removed but css age the problem of whole pakistan
Dear Gulazaz, We have to do our effort peacefully and I am of the view that we should not get angry on politicians because they are elected by we people. calm calm and calm. regards.
but brother these people jst think of themselves only
i think there is no hope becz our cry will not reach to fpcs
do u think it is posible i dont think so bt still will be wid u
do u think it is posible i dont think so bt still will be wid u do u so
Dear Gulazaz, you have never to be hopeless in course of your life whether the circumstances do not favor your fate. It has been very favorable day for we people. I am receiving a lot of calls from every nuke and corner of Pakistan in our favor. Most of our friends, who did not join our facebook group, have come in contact with me through mobile. An other big news for you fellows is that one of our friend, come of Islamabad, is going to persuade anchor person Talat hussain to arrange a programme especially regarding our case. I never happened to lose my hope and I am hopeful inch by inch. Regards.
Dear fellows, do arrange protests as many as possible infront of press clubs in your cities. This is only the line of action in future for you people. Mr: farhan and I, are in contact with our sources in Islamabad. Within 10 or 12 days let me inform about your activities regarding protest at press clubs. The time is not far away when we would achieve our foremost single goal. Regards.
listen my foolish friends, one of my neighbour is 57 years now, so what do u all say that , should we allow him and his other old fellows to appear in css exams?????
here we need young and energetic blood to run the country towards success, lets take an example of our armed forces, where a guy having education of intermediate and normaly at the age of 22, 23 he get the BPS-17…therefore, rather fulfiling ur bloody passions, u should work hard on that time when u were appearing……and please think above the surface from now onwards!!!!
o pakistani one cant get old in two years 28 and 30 only two year differnce css is a competitive exam it needs mature and people of sound mind which you are lacking immature people like you can just making objection if you can appear upto 28 then why not upto 30 one cant get old in two year dont affraid of competition f you dont have the courage to face other then dont appear in css exam it is not a game which needs broad minded people
age limit for the CSS candidates should be extended to 35 years that was in practice previously. Pakistan is a strange country with so many different rules. It is surprising that an ordinary servicemen and women of Pakistan are unable to carry-out their duties and responsibilities when they reach to 60th years of their age. One the other hand judges of Supreme Court and High Court are so active that they can serve efficiently while at 65 and 62, respectively. So many double standards and no one is there to ensure parity for all. so, it is of no use to ask judiciary to adjudicate on the matter because everyone here is short-sighted and the most of our decisions revolve around our own needs.
I request to all CSS aspiratn who desire to relaxe upper age limited to 5 years….
Join the group by which we can effort collectively …
Just miss call or msg me I WILL CALL YOU
Farhan khan
[email protected]
Facebook ID [email protected]
the age limit should be at least 30 years if our leaders are sincere to bring forth the talent of pakistan to the high calibre posts of CSS.
Musharaf is the son of bitch jis na hamara mulk ko bach dya aur army aur isi ko ayashi pa laga dya jab tak ya armi wala kamina nahe cahain ga ya age limit barha ge nahe is lya ka ya gand bhe musharaf na he phalaya tha
regards! well in my opinion the current age limit is b/w 25 and 28 as no candidate having the age of upto 25 is mature enough to get through the perilous and serious exam of CSS . hence the actual is 3 years which seems a joke . the implementation of age relaxation law will prove to be a discreet step glorification of state on individual and collective grounds at the same time.
Hi there i want to participate in CSS exams in 2012. My date of birth is 31-Aug-1982, i just want to know that am i eligible for the examination ?
thanx n regards
CSS exame age limit must be same as of other 17 scale post of government. But this is my suggestion that agem limit specially for CSS should be 40 year, so that more mature and intellectual person would be able to get chance to serve country and 20 year job is enough in civil service. There is no any relaxation for those persons who have experienced in any private organization or multinaional companies, even though they are also tax payer and have issued EOBI number as government employer.
The solution is only litigation as recently Lahore high court has given relief on a writ petition and now candidates enjoy upper age limit upto 33 yrs in PPSC Exams
go ahead
its really a good point risen by my fellow but the need is not to comment it but to pass it as an ordinance.
Its a good step for the new CSS aspirants. Government should be serious about this issue. At least the maximum age should be 30 for appear in CSS.
well said by muhamad shahid gill ..i am totally agree…
I am glad to get much information from Sir Shamon’s Writing. being a future applicant of the competitive exam in Pakistan through FPSC I was looking for this kind of information and M thankful to Sir Shamon Quraishi who wrote on this subject and many people get clear about the process and the age limits. in the context of Age relaxation .. It must be 30 or more for Competitive exams candidates.. Best of Luck for all , who would apply this year and me as well.
yes,the age should be relaxed and 35 or more should be the maximum age to compete CSS exams
Yes I agree with shamoon , the govt should look into the matter as so many competent people are involved in it , the age should be relaxed for css exams , I think this post n so many positive comments are enough evidence of what people want .
Its indeed the need of the day to bring the suggested modifications in css exam,as this will help bringing the talented ones in a more efficient manner..thanks for highlighting the issue.
Yes strongly agree!the age limit shall start with 23 to 35.The state in the need of mature and experienced people with high qualifications and intellectual levels not the youngsters who have the inclination more towards the reaching the high levels but no sense of responsibility in the real words.
Thank you all for liking my post. Please check out its sequel: Part 2. Here’s the link:
Dear Sir, I agree with you in the said matter.
I agree with you in the said matter but the problem is who will bell the cat? It is said action speaks louder than words than we should do something practical. We should raise our voice in national front via electronic and print media. Else no hope that anyone will come forward voluntarily to our help.After contributing his sweet and blood in this project if a candidate is deprived what else he can do? For example I have been doing my best for CSS for the last six year, what else can I do hence forth? I have one more chance but I can’t attempt CSS only and only due to my age.
Wake up potential bureaucrats wake up, it is high time to fight for our constitutional right. God helps those who help themselves. We should do our level best to role back the draconian CSS rules introduced by military dictator Gen Pervez Musharraf.
go pakistanis.
Dear brothers and sisters, all the systems introduced by General Musharraf have almost been roled back, then what else excuse remains with policy makers to maintain a status quo regarding CSS rules? The Chief Justice of the apex court Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry should take a suo moto action against the CSS rules introduced by Gen: Musharraf. Else no hope from our political system which already has been embedded in corruption from top to toe.
Age limit should be 35+.
yes,really it will be agood step for all pakistani,s who want to offer their services for pakistan.
Undeniably imagine that which you said. Your favorite justification seemed to be at the web the simplest thing to take into accout of. I say to you, I certainly get irked while people think about worries that they plainly do not realize about. You managed to hit the nail upon the highest as well as outlined out the entire thing with no need side-effects , other folks could take a signal. Will probably be again to get more. Thank you
its really very very appreciatable to relax the upper age limit for CSS exam upto 35 yeras.our religion also points to equality and if for all posts and most services age is relaxed upto 35 then why not for CSS? unemployement is a graet danger for our country and FPSC is not considering it even. FPSC is loosing its value as most islamabad model college teachers have taken direct 17 grades and 16 grades through supreme court and FPSC became helpless. now the teachers are enjoying their posts of lecturerships in islamabad model colleges in direct 17 grade which were given to them without any FPSC test or interview even. where was FPSC at that time? now it is making obstacles for CSS candidates. how cruel the commission is? i request present pakistani government to pay attention to this matter and take it seriously. upper age for CSS exam must be relaxed upto 35 years. may Allah make this government attention to this matter.
social worker
Exactly! You are Right Kiran.
Dear Sir
I hope you will be fine ! I am studing in london Univercity ,sir I want know about age limit for css exam and what is procedure for person living in abroad ,how he can attemt css exam ? thanx….
Mian Shahid Ali
from London.
Dear Sir, (President Of Pakistan)
kindly extend the age limit of CSS Exam because every student want to do some thing for his country.
Dear All Salam.
I hope that you all are fine and have been doing well. It is requested too all aspirants to approach directly to Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry the chief justice of the apex court against the draconian CSS age rules introduced by the ex dictator Pervez Musharraf. Peace for all!
Dear All Salam.
I hope that you all are fine and have been doing well. It is requested to all aspirants to approach directly to honorabele Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry the chief justice of the apex court against the draconian CSS age rules introduced by the ex dictator Pervez Musharraf. Peace for all!
I absolutely agree to the suggestions of my all,s unfair to cancel out someone before the specific limit.
love u all
All of you listen, Mr Raees has filed petition for 5 years general age relaxation in the css exam in the High court. Now he wants to file the same petition in the supreme court inshAllah. For that reason he needs funds and moral support. He is trying to hire Aitzaz Ahsan to fight our case in the supreme court. Kindly contact him on this number and talk to him and support him: 0334-9157997
we can achieve it, we can win, just please come forward and play your part otherwise no one will listen us if we miss this last chance. ITS URGENT
Samreen Jabbar, no doubt, Thanks a lot for informing!
Dear Shamoon Qureshi,
Its A Great effort and we are with you, what you wrote in your article is exactly every candidate want but no one spoke it but this should be consider to get the competent person in to serve the nation the criteria should be set like you mentioned.
Good Effort Keep It Up.
yp i agree with u all no one get old in 2 year and pakistan needs good officers well miture minds so please relx the age limit i am just 21 but em doing BSCS and CSS is my dad’s died wish i want to full fill it but i afaired when i checked the age limit for appear in this………………
Dear All Salam!
I hope that you all are fine and have been leading peaceful moments. It is said that pen is mightier than sword. so put you pen and start your fight. It is high time, else with each passing day CSS-2013 is approaching near. Good wishes and best of luck for all!
salaam to all,
I took CSS EXAM 2011_12 ,on 15 JUNE2012 fpsc send me a letter that I’m not eligible and they’ii not announced my result because I’m over aged on the cut off date(31.12.2011) by 22 days. it was obvibous on my application if thios was the problem then they shouldn’t send me my roll no slip.after too much struggle i am not able to have my result .my real Dob is 10.12.1984 on my b-form and id card while on my matric mark sheet the date is(10 12 1983 ) .it was mistakenly written by my teacher .at that time I thought that it was a year mistake but now i am suffering ,is there anyone help me to solve this problem.
sir my age in january 2013 will b 28 years and 8 months can I aply for CSS exam
Salam to all,
The least way of resistance for middle and lower middle class youth to approach the capitol is via CSS Exam, but unfortunately it is now being shut upon them by various conspiracies. The ex dictator General Pervez Musharraf also did his level best by putting the age barrier on their avenue toward the peak.Wake up please! wake up for your constitutional right to avail the opportunity of appearing in CSS exam up to the age of 35.
i live in a villege, in2010 i apply css exam but i cnt do this, nom i m above 29, can i will do this exam this year
plzz i m w8 for ur help/
Age limit should not go up. It is ridiculous for a 35 years old to be a 17th grade officer after passing CSS.
Dear Ali, I am really sorry! I am sure that you are the scion of berger class!
sadaf says; salam goverment should increase age of css ,because rural side student cant prepare for css exam till 28 years, they hav’t facility in their village, they start their education from the age of 5 years. in urban side student start education from the age of 3 years and they have all facility and give good time to education,
i requested to cheif minister ,prime minister, and chief justice plz give 5 years age relaxation.
The age of CSS Examination shold be relaxed,i am of 28 years but can’t appear in CSS exammnation because at the time of written result announcement, i will be of 29 years. iam doing my MSc in plant pathology department, and unable to do any job to extend 2 year extension. so i extremely request to Govt: to relax CSS age. thnx
Dear all,
Much time has passed and now it is 2013. Nothing concrete has been done so far. It seems that all your energies and time have been wasted in such unproductive ventures. I am disappointed too! However, a ray of light has been seen at the other side of tunnel as the PML-N govt is going to be formed. Lets start this campaign once again in right direction. Instead of knocking at the door of courts, we must start approaching PML-N ministers through email messages, faxes, personal contacts etc. I hope this year this matter will be resolved forever.
You may contact me at; [email protected]
Salam, dear, CSS aspirant.
You are cent percent right. Could you please some such, e.mail, addresses and fax numbers of potential PML-N, ministers! I am sure that will do a lot. Insha Allah!
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I will be 28 years and 1 month on 31st December 2015. Can I appear for the CSS exam with this age? Is there a chance for me to get this relaxation of 1 month?