Monthly Archive:: December 2009

Birth of the Pakistan Judiciary Party – Guest Post by Qais Anwar: کیا پانچویں سیاسی پارٹی ۔۔۔ پاکستان عدالت پارٹی وجود میں آ چکی ہے؟ اعلی عدالتوں کا پا کستان کی سیاسی تاریخ میں ہمیشہ سے ایک کردار رہا ہے ۔ لیکن میڈیا کی طرح یہ کردار ہمیشہ پاکستانی ایسٹبلشمنٹ کے

Taliban target Peshawar Press Club. Time to do some investigative journalism, Ansar Abbasi.: Pakistani security personnel collect evidence from the scene of a suicide bomb blast in Peshawar. – AFP While Friends of Taliban, such as Ansar Abbasi, Shaheen Sehbai, Dr Shahid Masood, are busy in derailing the democratic government in Pakistan,

Ayyaron ki hukumat – by Abdul Nishapuri: So, do all roads go to the Bangladesh model? At least, that is what seems to be the key desire of those (really) at the helm of affairs, i.e. the men in khakis and their aides in

Why Zardari and NRO are so important? – by Farhad Jarral: VS The Central Executive Committee of Pakistan People’s Party (CEC) and Sindh assembly have given their decision of full confidence and support for the President Asif Ali Zardari. Contrary to the wishes of some people

After the NRO -Ayesha Siddiqa: The Supreme Court’s NRO judgement must be seen in the broader context of political tactics and power dynamics.Here is the article of Ayesha Siddiqa which does exactly that. In her opinion military is the prime beneficiary of the Judgement. By Ayesha Siddiqa Friday,

Undignified ‘Lordships’ at war against ‘People’s Will’ – Guest post by Ahmad Nadeem Gehla: The deterioration of judicial institutions which began with notorious judgment of Justice Munir touched its bottom when superior judiciary convicted ZA Bhutto – the elected Prime Minister of the country to death on directions of a dictator. One of

Former ISI official challenges presidential immunity: ISLAMABAD: A former official of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) filed a petition in the Supreme Court challenging the constitutional presidential immunity against legal proceedings as un-Islamic and unconstitutional. Khalid Khawaja, also a former air force official, filed the petition

‘NAB tried to use ECP to proceed against Zardari’: LAHORE: The Former Secretary of the Election Commission of Pakistan said that the National Accountability Bureau tried to use ECP to proceed against Benazir Bhutto and Asif Zardari in 2005. During an interview with DawnNews, Kanwar Dilshad claimed that

Army vs politicians…..who is the winner this time? – by Faiz Aman: Posted By: Farhad Jarral The cases of corruption against the politicians have been started once again as according to the plan of the forces who are against the democratic process in Pakistan since 1958. Once again same situation and

United we stand for democracy. Reconciliation is the key word.: While the Supreme Court of Pakistan has struck down the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO), the Central Executive Committee of Pakistan People’s Party has very wisely reasserted their commitment to the process of national reconciliation in the country. The Central

Begum Nusrat Bhutto’s plea to the land of the pure – by Qais Anwar: Editor’s note: In today’s newspapers, I read a report about the arrest warrants of Begum Nusrat Bhutto by an Accountability Court located in Rawalpindi under the watchful eyes of Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. The court issued arrest warrants

Bilal Qureshi’s Open Letter to the Chief Justice of Pakistan: “Your actions reflect a medieval mindset of revenge and tribalism, not the rule of law that so many of your supporters had expected when they campaigned for your restoration. Looking forward to the day you appoint an independent panel

The Pakistan Government along with her Military and Citizens – Guest post by Agha Haider Raza: In the December 18th New York Times publication, an article Pakistan Ministers Are Called Before the Courts was written by Jane Perlez and Salman Masood. Though the article does state the annulment of the National Reconciliation Ordinance and the repercussions

Knowing that she has been in a coma over a decade: Accountability court calls Nusrat on Dec 24th By Mudassir Iqbal Raja Sunday, 20 Dec, 2009 Accepting an application of the National Accountability Bureau about reviving the corruption reference against Begum Bhutto and Mr Siddiqui, Judge Najmul Hassan Najam directed

Troubling changes in Pakistan: A coup in the works? – Guest post by Tarek Fatah: What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet On Thursday morning as Pakistan’s Defence Minister was preparing to board a flight to China for an official visit, he was

A Military Coup in Pakistan? – Guest post by Tarek Fatah: A Military Coup in Pakistan? Restive generals represent the backers of the Taliban and al-Qaeda – bad news for the war next door A military coup is unfolding in Pakistan, but, this time, there is no rumbling of tanks

The Temple of Justice and Veneration of Capital: Supreme Court’s Decision on NRO – By Lal Khan: A Comment by Lal Khan of IMT (Translated by AA from “Tabqati Jiddojehd”) The recent Supreme Court’s recent decision declaring the NRO (National Reconciliation Ordinance) null and void has emerged as latest explosion in the series of tremulous events

Playing the Corruption Card – by Anas Muhammad: By Anas Muhammad On 12 October 1999, General Prevez Musharraf ouster the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, in a non violent military coup. The reason given by Musharraf was the rampant corruption under Nawaz Sharifs regime. Although the

Another aspect of the judgment – by Asma Jahangir: Saturday 19th,Dec,2009.With Thanks.DAWN The NRO case, Dr Mubashar Hasan and others versus the federation, has once again stirred a hornet’s nest. There is thunderous applause for bringing the accused plunderers and criminals to justice and widespread speculation on the

Miscarriage of Justice or Abiding by the Law – Guest post by Peja Mistri: Let me first describe the overall context in which the recent judgment was announced by the CJ Iftikhar Chaudary. 1. Politics and Courts — A historical perspective. The courts of Pakistan (be it a session court or a supreme

LUBP needs you: We at “Let Us Build Pakistan” (LUBP) are currently expanding and restructuring our team of writers and editors. If you are interested in Pakistani politics, if you happen to fully or partially agree with the aims and policies of

“The judge raj” in Pakistan is paving way for another military dictatorship: …Our lordships may be cautioned about the possibility that judicial activism sometimes runs the risk of intruding on turf strictly belonging in our constitutional scheme of things to other institutions of state. In the post-judiciary restoration era, the respect

The Pakhtun, the Taliban and Imran Khan — by Farhat Taj: Hate for the US is the problem of Imran Khan or his anti-Pakhtun allies. It is not the problem of the people of FATA. Their problem is occupation of their land by the international jihadi gangs. There are clear

If there were words to explain the meaning of Blood and Struggle?: By: Jarri Mirza DEMOCRACY IN PAKISTAN _ Oh!! Stop day dreaming! Well, the obsession continues and the argument takes a new turn……Is it all a fairy tale??? But don’t bother about it. Democracy _ a simple utterance, but an

17 Good Men: NRO bench: With due respect to azad adlia Media’s position on NRO before the court proceeding NRO was always a controversial law because it was discriminatory law; many political pundits and columnist lead the campaign against it under the leadership of

Foodkush attack on halwakhore Mullahs. All survive, unfortunately.: Here is perhaps the funniest news item in quite a while. The saddest part is that none of these douchebags got killed in this foodkush attack:

Chargesheet against Rehman Malik: The chargesheet against Rehman Malik is very long. Here are a very few glimpses based on analyses by various columnists and writers:

Arrest warrants of Rehman Malik: Judicial mafia’s onslaught against democracy in Pakistan; an attempt to weaken Pakistan’s war on terror?: While the state of Pakistan is surrounded by Taliban terrorists, the Supreme Court and the Cheap Justice, it seem are hell bent on dismantling the institution responsible for fighting Pakistan’ war on terror, i.e. the interior ministry of Pakistan.

Azad Adliya ya Madar Pidar Azad Adliya? – by Ahsan Abbas Shah: معطلی کے بعد بحال ہونے والی عدلیہ کا این آر او کے پیچھے ہاتھ دھو کر دوالے ہونے میں اَنتقام، عدلیاتی مُفادات، عدلیاتی آمریت کے نفاذ اور مُلک میں سیاسی افراتفری پیدا کرنے کی کوششوں کو عوام بخوبی سمجھ

Yet another lie of Saleh Zaafir, the liar in chief of Geo TV / Jang Group: احمد مختارخود ایئر پورٹ نہیں گئے تھے اسلام آباد (صالح ظافر)وزیردفاع احمد مختار چوہدری کو چین کے 3روزہ دورے پر جاتے ہوئے اسلام آباد ایئر پورٹ نہیں روکا گیا کیونکہ وہ تو ایئر پورٹ گئے ہی نہیں ۔انہیں ایئر

A Pakistani political dictionary – by Naseer Ahmed: Asif Ali Zardari. A re-incarnation of devil himself because the illiterate, infidel and impious people of Pakistan have elected him as their president. Baluchistan. A place whose oil and gas is more important than its people. It is also

Post-NRO frenzy, the Roedad Khans and the 16 Decembers: Post-NRO frenzy In the immediate aftermath of the Supreme Court’s judgment on the NRO, the ever-churning political waters in the country have been stirred to a frenzy. Uncertainty, if not panic, is detectable in the ranks of

Iftikhar Chaudhry the judge, you have behaved like Iftikhar Thakur the comedian: By Omar Khattab Sitting in your chair, you have been claming that you have all authority to interpret the constitution of Pakistan. You have also said that the parliament cannot make certain types of legislation. You have violated

Is corruption the real issue or a democractic government ? – by Saria Bhutto: Posted By: Jarri Mirza To a number of eyes, awaiting the decision of the Chief Justice concerned with the NRO might have brought an image of an end to corruption or a step for its eradication but is that

Shame on you CJ Chaudhry: رحمتیں ہیں تیری جرنیلوں اور طالبانوں پر برق گرتی ہے تو بے چارے سیاستدانوں پر You sold your soul to the devil and the price was so cheap! قوم فروختند و چہ ارزاں فروختند ؟

Supreme Court of Pakistan must refrain from interfering into the executive authority of the democratic government: The decision by the mostly Punjabi, some of them pro-Taliban, judges in the Supreme Court of Pakistan against the process of national reconciliation in the country has had a visibly adverse impact on the capacity of the democratic government.

Repeating History? – by Anas Muhammad: Posted By : Jarri Mirza It was surprising to see the media and other segments of society’s enthusiasm over the decision of Supreme Court on the NRO, declaring it null and void. This kind of decision was expected but

16 December 1971 and 2009: two days of infamy: By Omar Khattab On 16 December 1971, the Pakistan army led by the cruelest and most criminal generals of the time surrendered to the Indian army after a war which the former could not sustain even for two weeks.

People of Pakistan protest againt judiciary’s interference in the executive; regret biased decision against NRO: PPP workers in Lahore protest against the Supreme Court’s decision against the NRO. لاہور میں پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کے کارکنوں نے این آر او پر عدالتی فیصلے کے خلاف احتجاج کیا۔ پی پی پیکارکنوں کی ایک ٹولی نے لاہور

NAB to re-open cases against Nawaz Sharif, family and other leaders of PML-N: Here is an unexpected development of the Supreme Court’s decision against the NRO. We at LUBP condemn the lopsided accountability of politicians while the Supreme Court remains silent on innumerable charges of corruption against many serving and retired officers