Waziristan Archive

ضرب عضب کی کامیابی سے بوکھلا کر القاعدہ نے پشتون قوم پرستی کا نعرہ لگا دیا: شمالی وزیرستان میں طالبان اور لشکر جھنگوی کے تکفیری دیوبندی خوارج کے خلاف کامیاب آپریشن سے بوکھلا کرالقاعدہ نے پشتون عصبیت کے نام پر پاکستان کے خلاف گھناؤنا پراپیگنڈہ شروع کر دیا کچھ پشتون قومیت پرست جو

US drone strike kills 6 ‘militants’ in North Waziristan – Bill Roggio: The US launched its first drone strike inside Pakistan’s tribal agencies in more than three weeks, killing six “militants” in an area that in the past has served as a command and control center for al Qaeda’s military. Today’s

طالبان اور سپاہ صحابہ کےدیوبندی عسکریت پسند اب اسلام کی بجائے پشتون نسل پرستی کی دہائی دے رہے ہیں – سلیم صافی: ایک خطرناک رجحان تحریک طالبان پاکستان کی صفوں میں لسانی جذبات کا فروغ ہے ۔ جب تک القاعدہ ڈرائیونگ سیٹ پر بیٹھی تھی‘ تو تحریک طالبان کے لئے لسانی بنیادوں پر بات کرنا مشکل تھا اور تب تک اس

Why are NGO-thinktank “liberals” against Operation Zarb-e-Azb in North Waziristan?: Pakistan army’s Operation Zarb-e-Azb against Deobandi Khawarij in North Waziristan is being selectively criticized not only by right-wing TTP-ASWJ apologists but also by the NGO/thinktank “liberals”. Any analysis of the military operation in North Waziristan that doesn’t consider the

جنرل راحیل شریف سے اپیل: آئی ڈی پیز کے لیے کالعدم دہشت گرد تنظیموں جیش محمد اور لشکر طیبہ کے امدادی کیمپس آپریشن ضرب عضب کو نقصان پہنچا رہے ہیں: مولوی مسعود اظہر دیوبندی کی کالعدم دہشت گرد تنظیم جیش محمد بھیس بدل کر الرحمت ٹرسٹ کے نام سے آئی ڈی پیز کی امداد کی آڑ میں شمالی وزیرستان سے فرار ہونے والے طالبان، لشکر جھگنوی اور اہلسنت والجماعت

Sleeping with the enemy: What is common in Deobandi Pashtuns of Waziristan and Sunni Arabs of Mosul? – by Abdul Nishapuri: This fact is widely acknowledged that honourable Shia and Sunni Sufi Pashtuns of Kurram Agency fought with takfiri Deobandi and Salafi Wahhabi terrorists of Pasthun, Punjabi, Arab, Chechen, Uzbek origin for more than two decades refusing to provide safe haven

آپریشن ضرب عضب کے متاثرین اور تکفیری خارجی دہشتگردوں کا ہدف بننے والے مظلومین – از خرم زکی: آج کل آپ کو سوشل میڈیا پر کئی پیجز پر وزیرستان میں فوجی آپریشن سے متاثر افراد کی تصویریں دکھائی دیں گی ان تصویروں میں خاص طور پر ان بچیوں کی تصویریں ہوں گی جو نقل مکانی کرنے والے

Condolences to Nawaz Sharif and other TTP-ASWJ apologists on Zarb-e-Azb – by Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: Condolences to the “anti-establishment” Comrade Nawaz Sharif on the launch of operation against the Taliban in North Waziristan. Condolences to pro-TTP-ASWJ journalists including Hamid Mir, Saleem Safi, Irfan Siddiqi and Ansar Abbasi of Geo TV/Jang Group. Condolences to Hazrat

Only 40% chances of success of a military operation in North Waziristan? – by Faheem Ijaz: “Chane of success of an army operation in North Waziristan is 40%” A statement that is currently being widely discussed in mainstream news and social media but it being misunderstood and misinterpreted raising severe concerns in general public. Fingers

Editorial: Pakistan army action against the Taliban: A grand national ‘noora kushti’: Those who have any idea about LUBP’s stance on Pakistan’s various socio-political issues will have little doubt about how we feel about Army’s taking action against the Taliban, the bloodthirsty Deobandi terrorist outfit (varoiusly known as TTP and ASWJ-LeJ)

شمالی وزیرستان میں سیز فائر- تکفیری دھشت گردوں کو مزید قتل کا لائسنس مل گیا: طالبان کاٹے گئے سر کو فٹبال بناکر اس سے کھیل رہے ہیں شمالی وزیرستان میں سیکورٹی فورسز اور تحریک طالبان پاکستان اور مقامی قبائلی باشندوں کے درمیان ایک مرتبہ پھر سیز فائر ہوگیا ہے اور امن معاہدے کی پاسداری

Pakistan Army and Taliban clash in North Waziristan after suicide attack – by Bill Roggio: The Pakistani military claimed it killed 23 “militants” in the town of Mir Ali in the Taliban controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan, two days after a Deobandi suicide bomber attacked a checkpoint there. The Movement of the Taliban

“More drones are better”: demand the indigenous people of Waziristan and tribal areas: The Economists in their recent article endorse the Peshawar declaration of 2010. The indigenous population of tribal areas see the drones as a blessing. LUBP has written about the Peshawar declaration in both English and Urdu. Reports by Jinnah Institute aimed at justifying

Deobandi militants slaughter 17 soldiers of Pakistan Army in N. Waziristan. Will Gen Kayani wake up now?: Miranshah, North Waziristan (Pakistan, 23 March 2013). Deobandi militants of ASWJ-Taliban slaughtered 17 soldiers of Pakistan Army in North Waziristan. The news report, including identification of culprits, was largely ignored or obfuscated by right-wing dominated Urdu media and fake

Questioning the veracity of FFR assisted Stanford report on drone attacks – by Ali Arqam: The recent report on drones by Pakistani and non-Pakistani students of Stanford University and New York University raised more questions instead of properly addressing the existing ones. For instance, the report talks of deleterious psychological effects of drone victims.

Beheading of 12 Pakistani soldiers in Bajaur: We demand swift military action against Taliban-LeJ terrorists: Enemies of Pakistan have once again attacked Pakistani nation, this time beheading 12 Pakistan army soldiers who were cowardly abducted by the Jihadi Deobandi-Wahhabi terrorists (Lashkar-e-Jhangvi / Taliban) a few days ago. The latest incident shows that the LeJ-Taliban

Pakistani State’s ambivalent policies on Taliban – by Saleem Safi: In the following thought-provoking article (published in daily Jang), Saleem Safi, former Jihadi in Afghan Jihad against Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, explains that military operation in North Waziristan will remain ineffectual as long as Pakistan army continues to pursue

Challenges that Imran Khan’s Tsunami faces in Waziristan – by Imran Khan: Tsunamis are known for the height of their waves, and Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf (PTI)’s tsunami would probably register its tallest wave yet if it hits the mountains of Waziristan next month. Organising a jalsa inside the Taliban stronghold

Fresh recruits for Taliban? Imran Khan will lead Tsunami to Waziristan – by Ahsan Abbas: (Imran Khan’s Statment) Source: Express 14 July 2012 PESHAWAR: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) will take a peace caravan to Waziristan, a place engulfed by militancy and security operations, by late September, announced party chief Imran Khan during a rally in

It is okay if Taliban kill our soldiers? A comment on the slaughter of 15 FC personnel in Waziristan: Related post: A month since Taliban executed 15 Pakistani soldiers, yet no outrage. Now watch the executions; perhaps… Editor’s note: In the following article published in Daily Times, Farhat Taj highlights a case of selective morality and hypocrisy recently

Journalist Rehamtullah Darpa Khel abducted from Miranshah Bazar: Amn Tehrik spokesperson Idrees Kamal sent us this email to be published as life of a senior journalist from FATA is in danger, we request concerned authorities to take immediate action to get him released.(Editor) Dear All One

North Waziristan Operation – A Dawn – ISPR Exclusive Editorial: With an operation in North Waziristan inevitable, already there is an increasing talk in the media to muddle the preparations (if any) for the operation. Though other mindless newspapers and analysts take their chances by questioning whether the operation

Pakistan to launch attacks on Haqqani: Pakistan will launch a military offensive in North Waziristan, a newspaper reported on Monday, days after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reiterated a US demand to tackle sanctuaries for al Qaeda and the Taliban on the Afghan border.

Pakistan lacks plan to defeat Taliban: US: The Obama administration has criticized Pakistan’s efforts against al-Qaida and Taliban militants, saying years after the conflict began, there remains “no clear path” toward defeating the insurgency on their side of the border with Afghanistan. Pakistan’s efforts to launch

People of Waziristan support drone attacks: Related Post : A survey of Drone Attacks in Pakistan .What do the people of FATA think? by Farhat Taj With thanks :BBC The following article suggests that contrary to what the military establishment and their proxies would like

Where Islamists and fake liberals of Pakistan converge: The GHQ induced patriotism: The aim of this post is to highlight how liberals and mullahs of Pakistan can, at times, converge to reinforce and propagate a GHQ’s induced narrative on patriotism. In the following post, it is hard to miss the common

JUI breakup: Evading North Waziristan Operation – by Faruq Adil: Related article: Maulana Fazlur-Rehman and the military establishment’s new game – by Nazir Naji

Obama and the Pakistan Dilemma -by Matthew Kaminski: America can’t win in Afghanistan as long as assorted Taliban insurgents find safe haven in Pakistan. That’s the no-brainer dressed up as revelation in leaks this week about the latest U.S. National Intelligence Estimate regarding both countries. The proposed

New Light on the Accuracy of the CIA’s Predator Drone Campaign in Pakistan – By Matthew Fricker, Avery Plaw and Brian Glyn Williams: Widely-cited reports of the inaccuracy and disproportionality of civilian to militant deaths in the CIA’s ongoing Predator drone campaign against the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Pakistan are grossly misleading. The most detailed database compiled to date, assembled by the

On Arundhati Roy: The Burden of Proof – by Nimer Ahmad: Arundhati Roy, a name that needs no introduction even in Pakistani government’s “or” religious intellectual circles and she is often quoted in mainstream media because she is not just a fierce critic of US foreign policy but she had

Pakistan must refrain from military operation in North Waziristan – by Zalaan: آ ئی ایس آئی ضیاء الحق گروپ اور طالبان کے نمائندے ،جماعت المنافقین کے امیر منور حسن نے ایک بار پھر پور کمینے پن کا مظاہرہ کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ” دہشتگردوں کا مقابلہ صرف مزاکرات ہی سے ممکن

Pakistan Resists Military Action in ‘Epicenter of Terrorism’: Foreign media published numbers of reports indicating that Pakistan’s military is resisting pressure to begin a promised offensive against Taliban sanctuaries in its border region. In Washington, however, there is increasing anger at Pakistan’s reluctance to take on groups

Pakistan’s Pashtuns Feel More Alone Than Ever – By Shaheen Buneri: Pashtuns straddling the Pakistani-Afghan border face serious challenges to their socio-cultural survival. It’s very hard for the estimated 50 million Pashtuns to know whether the world recognizes their numerous sacrifices in the ongoing war, or whether all of them

Pakistan not a safe heaven for Anti Taliban – by Farhat taj: The doctrine of strategic depth means Pakistan is not a safe haven for Pakhtuns opposing Taliban or Talibanization either with arms or musical instruments. The ordeal of the late Kamal Mahsud, a well-known singer from Waziristan, and his family is

Altaf Hussain: Pakistan’s prize bluffer —by Dr Mohammad Taqi: “Mussolini is the biggest bluffer in Europe. If Mussolini had me taken out and shot tomorrow morning, I would still regard him as a bluff. Get a hold of a good photo of Signor Mussolini sometime and study it.

The Dominoes of Balochistan- by Peter Chamberlin: The day must come when sanity prevails in Balochistan, no matter which side proves to be acting in a rational manner. Pakistan is in a very bad way. By most standards of measurement, it is a failed state, or

Reconciliation between Pakistani nationalities – by Shahid Ilyas: This article is exclusively written for the LUBP by our valued reader and member of the Pakhtunkhwa Peace Forum (PPF) Shahid Ilyas. We are thankful to him for sharing his thoughts with us on this very important issue. (aliarqam)

The Survivalist of North Waziristan: Hafiz Gul Bahadur Biography and Analysis – by Charlie Szrom: Source: Critical Threats Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters use Waziristan to prepare for and launch attacks against American forces in Afghanistan and Western targets abroad. Since early June, the Pakistani military has been conducting a campaign to kill Waziristan’s preeminent

Do not squeeze the tribesmen anymore —Daud Khattak: There is a Pashto proverb: ‘Oba pa kamzori zai mateegee’ (water makes its course on the weaker bank). It is happening in Waziristan now as the political administration is forcing the displaced Ahmadzai Wazir tribesmen to hand over the

Hundreds witness Pakistan Taliban public execution: Source BBC Up to 700 people in a tribal region of north-west Pakistan watched the Taliban publicly execute a man accused of killing two brothers, officials say. Masked militants shot the man, blindfolded and bound, dead at a football
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