Wahhabis Salafis & Ahle Hadith Archive

Woolwich beheading: Pakistani Muslims condemn brutal murder of British soldier by Wahhabi terrorists in London: Islamabad (22 May 2013): Pakistani liberal bloggers including LUBP, Pakistan Blogzine and Jaag Pakistani Jaag condemn brutal beheading of a British soldier by Wahhabi-Salafist terrorists in London. In Pakistan, innocent citizens including Sunni Barelvis, Shias, Ahmadis, Christians, Hindus etc

شام میں وہابی دہشت گردوں نے عظیم صحابی رسول حضرت حجر بن عدی کی قبر کھود کر جسد مبارک اغوا کر لیا: شام میں سعودی عرب اور امریکہ کے حمایت یافتہ وہابی دیوبندی دہشت گردوں نے جلیل القدر صحابی رسول (صلی الله علیہ والہ وسلم) حضرت حجر بن عدی رضی الله تعالیٰ عنہ کی قبر مبرک کی بے حرمتی کی اور

How American Muslims can respond to Boston – by Asra Q. Nomani: Editor’s note: Cross posting short excerpts from a brilliant article by Asra Nomani in the Daily Beast. “What these statements ignore is the existence of an interpretation of Islam—strains of ideologies with names like Wahhabi, Salafi, and Deobandi—that do

Saudi funding and radicalization (Wahhabisation) in N. America and Europe: It has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt the a vast majority of terrorists acts in the world can be attributed to Wahhabi Salfists terrorists, in Pakistan they are called Takfiri Deobandis. Not all Wahhabis/Salafis are terrorists but the data

LUBP condemns the cowardly terrorist attacks on Boston marathon and stands in solidarity with the victims: LUBP unequivocally condemns the horrific bomb blasts that have left three people killed and over 98 injured in Boston (based on news reports like this http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/04/15/177349725/two-explosions-rock-boston-marathon-finish-line-at-least-3-dead-dozens-injured) As a blogzine that focuses primarily on Pakistan, we are all too familiar

Malicious article in the Frontier Post on Sunni Shia differences: Editors Note : We have come across a malicious article in the Frontier Post which misrepresents historical and ideological differences between Sunni and Shia Muslims. Written by Mr. Saeed Qureshi, the articles maligns not only Shia Muslims but also

Killing a Shia through false job advertisement: A true story from Peshawar – by Ali Taj: This is the story of a young man by the name of Fiaz Hussein. His only fault, he was a Shia Muslim. He was identified by his killers due to his name (Hussein) and address (a Shia locality). He had completed his

The Guardian mischaracterizes Sunni Muslims’ role in terrorism – by Ali Taj: Catriona Luke has written a good piece on the role of Saudi Arabia in funding global terrorism and providing ideological support. Kabul’s $100m mosque: a sign of a heavyweight battle for post-2014 Afghanistan However, there are a few mis-characterizations:

Takfiri Deobandi militant of Sipah Sahaba caught red handed in Karachi after killing a Salafi (Ahle Hadith) cleric: Related post: Deobandi militants of Sipah-e-Sahaba abusing Companions of the Prophet (pbuh) to implicate Shias Karachi (5 December 2012): An Imam (prayer leader) of an Ahle-Hadith (Salafi Wahhabi) Masjid has been gunned down inside Islamia Mosque in New Karachi

Why don’t more Muslims speak out against the wanton destruction of Mecca and Madina’s holy sites? – by Jerome Taylor: Saudi Arabia’s Wahabists are tearing down buildings that have links to the Prophet and replacing them with skyscrapers and shopping malls. Muslims are often criticised for not speaking out more vocally on key issues that affect their community. Barely

آل سعود ،مرسی ،جدید عثمانی ،نوری المالکی – عامر حسینی: آج عید قربان ہے اور صرف ایک دن قبل یعنی نو زی الحج کو کوفہ کے میں مسلم بن عقیل کا لاشہ پڑا تھا-اور عقیل کا جرم صرف اتنا تھا کہ اس نے عدل اور مساوات کی دھجیاں اڑانے

Javed Ahmed Ghamidi’s sectarian views about Sunni Sufis, Barelvis and Shias: Related post: جاوید غامدی صاحب کا استدلال طالبان کے استدلال سے کیونکر بہتر ہے؟ Recent PEW Survey has revelaed that only 50 per cent of mainstream Sunnis in Pakistan accept Shias as Muslims and that at least 30 per

We welcome President Obama’s condemnation of radical Deobandi and Salafi Wahhabi violence against Sunni Sufis and Shia Muslims: Source: World Shia Forum The World Shia Forum (WSF) welcomes U.S. President Obama’s condemnation of Salafi/Wahhabi and Deobandi violence and incitement against Shiite Muslims and Sufi Muslims. Thousands of Shiite Muslims and Sunni Sufi Muslims have been killed in

“Neo-Salafi” Fallacies and Muslim Reaction to Insults against Prophet Muhammad – by Stephen Schwartz: Editor’s Note: Writing for CIP, Stephen Schwartz highlights the divide within muslims. It should be pointed out that even moderate Deobandis and Wahabis have suffered at the hands of their more extremist counterparts. In Pakistan, JUI (F) has

Takfiri militants from Pakistan are fighting in Syria with an anti-Semitic cause – by Kapil Komireddi: What began as a limited but genuine people’s uprising against a kleptocratic dictatorship has now been overtaken by a Saudi-backed project to destabilize Syria. Last week it was reported that Turkish Airline is flying Takfiri militants of Al-Qaeda from

Turkish Airline flying Wahhabi and Deobandi militants of Al-Qaeda from Pakistan to Syrian borders: Related post: Takfiri militants from Pakistan are fighting in Syria with an anti-Semitic cause – by Kapil Komireddi By acting as a willing accomplice in global Saudi Salafi Jihadist project, Turkey is digging its own grave. Turkey in 2012

Imagine if that had happened in Syria, or with a visiting US diplomat to Iran, Pentagon-based revenge already would be in effect: MENA (Middle East/North Africa) is on fire. The diffuse rage – even if manifested by a tiny minority, Saudi-funded Salafists in particular – is distinctly anti-American. Protests in Cairo have reached Yemen, Tunisia, Sudan, and even Bangladesh and Indonesia.

How should Muslims respond to the hateful movie “Innocence of Muslims”? – by Mahdi Baloch: Related post: Quilliam and other analysts are downplaying Saudi-funded Salafists’ role in US Ambassador’s murder in Libya The Quran states explicitly that no soul shall be responsible for the sins or the crimes of another. And while this film

Quilliam and other analysts are downplaying Saudi-funded Salafists’ role in US Ambassador’s murder in Libya: Related post: How should Muslims respond to the hateful movie “Innocence of Muslims”? – by Mahdi Baloch Imagine if that had happened in Syria, or with a visiting US diplomat to Iran, Pentagon-based revenge already would be in effect

Catch-44: Takfiri Deobandi Wahhabi intolerance and Shia genocide in Pakistan – by Mujahid Kamal Mir: Pakistan’s 65-year history of missed opportunities seized by other rapidly developing nations like Korea, Turkey, etc, tainted by military coups, political infighting and a form of crony capitalism that has stifled its economy were enough of the destablisers, and

The Wahhabi Republic of Pakistan – Deutsche Welle report: There are many people in Pakistan who oppose the Taliban and their militant activities; however, ironically, not all of them question the Saudi-Wahabi ideology that provides impetus to militant Islamists. It is not so difficult to find people in

Are the Saudi Wahhabi clerics waiting for an opportunity to destroy the Prophet’s mosque in Medina?- by Ali Taj: This is a mini documentary which shows a systematic destruction of the holy and historic sites of the Muslim world in Mecca and Medina. Sami Angawi, the founder and former director of Mecca’s Hajj Research Center and opponent of

How likely is it that a Muslim would turn into a Salafi or Deobandi extremist or terrorist? A Pakistani checklist: Related posts: Pakistan’s Most Wanted Terrorists: Leaders, inciters and executioners Names and pictures of Wahhabi Deobandi terrorists responsible for global terrorism since 9/11 Ulma-e-Deoband and My Bit for Change: Two websites producing Wahhabi and Deobandi Jihadists in the West

Saudi Arabia forcing Wahhabi faith on Hajis and exporting fundamentalism – by Ali Taj: The Sunni cleric is complaining about the Saudi regime distributing hateful literature to radicalize people at Hajj. The so called religious gifts for Hajjis are books in Urdu, Bangla, Hindi, Malay, Indonesian and other languages, promote the intolerant and

Sipah-e-Sahaba thanks Hamid Mir for peddling Saudi-Salafi propaganda on Syria: Hamid Mir has circulated a video recently released by Saudi-Salafi propagandists (most probably affiliated to the Al Qaeda militants in Syria) which presents a very partial and sectarian picture of the situation in Syria. This act of his is

We condemn Saudi Arabian ambassador’s meddling in International Islamic University, Islamabad: صدر پاکستان جناب آصف علی زرداری، وزیراعظم پاکستان جناب یوسف رضا گیلانی کے نام آج ہم میں سے ہر پاکستانی اس تشویش میں مبتلا ہے کہ کیا واقعی ہم ایک آزاد ملک کے آزاد شہری ہیں۔ کیا ہمیں اپنی

Some apartheids are more kosher: Deportation of Shia Muslims from the UAE: Hmmm . . . where are the protests in the streets of Karachi and Cairo, outrage in London and Washington over this apartheid policy by haters of Shi’ite Muslims? Where are all the vocal Muslim groups (Jamaat-e-Islami, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, Jamaat-ud-Dawa

Brussels Shia mosque attack was not carried out by a Sunni Muslim: Despite the propagation of urban legend in ill-informed, ill-advised Western media, the attack on a Shia Muslim mosque in Burssels, in which a prayer leader (Imam) Sheikh Abdallah Dadou was killed and various copies of the holy Quran burnt, was

Pakistan’s modernity: Between military and militancy – by Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa: Editor’s note: We are cross-posting a thought provoking article by Dr. Siddiqa which was recently published in The Friday Times. This is an important theoretical piece, which may be used as guidance document for further analysis. It provides the

Ahl-e-Hadith Muslims reject Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD): Related posts: Four types of lesser Muslims of Pakistan Sunni Muslims reject Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan In defense of our Salafi (Ahl-e-Hadith) brothers and sisters Do not ignore the distinction between Deobandi jihadis and Salafi (wahhabi) jihadis in Pakistan Salafi cannon

Sleeping with the Enemy: US Partnership with Saudi-Wahhabis – by Rusty Walker: If I may ask the reader, would you conduct business with a country where Human Rights Watch list multiple egregious acts against its own society? HRW, travelers and oppressed citizens there (using fake identity or risk imprisonment) confirm the

House of Saud mistreats Hajjis: Related posts: Mecca for the rich: Islam’s holiest site ‘turning into Vegas Imam-e-Kaaba ka khutba-e-hajj – by Aamir Hussaini Editor’s note: We are cross-posting a thought-provoking article by Dr. Abbas Zaidi on a much ignored topic, i.e., persecution of

Mecca for the rich: Islam’s holiest site ‘turning into Vegas’ – by Jerome Taylor: Editor’s note: The Saudi-Salafi-Wahhabi empire in Hijaz is implementing its on-going goal of destruction of early Islamic heritage, and their current target is Makkah, Islam’s holiest site. The destruction of sites associated with early Islam is a phenomenon that

Imam-e-Kaaba ka khutba-e-hajj – by Aamir Hussaini: Aamir Hussaini offers a critical analysis of the Hajj sermon on 5 November 2011 by Abd al-‘Aziz Aal Ash-Shaikh, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia. Mr. Hussaini highlights the lopsided criticism of the media, silence on discrimination and persecution

What Arab Spring? This is Saudi Winter! – by Abdul Basit: Related post: Saudi winter in the Middle East and Hamas militants’ attack on Shia Muslims in Gaza The public lynching and gruesome murder of Libyan dictator Maumar Qaddafi is not a matter to be celebrated; rather it represents another victory for

Sufi clerics issue call to reject hardline Wahabis: NEW DELHI: A prominent organization of Sunni clerics has urged Muslims to reject hardline Wahabi Islam, which it said was giving the community a bad name, and called for limiting the influence of Saudi Arabia, which it blamed for

Jihad against mushrik Muslims: from Maulana Mahmood to Omar Fidai: Related articles: Blackwater is the new name of Taliban Taliban/Sipah-e-Sahaba’s terrorists massacre 50 Barelvi and Shia Muslims at Sakhi Sarwar shrine The extremist Deobandi-Takfiri jihad against mushrik Barelvis and kafir Shias A blasphemy against Caliph Omar (RA)! پاکستان میں

Zardari: Is he on the side of truth or Islamofascism?: Related articles: How to kill the Shia snake: Letter from brother Abdullah – by Hakim Hazik Recruitment of Bahrain National Guards in Lahore to kill Shia protesters in Bahrain Zardari’s was elected by popular vote, not by anti-democratic forces

Sectarianism and racism: The dishonest narratives on Bahrain – by Hasnain Magsi: Related articles: Why are Pakistan’s urban chatterers neglecting the Bahrain uprising? Recruitment of Bahrain National Guards in Lahore to kill Shia protesters in Bahrain The fabrication of Bahrain’s Shiite-Sunni divide – by Shirin Sadeghi Currently, there are two false

Why is US backing force in Libya but not Bahrain, Yemen? – by Andrew North: Related articles: Saudi Arabia’s military intervention in Bahrain is a slap in the face of the United States – by Jean-Francois Seznec An open letter to President Obama: People of Bahrain need your help U.S. follows two paths on