Wahhabis Salafis & Ahle Hadith Archive

Sectarian terrorism in Pakistan during 2009 – by B. Raman: The year 2009 ended with two attacks by suicide bombers on processions to mark the culmination of the period of Muhurrum observed by the Shias of Pakistan. Fifteen persons were killed in the first incident at Muzzafarabad, the capital

In defense of our Salafi (Ahl-e-Hadith) brothers and sisters: Related post: Ahl-e-Hadith Muslims reject Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) Compiled by: Abdul Nishpauri Oft misunderstood, feared from and stereotyped, Salafis (Ahl-e-Hadith) need to be better understood as a peaceful religious group who must not be stereotyped as a part and parcel

Taliban cannot be defeated unless their Wahhabi funders from Kuwait, Saudia Arabia and the UAE are arrested!: Taliban funding may be ‘impossible’ to dry up: officials * US officials say foreign donations largest source of cash for Taliban * Military estimates Taliban collect $70 million from drug traffickers every year Daily Times Monitor WASHINGTON: The Taliban-led

Hamas takes bold action against the Wahhabi "Lal Masjid" in Gaza: One of very few bold steps taken by General Musharraf was his decision to eliminate the Wahhabi/Deobandi terrorist gang holed up in Islamabad’s Lal Masjid (Red Mosque), although it was too little too late given the fact the Musharraf

Shia Muslims in Saudi Arabia: Reports by BBC and Financial Times: Saudi Arabia’s Shia press for rights By Anees al-Qudaihi BBC Arabic Service Underlying tensions between Sunni and Shia in the Middle East have escalated to full-scale crises in the past few

Appeal: Step forward for your Muslim brothers! – by Sana Saleem: By Sana Saleem Source 1 Source 2 This a call for all those who condemn violence in the name of Islam.The atrocities by Taleban in Parachinar urges us to take strict action. We shouldn’t stand silent

Eid Miladun Nabi versus Talibanisation: This year the festival of the “third Eid” of Islam was observed with unprecedented exuberance. Eid Miladun Nabi, the Birthday of the Holy Prophet PBUH, has always been the most important of the three Eids, but in this season

Taliban attack the tomb of Rahman Baba in Peshawar: William Dalrymple on the attack: Wahhabi radicals are determined to destroy a gentler, kinder Islam: General Zia’s Wahhabi legacy in Pakistan: In identifying General Zia-ul-Haq’s great dis-service to Islam and Pakistan, Green Sufi writes: “It is hard to say the General’s rule was a bed of roses for Islam. Some steps he took could

Shia pilgrims killed in Medina: King Abdullah Has No Robes: George Galloway speaks about the killing of 4 Shia pilgrims by Wahhabis in Madinah

SOS from Pakistan – Save Pakistani Shias Petition: Please consider signing this petition. SOS from Pakistan – Save Pakistani Shias Petition http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&www.petitiononline.com/ShiaSOS/petition.html We request all pro-human rights visitors to: Read and sign this petition; Circulate and publish the contents of the petition through all ethical and legal

32 Shias killed, more than 150 wounded. Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba attack Shias in D.I. Khan once again: Pakistani Shias, along with other religious and ethnic minorities, as well as secular forces in Pakistan are paying a heavy price of saving the country from the extremist, violent ideology of (the so-called) Islamists, known as Taliban and Al

In January 2009, Saudi courts convicted 25 young Iraqi men of trespassing into Saudi Arabia. Their punishment: beheading.: Saudi Monstrosity and International Silence By Huda Jawad February 04, 2009 “Information Clearinghouse” — – For the past several weeks, dozens of family members have been reaching out to the Iraqi government in a fragile gesture meant to save

Killing and ghettoization of Shias and the responsibility of the State: Return of sectarian war A suicide blast on the occasion of the “chehlum” of Imam Hussain has killed 32 innocent Shia Muslims in Dera Ghazi Khan in Punjab, hours after someone killed a Sunni in the neighbouring NWFP district

The Saudi-ization of Pakistan – by Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy: The Saudi-isation of Pakistan A stern, unyielding version of Islam is replacing the kinder, gentler Islam of the Sufis in Pakistan. The common belief in Pakistan is that Islamic radicalism is a problem only in FATA, and that madrassas

A review of Khaled Ahmed’s “Sectarian War: Pakistan’s Sunni-Shia Violence and its links to the Middle East” – by Khalid Hasan: Sectarian conflict looms over Pakistan, says study By Khalid Hasan Source: Daily Times, May 14, 2007 WASHINGTON: Sectarian violence marked by the Shia-Sunni conflict threatens to engulf Pakistan as the current century gets underway, predicts a new study released

Swat — towards a Wahhabi state?: Monday, January 19, 2009 by Khurshid Khan In his article, “Behind the crises in Swat” (Nov 27, 2008), Sartaj Khan described the conflict in Swat as a class struggle. Farhat Taj (Dec 18) responded with “No class war in

What happened to Pir Samiullah’s body is a dangerous symbolism, to many people in Swat it was wilfully permitted by the Army: Hanging a dead pir Saturday, December 27, 2008 Farhat Taj Pir Samiullah of Swat was reportedly encouraged by the army stationed in Swat to raise a lashkar against

Radical Islam’s war with India – By Anand K Verma: Anand K Verma headed the Research & Analysis Wing, (R&AW), India’s external intelligence agency from 1986-1989. He is an expert on the region, particularly Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The time has arrived for the unspoken to be spoken: Radical

Extremist Salafis and Deobandis versus Extremist Hindus: The new face of terrorism in India? The simmering in Bombay – By Aakar Patel: A few men with guns Saturday, November 29, 2008 (The News)By Aakar Patel The writer is a former newspaper editor who lives in Bombay. Among the papers he has edited is Mid-day, an afternoon paper that is published from

Spectre of sectarian war in Pakistan: The eight persons who were wounded in a bomb-attack inside a Peshawar imambargah on Monday testify to the sectarian philosophy of certain elements in the “Taliban” movement and Al Qaeda. The bombers penetrated one of the oldest quarters of

Javed Chaudhry, the mouth piece of Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba compares Taliban with Hazrat Imam Hussain: Javed Chaudhry is on the payroll of anti-Pakistan forces which are currently sponsoring Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba and their supporters in Pakistani media and politics.

Muslims should stand up and denounce al-Qaeda: The extremist Wahhabi ideology and the rise of Talibans in Pakistan…: Muslims should stand up and denounce al-Qaeda The recent wide distribution of a DVD, Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West, by a New York-based tax-exempt organization has provoked an angry response from Muslims and non-Muslims. Now a second

In Pakistan, a Shia-Sunni war to oust Taliban: Nirupama Subramanian, The Hindu, Sep 03, 2008 According to Shia leaders and independent analysts, the Taliban control the Sunni tribes in Kurram and want to battle the Shias until they have control of the region. Kurram is not the