Sindhi Nationalism Archive

پنھل ساریو کی جبری گمشدگی : ریاست کب شہریوں کا تحفظ کرے گی؟ – محمد عامر حسینی: ’میرے بابا بے قصور ہیں۔ ادبی بیٹھک ’خانہ بدوش‘ کے لیے حیدرآباد سے تین اگست 2017ء کی شام وہ باہر نکلے تو سادہ کپڑوں میں ملبوس سکیورٹی اہلکاروں نے ان کو اغوا کرلیا اور تب سے وہ لاپتہ ہیں۔

Abduction of Punhal Sario: When state will protect its citizens? – Muhammad Aamir Hussaini: My father is innocent.He was picked up by security officials in plainclothes from outside of café Khanabadoosh Hyderabad Sindh on 3rd August,2017 in evening.He is missing now.He is heart and Sugar patient.We all family members are worried much about

سندھی سماج کیسے بچے گا ؟ – عامر حسینی: مذہبی بنیادوں پہ انتہا پسندی نے جب ایک منظم دہشت گرد نیٹ ورک کی شکل اختیار کرنا شروع کی تو ہمارے سماج میں ایک بیانیہ ہر ایک قومیت کے قوم پرستوں نے بھی مرتب کرنا شروع کردیا۔ پنجابی قومیت

سندھی قوم پرست رہنما راجہ داہر کے اغوا کے بعد قتل کی گھناونی واردات – فہد جمال: ﭘﺎﮐﺴﺘﺎﻥ ﮐﮯ ﺻﻮﺑﮧ ﺳﻨﺪﮪ ﮐﮯ ﻧﺎﻣﻮﺭ ﺗﺎﺭﯾﺦ ﻧﻮﯾﺲ ﺍﻭﺭ ﻣﺼﻨﻒ ﻋﻄﺎ ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺑﮭﻨﺒﮭﺮﻭ ﮐﮯ ﻓﺮﺯﻧﺪ ﺍﻭﺭ ﺟﯿﮯ ﺳﻨﺪﮪ ﻣﺘﺤﺪﮦ ﻣﺤﺎﺫ ﮐﮯ ﺭﮨﻨﻤﺎ ﺭﺍﺟﮧ ﺩﺍﮨﺮ ﮐﻮ ﭘﺎﮐﺴﺘﺎﻧﯽ ﺳﯿﮑﯿﻮﺭﭨﯽ ﺍﺩﺍﺭﻭﮞ ﻧﮯ ﺍﻥ ﮐﮯ ﮔﺎﺅﻥ ﮐﺎ ﻣﺤﺎﺻﺮﮦ ﮐﺮﮐﮯ ، 4 ﺟﻮﻥ ﮐﻮ

سولہ دسمبر اور بنگلہ دیش کا قیام – عامر حسینی: اے جی نورانی کی کتاب ” جناح و تحریک آزادی کے کامریڈ ” میں ایک باب بنگال پر بهی ہے کہ کیسے شهید سہروردی اور سرت بوس سمیت تمام ہندو و مسلم بنگالی سیاسی لیڈر بنگال کو تقسیم

سندھی صحافیوں اور قوم پرستوں پرآئی ایس آئی کا تشدد – بی بی سی رپورٹ: ’اب میں اپنا سر بچا کر بھیس بدل کر رپورٹنگ کر رہا ہوں اور کرتا رہوں گا۔ برائے مہربانی میرا یہ میسیج ڈیلیٹ مت کیجیے گا اور ریکارڈ پر رکھنا اگر میں مارا جاؤں تو۔‘ یہ الفاظ ہیں اس

کراچی: جسقم کا میتوں کے ساتھ آزادی مارچ، مرسوں مرسوں، سندھ نہ ڈیسوں کے نعرے: ئئیس مارچ 2014ء کو جئے سندھ قومی محاذ-جسقم نے آزادی مارچ کے لیے حسب روائت کراچی کا انتخاب کیا تھا اور یہ مارچ اس لیے بھی زیادہ جذباتی اور گرم فضاء میں ہوا کہ ایک دن پہلے جئے سندھ

یوم پاکستان کی پریڈ ایوان صدر، آزادی مارچ شاہراہ فیصل پر کیوں؟: کچھ کتابیں ہیں جو میں خصوصی طور پر پڑھ رہا تھا جو ہماری تاریخ کے سرکاری اور درباری بیانیے سے ہٹ کر حقائق اورکڑوے سچ کو بیان کرتی ہیں اور میرا ارادہ کافی دنوں سے بن رہا تھا کہ

RIP Shamshir-ul-Hyderi: Legendary Sindhi poet and intellectual Shamshir-ul-Hyderi, 80, passed away in Karachi on 10 August 2012. He was a famous scholar, drama writer and broadcaster of Pakistan. He served for ten years as secretary of Sindhi Literary Board for ten

Sindh’s indigenous population being massacred by ethno-fascist terrorists of MQM: We condemn brutal massacre of innocent Sindhis and Balochs in Karachi by armed ethno-fascist terrorists of Altaf Hussain’s MQM. According to BBC, at least 11 people, mostly Sindhis, died after ethno-fascist gunmen (belonging to MQM) opened fire on a

Farewell ‘Sindh jo ardo put’ Bashir Qureshi: LUBP offers sincerest condolences on the untimely death of Bashir Khan Qureshi, the chairman of the Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz (JSQM). Qureshi was the leader of the JSQM-Qureshi, a nationalist party that came into existence after a split in

An interview with Comrade Sobho Gianchandani – by Salam Dharejo: Sobho Gianchandani (born 1920) in Larkana), is a leading Pakistani Sindhi social scientist, and revolutionary writer. At age 91, Comrade Sobho Gianchandani is one of the oldest living communists in the subcontinent. He has seen it all, done it all

The will of a Sindhi journalist – by Laibaah: We are cross-posting a painful story (published by BBC Urdu) of Shahid Khaskheli, a Sindhi journalist who filed a report for KTN about Bashir Arisar, a Sindhi nationalist who was abducted and brutally tortured by Pakistan army’s intelligence agencies

Political marriage between Ali Kazi and Marvi Memon – by Raza Baloch: Ali Kazi, the owner of KTN group of print and electronic media, is going to form a new ethno-nationalist party in Sindh. Marvi Memon, the foreign educated daughter of Nisar Memon who is a retired technocrat and a good

Step aside President Zardari and PPP, Ansar Abbasi plays the “Sindh Card”: Pakistan’s apex investigative journalist and wannabe political advisor / strategist/ analyst / national builder / true muslim, Ansar Abbasi has written a special investigative report good enough to take the bragging rights of using the “Sindh Card” for the

Murder of three Hindu doctors on Eid day: Crime against humanity – by Javed Qazi: Hardly a day of the great murder of the history of Sindh passed by, that 72 years back, Hindu mystic singer, Bhaghat Kanwar Ram, was killed near Shikarpur, that we always remember him on his anniversary day, 1st Nov.

Tribute to Martyrs of MRD Movement September 1983: “My patriotic and heroic countrymen, my honorable brothers and sisters, my brave sons and daughters! The aim of our movement, a civil disobedience, for six long years we have been facing persecution and oppression. Our cause for resumption of

And now Chinese -by Waseem Altaf: He was born in a Sindhi family and used to speak Sindhi at home until he joined a school and learned that the national language was Urdu. As the medium of communication was Urdu, he had to learn Urdu.

In support of Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza: Stop one-sided operation in Lyari: Related post: President Zardari, no further reconciliation with MQM! – by Dilshad Chandio PPP leader Dr. Zulfiar Mirza has decided to resign from his ministerial post, party post and MPA seat in protest over Lyari operation. Senior provincial minister

Ethnic Conflict in Karachi- From Past to Present -1: Partition of India and migration has left long term effects, challenges and issues which are mostly overlooked by intelligentsia and opinion makers in both India and Pakistan which in turn has impacted conventional wisdom and formed many misconceptions. Many

PPP a mirror for ethno-nationalists – By Ali Sher Mussali: Pakistan Peoples Party is the largest political party of Pakistan since 1970s, which has continuously struggled for strong federation in Pakistan. PPP is the only political party in Pakistan, which is party of the people, ideologically and by its

Mirza’s Statement and Karachi Violence: Zulfiqar Mirza made comments that infuriated many Urdu-Speaking people, when he said many Urdu Speakers had come hungry and naked to Pakistan. He was speaking after rumours that MQM wanted a separate province of Urdu Speakers. The trouble started

Al-Qaida funded N-League waging terrorists in Sindh – by Ali Sher Mussali: Hapless (N) League always remained misfit in the democratic set up in Pakistan and at present their leadership extremely worried about party’s political paradigm which has limited the party to GT road party or a party belonging of Indian

Nawaz League and Sindhi Nationalists: From airport to my hotel I observed some green flags in hands of 18 million of Pakistani nation. Around 10 (million) were with green flags in their hands on motorbikes, 5 (million) on cars and remaining 3 people (million)

Contempt Notices But Only Against PPP and People of Sindh – by Abbas Bhutto: Related article: Pakistan’s lord and his flies: On SCP’s contempt notices to Taj Haider and Sharjeel Memon Contempt of court notices have been issued against former senator and general secretary of the PPP’s Sindh chapter, Taj Haider, and the

Student politics in Pakistan: A history, lament and celebration – by Nadeem F. Paracha: Part-1: First steps In 1947 the only established student organization in the newly created country of Pakistan was the Muslim Students Federation (MSF), the student wing of the ruling Muslim League. MSF had been formed to assist the Muslim

Behind the tunes of ‘Bijja Teer Bijja’ – by Rafay Mahmood: Source: Express Tribune KARACHI: Anthems constitute a major part of the music enfold in Pakistan and they alone sell more copies during election campaigns than a commercial album sells throughout the year. And now recent trends show that anthems come

Sangat Interview: Pakistan needs democracy for peace: Shaheed Benazir Bhutto: Here’s an exclusive interview of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, I did for quarterly Sangat in 2002. If you deem it fit, may publish it on LUBP. It may have some value even today.(Aziz Narejo) Demands commission to probe rigging junta’s

MQM’s targeted killing strategy- By Jan Assakzai: Almost on daily basis Pakhtuns are killed in Karachi and there is a complete silence in the media to the plight of the beleaguered community. And the victims are dismissed as workers of ANP as if their blood is

Unrest among Sindhis on 18th amendment: HYDERABAD: A group of civil society leaders has made quite a critical evaluation of 18th constitutional amendment bill and said that Sindh remained the major loser once again because neither the issue of provincial autonomy nor of natural resources

Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai: the visionary – by Khurram Ali Shafique: Some people say that he fell in love, left home, became a phenomenon and came back to marry the woman who had been refused to him earlier. There is no way of knowing whether the career of Shah Abdul

President Zardari, Sindh Saga and the tele-scholars – by Ali Arqam: صدر زرداری، سندھ ساگا اور ٹیلی دانشور صدر زرداری کا حوالہ و تعارف چونکہ بھٹو لیگیسی کا تسلسل ہے اس لئے ان کی ذات سے جڑا ہر معاملہ اور ان کا کہا ہر لفظ متنازع بنا کر ان پر

The Sindh Card: Here are two articles, first one by Hasan Mujtaba of BBC Urdu and the second one by Nazir Naji. The articles suggest that contrary to the ‘mainstream’ propaganda, the so called Sindh Card is a tool which has been

Tahir Sarwar Mir’s rebuttal to Shaheen Sehbai’s column: Tahir Sarwar Mir’s rebuttal to an op-ed by the veteran CIA agent Shaheen Sehbai (The News):

Hundreds of thousand people celebrate Sindhi Topi day; condemn ethnic hate speech by Geo TV and Jang Group: “Sindhi Cap Day” celebrated with excitement HYDERABAD, Dec 6 (APP/Dawn News/Aaj TV): Enthusiastic response was accorded on the call of “Sindhi Topi Day” here by the people of Karachi, Hyderabad and other towns and cities on Sunday. In Hyderabad,

Sindhi Topi, Indus Valley Civilisation and Our Fast Track Intellectuals – by Qais Anwar: Related articles: LUBP Sindhi Topi Archive سندھی ٹوپی؛ وادی سندھ اور فاسٹ ٹریک دانش ور میں جکارتہ جانے کے لیے سماٹرا (انڈو نیشیا)کے شہر پاڈانگ کے اءیر پورٹ پر جہاز کا انتظار کر رہا ہوں ۔ میرے پاس سندھی

World Sindhi Topi Day today – A protest against ethnic hate speech by Geo TV: World Sindhi Topi, Ajrak Day today Samaa TV. Upadated on: 06 Dec 09 01:47 PM By Arbab Chandio KARACHI: The first World Sindi Topi {cap} Day is being observed on Sunday (today) throughout the world including Pakistan. Various political

Sindhi Topi Day: People’s response to hate speech by Geo TV: In response to ethnic hate speech against Sindhi culture by the anti-democracy mafia of Geo TV (Shaheen Sehbai, Shahid Masood, Saaleh Zafir, Tariq Butt, Ansar Abbasi), people of Sindh have decided to observe the “Sindhi Topi Day” to pay

Sindhis responsible for 97% of corruption in Pakistan: NRO’s message: By Abdul Nishapuri Once again, it would appear that the rules are different for peoples from Sindh whereas politicians, bureaucrats and military personnel from Punjab and elsewhere are angels who do not have a spot of corruption on their