shahbaz bhatti Archive

شہباز بھٹی کے خون کی تاثیر لازم ہے کہ ہم بھی دیکھیں گے ۔ گل زہرا رضوی: پیارے پاکستان کے ہلالی پرچم میں جو سفید رنگ ہے، وہ غیر مسلم اقلیتوں کی نمائندگی کرتا ہے ۔ اقلیتوں نے تو اس رنگ کی خوب لاج رکھی اور تحریک پاکستان سے لے کے دفاع پاکستان تک ان گنت

Takfiri Deobandis slaughter Shaheed Soran Singh just like Shaheed Shabaz Bhatti in the past: SWAT: Sardar Soran Singh, special assistant to chief minister KP on minorities’ affairs and an MPA, was gunned down in a targeted attack near Pir Baba in Buner district on Friday. “Gunmen riding on two motorbikes came in

LUBP offers Christmas greetings to all Pakistanis including Christians and other communities: We also thanks our Christian brothers and sisters on organising a Peace March. First Time in Pakistan’s history, 2000 Santas rock on roads in Lahore. We take this opportunity to pay homage to our Shaheeds including Shahbaz Bhatti and

AFP’s pathetic and one-sided “report” on anti-Taliban cleric Tahir ul Qadri: In a recent report, AFP not only (deliberately) omitted the crucial context that formed the background of Allama Tahir ul Qadri’s protests – they also used disgraced and controversial anti-Ahmadi hate mongers like Tahir Ashrafi as their sources. This

شہباز بھٹی ہم شرمندہ ہیں – تیرے قاتل زندہ ہیں – عامر حسینی: دو مارچ 2009ء جبکہ پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کی حکومت کو ایک سال ہونے والا تھا اور اس کے ایک جیالے گورنر کو اپنے ہی ایک جنونی گارڑ کے ھاتھوں مارے جانے پر دوسرا مہینہ ہوا تھا تو اسلام آباد

4th Death Anniversary of Shahbaz Bhatti Shaheed: Today is the fourth death anniversary of Pakistan’s Federal Minorities Minister, rights activist and leader of Pakistan’s persecuted Christian community, Shahbaz Bhatti. Bhatti was a senior leader of Benazir Bhutto’s Pakistan Peoples Party. He was the first Federal Minister

Shahbaz Bhatti Murder Case: Witnesses Threatened: “Threatening pamphlets claiming to be from the Punjabi Taliban were found in the office of our key witness, whose name cannot be disclosed for security.” Shamoon Gill, spokesman of APMA, told AFP. He said the pamphlets had warned the

Children of Lesser God: Early this January, liberal quarters of Pakistan’s civil society commemorated fourth death anniversary of Shaheed Salmaan Taseer, the slain Governor of the Punjab. He was assassinated in broad daylight four years ago because of his unrelenting support for a

A journey from APMA to PMA -by Waheed Anjum Bhatti: In third world countries where public is a victim of different problems there minorities have to face extra ordinary torment and in such discriminative environment fundamental rights are unachievable. In such circumstances, somehow any leader arises and takes the

اقلیتی امور کے سابق وزیر شہباز بھٹی شہید کے قتل میں سپاہ صحابہ کا دہشت گرد حماد عادل دیوبندی گرفتار: شہباز بھٹی کے قاتل گرفتار: اسلام آباد پولیس منگل 17 ستمبر 2013 اسلام آباد پولیس کے ترجمان کا کہنا ہے کہ اقلیتی امور کے سابق وزیر شہباز بھٹی شہید کے قاتل کو پیر کے روز پولیس نے گرفتار کر

Remembering A Slain Hero: As soon as the calenders were flipped to September an excitement would begin to build in two specific houses in Islamabad. One my nano’s and the second mine. Shahbaz’s birthday would be coming up soon. We would begin

Asian Human Rights Commission’s report on minorities in Pakistan: World’s concern about minorities in Pakistan Nasir Saeed The issue of minority rights in Pakistan is discussed often around the world these days, in parliaments, human rights groups like Amnesty International, religious freedom departments, foreign affairs committees and international

PML-N backstabs the Christian community again: While Shahbaz Sharif led PML-N government has practically refused to punish the PMLN-ASWJ leaders and militants involved in attacks on Christians in Gorja or Joseph Colony Lahore, its intentions about financial compensation of the victims are equally dubious. Shaheed-e-Haq

Will the real Maulana Ashrafi please stand up? – by Zain Gardezi: I recently happened to read a really heartwarming piece written by Hafiz Maulana Tahir Ashrafi which was published in the opinion pages of one of Express Tribune, a popular English daily of Pakistan. In the midst of all the

When will Dr. Paul Bhatti use Shahbaz Bhatti Memorial Trust Funds? – by Agnes F Massey: Last week I circulated about Conference of Geneva Convention & Rimshah Masih which is the burning topic of the day for the whole world. It is a good news for our suffering community that Allama Tahir Ashrafi, Chairman Ullma

Bravery has no place where it can avail nothing – by Syed Salman: Though I wrote this blog last year when daring Salmaan Taseer was assassinated, hoping his death would not be just another to increase tally, but unfortunately things didn’t move an inch towards improvement, rather further deteriorated; Shahbaz Bhatti was

We welcome PPP Chairman Bilawal BZ’s statement on Shia Muslims and minorities of Pakistan: We welcome PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s statement and await actual steps towards safety of Shia Muslims and other persecuted and target killed communities of Pakistan: Sindh Minorities Minister Dr Mohan Lal calls on Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari

On Shahbaz Bhatti’s death anniversary and Shia genocide – by Mehmal Sarfraz: Without tolerance, our world turns into hell” — Friedrich Durrenmatt. A year ago on this day (March 2), Federal Minister for Minorities Shahbaz Bhatti was assassinated. His assassination took place less than two months after Governor Punjab Salmaan Taseer

Church report condemns Pakistan’s intolerance toward Non-Muslims: A 12-year-old Christian girl’s ordeal sheds further light on the plight of religious minorities. LAHORE, Pakistan — Human-rights activists in Pakistan and outside are aghast over the plight of a 12-year-old Christian girl who escaped the clutches of her

Happy Birthday Shahbaz Bhatti: ” I have accepted the post for the sake of the “oppressed, down-trodden and marginalized” of Pakistan, and that he had dedicated his life to the “struggle for human equality, social justice, religious freedom, and to uplift and empower

Dismantle the oppressive establishment – by Dr Amna Buttar: I told my nine year old daughter to dismantle the tent that she was hanging out in and was set up inside the room. She ignored me in her usual nine years old way — pretending she did not

Sipah-e-Sahaba behind Shahbaz Bhatti’s murder: According to BBC Urdu (August 2011) news Sipah-e-Sahaba was involved in the murder of Shahbaz Bhatti. شہباز بھٹی قتل کیس میں پیش رفت اقلیتی امور کے وفاقی وزیر شہباز بھٹی کے قتل کی تحقیقات کرنے والی مشترکہ تحقیقاتی ٹیم

Bullets of Intolerance – by Farhad Jarral: The apparent lull following the daylight slayings in recent months of two of Pakistan’s most prominent liberal politicians raises even more questions about a nation unwilling to confront the propagators of fear and destruction. They took less than 60

President Zardari’s historical address to parliament’s joint session: President Asif Ali Zardari’s annual address to a joint sitting of parliament addressed the accomplishments of the current government, and called for defeating the mindset of “intolerance and hatred”. The President congratulated the parliament for passing 18th and 19th

In memoriam of Shahbaz Bhatti – by TLW: Federal Minister for Minority Affairs, Shahbaz Bhatti Born – 9th September 1968 Murdered – 2nd March 2011 I feel this needs to be written. Even if its been two weeks since Minister Shahbaz Bhatti was murdered, and I know everybody feels the

My Pakistan is a progressive Pakistan: Shehrbano Taseer: Shehrbano Taseer, speaking on the Express 24/7 show “Faceoff with Munizae Jehangir”, which aired on Friday, said that everyone is collectively to be blamed for the assassinations of Governor Punjab Salmaan Taseer and Federal Minister for Minority Affairs Shahbaz

Reference for Shahbaz Bhatti, March 20, Karachi: Related articles: Peasants for Democracy Citizens for Democracy Invitation for a Reference for slain Federal Minister for Minority Affairs Shahbaz Bhatti, March 20th, 2011, 5.00 pm, Karachi Press Club. Please feel free to download, print out and distribute. Source:

Pakistan: The land of the pure, for whom? – by Sybil Daniel: The “Land of the Pure” is once again being blackmailed by Zia’s vision. His creation, the Taliban and his laws that persecute minorities are at the forefront of all that is bad in Pakistan. The controversial laws are used

Message of Condolence to the Pakistani Community by Hon. Jason Kenney: Here is an audio link to a impressive speech given by the Hon. Jason Kenney, PC, MP Minister of Citizenship, Immigration, and Multiculturalism at PORTICO Church on Sunday March 6, arranged by Canadain Christian Association (CCA). The Honourable Jason

Thanks but no thanks, LHCBA – by Saad Mansoor: The Lahore High Court Bar Association has passed a resolution condemning the killing of Governor Punjab Salman Taseer and Minister Shahbaz Bhatti. The ever so enthusiastic lawyers community of Lahore have condemned the murder with a carefully worded resolution

Salmaan Taseer, Shahbaz Bhatti and Fake Civil Society – by Shakeel Arain: Related post: PPP is on the same left-liberal footing even today. FCS, Please take note Pakistan’s urban chatterers (also known as Fake Civil Society FCS) deliberately refused to accept Mumtaz Qadri (assassin of Salmaan Taseer) as a product of

Pakistan Christian minister Shahbaz Bhatti ‘a martyr’: The Archbishop of Canterbury has called on the government of Pakistan to do more to protect its minorities. Dr Rowan Williams said the murder of Pakistan’s only Christian cabinet minister, Shahbaz Bhatti, could not be “managed or tolerated”. Writing

saffaak masiha – by Sana Bucha: سفاک مسیحا ثناء بچہ جس دن شہباز بھٹی کو ابدی نیند سلایا گیا، اس دن میرے پروگرام میں مسیحی برادری سے بے شمار ایس ایم ایس موصول ہوئے۔ کسی نے لکھا ”ہم کرسچن بعد میں، پہلے پاکستانی ہیں!“ دوسرے

Are we a nation of murderers? — by Marvi Sirmed: Never had I felt so dejected and heartbroken throughout my life of activism and movements I had ever been a modest part of, the way I did when a friend called me to be careful. These ‘be careful’ messages

Shaheed Shahbaz BHUTTO! – by Danial Lakhnavi: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Punjabi Taliban وزیر اعلی پنجاب کو “پنجابی طالبان” کی اصطلاح بہت ناگوار گزری ہے اور یہ ناراضگی بجا بھی ہے کہ ہماری سیکورٹی اسٹیبلشمنٹ کے میڈیایی تجاوزات اور پنشن یافتہ دفاعی تجزیہ کاروں کو

As Pakistan battles extremism, it needs allies’ patience and help – by Asif Ali Zardari: Source: Washington Post, 6 March 2011 Two months ago my friend Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab, was cut down for standing up against religious intolerance and against those who would use debate about our laws to divide our people.

Shahbaz Bhatti martyred by extremist Deobandis – by Amjad Rashid: When I was teaching in my school, I heard a loud voice of a student behind me in the usual noise of students in the class: “Sir, another PPP minister killed today”. It is now a days very common

PPP is on the same left-liberal footing even today. FCS, Please take note: It has increasingly been noticed that whenever there is a setback, a certain class of people purporting to be liberals whom we cover as Fake Civil Society or FCS as lovingly call, begin blaming the victim. When Mohtarma Benazir

Zardari’s dilemma: Between blood, revenge and legacy of martyrs – by Ahmad Nadeem Gehla: “The toothless government should stop appeasing extremists”, the wise men and women of Civil Society, media and anchorpersons of TV talk shows are vehemently advising President Zardari. It would have been worth ignoring, if Sara Taseer, the daughter of

Words to live by from Nicholas of Cusa in the shadow of Shaheed Shahbaz Bhatti – by Rusty Walker: Editor’s note: While our frothing at the mouth right wing media fans anti-Americanism, the psuedo liberals engage in an Anti-Americanism of a more sophisticated kind. Using Cold War terminologies, their discourse of “anti-imperialism” is only reserved for the UN
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