Punjabi Taliban Archive

(Muhammad Faisal Younus) مجھے دشمن کے بچوں کو پڑھانا ہے – محمّد فیصل یونس: مجھے دشمن کے بچوں کو پڑھانا ہے صرف بے گناہ اور معصوموں کا خون بہانا ہے مجھے دشمنوں سے یاری کو بڑھانا ہے اور اپنے ہی ملک کو نوچ نوچ کر کھانا ہے یہ دہشت گرد تو ہیں میرے

’پنجابی طالبان کو گُڈ طالبان سمجھا جاتا ہے‘: پاکستان کے سابق سینیئر پولیس افسر اور تجزیہ کار حسن عباس کا کہنا ہے پنجاب میں دہشتگردوں کے خلاف کارروائی نہ کرنے کی وجہ نااہلی اور سیاسی عزم کی کمی ہے۔ پنجاب کے دارالحکومت میں دہشتگردی کی بڑی کارروائی

کرنل شجاع خانزادہ کی شہادت : پنجاب میں دھشت گردی کے خاموش سیل ہر جگہ ہیں – تجزیہ ناصر جمال رپورٹر ڈیلی ڈان: ناصر جمال انگریزی روزنامہ ڈان کے رپورٹر ہیں اور تجزیہ کار بھی ، ان کی جانب سے پنجاب میں طالبانائزیشن ، شیعہ ، سنّی بریلوی مخالف فرقہ پرست دھشت گردی پر کئی رپورٹس اور تجزئے سامنے آئے لیکن ان

Nawaz Sharif’s deal with LeJ-ASWJ-TTP: Out of 139 criminals hanged from Dec 2014 to June 2015, only 20 hanged for terrorism, 119 for other charges: It seems that Pakistan pro-Taliban PM Nawaz Sharif, who is known for sypathies with banned Deobandi terror outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP aka ASWJ aka LeJ) has decided to hurt the National Action Plan in the aftermath of the Peshawar

Test case for General Raheel Sharif: Punjabi Taliban chief Asmatullah Moavia Deobandi unlikely to be tried in military court? – by Amir Mir: ISLAMABAD: Despite the Pakistani ruling elite’s repeated resolve after the Peshawar school massacre not to show any distinction between ‘good’ or ‘bad’ Taliban, the Ameer of the Punjabi Taliban, Commander Asmatullah Moavia, seems to have been granted amnesty after

Dawn’s editorial on the renunciation of violence by Punjabi Taliban: In certain national security circles, the renunciation of violence inside Pakistan by the leader of the TTP Punjab aka the Punjabi Taliban, Asmatullah Muawiya, will be greeted with satisfaction, even glee. Luring the Punjabi Taliban back towards the

Dawn’s editorial on the renunciation of violence by Punjabi Taliban: In certain national security circles, the renunciation of violence inside Pakistan by the leader of the TTP Punjab aka the Punjabi Taliban, Asmatullah Muawiya, will be greeted with satisfaction, even glee. Luring the Punjabi Taliban back towards the mainstream

Dawn’s editorial on the renunciation of violence by Punjabi Taliban: In certain national security circles, the renunciation of violence inside Pakistan by the leader of the TTP Punjab aka the Punjabi Taliban, Asmatullah Muawiya, will be greeted with satisfaction, even glee. Luring the Punjabi Taliban back towards the

No good or bad Taliban only Takfiri Deobandi killing machines – by Bill Roggio: A series of military strikes in the tribal agency of North Waziristan has caused a Taliban commander who is favored by Pakistan’s ruling class to reconsider his peace agreement with the military and the government. A spokesman for Hafiz

اداریہ تعمیر پاکستان:نئے سال کو سعودی ایجنٹوں اور تکفیری ٹولے سے نجات کا سال بنادیں: آج جب سال کا پہلا دن ہے تو صبح سویرے اخبارات کی شہ سرخی ہمیں بتارہی ہے کہ وزیراعظم پاکستان میاں محمد نواز شریف نے جمعیت العلمائے اسلام کے امیر مولانا سمیع الحق کو فون کیا اور ان سے

On Ashura, Deobandi TTP terrorists seek revenge from Sunni and Shia mourners of Imam Hussain for the US drone attack on Hakimullah Mehsud: Deobandi Khawarij terrorists of Taliban (aka TTP-ASWJ) are simply stupid or programmed to kill innocent people. If they are real warriors why don’t they come out of their cowardly hide outs and take on the US military or the

TTP raids house of sacked Punjabi Taliban chief – by Asad Kharal: TTP raids house of sacked Punjabi Taliban chief. ILLUSTRATION: JAMAL KHURSHID/FILE LAHORE: Members of the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) allegedly raided the house of sacked Punjabi Taliban chief Asmatullah Muavia in the suburbs of Miramshah, North Waziristan Agency, officials told The

Asmatullah Muavia is a product of Lal Masjid operation – by Amir Mir: ISLAMABAD: Commander Asmatullah Muavia, who was sacked by the central Shura of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on Friday for welcoming Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif’s recent offer of talks to the “armed militants”, started his jehadi career from

ایم کیو ایم پر بم دھماکوں میں ملوث سپاہ صحابہ کا دہشتگرد عدالت سے فرار: گزشتہ دنوں کراچی کی مقامی عدالت سے “غلام اسحاق” نامی ایک قیدی فرار ہوگیا تھا یہ قیدی کوئی اور نہیں بلکہ تکفیری دیوبندی کے عسکری ونگ سپاہ صحابہ کا انتہائی خطرناک دہشتگرد ہے جو الیکشن مہم کے دوران کراچی

Punjabi dictatorship fears – by Abdul Rehman Leghari: Editor’s note: LUBP does not support this opinion. However, we want to encourage candid debate on these issues. After the sad demise of Shaheed Mohtarma Benzair Bhutto, the “zanjeer” of the provinces is gone. Smaller provinces have genuine fears

Sipah Sahaba and Taliban are two names of the same Deobandi militant organization: Critical analysts of terrorism and terrorist ideology in Pakistan, Afghanistan and broader South Asia are aware of the fact that Pakistan army-sponsored Taliban militants (who later occupied Kabul in Qandahar) originated in Deobandi seminaries (madrassas) of Akora Khattak (of

Keeping mum about the Punjabi Taliban -by Khaled Ahmed: I was surprised a fortnight ago to receive a note from Lahore’s General Post Office saying I had imported a banned book which the Post Office had duly confiscated. The book was Punjabi Taliban by Mujahid Hussain (Pentagon Press,

Hamid Mir, the murderer!: Hamid Mir, Jang Group/Geo TV’s star anchor and columnist, is not only known for sympathetic views for Deobandi and Salafi terrorists (Al Qaeda, Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba aka ASWJ), he also played a direct and indirect role in the murder of

Assaulted for wearing a sleeveless shirt – by Amir Qureshi: Cross Posted from Express Tribune Blogs It was only a matter of time anyway. A few days ago, a police officer along with his squad burst into the Nairang Art Gallery and beat up the female curator for wearing

PML-N promises senatorship to Maulana Ludhianvi: Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz government in Punjab is not only protecting banned terrorist organization, but also gearing up for electoral alliances with Sipah-e-Sahaba(a Deobandi terrorist organization), which was officially banned in 2001, though still active’ energetic and spreading terror

Mussali (A slave) – by Ali Sher Mussali: White Muslims from various parts of India had migrated in territories of Pakistan during early and mid of 19th century to restructure a land from non-pure to a pure land for Wahabi Muslims. The White Wahabi Muslims Migrants (WWMM)

Shaheed Shahbaz BHUTTO! – by Danial Lakhnavi: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Punjabi Taliban وزیر اعلی پنجاب کو “پنجابی طالبان” کی اصطلاح بہت ناگوار گزری ہے اور یہ ناراضگی بجا بھی ہے کہ ہماری سیکورٹی اسٹیبلشمنٹ کے میڈیایی تجاوزات اور پنشن یافتہ دفاعی تجزیہ کاروں کو

ISI leaks to their media team: “Running short of Patsies; need more Raymond Davises” – by Azaad Mir: Related article: On the so called ISI-CIA rift on the Raymond Davis issue It seems that Aabpara and its media division (Geo, ARY, AAj etc) have realized that breaking the news of Raymond Davis being a CIA operative can

Some common fallacies often shared by Taliban apologists and (fake) liberals: Related posts: Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan Unloading the entire blame of sectarian terrorism on Saudi Arabia and Iran is unfair – by Adnan Farooq LUBP archive on Shia genocide in Pakistan Here is a list

Recognising Taliban narratives — by Gulmina Bilal Ahmad: The Taliban are very intelligently shaping the narrative and we are falling in line, so to speak. What is a Punjabi Taliban? Or for that matter a Pakhtun one? It is being turned into an ethnic fight based on

Mian Sahab, it’s time for you to examine your counter extremism policy -by Junaid Qaiser: Terrorists have once again attacked the Lahore city, this time their target was the sacred shrine of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajveri, a Persian Sufi and scholar during the 11th century who significantly contributed to the spreading of

The umbilical connection between PML-N and religious conservatism: Jaag Punjabi jaag – by Aamer Ahmed Khan: It was a priceless line, coming from one of the most powerful politicians in the Punjab. Speaking to BBC’s ‘Newshour’ in the aftermath of Data Darbar’s bombing, Punjab Chief Minister Mian Shahbaz Sharif said he thinks the term Punjabi

Written by the ISI, adapted by Syed Talat Hussain: Dear critical readers, Would you like to review an op-ed whose content was developed in Islamabad’s Aabpara office (of the ISI), which was then adapted as a newspaper column by a “leading” Pakistani journalist? Here is a classical example

This is Radio Conspiracy FM-70 – by Nadeem Paracha: Source :Dawnblog Hello this is Radio Conspiracy FM-70 and I’m your host and RJ, Ali Azmat. Today in the studios we have with us Pakistan’s leading DJ and rock star from the band Conquering Israel, Ghalat Hussain, hello Ghalat

Senior Minister Zulfiqar Khosa: Admits Punjabi taliban is a reality: PML_N Punjab President and senior minister Zulifqar khosa admits reality of punjabi taliban . Zulifqar Khosa told journalist that taliban are offering stipend of Rs 16,000-20,000 to youth of southern punjab. Earlier this year , Khosa house in Dera

Amn Tehreek : Dialogue on Ongoing terrorism and Punjabi Taliban: A dialogue was held by Amn Tehrik(Peace Movement) at Peshawar Press Club titled, Ongoing terrorism and Punjabi Taliban and why military operation is not being launched in Punjab against terrorists?. It was participated by representatives of almost all members

The Growing Threat In Pakistan’s Punjab -By Daud Khattak: Few Pakistanis rejoiced when the country’s military high command announced victory against armed militants in the Orakzai tribal agency last week — mainly because Punjab, the heartland of Pakistan, is still threatened by galloping Talibanization. Alarm bells have been

Do not ignore the distinction between Deobandi jihadis and Salafi (wahhabi) jihadis in Pakistan: Many international and national analysts, scholars and journalist usually do not take into account some important distinctions between various jihadi and sectarian groups operating in Pakistan. In his op-ed (in daily Express, 7 June 2010), Muhammad Amir Hashim Khakwani

The reactionary republic – by Nadeem Paracha: Source: Dawn, 06 Jun, 2010 Here’s a question: How come whenever there’s a drone attack (in which most of those killed generally are extremists), or a case of perceived obscenity or blasphemy surfaces, street corners are at once filled

Excellent statement by Nawaz Sharif: Source There at least three things to celebrate in the most recent statement of the Quaid of Pakistan Muslim League (N), Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif: 1. Ahmadis are our brothers and sisters; they are citizens of Pakistan; it is

A Reply to Zia’s Ideological Son: By Ahsan Abbas Shah: Here is an article in a reply of Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif’s statement against Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik.

There are no Punjabi Taliban. Really? – by Ijaz Meher: جھگڑا ’پنجابی طالبان‘ کا اعجاز مہر بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، اسلام آباد پاکستان کی نصف آبادی والے صوبے پنجاب میں دہشت گردی کے حالیہ خوفناک واقعات کے بعد مرکزی اور پنجاب کی صوبائی حکومتوں کے درمیاں بجائے

Independent Media and Role of Bloggers: On 25th May 2010 Muhammad Malik in his program targetted LUBP because we had published the audio tape of Hamid Mir while talking to Punjabi Taliban. Muhammad Maalik urged PM Gillani to take action against the blog which has

From New York’s Islamic Centre to Lahore’s Ahmadi Mosques – by Dr Manzur Ejaz: For the love of humanity The common New Yorker believes that jihadists carried out 9/11. Despite that, when the Muslim community applied for constructing an Islamic centre alongside the planned memorial, the overwhelming majority of the committee approved it

A muted response to minority killings – by Sana Saleem: Picture of a banner from Mall Road outside the Lahore High Court, which and reads “Jews, Christians, Ahmadis are enemies of Islam”. Source: Dawn Blog Incomprehensible. That is the only word I can use to express my feelings about