Author Archive

Natural Disasters and the Terrorist Connection: Government needs to be on the watch!- by Aley: The recent floods in Pakistan have resulted in a colossal loss of life and property and require the government to go an extra mile for the rehabilitation of the victims. Yet a very important aspect which needs attention from

Analysis of relief and donations related to Pakistan floods 2010 – by Anas Abbas: Donations and contributions so far: World Bank: popularly known as the Israeli sponsored conspiracy in Pakistan said it had set up an aid fund at Pakistan’s request with initial pledges of $80 million. United States of America: Remember (According

Floods Opening The Floodgates For Pakistan’s Extremists- By Daud Khattak: Devastating flooding in northwestern Pakistan has now taken more than 1,400 lives and a left about 1 million people homeless. Although the government has announced it is stepping up relief efforts, it has been widely criticized for its slow

MQM: Ethnicity and Politics of Violence- by Raza Habib Raja: At the onset I would like to acknowledge that I have very mixed feelings about MQM. At one hand, I like its relatively secular approach and its demonstrated commitment to denounce hardliners when everyone else was actually going for

When Bhutto Comes to mind- by Hasan Mujtaba: بھٹو کہاں سے آئے حسن مجتییٰ پتہ نہیں کیوں، جب دریاؤں اور آنسوؤں کے بند ٹوٹ جاتے ہیں تو پاکستان کے اکثر لوگوں کو ذوالفقعار علی بھٹو یاد آتے ہیں۔۔۔ انیس سو بہتر کے سُپر سیلابوں میں ماؤ کیپ

Mosque at Ground Zero: Saudi wins America loses- by Imtiaz Baloch: The New York City Landmarks Commission unanimously allowed for the demolition of the Italianate building of 1857, near where the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers stood, and paves the way for the construction of the Cordoba House, a Mosque

The finest intelligence agency in the world – by Omar Ali: I was trying to figure out why our security establishment (rated number one in the world, according to the 200 emails I have received in the last few days from army officers and their cousins and admirers) is so

Sayyed Raza Haider – another victim of terrorist SSP and LeJ: Sayyed Raza Haider, MQM parliamentarian and member of Shia Community was killed with his gunmen in a mosque when he was doing Wuzu (ablution) to participate in a funeral of his friend’s mother. The attackers shouted “Allah O Akbar”

Karachi on Fire: KARACHI: A Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) leader and a member of the Sindh Assembly, Raza Haider, and his security guard were gunned down by unidentified motorcyclists inside a mosque in the Nazimabad area on Monday. Life in the provincial

Gojra: A Question to the followers of Muhammad(SAWW): Prophet Muhammad’s Charter of Priviliges to Christians English Translation of the arabic text “This is a message from Muhammad ibn Abdullah, as a covenant to those who adopt Christianity, near and far, we are with them. Verily I, the

Pakistan, Afghanistan and politics of US withdrawal- by Shehrbano Taseer: WASHINGTON DC: On Wednesday, the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) and the Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP) co-sponsored an event featuring Pervez Hoodbhoy and Zia Mian. The speakers discussed the present crisis in Pakistan regarding the Taliban

The road to perdition- by Dr. Muhammad Taqi: First published in Daily Times In the Obama lexicon, the word victory does not exist in the Afghan context. Indications are there that the Pakistani security establishment has been outsourced the effort to tame the Taliban to allow the

Sugar Crisis coming forth!: LAHORE: The government will have no other option but to further raise sugar prices at Utility Stores in order to narrow the gap with the open market, to cope with the impending sugar crisis. Industry sources believe that the

Fighting against Terrorism: ANP loses 485 diehard activists- by Javed Aziz Khan: PESHAWAR: The Awami National Party (ANP) lost about 485 diehard activists during the ongoing ‘war on terror’ for its tough stance against militants in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and tribal areas over the last many years. Most of the casualties were

Reconciliation between Pakistani nationalities – by Shahid Ilyas: This article is exclusively written for the LUBP by our valued reader and member of the Pakhtunkhwa Peace Forum (PPF) Shahid Ilyas. We are thankful to him for sharing his thoughts with us on this very important issue. (aliarqam)

The Myths of Economic Development- by Ayaz Gul: پاکستان کی معاشی و اقتصادی ترقی کے دعوﺅں کی حقیقت ورلڈ بینک اور وزارتِ خزانہ کے مابین اتفاقِ رائے ایاز گُل 17 جولائی 2010ء تک کے اخبارات کے مطابق ”ورلڈ بینک نے پاکستان کی اقتصادی ترقی کو سراہتے ہوئے

Of establishment and its beneficiaries – by Dr Ayesha Siddiqa: Read Part 1 of this article here This article is part of the same article posted here with the title “Political Homosexuality“. I have posted it as a separate article for its comments on Establishment equations and understanding of

Political homosexuality – by Dr Ayesha Siddiqa: Can I suggest that politics is also highly gendered. Just like things fall in the category of masculine and feminine, political ideology also has its types. Considering my own bias for the feminine, I would argue that there are

Disrespecting Constitution in Supreme Court- by Wusatullah Khan: منگل بیس جولائی کو اسلام آباد میں سپریم کورٹ کے فل بنچ کے سترہ ججوں کے سامنے وہ بھی ہوگیا جو ایک دن ہونا ہی تھا۔ اٹھارویں ترمیم کو چیلنج کرنے والے ایک صحافی درخواست گزار نے ایک ہاتھ

Pervez Masih: Unsung Hero of Pakistan – by Ali Abbas Zaidi: I have written on him before, but I want to write more. [click here to read: Daewoo Gang-rape and Pervez Masih] — To the unsung hero of Pakistan! Heroes come in different types, heroics vary with the impact they

Listen, gentlemen- by Marvi Sirmed: Like Dwight David Eisenhower, I had always thought that both the people of Pakistan and India have wanted peace and that both governments (read establishments) had better get out of their way and let them have it. This thought

I confess, I am a traitor- by Syed Nadir El Edroos: My name is Syed Nadir El-Edroos and I am a traitor. For my actions, deeds and words I should receive an exemplary punishment so that no one ever dares repeat the treachery that I am responsible for. I have

Baloch Nationalists Leaders mourned in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: A condolence reference was held in Peshawar Press Club for the Baloch leaders Habib Jalib Baloch Secretary General BNP and Maula Bakhsh Dashti of Natinal Party who were mercilessly assassinated in Balochistan few days ago. The reference was arranged

Sun from the East- by Ali Irtiza: The Bangladeshi government has ordered mosques and libraries across the country to remove all books written by a controversial Islamic scholar. The chief of the government-funded Islamic Foundation told the BBC that the books by Syed Abul Ala Maududi

The Hell of Ideologies- by Aamir Husaini: A thought provoking piece by Aamir Husaini from the only Pakistani liberal Urdu daily newspaper Daily Aajkal on the states pursuing ideologies, turning the world to a burning hell for those who they consider an obstacle in their way(aliarqam)

Poets and Hawks: On Pak India War Hysteria by Farooq Sulehria: Once again Pak India peace dialogue is underway, this time between the foreign ministers. Too much is posted and published on the various aspects of Paki India relations, basic issues, Kashmir conflicts, the newly hyped water conflict etc etc.

Senator Habib Jalib Baloch gunned down- by aliarqam: QUETTA: Central Secretary General of the Balochistan National Party (BNP) and former senator Habib Jalib Baloch has been killed in the provincial capital on Wednesday. Moscow-educated Jalib was a prominent Baloch intellectual and a former chairman of the Baloch

Do not squeeze the tribesmen anymore —Daud Khattak: There is a Pashto proverb: ‘Oba pa kamzori zai mateegee’ (water makes its course on the weaker bank). It is happening in Waziristan now as the political administration is forcing the displaced Ahmadzai Wazir tribesmen to hand over the

An Open letter to the CJ LHC- by Nimer Ahmed: Nimer Ahmed has written an open letter to Chief Justice Lahore High Court in daily Aajkal…

Now Mullah and Mullen are attuned – by Ali Arqam and Dr. Khan: In Afghan War, when the capitalist world, the salafist Arabs, the communist Chinese and the opportunist Pakistani Generals along with their puppet warriors and clergies were in a war with the USSR and the Communist Afghan regime on Afghan

Let’s say: “Terror has no boundaries” – by Ali Arqam Durrani: It is such a tragedy that everybody is stuck up with ‘who’ questions regarding attacks on Data Darbar (due to denial and conspiracy theories) preventing all of us from discussing the more important ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions. Everyone is

Financing Jihad via Petrodollars – by Farooq Sulehria: According to several estimates, Islamic organisations, many of which are linked to armed groups, can draw from a pool of money ranging from $5 billion to $16 billion, the Saudi government alone donates $10 billion via the ministry of

Kainat Soomro: Lost her brother pursuing gang rapists- by Rabia Ali: Source: The News, 26 June 2010 The family of the gang-rape victim Kainat Soomro had to suffer another loss on Saturday as they found the body of Kainat’s elder brother, who had been pursuing his sister’s case in courts,

Interview : Afrasiab Khattak on Pak India dialogue -by Jyoti Malhotra: Senator Afrasiab Khattak, President ANP Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and former Chairman HRCP and member of Constitutional reforms committe chaired by Raza Rabbani recently has in an interview to Jyoti Malhotra in discussed Pak India peace dialogue, Terrorism and constitutional amendments.

JI Mentor Maudoodi exposed – by Yasser Latif Hamdani: Pakteahouse Co-editor Yasser Latif Hamdani has shared with us this piece exposing the hypocricy of JI and their mentor Maudoodi. We are posting it here from the pakteahouse blog. Here is an English translation of the 10 Urdu quotations

Aqsa Pervez : Who will speak for the Daughter of Pakistan?: The report by Natasha Fatah of the CBC is an eye opener for Canadians, Pakistanis and for everyone in general. It highlights the deleterous effects of excessive poliitcal correctness to the point where few, if any, are questioning the

Mullah Omar won, Khawja Sharif lost – by Imran Waseem: Lahore High Court in an amazing decision yesterday ordered to ban what is called internet these days, citing the presence of sacrilegious material on websites. As long as specific sites containing sacrilegious material are banned, the decision would be