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Objectives of Pakistani Conspiracy Theorists – by Anas Abbas: Objective 1. To denigrate Baluchistan’s resistance movements and to present a picture where the blame of all Baluch sufferings go to foreign elements even though the real culprits are the Punjabi elite and the Pakistan army for their military

Our expats: The Pakistanis living abroad – by Fawad Manzoor: I wrote this in response to an article by Adnan R. Khan who covers Pakistan for AOL News. Title of his article was “On Being Pakistani“. He wrote the article after Faisal Shehzad was arrested in NY trying to bomb Time Square

Pakhtunwali and the Taliban – by Imran Khan: Naveed Hussain’s article ‘Militancy or a tribal backlash?‘ (Aug 15-016) defines the Taliban insurgency as a tribal backlash that is spurred by the demands of Pakhtunwali. Believing this conclusion would lead to some paradoxical realities because an overwhelming majority

The shocking neglect of Baloch flood victims – by Jumma Marri: The unprecedented monsoon clouds which seemed to have become static over Balochistan created unparalleled havoc with lives, properties and livestock. Oddly the droughts here are equally severe but they certainly are not because of the US program HAARP with

Concerns over Post-military operations developments in KP – by Idrees Kamal: Amn Tehrik (Peace Movement) , an organization of Political workers, civil society, writers, intellectuals, Lawyers, Students, Labours, Women, Poets and sensible segment of the society and comrises political workers of almost all the secular political parties working in the

In The Name Of National Sovereignty – by Raza Habib Raja: One of the most hyped up slogans on the media and the rightwing nationalist circles is of “National Sovereignty”. This slogan is so powerful that Pakistani leadership particularly that of PPP is always on the defensive. According to this

The alleged Plot to kill Justice Sharif: A wishful thinking of Ansar Abassi (part 1) – by Fawad Manzoor: Related articles: Part 2 Here it goes again. When I read the name of Ansar Abbasi in the papers immediately my mind runs to the story books we used to read when we were kids. Famous character in those

Viewpoint: Media access and freedom of expression in Pakistan – by Dr. Qiaser Abbas: Weekly viewpointonline in his 18th issue has focused on Media in Pakistan. In a series of very isnightful articles they have highlighted various aspects of Pakistani media, their corporate goals, representing state narratives, the self complimentary, self appreciative style,

Imran Khan ki Pukaar Remains Silent for Many – By Rafeel Wasi: The recent floods are the biggest in the history of Pakistan, and have left more than 1600 people dead and thousands desolate and moth-eaten without a single penny left in their pocket. This has led to an intense call

Late Dr Wazir Agha: Obituaries to Renowned Urdu critic: Dailytimes: Life and times of Dr Wazir Agha – Urdu’s most noted critic By Dr Amjad Parvez It pains me to add the word ‘late’ to Dr Wazir Agha’s name, whom I found to be a great intellectual, a

What can Federal Ministers gain by killing Khawaja Sharif?- by Ali Asad: Ansar Abbasi has again come out with an innovative theory. According to his story attributed to a purported report of Special Branch of Punjab police, some federal Ministers are planning to kill Mr. Khawaja Sharif. He has not disclosed

We look forward to the follow up story to the plot to kill Justice Sharif- by Chaudry Ahmad Khan and Ahmad Iqbalabadi: Even “yellow journalists” would be insulted to be in the same category as the Jang Group. A media group that has always promoted the interests of dictators, bigots and fascists has been at the forefront in maligning the current

Viewpoint Interview: “Left supporting Taliban is short-sighted”, Nawal El Saadawi: Award-winning Egyptian writer and feminist Nawal El Saadawi hardly deserves an introduction. Author of over forty books—-translated to over 30 languages—-she has inspired women all over the world but particularly in Muslim world with her writings as well as

India’s golden opportunity – By B. R. GOWANI: “A woman yells as her child is evacuated from the roof of a mosque where residents were taking refuge from flood waters in Sanawa, Pakistan on August 5, 2010.” Photo/Reuters/Stringer/Boston Globe Following the bloody partition of the Indian sub-continent

Rehman Malik, who do you represent? – by Imtiaz Baloch: While Rehman Malik statements regarding the peace process in Balochistan of threatening aggrieved Baloch elements of using more force was responded by the sensible Baloch political leadership as Sardar Akhtar Jan Mengal and Senator Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, Newspaper

Wronged souls don’t vanish: an obituary of Zaman Khan Marri – By Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur: Zaman Khan Chalgari Marri, a practicing lawyer, was kidnapped on August 19, along with another lawyer Munir Ahmed Mirwani from Quetta. On September 6, his mutilated body was found in Mastung. He leaves behind an inconsolable wife, seven daughters,

For the flood Victims: A Punjabi poem by Faiz Ahmad Faiz: میری ڈولی شوہ دریا ( یہ نظم انیس سو چوہتر کے سیلاب زدوں کے امدادی فنڈ کیلئے لکھی گئی) میری ڈولی شوہ دریا کل تائیں سانوں بابلا تو رکھیا ہِک نال لا سَت خیراں ساڈیاں منگیاں جد جُھلی تتی

Why stop corruption when you have Allah? — by Dr Manzur Ejaz: As expected, the conspiracy theorists have alleged that Indian bookies cooked up the plan to malign Pakistani cricket players. Notorious Pakistan crook Mazhar Majeed and his sister are allegedly married to Indians. Actress Veena Malik, ex-girlfriend of one of

خدا کیلئے! ٹانگیں مت کھینچے- کاشف نصیر: ٹھیک ہے اگر مارشل لاء یا اس طرز کے کسی غیر معمولی اور غیر آئینی اقدامات ناگزیر ہیں تو کم از کم آپ منافقت اور دوعملی ختم کرکے جاگیرداروں، سرداروں اور زرداروں کے ساتھ اس طویل اور پرتعیش شراکت

Pakistan not a safe heaven for Anti Taliban – by Farhat taj: The doctrine of strategic depth means Pakistan is not a safe haven for Pakhtuns opposing Taliban or Talibanization either with arms or musical instruments. The ordeal of the late Kamal Mahsud, a well-known singer from Waziristan, and his family is

Viewpoint Interview with Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa: Military’s predation is an institutional feature’, Ayesha Siddiqa. A dissident’s job is always fraught with dangers. In case of Pakistan, the risks involved in criticizing all-powerful Khakis and their proxy Taliban hardly need an elucidation. Still, dissident voices keep

Flood Devastations: “No Federal Assistance for Balochistan”: QUETTA: Focal Person for Flood Relief Operation in Balochistan, Provincial Minister Prosecution Ms Rahila Durrani, has said Federal Government did not provide adequate assistance to flood affected people of Balochistan and all the relief and rescue efforts are being

Political Islam, Politics of Identity, Ethnic Nationalism and the Centralized State – By Raza Habib Raja: The selective way of presenting history in Pakistan conveniently ignores the fact that at its creation, there were two large sometimes contrasting and sometimes overlapping movements. The first was primarily centred around Muslim Identity and tried to actually bargain

Cricket as a metaphor – by Irfan Husain: Another day, another scandal. Judging from the media coverage of the cricket betting sting first reported by the News of the World, it would appear that there are no floods devastating the country; that millions have not been displaced;

Trust the IMF — by Farrukh Khan Pitafi: Terrible times require extreme measures but somehow Islamabad manages not to appreciate this reality. There is no harm in keeping one’s chin high and marching on in the hour of trouble. However, the gruesome realities of an unfortunate series

Floods and humanitarian medicine — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: “Bani Adam aaza’ e yak o deegarand, Keh der aafreenesh ze yak gauharand. Choon uzvi ba dard aaward rozgar, Digar uzvha ra na manand qarar. Tu keh az mehnat-e-deegran beghami, Nashayad keh naamet nahad aadmi.” (Human beings are members

Triple Blasts in Youm-e-Ali (a.s.) Procession: Karbala attacked in Lahore – by Ch. Ahmad Khan: As the death toll from today’s gruesome attacks on a Shiite procession commemorating the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali, probably the most venerated muslim saint after the Holy Prophet rises, few if any are addressing the core issues that have

Canada Terror plot and the doctrine of armed Jihad – by Tarek Fatah and Salma Siddiqui: “Jihad is as much a primary duty as are daily prayers or fasting. One who avoids it is a sinner. His every claim to being a Muslim is doubtful. He is plainly a hypocrite who fails in the test

The international Day of Disappeared and the missing Balochs – by Imtiaz Baloch: The International Day of the Disappeared on August 30 is an annual commemoration day created to draw attention to the fate of individuals imprisoned at places and under poor conditions unknown to their relatives or legal representatives. In Balochistan,

Betting allegations: Beyond the Facts – by Adnan Sipra: Let us look, for a moment, beyond the obvious. Let us ignore, for the time being, the obvious – and damning – video evidence provided by a newspaper that revels in reporting the dubious. Let us also overlook, although

Analogy between violence and media popularity – By Hassan Shehzad: Life will, can never be normal after relay of the footage of two underage brothers beaten to death in Sialkot. Embedded deep in stonewalls of the newsroom over years, I could not break myself from the objectivity, but the

KP govt to pay forces Rs20m for helicopter operations – by Riaz Khan Daudzai: PESHAWAR: The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government will pay Rs20 million to the military authorities as charges for the helicopters used in the rescue operations during the flooding that affected 24 districts of the province. Sources told The News that the provincial

Ameer-ul-Mominin Ali: The first fighter against Islamism – by Shaheryar Ali: “The Qur’an is a book, covered, between two flaps, and it does not speak. It should therefore necessarily have an interpreter. Men alone can be such interpreters…..” (Imam Ali in Nehj ul Balaga) On the grounds of

Pakhtun’s business in Karachi: suffers due to target killings – by Sohail Raza Khattak: Sixty three-year-old Zarshed is among the numerous Pakhtun citizens who were forced to close down their hotels and teashops because of the rampant targeted killings in Karachi. Zarshed sells naswar in Jackson Market, Keamari now and earns barely Rs

Sleeping with the enemy – by Gulmina Bilal Ahmad: The floods are devastating. They have been called the most unprecedented disaster due to natural causes in recent years. Although there are some analysts who argue that this is not a natural disaster but a man-made one since the

26th August: Remembering Nawab Akbar Bugti: No single date left such a lasting impression on the society and politics of Balochistan like August 26th, 2006. It was, no doubt, “Balochistan’s 9/11” when the province’s former governor and elected chief minister Nawab Mohammad Akbar Khan Bugti

The great Baloch martyr – By Sanaullah Baloch: The world watched incredulously as Pervez Musharraf declared war on Balochistan, and particularly, on Nawab Bugti. Tanks rolled into Dera Bugti and other parts in January 2005, prior to the so-called attack on Musharraf in December 2005 in Kohlu