Author Archive

Alamgir Bhittani: when reporting can cost life -by Shafiq Ahmed: Alamgir Bhittani was the first to report Baitullah Mehsud’s death. But breaking news about the death of Hakimullah Mehsud in a U.S. drone attack cost him his life. Journalists working abroad or in urban centers of Pakistan, are usually

Amn Tehreek : Dialogue on Ongoing terrorism and Punjabi Taliban: A dialogue was held by Amn Tehrik(Peace Movement) at Peshawar Press Club titled, Ongoing terrorism and Punjabi Taliban and why military operation is not being launched in Punjab against terrorists?. It was participated by representatives of almost all members

The slanted truth – by Dr. Mohammad Taqi: Those who Believers in the thesis that Afghanistan provides Pakistan with strategic depth are so scared of this shared bond that they had vetoed Afghania — represented by the letter ‘A’ in the word Pakistan — as the new

The demand for a state religion constitutes blasphemy – by Nasir Ahmad: The concept of state religion is inherently flawed. Enforcement is essential for state whereas freedom is integral to religion. State has got a separate institution for the enforcement of law and the constitution. If we make religion an integral

Are UN Sanctions a gift to Iran’s regime?: (ria novosti) The UN Security Council’s approval of a fourth round of sanctions against Iran on June 9 has led to more not fewer questions about Tehran’ s nuclear program.

Transparancy Int. itself is a Saqlain Imam: I have tried to put across here is that Transparancy International itself is a big scandal. It makes its report and pass judgement on corruption index on the basis of “perception”. Now perception is something which is built by

Where is my military coup? – by S Gulbadan: I wrote this for the Express Tribune’s sunday magazine and they published a much shorter (“mutilated”, according to the editor dude) version. General sahab, I have been a silent admirer of you and your methods for a long time

Is the Koran a constitution? – by Dr. Abbas Zaidi: One of our dearest friends, writer and intellectual Dr. Abbas Zaidi has on the LUBP team’s request, exclusively written this well argued piece for our readers. I on behalf of LUBP am grateful to him for sharing his efforts with us, and

LUBP mobile site launched: LUBP team has launched a mobile friendly version of the site. Now you can easily access all the commonly used features of the site, i.e., reading articles and sharing comments through your mobile phone. We need your feedback in

Rumi: The divine dancer – by Ammar Ali Qureshi: Ammar Ali Qureshi has kindly sent his article published in “The Friday Times” to be posted at LUBP. How relevant is Rumi today? asks Ammar Rumi, according to the German philosopher Hegel, was one of the greatest poets and

Black fell the day – by Nadeem Paracha: This is an aspect of extremism that a lot of its more ‘moderate’ supporters in Pakistan have not comprehended. Educated men and women can be heard and seen concocting outlandish explanations and justifications in a bid to sympathetically define

Of blasphemy, Facebook and terrorism —Imtiaz Alam: Times are horrifying in this land of the pure and a chaotic world around. A “satire” protesting censoring of an episode of ‘South Park’ by Comedy Central turned viral, forcing the irreverent cartoonist to take refuge behind opposing censorship

The challenge of an uncertain future —Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi: The most certain feature of Pakistan’s democracy is an uncertainty of its future. The optimistic view describes the current difficulties as the issues of transition from a military-dominated political order to a participatory civilian political system, which will take

A Marxist View: MQM Punjab journey and middle class disarrays – by Dr. Lal Khan: چنگاری ڈاٹ کام 19 May 2010 پچھلے چند ماہ میں ایم کیو ایم نے اپنے آپ کو ’’ملک گیر‘‘ ’’قومی‘‘ پارٹی بنانے کا عمل تیز تر کردیا ہے۔ ا س میں کشمیر اور بلتستان میں انتخابات میں حصہ لینے

MCC condemns massacre of Ahmadiya Muslims in Pakistan: MCC is a grassroots organization founded by Tarek Fatah that provides a voice to Muslims who are not represented by existing organizations; organizations that are either sectarian or ethnocentric, largely authoritarian, and influenced by a fear of modernity and

No more – by Chauhdry Ahmad Khan: Pakistan is reeling from the murder of 70 of its own citizens-massacred due to their faith by the self-appointed guardians of faith. Anyone with a shred of conscience left in Pakistan should declare themselves as Ahmadi – “I am

Lahore terrorist attacks, military actions and future prospects – by Dr Omar Ali: Terrorists (Punjabi Taliban) simultaneously attacked two Ahmedi sect mosques in Lahore during Friday prayers and killed over 80 people. First thoughts on this evil attack: 1. The choice of target is easy to understand. Ahmedis are a persecuted and

If I am missing – by Saeeda Diep: Friends, comrades This is to bring into your notice my constant harassment by the intelligence personnel; if i am missing you might have an idea. Here is the letter i have sent to a higher official. May 19, 2010

Welcome to Pavlovia –Farrukh Khan Pitafi: When the court had ruled only to block one website, PTA’s decision to block a number of others was uncalled for and appeared symptomatic of a ‘holier than the Pope’ attitude Rome was not burnt in one day. Russian

Read and burn by Nadeem F. Paracha: A rundown of books we can expect to see on our shelves in coming years… Solved! The BB Assassination By Liver Stone According to this fantastic new book on the enigmatic Benazir Bhutto assassination, famous Hollywood director, ISI spy,

Jihadi public schools? — by Ali K Chishti: The roots of problem lies in state policy of using violance as foreign policy tool, religious seminaries were corrupted by the bulks of petro dollar coming in the days of Soviet Afghan war as they are multiplied hundred times

Balochistan target killings : A wake up call: Monday saw an escalation of violence in different parts of Balochistan, where two fatal attacks once again highlighted the sectarian and ethnic quandary of the province. Mohammad Ashfaq, a senior educationist at the Pak-German Technical Training Centre was gunned

Baasha’oor nation by Munir Attaullah: How many times have you heard our politicians and media personalities tell us we are a baasha’oor qaum? Are we, really? How wonderfully heartwarming if that really is so! But what if that is not the case? Remember, the

Constitutional amendment and judicial appointments — by Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi: The long-awaited 18th constitutional amendment represents a rare political phenomenon of consensus among the political parties that are generally known for partisanship and polemics. No member voted against the amendment in both houses of parliament. The major reason that

Strategic mess — by Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur: “A people living under the perpetual menace of war and invasion is very easy to govern. It demands no social reforms. It does not haggle over expenditures on armaments and military equipment. It pays without discussion. It ruins itself;

There cannot be justice without freedom – by Imtiaz Baloch: There cannot be a human rights violation greater than the enslavement of a people. All the categories of rights and freedoms are lost or snatched away with a single stroke. Such is the plight of Baloch and other stateless

Beyond state of denial: How blind hatred of United States is undermining our own interests: Raza Habib Raja has contributed this piece to LUBP which was previously published at Chowk. Here is Mr Raja’s brief introduction in his own words: I am an economist by education and a banker by profession. I have enormous

Irrational patriotism, liberalism and nuclear arsenal – by Raza Habib Raja: My article “Traitors and Reactionaries” which was just a satire has created this impression that I am some kind of a Taliban supporter or a media Taliban. A long emotional article of Chaudhary Ahmed Khan alleged that I am

On Isamization of Pakistan cricket team – by Farhan Qaiser: Former coach of Pakistan cricket team, Intikhab Alam, confessed to having heard that a group of “six to seven” players had gone to former captain Inzamamul Haq’s house before the UAE tour last November where they “took oath on

Of ironies and rebuttals: A response to Raza Raja and Samad Khurram – by Chaudhary Ahmed Khan: This note was recieved by the LUBP from one its senior readers, Chaudhary Ahmed Khan, as a response to Raza Habib’s posts on Pak Tea House and Chowk, and Samad Khurrum’s letter to LUBP. On reading Raza Raja Habib’s

Rant of the day: The dead parrot: By Dr. Omar Ali Communications from well meaning leftist friends indicate that some of them misunderstand my criticism of Islamism. They seem to think that my objection is primarily moral. That I somehow think orthodox Islam is very uniquely

Insaf – Zehra Nigah: انصاف (اُس اندھی لڑکی کے نام جسے حدود میں سزا سنائ گئ تھی) مَیں اِس چھوٹے سے کمرے میں آزاد بھی ہوں، اور قید بھی ہوں اِس کمرے میں اک کھڑکی ہے جو چھت کے برابر اونچی ہے جب

Who are the Maoists?: Rakesh Mani on India’s Maoist underbelly – despite differences, struck me how much the Naxals share with Pk-based militants (Taliban, Lashkars etc). Change a few words here & tweak a few facts there and this could be about Pakistan’s

Failed New York car bombing : A wake-up call: MCC urges Obama Administration to distance itself from Islamists promoting doctrine of ‘armed jihad’ and Sharia Law TORONTO – The Muslim Canadian Congress (MCC) has condemned the attempted bombing in New York, but has also expressed alarm at the

Khalid Khwaja: Life and death of an intelligence operative – by Nimer Ahmed: Former daily Aajkal columnist and briliant young journalist Nimer Ahmed has written this piece exclusively for the LUBP. We hope Nimer will keep contributing and sharing his valuable thoughts with us. (Ali Arqam Durrani) خالد خواجہ؟ نمراحمد حال ہی

Faisal Shahzad: The Air Marshal’s incompetent bombmaker son: By Dr Omer Ali Someone posted comments about the Times Square bomber and why Pakistan is breeding so many Islamic fanatics (thankfully so many incompetent Islamic fanatics). Someone else posted Dhume’s article from the WSJ today. I wrote a

In Support of BBC: Lift the Ban Immediately: BBC ‘concern’ over Urdu FM news ban in Pakistan The BBC World Service has expressed concern that 24 out of its 34 FM partner stations in Pakistan have been told to halt BBC Urdu news broadcasts. The decision was