Religious persecution Archive

Another Christian victim of the black blasphemy law: Sawan Masih: Today Sawan Masih an innocent Pakistani Christian sweeper was sentenced to death under the allegations that he had blasphemed against Prophet Muhammad after waiting for an year for a verdict. This took place after Sawan and his Muslim friend

Children of Lesser God: Early this January, liberal quarters of Pakistan’s civil society commemorated fourth death anniversary of Shaheed Salmaan Taseer, the slain Governor of the Punjab. He was assassinated in broad daylight four years ago because of his unrelenting support for a

Pakistan should protect minorities says UK Attorney General: Britain’s Attorney General Dominic Grieve MP has said that it’s the responsibility of the government of Pakistan to protect its religious minorities from persecution by the extremist groups through vigorous action against those who perpetrate crimes in the name

Peshawar Church Bombing Culprits: Taliban or Us?: The news I heard today was devastating. I could picture the whole scenario of how it is for Christians to go church every Sunday, the preparation done all week by families and the excitement for Christians to dedicate their

Asian Human Rights Commission’s report on minorities in Pakistan: World’s concern about minorities in Pakistan Nasir Saeed The issue of minority rights in Pakistan is discussed often around the world these days, in parliaments, human rights groups like Amnesty International, religious freedom departments, foreign affairs committees and international

Christian nurse living in fear she does not want to marry Muslim man: Ghulam Muhammad, an influential and feared Muslim businessman in Sanghar District, has threatened to abduct Nazia Masih and disfigured her with acid because she has refused to marry him. The man is known to police because of several complaints

Sikh holy book desecrated again in Sindh: KARACHI: Before police could arrest culprits who desecrated Sikh holy book Guru Granth Sahib in Pano Aqil, a similar incident happened in Shikarpur, in which unknown people tore 24 pages of the sacred book. The incident has caused annoyance

Discrimination and hatred: the church and civil society take stock of the problems concerning Christian minorities: Lahore – Becoming aware of the discrimination, injustice, prejudice of whom Christians in Pakistan face and are victims, about 3% of the population, and the necessity to report these issues to the new government: with this intent Christian leaders

In CM Shahbaz Sharif’s Lahore, three Christian women forced to parade naked and Ahmadi man killed: Religious minorities in Pakistan, are facing an increase in persecution at the hands of Takfiri Deobandi militants of Sipah-e-Sahaba (ASWJ-LeJ) Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and its other affiliate groups who believe the country is only made for Muslims and all

Once a landlord’s serf, Pakistani Hindu woman enters poll fray: Reuters | Apr 14, 2013, 06.12 PM IST HYDERABAD (Pakistan): When Veero Kolhi made the asset declaration required of candidates for Pakistan’s May elections, she listed the following items: two beds, five mattresses, cooking pots and a bank

Scholars call for end to discrimination against minorities: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 – Karachi—Scholars and parliamentarians representing different South Asian states identified that there was democracy deficit in the entire region that had caused weakening voice of minorities. People had become merely vote banks and the

Shura Hamdard discusses nation’s responsibilities towards minorities: April 13, 2013 RECORDER REPORTER Speakers at the meeting of Shura Hamdard Karachi chapter urged the government to improve governance, change the mindset of people and bring the minorities in main stream of the society in order to

Drive-by shooting: Christian leader Saleem Khokhar survives attack: KARACHI: The president of All Pakistan Minorities Alliance Sindh chapter, Saleem Khursheed Khokhar, survived an attack on him on his way to Karachi from Badin on Wednesday. Two unidentified men on a red motorcycle tried to stop his white Corolla

Thank you, CM Najam Sethi: PML-N-led mob targets Christian locality in Gujranwala: Sunni (deobandi) Muslim mob targets Christian locality in Gujranwala ‘for disrespecting Islam’ Related post: Najam Sethi and others continue to obfuscate the truth while nearly 200 Christian homes burn – by Ali Taj Sethi-Rumi minions exonerate Deobandi militants from

Sidelined minorities: ‘The present system has turned us into second-class citizens’: Published: April 2, 2013 PESHAWAR: Non-Muslims in Nowshera on Monday demanded the government give them what they described as the right to elect their representatives so people subscribing to various religions can play their due role for the

‘Don’t burn this house. It belongs to a Muslim’: By Ali Usman / Photo: Abid Nawaz / Creative: Essa Malik Published: March 30, 2013 LAHORE: While most of the two hundred houses set on fire in Joseph Colony have been rebuilt, the shattered confidence of the residents will

Terrorism’s Illicit Affairs: By Khaled Ahmed | From the March 15, 2013, issue. After the Feb. 16 massacre of 90 Shia Hazaras in Quetta, and the universal condemnation of the act, Pakistan’s politicians are desperately distancing themselves from the terrorist group that

Exposed: PML-N MNA Malik Riaz led the attack on Christian community in Lahore: Related post: Anti-Christian violence in Lahore further blemishes Shahbaz Sharif govt’s record on minorities – by Amir Mir Editor’s note: The following article (originally published in daily Dawn) offers clear evidence that PML-N leaders in Lahore, along with their

’توہینِ مذہب کے قوانین ختم کر دینے چاہیئیں‘: جمعرات 7 مارچ 2013 , زادئ مذہب کے لیے اقوامِ متحدہ کے خصوصی ایلچی کا کہنا ہے کہ دنیا میں جن ممالک میں بھی توہین مذہب اور مذہب تبدیل کرنے کے خلاف قوانین موجود ہیں انہیں ان قوانین کو

Pakistan: the land of irony: All Pakistanis are equal, but some Pakistanis are more equal than others,especially if they’re Muslims Literary folk would have a field day explaining the stuff that a good irony is made of, if they could see the potential that

Pakistani Christians demand arrest of Sister Birgitta Almeby’s killers: Hundreds of Pakistani Christians on Tuesday, December 25 took part in peaceful protest rallies across Christian Colonies for the murder of the Sister Birgitta Almeby. All Christians were holding banners and placards and they also chanted anti-terrorism slogans. Some

Thwarting Religious Cleansing in the Muslim World -by Farahnaz Ispahani & Nina Shea: Physicist Mohammad Abdus Salam was the first Pakistani and the first Muslim to win a Nobel prize in science. His discoveries continue to dazzle the world as demonstrated by the verification last summer of a theory to which Salam

Would Jinnah, a Shia, also have to leave the country he founded? -by Abdul Majeed: August 15 marked the completion of 65 years since our country came into existence. Yes, it was August 15 and not August 14, however, we officially celebrate our independence day on the 14th. The Pakistan we see today is

Arrest of Ramsha, 11, yet another proof Pakistan must reform its blasphemy laws: A Duke University professor has stated that the recent arrest of a disabled Pakistani Christian girl in the Islamic Republic is part of a decades-old trend in “witch hunts.” Ebrahim Moosa, professor of Religion & Islamic Studies for Duke’s

The wrong kind of Muslim: an untold story of persecution -by Qasim Rashid: Out of the silent night, two men moved swiftly through the mosque’s front gate. Magazines loaded and safeties off, one stopped at the front door, the other proceeded through. All that separated a fully loaded Kalashnikov in the hands

Violation of minorities’ fundamental rights and freedoms: مذہبی اقلیتوں کے حقوق اور آزادیوں کی پامالی عالمی انسانی حقوق کے تقاضوں اور قوانین کا لب و لباب یہی ہے کہ تمام انسان آزاد پیدا ہوتے ہیں لہٰذا تمام انسان احترام اور حقوق میں مساوی حیثیت کے حامل

We condemn abduction and forced conversion of Rinkle Kumari: We at LUBP have always condemned all sorts of religious persecution and violence against Pakistan’s oppressed groups in the strongest possible terms. Meanwhile, the religious persecution of “the infidels” (read non-Muslims) by the fanatic mindset continues. It is not

Dr Salam vs us -by Masood Hasan: In a series of steps announced last night by the prime minister of Pakistan at a special session of the National Assembly – steps that have taken the world by storm and raised Pakistan’s image manifold – the new

Stand up for Ahmadis, Shias, other oppressed groups and be counted – by Mehmal Sarfraz: In Satellite Town Rawalpindi, ‘Ewan-e-Tawheed’ is in place for the last 17 years. It is the property of Jama’at Ahmadiyya and is used as a place for prayers ever since. Some adventurists have decided to make it an issue

Minority report -by Sana Bucha: Blood, meat and hides marked the first day of Eid-ul-Azha in Pakistan. While most Muslims celebrated their holy festival by sacrificing animals, some decided to achieve new levels of faith by targeting Hindus in Shikarpur. Three doctors were shot

Murder of three Hindu doctors on Eid day: Crime against humanity – by Javed Qazi: Hardly a day of the great murder of the history of Sindh passed by, that 72 years back, Hindu mystic singer, Bhaghat Kanwar Ram, was killed near Shikarpur, that we always remember him on his anniversary day, 1st Nov.

Church report condemns Pakistan’s intolerance toward Non-Muslims: A 12-year-old Christian girl’s ordeal sheds further light on the plight of religious minorities. LAHORE, Pakistan — Human-rights activists in Pakistan and outside are aghast over the plight of a 12-year-old Christian girl who escaped the clutches of her

Demanding justice for the 12 year old Christian child who was raped in Punjab: October 14, 2011 To Mr. Asif Ali Zardari President of Pakistan President’s Secretariat Islamabad, PAKISTAN Dear Mr. President, We, the following social activists and members of the web-based online forum The Moderates, have come to know about a dastardly

Punjab: “Land grabbing”, an instrument of religious persecution: There is another subtle instrument of oppression against religious minorities in Pakistan: “land grabbing”. It is based on rent, purchase or expropriation of large plots of land, and in Pakistan this abuse is systematically used by large landowners or

State apathy: Growing social bigotry & violence against minorities – by Zeeba Hashmi: A perception exists that laws, no matter how discriminatory they may be in Pakistan for minorities, are exercised in general at the behest of some law practitioners who try to keep the victims away from mob-troubles. Those publically accused

What does calling another Muslim a non-Muslim make you? – by Zeeba Hashmi: One word that comes to your mind with intrigue. Qadiyani, doesn’t come easy for its existential uncertainty in Pakistan. Yet, despite what the constitution says about them in derogatory terms, they are determined to stay in this country that

Punjab: Christian woman forced to convert and marry her kidnapper -by Jibran Khan: Mariam Gill was abducted on her way home from the market. Her father and brother filed a complaint with police, which failed to intervene however because her kidnapper is “a respectable Muslim businessman”. A Muslim religious leader says the

Insecure minorities: Threatened at home, jailed abroad: By Abdul Manan BANGKOK: Tahir Mehmood Adil, an Ahmadi from Sialkot, was kidnapped in 2009 by militants, held captive for 36 days and threatened with beheading. His cousin, Sajjad, negotiated successfully for his release. A few days later, however,

Punjab: Christian families flee false accusation of blasphemy: The students of a madrassa try to force a child to convert. A relative is attacked for defending him, and accused of blasphemy. A priest: “This is a common practice in the region. Many cases of forced conversions are

Unreported forced conversions: Hindus “Rights movement” launches a campaign to seek justice and to limit violence and harassment by landlords. The court in Rawalpindi exonerates three Christians of blasphemy, now there are fears of retaliation by religious fundamentalists. Pakistani Hindu girls are
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