Parachinar and Kurram Agency Archive

پاراچنار میں بارہ روز سےجاری دھرنے کے پیچھے اصلی عوامل -از صحافت حسین طوری: پاکستان کی حسین و جمیل کرم ایجنسی کے صدر مقام پاراچنار کو پھر دشمنوں کی نظر لگ گئی ہے اور حالات خطرناک حد تک خراب کرنے کی کوشش کی جا رہی ہے- ۲۹ جولائی یعنی عید کے دن سےسینکڑوں

Haqqanis new home: Parachinar – by Kahar Zalmay: Note by Senge Sering : May be Syed Faisal Abidi can shed some light on what his beloved army and good Taliban are doing in Kurram agency. Another comment on Faccebook: Pakistani military going at great length to eliminate/frighten/dysfunction Shia leadership

پارہ چنار: مذھبی رسومات میں انتظامیہ کی مداخلت کے خلاف دھرنا جاری: ادارتی نوٹ:پارہ چنار کرم ایجنسی سے یہ خبریں موصول ہورہی ہیں کہ وہاں کا موجودہ پولیٹکل ایجنٹ ،اسسٹنٹ پولیٹکل ایجنٹ اور اس کے دیگر ماتحت لوگوں کی مذھبی رسومات میں ادائیگی میں روکاوٹیں ڈال رہا ہے اور اس نے

قیصر حسین طوری کی رہائی کے لئے کون آواز اٹھائے گا؟ – از گلفام حسین: یہ نہ تو سابق وزیر اعظم یوسف رضا گیلا نی کا بیٹا ہے اور نہ ہی پنجاب کے شہید گورنر سلمان تاثیر کا بیٹا جن کے لیے میڈیا یا پھر کوئی سیاستدان آواز اٹھائے – یہ بیچارہ تو پاراچنار

PEHRC releases full list of terrorist incidents in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa since PTI came to power in June 2013: Source: Pakistan Equality and Human Rights Commission (PEHRC) Since 1 June 2013 to 4 February 2014, in more than 93 terrorist attacks, at least 441 innocent people have been killed while 635 have been injured by radical Deobandi terrorists

A Bleeding Parachinar – Diary of a Kurramwali – by Sibte Hassan: Parachinar, a small city on the Pak-Afghan border, is once again in the news as two suicide bombers exploded themselves on July 26, killing above 60 and injuring hundreds. This has been a fourth such blast after handing over

Thirty funerals and an Eid – Vaqar Amhed: Today is Eid, and I am dreading the day. For me it is a day that is dead, empty of meaning, and bereft of joy. Yesterday, 30 persons were killed in a funeral procession in Quetta. Thirty funerals

Ahmad Qureshi’s website justifies Shia genocide in Pakistan: This hate-Shia article published on Ahmed Qureshi’s website (PKKH) is a must read to understand why certain pro-Taliban elements are helping Deobandi Jihadist militants (of Deobandi Taliban and Deobandi Sipah Sahaba) to kill Shia Muslims in Pakistan. In the

Carnage in Kurram – by Dr Mohammad Taqi: The Pakistani security establishment needs to take a long and hard look to see how many Adnan Rashids are still hiding among its ranks Two synchronised bomb attacks wreaked havoc in the heart of Parachinar in the Kurram Agency

Helpless Shia Muslims of Pakistani Gaza, Parachinar: Parachinar is the capital of Kurram Agnecy and the largest city of FATA.Parachinar is situated on a neck of Peshawar is the closet point in Pakistan to Kabul and borders of ther Tora Bora. Parachinar was a peaceful and beautiful

Who were the suicide bombers in Parachinar and Quetta?: Pictures of two suicide bombers have been released by local sources in Quetta and Parachinar. In Parachinar, Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba (currently operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ-Taliban) killed at least 75 Shia Muslims on 26

صدر زرداری کی سالگرہ اور تحفے میں پارہ چنار بم دھماکہ: پارہ چنار بم دھماکے کے نتیجے میں خون میں ڈوبے 57 شہداہ کے لاشے صدر زرداری کو 26 جولائی کے دن سالگرہ کے تحفے میں پاکستان کی خفیہ ایجنسیوں کے وہابی/تکفیری جرنل کرنل نے دیے ہیں۔ یہ بتانے کے

Pakistani media and streets remain silent on massacre of 75 Shia Muslims in Parachinar – by Ahmed Bangash: Parachinar witnessed another bloody day when over 75 Shias were killed, another 180 wounded, by the Takfiri Deobandi terrorists of Sipah-e Sahaba Taliban (currently operating as Ahl-e Sunnat Wal Jamat ASWJ, led by Ahmed Ludhianvi Deobandi). Two hours before

As Parachinar Shias gather corpses, Nawaz Sharif prepares to fly to Saudi Arabia: #OccupySharifPalaceRaiwind: Author: Mahpara Qalandar Three attacks were staged by Takfiri Deobandi terrorists (known as Sipah Sahaba and Taliban) on the Shia Muslims of Parachinar yesterday, 26 July 2013. The first attack, using a timed device, took place in the afternoon.

پاڑا چنار: رمضان کے مقدس مہینے میں تکفیری دیوبندیوں نے 75 روزے دارشیعہ مسلمان شہید کردیے: پاکستان کے قبائلی علاقے کرم ایجنسی میں حکام کے مطابق پاڑا چنار کے مرکزی بازار میں ہونے والے دو بم دھماکوں کے نتیجے میں پچھتر سے زیادہ شیعہ مسلمان شہید اور دو سو سے زیادہ زخمی ہو گئے ہیں

Nowruz in Pakistan’s Parachinar valley – by Riaz Toori: Blossom is a sure sign that spring has arrived in the earthly paradise of Parachinar. Related post: Nowruz: The forgotten spring festival of subcontinent – by Shaheryar Ali Every year on 21 March, the festival of Nauroze (or Nowruz)

#ShiaGenocide: PPP’s Bashir Bilour (Dr. Syed Riaz Hussain) martyred by Deobandi militants in Peshawar – by Mazhar Toori: In the unabated wave of Shia genocide in Pakistan, the Takfiri Deobandi terrorists of Sipah Sahaba Taliban (SST, also operating as ASWJ, LeJ, TTP) gunned down Dr. Riaz Hussain in Peshawar today. He was the president of Pakistan People’s

Why are Islamists and fake liberals silent on Parachinar, the Pakistani Gaza?: Related posts: اسرائیل، غزہ اور مسلمانوں کی منافقت Manufacturing consent – by Leila Ebadi Why are 6000 Shia children killed in Pakistan less worthy than a few dozen Palestinians? Islamist and pseudo-liberal supporters of Hamas militants, Al Qaeda, Taliban

Haqqani Taliban hit back by massacring 20 Shiite Muslims in Pakistan’s Parachinar town: Within 24 hours after being classified as a terrorist organization by the Obama administration, ISI-sponsored Haqqani Taliban, mostly comprising Takfiri Salafis and Deobandis, have hit back by massacring 15 Shiite Muslims in Parachinar, Kurram Agency, in Pakistan’s Federally Administered

Why is Iran silent on the plight of Pakistan’s Shiite Muslims? – by Alex Vatanka: Source: Adapted and edited from Current Trends in Islamist Ideology, Volume 13 (June 2012) The Guardian of Pakistan’s Shia The town of Parachinar, located in a far-flung corner of western Pakistan, is fondly called by some Iranian Shiites “Little

Muslims of Burma and lesser Muslims of Pakistan – by Nusrat Javed: In the following op-ed in Urdu daily Express, veteran columnist Nusrat Javed shames those (Imran Khan, Munawar Hasan, Nawaz Sharif, Hafiz Saeed, Ahmed Ludhianvi, Hakeemullah Mehsud etc) who are issuing statements and/or organizing protests in support of Muslims of

Don’t push Pakistani Shias to invite foreign intervention to get rid of a genocide: Editor’s note: Departing from collective silence in Pakistan’s mainstream media, Daily Times is the only outlet in English and Urdu media which has published at least two articles highlighting the 17 Feb 2012 Shia massacre in Parachinar in which

Who will speak for Qaisar Hussain? – by Maisam Ali: Here on the slopes of hills, facing the dusk and the cannon of time Close to the gardens of broken shadows, We do what prisoners do, Our losses: between two and eight martyrs each day. And ten wounded. And

Massacre of Shia Pashtuns in Kurram bazar and the collective silence of media, activists and politicians – by Dr. Mohammad Taqi: Editor’s note: In the following rare op-ed, in fact first by any Pakistani columnist on the Kurram massacre (17 Feb 2012), Dr. Mohammad Taqi highlights that the catastrophe in Kurram Bazaar of Parachinar did not end just with the

Pakistan army’s gift to visiting Iranian President: 49 Shia Muslims slaughtered in Parachinar: Related posts: Graphic pictures of Shia Muslims’ massacre in Parachinar on 17 Feb 2012 Who will speak for Qaisar Hussain? – by Maisam Ali Previously we have highlighted how Pakistan army is enabling further Shia massacres in Pakistan by

Shamsul Anwar is waiting to receive pieces of daughter’s dead body: Related post: Shamsul Anwar’s fraudulent story has a few lessons for us Waiting to receive pieces of daughter’s dead body by Shakeel Anjum Source: The News, 10 January 2011 She was bitterly crying on phone begging for her life

For Shia Muslims worldwide, Karbala is not over, Ashura has not finished yet – by Maisam Ali: Karbala is infinite, eternal and ever-encompassing. This is not only the Euphrates (A river flows through Syria and Iraq) that has beheld atrociousness incarnated by Karbala, but the Nile, the Oxus, the Helmand and the Indus are also among

Pathan explains a thing or two to Dharna dude – by Imran Khan: The characters: Dharna dude from Islamabad – loves X-box, facials, and PTI. Pathan from Peshawar – father died in a bomb blast, brother abducted by the Taliban. Dialogue ensues: Dharna dude: Hey Mr Pathan man! What kind of a

Kurram: a paradise lost – by Farhat Taj: Kurram is a mixed Shia-Sunni agency in FATA. Despite occasional Shia-Sunni clashes, Kurram remained by and large a peaceful part of the British India state and later its successor, the Pakistani state. There are mainly two reasons for that.

A comment on Sadanand Dhume’s WSJ article on the plight of Pakistan’s Shia: Source: Pakistan Blogzine We are pleased to cross-post an unusual article in Wall Street Journal which highlights the silent systematic mass murder of Shia Muslims in Pakistan by the Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP), Taliban (TTP) etc which is on going

After Quetta massacre on Eid, second package for Shia Muslims in Parachinar by the Deep State: Cross posted from: Pakistan Blogzine Related post: Eid massacre in Quetta: Petition: Silence of Human Rights Organizations on Shia Genocide in Pakistan Terrorists belonging to the Haqqani Taliban killed seven Shia Muslims today in an attack on a minibus

Kurram operation: Last Saturday, the Pakistan Army formally launched a full-fledged operation in central Kurram Agency, two weeks after the government had notified 80 square kilometres of the area there as a conflict zone. This Friday alone, security forces backed by

The sham operation in Kurram —Dr Mohammad Taqi: Editor’s note: The following article that was originally posted in yesterday’s Daily Times is the typically bold and lucid piece written by Dr. Taqi. Along with Farhat Taj, Dr. Taqi has been the leading light in debunking the racist

A community under siege in tribal Pakistan: As US prepares troop withdrawal, Taliban’s strong hold on border regions reveals Pakistan’s vulnerability. By Mujib Mashal Parachinar, in Pakistan’s tribal north west, remains under siege. The only road connecting this district bordering Afghanistan to the rest of Pakistan

Faith in minorities as equals can only strengthen Pakistan: By Adnan Rehmat The primary function of a national constitution is to guarantee universal rights and to ensure all citizens of the state are dealt with equally in terms of these rights. The guarantees are supposed to be unambiguous.

LUBP must stop defending Zardari League (ZPPP) – by Laibaah: As things stand now, your defense of the Zardari league that PPP has become is very disappointing. I have been following your blog for some time and and have even emailed and DMed my views to your editors and

Gen Kayani, forget honour and prosperity, save our lives from your Taliban partners: Related articles: Finally, ISI openly blockades Shias in Kurram to enforce their subservience to Taliban Thank you, General Kayani. Your good Taliban kill 18 Shia, abduct 45 in Hangu President Zardari, Is Kurram Agency a part of Pakistan? Shia

Utter shame PM Gilani and Rehman Malik: It is utter shame how Prime Minister Gilani and Rehman Malik have been behaving like a ‘Devil’s Advocate’. More than two hundred young men from Parachinar have been camping outside the National Press Club in Islamabad for the past

People of Parachinar can not believe Rehman Malik any more: رحمان ملک کے ٹل پاراچنار روڈ کھولنے کے جھوٹے وعدوں پر یقین نہیں کیا جا سکتا، یوتھ آف پاراچنار اسلام آباد:اسلام ٹائمز۔ پاراچنار کرم ایجنسی کے عوام رحمان ملک کے مزید جھوٹے وعدوں اور بیانات سے دھوکے میں نہیں

Racist Shia Arabs lynching Pakistanis in Bahrain? – by Ram Alamdar Hussain: Related articles: Sectarianism and racism: The dishonest narratives on Bahrain – by Hasnain Magsi Recruitment of Bahrain National Guards in Lahore to kill Shia protesters in Bahrain The fabrication of Bahrain’s Shiite-Sunni divide – by Shirin Sadeghi The Mainstream