Monthly Archive:: January 2013

Deobandi militancy in Pakistan and the role of security agencies – by Hamid Mir: Summary: In his recent column in daily Jang (titled Bakwas, 3 Jnauary 2012), Hamid Mir reveals that Pakistan army’s intelligence agencies and Deobandi militants (Taliban and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi aka Sipah Sahaba) work in close coordination against their intended targets including non-conforming

Government data: From 2008 to 2012, 420 non-Hazara Shias, 338 Hazara Shias killed in Balochistan: Related posts: Shia Genocide Database: A detailed account of Shia killings in Pakistan since 1963 We kill Hazaras not due to their Hazara ethnicity, but due to their Shia faith – Statement by Sipah Sahaba In 2012, total

An edited version of Ayesha Siddiqa’s analysis of Tahir-ul-Qadri’s thesis: Note: The following piece is cross-posted from Express Tribune with some edits to take care of some minor omissions in the original piece. A closer look at Tahirul Qadri’s thesis – by Ayesha Siddiqa Almost everyone seems to want

Consumer, a monologue – by Naseer Ahmed: I am a consumer. You seem a bit worried seeing me in a bad shape. You do not know but my strong desire to be ignorant has caused my poverty. You know, poverty is double -edged sword. It is

Rimsha Masih case: APMA’s dubious fundraising -by Arif Bhatti: Below is the email sent by International Christian Voice Canada (ICV) which gives account of the funds raised for Rimsha and a letter of Dr. Paul Bhatti showing support for the use of funds. Essentially it states that $3,500

Don’t dream for Shariah! -by H.A.Khan: Today in morning while seeing news on different sites, I saw news that in Egypt the prosecutor will interrogate that the famous host Jasmine Yusuf was involved in insulting the current president Marsi in his famous TV show. Now

#ShiaGenocide: In 2012, total 1450 Shia Muslims killed by Deobandi militants in Pakistan – by Abdul Nishapuri: Related post: Government data: From 2008 to 2012, 420 non-Hazara Shias, 338 Hazara Shias killed in Balochistan According to Shia genocide database compiled by LUBP based on various activist groups and websites, 630 Shia Muslims were target killed

Silence is no option; bole kay lab azad hain tairay! -by Dr Amjad Cheema: Firstly I would like to salute Bashir Bilour & all those who continue to make ultimate sacrifice while standing up against forces of darkness. Day in & day out humanity is being massacred by these forces of evil. Make

Moments of Grief and Sadness! -by H.A. Khan: Yesterday I went to pick my family at bus terminal and as it was late so I took the cup of tea and start enjoying it. Then I stood by the book shelve and start seeing the books there,

Can we combat terrorism without identifying the terrorists?: Sunni militants or Takfiri Deobandi militants? Raza Rumi’s recent article in Express Tribune (Great expose of the unelected) touched upon the ongoing Shia Genocide in Pakistan and we appreciate him on highlighting this important issue. The same article, probably unwittingly,

D I Khan Muharram blasts: Police arrest four Deobandi militants including a police constable: Source: Adapted from Dawn newspaper DERA ISMAIL KHAN: Four Deobandi terrorists of Sipah Sahaba (aka LeJ-ASWJ), including the mastermind, involved in 9th and 10th Muharram processions and 11 other terrorists incidents in Dera Ismail Khan have been arrested from

Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri’s position on the blasphemy law: Apologists and affiliates of Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba Taliban (SST) and also those pseudo-liberals (Najam Sethi and his fan club in particular) who see no shame in promoting Deobandi thugs such as Tahir Ashrafi and Ahmed Ludhianvi as

Students Demands Day: the struggle continues! -by Fawad Hasan: 1950s belonged to an era which was highly influenced by Communistic ideas. A kid opens up his atlas and gazes at the vastly expanded map of the USSR on the globe, at first sight; curiosity provokes him to ask

Malicious article in the Frontier Post on Sunni Shia differences: Editors Note : We have come across a malicious article in the Frontier Post which misrepresents historical and ideological differences between Sunni and Shia Muslims. Written by Mr. Saeed Qureshi, the articles maligns not only Shia Muslims but also

Pakistan army raising and patronizing Sipah Sahaba Taliban in Balochistan: Baloch lawmakers: Source: Pakistan Today, 31 December 2012 ISLAMABAD – Baloch members of the National Assembly and Senate have warned of emergence, re-organization and rise of the Taliban in Quetta, Mastung and other areas. They also feared that upcoming polls could

A woman is not a lollipop! – by Shazia Nawaz: India’s brutal gang rape has shocked the world. But this was also an opportunity for us to look inside the minds of average Pakistani and Indian people. Not only several Indian and Pakistani men, but a few Indian women

BBC Urdu’s report confirms 21 Levies soldiers were killed by Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba: BBC Urdu’s report confirms 21 Levies soldiers were killed by Deobandi militants of Siaph Sahaba (other aliases: Lashkar-e-Jhangvi LeJ, Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ). The report also confirms that LeJ-ASWJ and Taliban are two names of the same group,

We condemn Sipah Sahaba Taliban’s attack on MQM workers and Dr. Tahir ul Qadri’s supporters in Karachi: We condemn attack on supporters of Altaf Hussain (MQM) and Dr. Tahir ul Qadri (Minhajul Quran) in Karachi by Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba Taliban (SST). This post explains why Takfiri Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba attacked MQM workers

سپاہ صحابہ کے تکفیری دیوبندی تاریخ اسلام اور حدیث کو مسخ کر کے شیعہ مسلمانوں کی نسل کشی کی راہ ہموار کرتے ہیں: جس طرح پاکستان کے سکولوں اور مدرسوں میں پاکستان اور ہندوستان کی تاریخ کا ایک ہی رخ پیش کیا جاتا ہے یہی حال اسلامی تاریخ کا ہے جس کو ہر مسلک اور فرقہ کے مولوی حضرت اپنے مکتب کے