Religion Archive

حیض، انسانی تاریخ اور مائتھالوجی – ڈاکٹر لبنیٰ مرزا: یونیورسٹٰی آف اوکلاہوما میں جب میں نے 2008 سے 2010 کے دوران اینڈوکرینالوجی میں فیلوشپ کی تو مجھے ریپروڈکٹو اینڈوکرینالوجی کے اور پیڈیاٹرک اینڈوکرینالوجی کے ڈپارٹمنٹس میں بھی کام کرنے اور سیکھنے کا موقع ملا۔ ایک سال کے لئے

تہذیب کا آغاز اس وقت ہوا جب کسی نے غصّے میں آکر پتھر کی بجائے لفظ سے وار کیا – ریحان نقوی: تنقید کا آغاز الفاظ کہ وجود میں آنے سے پہلے ہی ہوگیا تھا یا یہ کہیے کے زمین پر انسانی زندگی سے بھی قدیم تنقید کی حیات ہے، تنقید کا اصل موضوع کانٹ جھانٹ یا تلاشِ خوب ہے، بگ

حضرت کبھی انسان اور انسانیت کا بھی سوچ لیا کریں – عمار کاظمی: حضرت کبھی انسان اور انسانیت کا بھی سوچ لیا کریں مسلمان اگر مینار آسمان تک لیجانے، مساجد کو ماربل سے بھرنے اور دو دو حج کرنے کی بجائے غریبوں کو پانچ مرلے کی چھت مہیا کرنے لگیں تو

عبادات اور اخلاقیات – آصف جاوید: میرے ایک دوست نے اس وڈیو کو دیکھنے کے بعد مجھ سے میرا نقطہ نطر طلب کیا ہے۔ میں نے اپنے دوست کو جو نقطہ نظر دیا، وہ اپ سب کی بھی نظر کررہا ہوں میرا نقطہ نطر

9 myths about Hinduism — debunked – by Moni Basu: Suhag Shukla knows that’s how some people outside Hinduism see her religion. As the head of the Hindu American Foundation, Shukla, 42, clarifies misconceptions all the time. Hinduism is ancient, though there is no specific date for

Morphology of Human Intellect – by A Z: We all know, whether it be the execution of a policy, the determination of the price of commodity, the optimal use of space, or the pursuit of a degree, knowing is always a phase of life and

Man’s Experience of God – by AZ: How do we discuss man’s experience of God? To begin with, I think of a man sitting in Hawaii by the shore of Pacific Ocean. He wants to know what Pacific Ocean is all about. And he has a

Humanity as a religion -by Avinash Advani: “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” I love mankind; there are many things which are unfavorable although, I still consider that humans are actually good at heart. Humanity

Why do the Arabs choose Pakistan? A thought: (P.S. : All the observations presented below can either be made by observing the facts directly or by hitting the search engine) There are many other countries from where Saudi Arabia and Bahrain can easily get cheaper, more feasible

Homage to Mother Earth by a Wandering Soul – by A Z: For ages it has been said: “The Earth is of the Lord” (Psalm 24:1). However, only a few of us actually meditate upon the import of this timeless Biblical truth. Reverence to our Mother Earth has always seemed to

The class based religious activity – by H.A Khan: Yesterday I and my friend had to attend the Qul Khani (A Religious Activity) at two places to commemorate the sad demise of our dear ones. In the evening as I returned from these activities I was in deep

The Glory of Humanity lies in the Individual – by A Z: All human achievement is ephemeral in character; civilization after civilization has come and gone, mighty empires have been built and ravaged by time. With all our twenty first century’s conceit about the exploits of modern science, we cannot be

Rational Thought And Religion – by A Z: The religion often distrusts rational thought because of its inability to build the essence of religious or mystical experience into a conceptual framework. However, not only can rational thought accommodate the intuitive knowledge of metaphysical reality manifested by

Messy Madhouse – by Shiraz Paracha: The level of manipulation is astonishing in Pakistan. Information and even knowledge is not based on plane facts or stated in a simple way. No scientific or logical explanation of events, things, actions or reaction is given. Most messages,

The political tragedy of non-Muslim Pakistanis – by Azam Mairaj: Editor’s Note: All non-Muslim Pakistanis need to be respected and given full rights as Pakistani Citizens. In particular the services of the Christian Community in the fields of education, health and a number of other areas are disproportionately large compared

Non-Muslim candidates largely absent in Pakistan’s election: Few non-Muslims are running in Pakistan’s planned election, which critics say reinforces non-Muslims’ status as a poor underclass there. by Aamir Saeed, written for Pakistan’s major parties are ignoring Christians, Hindus and other minorities as potential candidates —

مذہب ، ریاست اور معاشرہ – از وسیم الطاف: موجودہ دور کے تمام ترقی یافتہ ممالک کا نظام سیکولر جمہوریت پہ قائم ہے -ریاست نہ تو مسیحی ہے نہ ہندواور نہ یہودی بلکہ یہ سب کے لیے ہے اور مذہب کا ریاستی امور میں کوئی عمل دخل نہیں

Of a Muslim and a Jew — by Zeeba T. Hashmi: you bring me to the creed not defined by my spirit but what surrounds is a world of empty hearts, with calculated minds what more can we design? save the want of the heart. in contradiction

Women Who Dare: Nafis Sadik, Champion of Choice for Women Around the World: BY Jaime-Alexis Fowler | February 28, 2013 Nafis Sadik has been called one of the most powerful women in the world. One of the greatest women’s advocates of the twentieth century, Nafis is an obstetrician, author, mother, and global thought

Would Jinnah, a Shia, also have to leave the country he founded? -by Abdul Majeed: August 15 marked the completion of 65 years since our country came into existence. Yes, it was August 15 and not August 14, however, we officially celebrate our independence day on the 14th. The Pakistan we see today is

پا کستانی مسلمانوں کا کاروباری مہینہ ختم: By Javeria Siddique پا کستانی مسلمانوں کا کاروباری مہینہ ختم اورمذہب فروشی،ذخیرہاندوزی ،بے ایمانی کے تمام سابقہ ریکارڈ ٹوٹ گے۔ مداری علماء کا روپ دھار کر ٹی وی سکرین پر وضع دیتے رہے زرق برق لباس لہک لہک کر

Ahmadis are….. – by Dur-e-Aden: Oh calm the heck down!!!! I am not using the M word, you know, the same word that can be used by killers, murderers, liars, cheaters, and by every type of “ghairatmand” but Ahmadis (because all the “Real Muslims” agreed

Hate-speech: Language seems to be taking one by the nerve, not just through communication medium, but by the rhetoric ensuing one’s emotional dictum. Hate speech is the most subtle form of acceptance when we have internalised our judgemental fervour against

The exploiters and the faithful -by Zeeba Hashmi: This is about the illusions we create about our shaky existence in a world that demands conformity to homogeneous institution we know as religion. With variation in human perceptions, to consider somebody’s lie as an absolute truth and legislate

I am a Pakistani – by Shiraz Paracha: I am member of a society that has turned into a weird society during the last 35 years. Now, I level accusations without checking facts and understanding context of actions, decisions and events. Spreading and believing in rumours is my habit. Often my judgements

Church report condemns Pakistan’s intolerance toward Non-Muslims: A 12-year-old Christian girl’s ordeal sheds further light on the plight of religious minorities. LAHORE, Pakistan — Human-rights activists in Pakistan and outside are aghast over the plight of a 12-year-old Christian girl who escaped the clutches of her

American Empire takes over American Republic—-By Shiraz Paracha: Warmongers in the Empire of America are preparing for their ‘Pakistan Adventure’ as helpless but peace loving citizens of the Republic of America watch with horror how a very powerful group of people and institutions is pursuing a murderous agenda in the

Building bridges between Pakistan and the United States? – by Shiraz Paracha: Let us assume that some American writers such as Rusty Walker are sincere in their desire to build bridges between Pakistan and the United States. It is a noble cause and Mr. Walker should be admired for his wish

God is not a Christian: The following is excerpted from the Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s new book, ‘God Is Not A Christian: And Other Provocations.’ This talk also comes from a forum in Britain, where Tutu addressed leaders of different faiths during a mission to

Pakistani mindset, the real problem–by Shiraz Paracha: Americans roam in Pakistan and treat the country as their colony because nearly 65 years ago the founder of Pakistan saw the United States as a saviour and defender of his new State. Just before the division of the

I’m a better Muslim than you -by Meera Ghani: In Pakistan being a Muslim isn’t enough anymore. You have to be a certain type of Muslim, constantly having to prove your piety and religiosity to others (by religiosity I mean public religiosity). We seem to have gone so

Has Ansar Abbasi committed blasphemy? – by Shiraz Paracha: Ansar Abbasi of daily Jang newspaper provided his readers incomplete and selective translation of verses from the Holy Qur’an. Just to prove his twisted logic this self-proclaimed soldier of Islam and a ‘good Muslim’, he used the Holy Qur’an to

Deny the Holocaust and go to prison – by Kourosh Ziabari: Those who think that Europe is a “beacon of freedom” and “heaven of liberty” should give themselves an opportunity to reconsider what they had simplistically believed for so long. Tens of people, including high-ranking academicians and authors from various

Who can be a Mu’min? – by Shiraz Paracha: From mullahs to poets such as Dr. Muhammad Iqbal everyone describes ‘shan and aan’ (glory and prestige) and great qualities of a Mu’min. To be a Mu’min is the dream of a true Muslim. However, according to the Qur’anic

In defense of organized religion – by Garret Keizer: Related post: Is LUBP an anti-religion blog? – by Sarah Khan Editor’s note: Lately, I have noticed a trend in Pakistan’s middle class urban chatterers and elitist liberals that they attack and ridicule individuals and communities on the basis of their religion

Ideology as ‘false consciousness’ – by Khaled Ahmed: Pakistan began describing itself as an ideological state when the word had been made respectable by the Soviet Union through its planned economy and rapid growth. Ideology in the case of Pakistan was its religion. The state is not

The divorce of religion and politics —by Dr Manzur Ejaz: Sufis were witnessing the misuse of religion by qazis and other ‘pillars’ of religious institutions. They were aware of the corruption, nepotism and injustice being practiced in the name of Islam. Therefore, to save the spirituality of religion, they

The conflict within – by Eqbal Ahmad: Once religion becomes a hard political currency it has to be deployed in the political arena by means fair and foul. Those aspirants in politics who lack other political capital - large land holdings , modern education, industry, family
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