Muslim Women Archive

Pakistan girl burned alive for rejecting marriage proposal: A teenage girl died in Pakistan after being doused in petrol and set alight by a man who wanted to marry her but whose proposal had been rejected, police said Sunday. It was the second brutal killing in

A country of dead women – by Rafia Zakaria: Before Farzana Parveen was bludgeoned to death with bricks there was Shahida Parveen who was sentenced to be stoned. In early 1988, when democracy was new and a woman was about to take over the helm of the

Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights Power Couple: Samar Badawi has done jail time to advance women’s rights, and now husband Walid Abulkhair will represent himself in court against the kingdom. Samar Badawi and Walid Abulkhair are Saudi Arabia’s most high-profile human rights couple. Samar is a leading

غیرت پر قتل – ماتم کس بات کا ؟ – از یاسر پیرزادہ: Source :

ہم پاکستانی کتنے گندے لوگ ہیں: مجھے نہیں پتا تھا کہ ہم پاکستانی کتنے گندے لوگ ہیں. جب دوسری دنیا کے لوگوں کو دیکھا تو پتا چلا کہ ہم اچھے لوگ نہیں. یہ بات نہیں کہ ہم جبلتی طور پر گندے لوگ ہیں. ہمیں گندے

Who, What, Why: What can you be flogged for in Iran?: A campaign has begun in Iran to get an actress flogged after she was seen being kissed at the Cannes Festival. Flogging is common in Iran – but what offences in Iranian law are punished with the lash, asks

Man killed wife for making vegetarian dinner: prosecutors – by Josh Saul: A Pakistani immigrant beat his wife to death in their Brooklyn home after she made the mistake of cooking him lentils for dinner instead of the hearty meal of goat meat that he craved, according to court

Islam and Female Genital Mutilation – by AZ: I am not competent to comment on Why anyone widely considered as the bearer of divine authority did or did not do something. Apart from that, it is true that FGM existed and continues to persist in wide

Islamic feminism: Fighting theology with theology, By: Rana Harbi: Determined to maintain their faith and culture whilst fiercely advocating for equal rights, Islamic feminists are reclaiming Islam for themselves by dismantling the edifice of religious patriarch. Can you be Muslim and a feminist? Can Islam and feminism coexist?

پہلی بیوی اور دوسرا نکاح – از خورشید ندیم: Source :

Islam and women -by Dr Prince Ali: Completely exhausted with consecutive 12 hours-a-day duty for ten days, yesterday I asked my elder brother to hang out lately. Fortunately, one of our mutual friends showed up in the evening at my hospital and we decided to watch

Five ways Pakistan degraded women – by Rafia Zakaria: Pakistani women know to expect no special concessions. At any given moment in history, one or another political force, religious edict, or social problem is aiming directly at them, pointing fingers, attaching blame. Given this, most of them expected

ارجمند آراء کا مکتوب نئی دلّی سے: جب سے میں نے شعور کی آنکھیں کھولیں تب سے مجھے اس بات کا احساس ہے کہ ہر شخص ایک ایسی شناخت لے کر پیدا ہوتا ہےجو سماج نے اُس پر تھوپی ہے ، آپ لاکھ اپنی شخصیت کی تعمیرِ

Women’s rights cannot be held hostage to religious jurisprudence: In 2013, we saw a glimmer of hope in the form of Malala and her bold stance on women’s right to education and on non-violence. This makes us all proud and truly, Malala stands out as a Global icon.

Naik Parveen Syndrome – by Mariam Shafqat Goraya: Heard it a lot and often that Pakistani society is full off male chauvinists and it’s the women who usually quietly and unhappily bear the brunt of making daal chawal for the rest of their lives. But that’s a

Oppression of women in Pakistan, vastly underreported – by Fawad Hasan: Editors note :The following article, originally published in Daily Times brings to light some of the blatant oppression done and encoded in text by the power hungry chauvinistic men. Apart from statistics, systemic violence is a much ignored

Muslim society and women – by AZ: FOREWORD: As we address this subject, a thinking mind has to acknowledge that there is no archetypical Muslim woman. There are hundreds of millions of them scattered across the globe. They include a huge variety within their fold –like

‘Women in Hiding’, Directed by Taliban, Running Successfully in Dark Corners – by A Z: The above production has now hit the marketplace of Karak, a town in KPK, which is ruled by the PTI. Karak is the district headquarter of Karak District, whose population is almost entirely comprised of Khattak tribe. This

Pakistan Council of Islamic Ideology: Don’t let DNA con justice in a rape case – by A Z: The Council of Islamic Ideology (CII), that great avant-garde enabler of Islamic Ideology in the Land of Pure, has decreed today that the DNA evidence does not comprise a substantial proof for conviction in rape cases. The Council opined

Pervasive chauvinism towards women -by Saria Benazir: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person. Men and women of full age without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry or to have a family. They entitled

The burqa debate: “Burqa got a befitting French kiss” – by Marvi Sirmed: Related articles: The burqa debate: “Just so you do not have thoughts…” – by Shazia Nawaz The burqa debate: “To ban or not to ban?” – by Imaan Hazir Mazari Before reading this argument on recent Burqa-ban by France,

The burqa debate: “To ban or not to ban?” – by Imaan Hazir Mazari: Related articles: The burqa debate: “Just so you do not have thoughts…” – by Shazia Nawaz The burqa debate: “Burqa got a befitting French kiss” – by Marvi Sirmed How do we know when a state oversteps its bounds?

Illegitimate daughters —by Gulmina Bilal Ahmad: Why is there not an uproar for the woes of the daughters of Pakistan who were stoned in Swat and, presently, in Orakzai Agency? Daughters like Mukhtaran Mai, of course, are not comparable with American daughters of Pakistani origin

Dr Farhat Hashmi: Cultivating Al Qaeda in Muslim women: Biography Dr Farhat Hashmi, daughter of the (late) scholar Abdur Rehman Hashmi, is a mother of four, and comes from the Indo-pak subcontinent. She received her Ph.D. in Hadith Sciences from the University of Glasgow, Scotland. Al-Huda International Welfare
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