Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) Archive

کالعدم تنظیموں کے فوج کی حمایت میں جلوس اور رانا ثنا اللہ کی منافقت: ایک کالعدم تنظیم کے فوج کے حق میں مظاہرے اور ایک مشکوک شخص کی جانب سے فوج کا طرف دار بن جانا فوج کے ساتھ ہمدردی نہیں۔ یہ کتنی عجیب بات ہے کہ ایک کالعدم تنظیم فوج کے

Powerful establishment tool Jamaat-ud-Dawa (Jud) joins the sectartian bandwagon – by Hasan Abdullah: KARACHI: While the government of Pakistan says it believes in non-interference in the on-going Syrian conflict, a powerful jihadi group with self-confessed links to the security establishment has for the first time openly adopted a sectarian stance while declaring

ISI unleashes JuD-LeT and ASWJ-LeJ proxies to harass Jang Group, Umbrella support for Taliban Imran Khan joins in: Editor’s note: We are cross posting the screams of Jang/Geo group when the most wanted terrorists, which Jang/Geo stalwarts like Najam Sethi projected as ambassadors of peace, are being used to attack them. It must be noted that

اتحاد امہ کانفرنس-اہل سنت بریلوی ،شیعہ کو ٹوپی پہنانے کی کوشش: پنجاب کے دارالحکومت لاہور میں “اتحاد امہ”کے نام سے ایک کانفرنس کا انعقاد کیا اور اس کانفرنس میں زیادہ نمائندگی دیوبندی،وہابی مکتبہ فکر کی ان سیاسی مذھبی جماعتوں اور شخصیات کی تھی جوکہ پاکستان کے اندر تکفیری دیوبندی دھشت

The Nation’s editorial on Pakistan Day hijacked by the banned Salafi-Wahhabi and Deobandi outfits: In a sign of the tragedy that is our time, the official Republic Day parade in Pakistan was conspicuous by absence, and instead replaced by multiple rallies arranged by the Jamaat-ud-Dawa in Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad. Hugely well

Similarities and differences between Wahhabi terrorists of LeT-JuD and Deobandi terrorists of LeJ-ASWJ: Pakistani and international media and anlaysts often conflate the identity of Wahhabi (Salafist) terrorists of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT, currently operating as Jamaat-ud-Dawah JuD) with the identity of Deobandi terrorists of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ, an alias of banned Sipah-e-Sahaba, currently operating as

فلاحِ انسانیت یا تباہِ انسانیت ؟؟؟ – از یاسر علی: فلاحِ انسانیت کے نام پر انسانیت کو بدنام اور تباہ کرنے کا جو پلان میاں صاحبان اور رانا ثناءاللہ کی مدد سے کالعدم تنظیم لشکر طیبہ کا نام بدل کر کام کرنے والی جماعت ا لدعوۃ نے بنایا ہے

ایک تھا مستجاب حیدر: ایک تھا مستجاب حیدر – افسانہ عامر حسینی نوٹ:سب کردار فرضی ہیں-کسی جگہ کوئی مماثلت اتفاقی ہوگی مولانا عبدالرحمان مکی نائب امیر جماعۃ الدعوۃ جب لاہور ضلع کی حدود سے نکلے تو اگلے ضلع قصور سے پولیس سکواڈ نے

LUBP condemns harassment of Aamir Hussaini by Islamist fanatics: Two days ago, Takfiri terrorist tried to harass renowned Pakistani author and activist Aamir Hussaini. They resorted to aerial firing outside his residence, chanted Allah-o-Akbar and then fled away from the scene. Aamir Hussaini is well known in Pakistan’s

شام میں جہاد کے نام پر مسلمانوں کا ناحق خون بہایا جا رہا ہے – جماعت الدعوۃ کے کرنل نذیر احمد: Related post: سپاہ صحابہ کے تکفیری دیوبندی دہشت گردوں کا اہل حدیث مسلمانوں کے خلاف نفرت انگیز پراپیگنڈہ Summary: Col (retired) Nazir Ahmed, in charge of public relations department of the Jamaat-ud-Dawa has condemned the intra-Muslim civil war between

ماشکیل بلوچستان میں زلزلہ زدگان کی امداد کی آڑ میں دہشت گرد جماعتوں کی سرگرمیاں: صوبہ بلوچستان کے علاقے ماشکیل میں زلزلہ زدگان کی امداد کی آڑ میں دہشت گرد جماعتوں کی سرگرمیاں حال میں پاکستان کے صوبہ بلوچستان اور ایران کے صوبہ سیستان بلوچستان میں آنے والے ہولناک زلزلے کے نتیجے میں سینکڑوں

Evidence of PML-N’s support to banned terrorist groups: LUBP is releasing a new tag that is a collection of all the articles that highlight PML-N’s growing relationship with Takfiri Deobanid militants (Sipah-e-Sahaba aka ASWJ-LeJ), Jamaat-ud-Dawan (JuD aka LeT), Taliban and Al Qaeda. https://lubpak.com/archives/tag/pmlns-support-to-aswj-lej-taliban-alqaeda-let The Takfiri Deobandi and

Hafiz Saeed Wahhabi obfuscates Saudi Arabia’s role in spreading terrorism -by Saeed Ahmed: In this video clip (taken from Mubasher Lucman’s Khara Sach – ARY TV), Hafiz Saeed’s hypocrisy is revealed as he refuses to condemn them on various different counts. While Mubasher Luqman predictably asks him easy questions, both he and

Expropriating Malala Yousufzai: Discourses in Pakistani social media: A dominant majority of those in Pakistan’s mainstream and social medias condemning attack on Malala Yousafzai are committed helpers of Pakistani establishment. Their populist, opportunist and partial discourse is revealing. On Twitter and facebook, quite a few of those

Pakistan’s steady decline since 1977 – by Ayaz Amir: Returning to the kingdom of moral decay Source: The News, October 05, 2012 Mr Majid Nizami, foremost champion of that nebulous concept celebrated as the ideology of Pakistan – and therefore my favourite ideologue – for all his renown

Extremists using Shia Genocide to defame and destroy Government and Pakistan – by Farhad Jarral: Related post: Asif Zardari and the Shia genocide – by Ikhtiar Hussain No doubt the genocide of Shia community in Pakistan is an alarming situation for all Pakistanis who are patriotic, who respect religions or believe in Inter-faith Harmony

Abu Jundal’s confession has once again put the spotlight on the nexus between ISI and LeT: Abu Jundal’s arrest spells bad news for Pakistan as the focus shifts back to ISI’s role in the Mumbai attacks, says Brijesh Pandey ANOTHER JIGSAW has fallen into place in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks puzzle. In a major

Ahl-e-Hadith Muslims reject Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD): Related posts: Four types of lesser Muslims of Pakistan Sunni Muslims reject Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan In defense of our Salafi (Ahl-e-Hadith) brothers and sisters Do not ignore the distinction between Deobandi jihadis and Salafi (wahhabi) jihadis in Pakistan Salafi cannon

Some home truths about Pakistan army’s intelligence agencies – by Abbas Nasir: Editor’s note: LUBP has previously highlighted the not so invisible support to banned Jihadi-sectarian organizations by Pakistan’s military establishment, e.g., the outsourcing of the Defence of Pakistan to banned terrorist organizations which was clearly evident in the participation of

Ahmadis brace for violence, trampling of rights in Rawalpindi – by Imran Jattala: Editor’s note: LUBP urgently requests its readers to highlight the precarious situation of Ahmadi Muslims in the garrison city of Rawalpindi (Punjab). The bigotry that is consuming our society and placing Ahmadis, Christains and Shias in the firing line

Saudi Arabia, UAE financing radical Deobandi-Wahhabi organizations in Pakistan: Related post: SSP-LeJ-JUI and the Libyan connection: In the light of WikiLeaks A US official in a cable sent to the State Department stated that “financial support estimated at nearly 100 million USD annually was making its way to

Banned militant groups allowed to roam freely: ‘Citizen safety, protetion for minorities and need for maintaining harmony’ Apropos to our historical and current events that point towards discriminatory and humiliating laws the State of Pakistan have devised by giving in to the Islamist pressure, it is

Imran Khan says he won’t allow any militant group to operate from Pakistan: Related post: Imran Khan’s PTI joins banned terrorist groups in pro-army rally in Lahore Last month (Nov 2011), I was so hopeful after reading Imran Khan’s clear and bold stance against militant groups basd in Pakistan: Cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan

Imran Khan’s PTI joins banned terrorist groups in pro-army rally in Lahore: Related posts: Imran Khan’s Vice President Ejaz Chaudhry’s links with sectarian terrorists! Imran Khan’s message to the Defence of Pakistan rally in Lahore – by Hakim Hazik Imran Khan says he won’t allow any militant group to operate from

Sincere Advice to Nawaz Sharif: Is it really fair to say that the PPP is now pro-establishment (when in fact it has decided to tow the line simply to survive and protect all the good legislation enacted by its government) or equally is it

Growing Urban Islamist Militancy in Punjab – by Zia Ur Rehman: Source: Jamestown Foundation While Pakistan has directed its focus and significant resources to fighting terrorism in the Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (FATA) and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), the growing activities of banned militant organizations and their influence in Punjab, the country’s most

Pakistani arrested by FBI created video for Lashkar-e-Taiba, trained in camps: By BILL ROGGIO A Pakistani man who trained at Lashkar-e-Taiba’s terror camps has been arrested in the US on charges of producing propaganda for the terror group. The Long War Journal has obtained a copy of the propaganda video,

LeT poses formidable terrorist threat to US, India: White House report: The US considers Pakistan based terrorist outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), held responsible for 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, as a formidable terrorist threat to Indian, US and other Western interests in South Asia and potentially elsewhere. In Afghanistan, the US military

Radicals in ranks -by Abdullah Malik: Takes a look at incidents of support for terrorists from within the armed forces and police Despite Gen Zia’s Islamisation, the promotion of piety in the barracks, and the support for puritanical movements that were allowed to organise sermons,

ISI might have been involved in Mumbai attacks, says Pakistan’s former foreign secretary: NEW DELHI: Pakistan’s former foreign secretary Shaharyar Khan has acknowledged that ISI might have been involved in the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai — in the first-ever confession of its kind by a member of Pakistani establishment. In an interview

PAF airbase attack: The costs of promoting Devil’s Advocates like Imran Khan: Pakistan has once again been beset with yet another terrorist attack undertaken by the frankensteins that are have been created and still being protected by the powerful security establishment. The day began with the news of two more Shias

Assessing PML-N and PPP’s response in the aftermath of the Abbottabad Operation: Related post: ISI mobilizes fake civil society to defend Pakistani generals While Nawaz Sharif’s bold stance on an independent commission to investigate the circumstances in which Osama bin Laden was found in a compound in Abbottabad and also his

Obama administration is divided over future of U.S.-Pakistan relationship -by Karen DeYoung and Karin Brulliard: Two weeks after the death of Osama bin Laden, the Obama administration remains uncertain and divided over the future of its relationship with Pakistan, according to senior U.S. officials. The discovery of the al-Qaeda leader in a city near

Five majors of Pakistan army amongst India’s most-wanted list: Five Pakistan Army majors are among the list of the top-ten most wanted terrorists wanted from the neighbouring country by India. The list of 49 most-wanted fugitives in Pakistan, handed over with dossiers by Indian Home Secretary G K

Love You George:ISI Chief – by Anas Abbas: Dearest George Washington: I am writing this letter to personally congratulate you on your heroic efforts for working towards the independence of the country that has vastly benefited us over the past 60 years. By the way, your country

Pakistan’s Islamists take center-stage – by Arif Jamal: Nearly a month and a half after he gunned down two Pakistani men in Lahore, the public rancor about CIA contractor Raymond Davis is finally starting to subside. But during that period the Davis incident brought Pakistan’s Islamist parties

The Case of Cholistan’s Stolen Land – by Ayesha Siddiqa: Anyone passing through lower Cholistan, especially if they happen to be participating in the famous Cholistan jeep rally, will not fail to notice the prominent Lashkare Tayyaba (LeT) and Jamat-ud-Daawa (JuD) wall-chalkings. One of the slogans decries India for

Thank you, General Kayani and Shahbaz Sharif, for Hafiz Saeed’s speech on Kashmir Day: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Hafiz Saeed Hafiz Saeed makes public appearance, alongside an ex-PM, in Islamabad after over 2 years The ISI-judiciary alliance and the Jamaat-ud-Dawa Online factories of suicide bombers: An ISI production JD chief, religious leaders

Hafiz Saeed makes public appearance, alongside an ex-PM, in Islamabad after over 2 years: The notorious agent of the ISI, extremist Wahhabi terrorist, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed has all of a sudden become quite active in national politics in Pakistan. Lately he has been seen meeting various leaders of Pakistan Muslim (Terrorists) League (PML)