Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) Archive

‘Penetrator’: the man who hacked Asif Zardari’s website – by Amir Mir: Salafi (wahhabi) cyber jihadi of the ISI arrested in Rawalpindi Pakistani authorities have arrested a bearded man from the garrison town of Rawalpindi for hacking president Asif Ali Zardari’s official website, presidentofpakistan.com.pk. The accused had morphed the president’s face

Wikileaks on Lashkar-e-Taiba: Pakistan Today Zardari revealed Sharif-Jihadi nexus to Patterson: Wikileaks Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) already knew about the United Nation sanctions after the Mumbai attacks through Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif who had advised them to withdraw their money from banks, President

WikiLeaks cables: Pakistan opposition ‘tipped off’ Mumbai terror group: WikiLeaks cables relay allegations that Nawaz Sharif’s government in Punjab province helped the group responsible for the Mumbai terror attacks evade UN sanctions. Pakistan’s president alleged that the brother of Pakistan’s opposition leader, Nawaz Sharif, “tipped off” the militant

Rehman Malik, who do you represent? – by Imtiaz Baloch: While Rehman Malik statements regarding the peace process in Balochistan of threatening aggrieved Baloch elements of using more force was responded by the sensible Baloch political leadership as Sardar Akhtar Jan Mengal and Senator Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, Newspaper

Triple Blasts in Youm-e-Ali (a.s.) Procession: Karbala attacked in Lahore – by Ch. Ahmad Khan: As the death toll from today’s gruesome attacks on a Shiite procession commemorating the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali, probably the most venerated muslim saint after the Holy Prophet rises, few if any are addressing the core issues that have

Sleeping with the enemy – by Gulmina Bilal Ahmad: The floods are devastating. They have been called the most unprecedented disaster due to natural causes in recent years. Although there are some analysts who argue that this is not a natural disaster but a man-made one since the

Denialistan: DAWN’s romance with jihadis exposed – by Nasima Zehra Awan: Nasima Zehra Awan laments the media romances with sectarian Islamists while the country drowns The August 21st editorial by DAWN is a good example of what is wrong with the media in Pakistan. “Hardliners and Flood Relief” is precisely

Relief work and politics – by Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi: Pakistan has been experiencing devastating floods for the last three weeks. In a week’s time the water will start falling into the Arabian Sea, which will be the beginning of the end of the floods. However, the devastation and

“Pakistan has to shift its strategic focus”, Prof Walter Russel Mead: LAHORE, Aug 14: Pakistan should move away from the zero-sum security rivalry with India to be able to emerge as a successful, modern democratic society, says a distinguished American foreign policy expert. “It is vital for Pakistan to shift

Natural Disasters and the Terrorist Connection: Government needs to be on the watch!- by Aley: The recent floods in Pakistan have resulted in a colossal loss of life and property and require the government to go an extra mile for the rehabilitation of the victims. Yet a very important aspect which needs attention from

Analysis of relief and donations related to Pakistan floods 2010 – by Anas Abbas: Donations and contributions so far: World Bank: popularly known as the Israeli sponsored conspiracy in Pakistan said it had set up an aid fund at Pakistan’s request with initial pledges of $80 million. United States of America: Remember (According

Floods Opening The Floodgates For Pakistan’s Extremists- By Daud Khattak: Devastating flooding in northwestern Pakistan has now taken more than 1,400 lives and a left about 1 million people homeless. Although the government has announced it is stepping up relief efforts, it has been widely criticized for its slow

Pakistan’s competing jihadists – by Praveen Swami: First published in The Hindu “My sister, this should explain much,” begins London-raised Dhiren Bharot’s 1999 chronicle of his life as a jihadist: “cross the line,” he urged her. Bharot’s The Army of Madinah lashed out at the jihad

Financing Jihad via Petrodollars – by Farooq Sulehria: According to several estimates, Islamic organisations, many of which are linked to armed groups, can draw from a pool of money ranging from $5 billion to $16 billion, the Saudi government alone donates $10 billion via the ministry of

The mysterious connection between Malik Riaz of Bahria Town and jihadi terrorists: A call from Hunza – by Abdul Nishapuri: Related articles: The car race tragedy in Malik Riaz Hussain’s Bahria Empire Shame on PPP govt for rewarding Lal Masjid terrorists: Jamia Hafsa allotted 40 times larger land than the original site Many of our critical readers know that

Dr Amna Buttar and Sherry Rehman object to Jamat-ul-Dawah funding by the Punjab government: Dr Amna Buttar and Sherry Rehman are amongst a few brave parliamentarians who have always raised issues which are not normally raised in our parliament. Dr Buttar is the only parliamentarian who has consistently raised the issues of (lack of)

Jamat-ud-Daawa receiving Rs 82 million from Punjab Government: Dawn has broken the news that Jamaat-ud-Daawa received more than Rs 82 million during 2009-10 from the Punjab Government in form of grants. Even though this is for sure condemnable, however, one has to understand that this may have

Do not ignore the distinction between Deobandi jihadis and Salafi (wahhabi) jihadis in Pakistan: Many international and national analysts, scholars and journalist usually do not take into account some important distinctions between various jihadi and sectarian groups operating in Pakistan. In his op-ed (in daily Express, 7 June 2010), Muhammad Amir Hashim Khakwani

Understanding the Pakistani mindset on Ajmal Kasab (and other terrorists): Kasab’s home village slams Mumbai conviction Monday, 03 May, 2010 Villagers watch breaking news on the Indian court verdict against Ajmal Kasab at a house in the remote town of Faridkot in Pakistan. — AFP FARIDKOT: Farmers in the

Govt Silence Sounds Death Knell for Faisalabad Ahmadis – Nasir Jamal: Source Dawn: LAHORE, April 16: It is no longer just a doorbell for Mohammad Iqbal and his family; instead it has a ring of alarm about it. As a boy goes to answer the call the other inhabitants form

One jab in Punjab — by Salman Tarik Kureshi: It is clear that there is such a thing as the Punjabi Taliban. One can no longer refer to the Taliban as a uniquely Pakhtun phenomenon. Punjabi militants are running training facilities and have established cells across the province

Punjab turns a blind eye as militant scourge thrives – by Ayesha Nasir: Activists from Jamaat-u-Dawa, a charity widely viewed as a front for the banned Islamist group Lashkar-e-Taiba, rally during an anti-India protest in Lahore last month. Arif Ali / AFP Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), potentially one of the most dangerous militant groups

Lashkar-e-Taiba in Perspective – Stephen Tenkel: In 2006, the Pakistani militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba entered the Afghan theater, necessitating its increased presence in Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province and Federally Administered Tribal Areas. The group is often mentioned during discussions of the Punjabi Taliban, militants from Punjabi

The judiciary and the Jamaat-ud-Dawa: An exterior view of the mosque where Hafiz Saeed, leader of Jamaat-ud-Dawa preached every Friday, in Lahore, Pakistan. – AP Jamaat-ud-Dawa easily evades ban Wednesday, 24 Feb, 2010 LAHORE: Long-haired jihadis toting automatic weapons patrolled a mosque last week

This is what young Pakistanis are learning: Activists of the JuD hold aloft weapons during an anti-India protest rally in Lahore on Friday

Mumbai terrorist attacks partially planned in Pakistan: Islamabad hands over Mumbai probe report to New Delhi Mumbai attacks partially planned in Pakistan: Malik * Interior adviser claims arrest of main operator in attacks, five others * Says Pakistan needs more information from India * System of

Swat: Taliban hit-list and two-finger sign: If international humiliation and domestic depression is what the Taliban wanted, they have found the device with which to do it in Swat. They have released a list of 43 people whom they have declared “wanted” and liable to

Derailed de-radicalisation: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 Zeenia Satti Just like the Afghan war was allowed to turn into Pakistan’s civil war, similarly, the Mumbai attacks are likely to usher in civil unrest in Punjab. While events in neighbouring countries adversely impact

Acting on the Mumbai dossier – By Praful Bidwai: Saturday, January 10, 2009 (The News) Six weeks after the Mumbai attacks, the Indian government is still groping for a strategy to get Pakistan to crack down on Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and other extremists. The Pakistani

India provides evidence of the Mumbai terrorist attacks to Pakistan….: A page from the dossier given to PakistanDossier: handlers used virtual number to contact a mobile with one of the terrorists Siddharth Varadarajan (The Hindu, Wednesday, Jan 07, 2009) New Delhi: Amidst the clutter of telephone calls the Indian

Indian military retaliation would play straight into LeT’s hands. – Praful Bidwai: There is no military option by Praful Bidwai Ultimately, it wasn’t superior firepower, sophisticated interception methods or commando training that explains how one of the Mumbai attackers was arrested alive. The key to that feat lies in the great

Radical Islam’s war with India – By Anand K Verma: Anand K Verma headed the Research & Analysis Wing, (R&AW), India’s external intelligence agency from 1986-1989. He is an expert on the region, particularly Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The time has arrived for the unspoken to be spoken: Radical

Media war and India-Pakistan tension: As the world worries about India and Pakistan going to war over the Mumbai attack of November 26, 2008, Pakistan is all set to take on India if it attacks. Defence ministry officials in Islamabad, responding to an intelligence

Hamid Mir nails Pakistan Government’s lie on Ajmal Kasab ….: This Pakistani nailed Pak Government’s lie on Kasab

Nawaz Sharif says Ajmal Kasab from Faridkot, Pakistan: Sharif slams Zardari, says Kasab from Pakistan Challenging President Asif Ali Zardari’s assertion that there was no proof that the arrested Mumbai attacker hailed from Pakistan’s Punjab province, former premier Nawaz Sharif has said that the suspect’s village was

The most damaging aspect of the jihadi infrastructure has been at the domestic level, as we have been transformed into a violence-prone society…: In our own interest — Talat Masood Strategies and policies have to change in accordance with current realities. It may have been expedient to pursue foreign and defence policy through the use of proxies in the 1980s and 1990s,

Is Jama’at-ud-Da’wah a charity / welfare organization? An anlaysis: Jama’at-ud-Da’wah (Urdu: جمعات الدعوہ) is an organisation launched in Lahore, Pakistan in 1985. Previously called Markaz Daw’a wal Irshad, the organisation changed its name after the United States Department of State declared Lashkar-e-Taiba to be a terrorist organisation. It

Everyone at fault, except us. Why is it that everything that goes against us becomes a conspiracy?: Everyone at fault, except usIn the national interest Monday, December 15, 2008by Kamal Siddiqi The writer is editor reporting, The News One can only wonder at the collective amnesia that Pakistanis suffer, and how the various quarters are quick

Time to arrest Ansar Abbasi, the unofficial spokesperson of Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jamatud-Dawa…: Ansar Abbasi, the unofficial spokesperson of the Taliban and Hizbut Tahrir, writes a column in support of Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jamatud-Dawa… We have a question. If the Government of Pakistan is sincere in the war on terror, if President Zardari