Violence Archive

کوک سٹوڈیو میں شہید امجد صابری کی آخری پرفارمنس: مجھے کوک سٹوڈیو کے اس سیزن میں امجد صابری اور راحت فتح کی اس پرفارمنس کا سب سے شدت سے انتظار تھا۔ سوچا تھا بار بار سنوں گا اور امجد صابری کو یاد کروں گا۔ لیکن حقیقت یہ ہے

’پیلٹ گن مارتی نہیں زندہ لاش بنا دیتی ہے‘: بھارت کے زیرِ انتظام کشمیر میں سکیورٹی فورس مظاہرین کو منتشرکرنے کے لیے پیلٹ گن یعنی چھرے والی بندوق کا استعمال کر رہے ہیں۔ یہ بندوق جان لیوا نہیں ہے لیکن ان بندوقوں کے سبب کئی مظاہرین کو شدید

Pity the nation that has to silence its writers – Arundhati Roy: I write this from Srinagar, Kashmir. This morning’s papers say that I may be arrested on charges of sedition for what I have said at recent public meetings on Kashmir. I said what millions of people here say

In Kashmir, Indian security forces use pellet guns that often blind protesters: These are pallet gun wounds and nearly 300 cases admitted in various hospitals and about 150 surgeries performed so far and doctors are not hopeful on majority of these cases that they will gain their eyesight and 14

Muslims in the world of Modern Science – by Muhammad Faisal Younus: Thousands of years ago, it was a golden era of Muslims in terms of science and education. 800 AD to 1100 AD was a time when Baghdad was well-known for its scientific knowledge and inventions. A large number of

Sad demise of Amjad Sabri- Another victim of state terrorism – by Muhammad Faisal Younus: One more tragic incident has produced an innocent victim. This time a famous qawwali musician, a man with international fame became a victim of state terrorism. Amjad Sabri was a famous qawwali singer, an international celebrity, born on December

American deaths in terrorism vs. gun violence in one graph: (CNN)During his presidency, President Barack Obama has had to deliver statements on gun violence 15 times. After a gunman opened fire at Oregon’s Umpqua Community College, killing nine people and injuring seven, a visibly upset Obama said the

Jamiat activists attack Karachi Uni girls for playing cricket: A clash between Islami Jamiat Talba (IJT) and Punjabi Student Association (PSA) in the University of Karachi (KU) resulted from an IJT attack on girl students who were playing cricket on the campus. IJT activists allegedly attacked girls

Memories of Growing Up in My Beloved Karachi – by Ali Hashim: My first memory of Karachi is a view from the air as our plane bringing us from Delhi, where my father, as a civil servant, circled the Star Gate airport and came in for a landing, just prior to

If Altaf Hussain is assassinated? – by Shiraz Paracha: The MQM leader Altaf Hussain may need police protection as one of his owns may attempt to assassinate him. Following the explosive disclosures about the deeds and criminal activities of Hussain and his associates, the MQM leader has become

پاکستانی اور پر تشدد رویے؟: آخر اس کی کیا وجہ ہے کہ پاکستانی سماج میں اکثریت تشدد اور شدت پسندی، انتقام اور نفرت کی طرف مائل ہوتی جا رہی ہے؟ اجتماعی اور گروہی تشدد کی اپنی منفرد خصوصیات ہیں، جوزف کالونی کا واقعہ ایسا پہلا

پلواشاہ کو کون پوچھے گا؟: جہاں بڑے بڑے حادثے ایسے گزر جاتے ہوں کہ جیسے کچھ نہیں ہوا وہاں پلوا شاہ کو کون پوچھے گا؟ خبر کے مطابق بیس سالہ پلوا شاہ سکھر شہر میں ایک گزرتی بارات سے ہونے والی فائرنگ کی

Why don’t Baloch comrades attack LeJ-Jundullah-Taliban instead of killing innocent settlers and labourers?: Related posts: In defence of Punjabis: Stop target killing of Punjabi settlers in Balochistan LUBP has previously published several posts highlighting and condemning attacks on innocent (non-combatant) civilians particularly those of Punjabi, Sindhi, Saraiki, Muhajir and Pashtun backgrounds in

My Vanishing Karachi -by Chander Parkash: Karachi, the first Capital of Pakistan and its financial hub, is a leading Industrial centre and great Seaport. Karachi accounts for a lion’s share in the GDP and generates 65% of Pakistan’s total revenue. According to legend, Karachi was

Not all deaths are mourned the same – by Murtaza Haider: Pakistanis of all political and religious persuasions are equally enraged by the tragic death of their soldiers caused by an indiscriminate air attack by the Nato forces. Pakistani soldiers, stationed at a border post in Mohmand region, were attacked

Deconstructing Hizbul Tahrir’s ideology: Ziauddin Sardar Explains The Long History Of Violence Behind Hizb Ut-Tahrir What Hizb ut-Tahrir peddles is escapist fascism that appeals to people who want to be told what to do The bearded and elegantly attired supporters of Hizb ut-Tahrir

Does Britain back MQM’s violence? By Shiraz Paracha: The British government shares some responsibility for violence in Karachi as wanted criminals use their UK bases to incite hate and violence in Pakistan. Altaf Hussain, a British citizen and a mafia style leader of a linguistic group, everyday

Blasphemy: Does the Holy Qur’an approve murder? – by Shiraz Paracha: For Muslims the Holy Qur’an is the first source of guidance. The Qur’an does not order death or murder for blasphemy. The Qur’an says Muslims should only fight in self-defence and should kill those who wage war on Muslims. Verse number 33

Daughters of the nation —by Mashal Sahir: In Pakistan, the most horrendous abuse of women is rape. According to statistics, 928 women were raped in Pakistan in 2009. However, most cases are never reported due to the humiliation attached to the victim and also because our

Daily Times Editorial: Nuisance of loudspeakers: The move by the National Assembly on Friday to pass The Regulation and Control of Loudspeakers and Sound Amplifiers (Amendment) Bill 2010, is a step in the right direction. The bill is intended to curb attempts to create sectarian

A review of Christian-Muslim conflict and a modest proposal to counter it: If outside experts could help disentangle religion from the other issues, the argument goes, that could help neutralise religion’s capacity to mobilise and inflame, in the hope of leading to a de-escalation of the crisis. Is this idealistic? Maybe………

Arundhati Roy’s Statement on media and mob justice: There is too much similarities between Pakistani and Indian right wing media, both are inciting hatred and violence among the country’s citizens and especially against those having unpopular views and thoughts. Indian media was present around Arundhati Roy’s house with live coverage facilities

Why are PPP governments violent for Karachi?: Source: Express Tribune KARACHI: It is when the numbers stop meaning anything that Karachi starts to panic. The numerical numbness does not, however, exhaust our hankering for some explanation, any explanation, for the killings. The next best thing we can offer ourselves is

Fear and apprehension among Christians: There is fear and apprehension among Christians in Pakistan as the country celebrates the end of the Muslim observance of Ramadan.News of Holly Quran Burning Day in the U.S. by a Pentecostal priest in Florida has led to tension,

“Pakistan has to shift its strategic focus”, Prof Walter Russel Mead: LAHORE, Aug 14: Pakistan should move away from the zero-sum security rivalry with India to be able to emerge as a successful, modern democratic society, says a distinguished American foreign policy expert. “It is vital for Pakistan to shift

Remembering the Violence during Zia (L) Regime – by Ahsan Abbas Shah: پاکستانی تاریخ کے گزشتہ عشرے عظیم سیاسی اتھل تھپل کے غماز ہیں۔ ان اَدوار میں بائیں بازو کی قؤتوں کا جو اُبھار دیکھنے میں آیا۔ وہ ملکی سیاست میں سنگِ میل کی حیثیت رکھتا تھا۔ ذوالفقار علی بھٹونے موقع

Pakistan, Afghanistan and politics of US withdrawal- by Shehrbano Taseer: WASHINGTON DC: On Wednesday, the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) and the Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP) co-sponsored an event featuring Pervez Hoodbhoy and Zia Mian. The speakers discussed the present crisis in Pakistan regarding the Taliban

Baloch Nationalists Leaders mourned in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: A condolence reference was held in Peshawar Press Club for the Baloch leaders Habib Jalib Baloch Secretary General BNP and Maula Bakhsh Dashti of Natinal Party who were mercilessly assassinated in Balochistan few days ago. The reference was arranged

The roads to terrorism: From General Zia-ul-Haq to Faisal Shahzad – by Kamila Hyat: What could possibly have possessed Faisal Shahzad, a wealthy, happily married college graduate with two children and everything in life apparently working in his favour, to set out to Times Square and attempt to leave a bomb behind? His

Islam, a religion of peace, hijacked by the violent children of Sayyid Qutb – by Fouad Ajami: Islam’s Nowhere Men Millions like Faisal Shahzad are unsettled by a modern world they can neither master nor reject. By FOUAD AJAMI ‘A Muslim has no nationality except his belief,” the intellectual godfather of the Islamists, Egyptian Sayyid Qutb,

If half-a-million ethnic Punjabis flee Balochistan – by Jan Assakzai: If they flee Balochistan A disturbing fallout of Baloch militants’ estrangement is going to be mass migration from Balochistan of Punjabi- and Urdu-speaking people, who mostly live in Quetta. The professional entrepreneurial middle class composed of the non-indigenous communities

Silence or conditional condemnation of the Times Square bomber — by Dr Mahjabeen Islam: Ours is a nation with many Joseph Goebbels. We rattle on in convoluted, minute details and in the effort to convince others, delude only ourselves, unfortunately so deeply that we lose the beginning of lies and the death of

The Scylla of violence: indiscriminate violence against the non-combatant settlers in Balochistan – by Dr Mohammad Taqi: “This is a political war and it calls for discrimination in killing.” — John Paul Vann, US adviser in Vietnam The recent killing of Professor Nazima Talib in Quetta has once again called into question the logic of indiscriminate

Finally, the Deobandi awakening against Taliban terrorists?: No condemnation Dawn Editorial Monday, 03 May, 2010 There is little doubt that there still exist, across Pakistan, mosques, schools of religious learning and other religious centres that continue to spew hate. Unless that infrastructure of hate is shut

In defence of Punjabis: Stop target killing of Punjabi settlers in Balochistan – by Abdul Nishapuri: Update: Target killing of Professor Nazima Talib Mehdi: Shame on BLA terrorists. Where are your Baloch traditions? The Punjabi scapegoat It is common practice in the (so called) leftist and progressive circles of Pakistan to blame Punjab for all

Rumpus at the Punjab University – by Qudrat Ullah: The recent spate of manhandling of a University Professor namely Dr. Iftikhar Baloch, by Islami Jamiat Talaba (IJT) activists, in the largest and the oldest seat of higher learning in Pakistan is the most tragic incident in the history

Peshawar: The tale of an orphan city – by Ismail Khan: The scars of wars went deeper and left an impression not only on the social and cultural fibre but also devastated Peshawar’s infrastructure. — Photo by AP “Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the

Strategy to demonize civilian government? – by Anas Abbas: One of the main aims of Pakistan Army and its pro Taliban media sympathizers is to launch campaigns against the civilian government structure in order to justify its controversial interference. The strategy employed here to achieve this objective by

Peace Carvan: A journey for peace – by Shujuaddin Qureshi: It was an unusual gathering at Karachi’s Cantt railway station, where over 100 people from civil society organisations, intellectuals, political and trade union workers, and journalists had gathered for a peaceful cause. Sixty of those gathered, including more than

This is what young Pakistanis are learning: Activists of the JuD hold aloft weapons during an anti-India protest rally in Lahore on Friday
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