Osama Bin Laden Archive

Politicians united to defend the mighty army and spy masters – by Haris Ubaid: Pakistan’s political elite after due consultation with his highness COAS Kayani and his highness Chief Spy Pasha have come to the defense of the military establishment. This reminds me the following words of Urdu poet John Eliah: Nahi dunya

Why do they love Polygamy? – by Danial Lakhnavi: پاکستان کے مذہبی حلقوں میں ایک سے زائد شادیوں کی اجازت اور اولاد کی تعداد کا معاملہ ہمیشہ سے دلچسپی کا موضوع رہا ہے. یہی وجہ ہے کہ ہر مذہبی تبصرہ نگار نے اپنے تحریری معرکہ آرائیوں میں اس

The future and past of ISI speak up: I am sure when you read the title, you must have realized who I am talking about – past being Nawaz Sharif and the future being Imran Khan, have spoken up on the “Abbottabad Saniha” as it is being

History of security establishments’ blunders -By Arshad Mahmood: This article was originally published in the ‘Daily AajKal’

A rebuttal to Mosharraf Zaidi and other apologists of the military state of Pakistan – by Sumantra Maitra: Related post: Fake criticism of Pakistan army by FCS proxies First published in: The Washington Examiner (My reply to two articles of Mosharraf Zaidi in Times of India and Foreign Policy Magazine.) The dust settled. The answer is known. Pakistan had

Pakistan: Osama’s episode -by Inam R Sehri: Yesterday, on 7th May 2011, President Zardari, PM Gilani and COAS Ashfaq Kayani met for the second time at the Presidency since Osama’s operation in Abbotabad and comprehensively reviewed the situation in the perspective of Pakistan’s national security and

Post-Osama bin Laden Pakistan – by Qais Anwar: پاکستان — اسا مہ بن لادن کے قتل کے بعد ========================= پاکستانی ریاست سرمایہ دارانہ جاگیردارانہ سیاست کبھی بھی عوام کے مسائل کا حل نہیں ہوتی لیکن جب تک پچھڑے ہوئے طبقات کی قیادت پر مشتمل پارٹی عوامی حمایت

Taking stock of May 1: Civilian government has an opportunity to question the defence establishment – by Ayesha Siddiqa: September 6, 1965 — senior army officers in Pakistan slept as Indian troops rolled towards the Lahore border. Fast-forward and we have senior Pakistani generals apparently asleep while American SEALs launch an operation in Abbottabad. This also happened when

The Abottabad Heist! – by Peter Hoss: Wars never end smoothly. Peace that follows takes years to stabilize. The only war the US was able to end smoothly was when choppers airlifted stranded Americans from the US embassy rooftop. After the death of Osama, many folks

Can anyone define “Saniha” for me?: It is unfortunate but true, everyone wants to get some publicity by calling what happened on the early morning of 2nd May as a “Saniha”. The Urdu word “Saniha” has the closest English translation of “Tragedy”. The word Tragedy

ISI Assets in action – II: Related Articles: ISI assets begin their act to ensure “supremacy” of their masters Ahmed Noorani belongs to Ansar Abbasi gang at Jang Group. His agenda along with his boss has always been to malign the PPP government on one thing after

Writers needed for “Friends, Not Masters II”: Related article: Fake criticism of Pakistan army by FCS proxies A reputed inter-services public relations firm is looking for senior writers to author a book titled as “Friends not Masters Part II” Background The Pakistan army has a long

Fake criticism of Pakistan army by a budding writer Shahid Saeed: Related post: A rebuttal to Mosharraf Zaidi and other apologists of the military state of Pakistan – by Sumantra Maitra Fake criticism of military establishment Fake critical letter to ISI chief by Ejaz Haider Three musketeers and the “PPP

Zardari or Zawahiri? – by Ali Sher Mussali: Official discourse of Pakistan army and its proxies Pakistan Army has done “extraordinarily well” in the history of Pakistan. Yes, we need army otherwise India, Israel and America will control our arsenals. And yes, for this we have to

USA-phobia and Osama’s death – by Ali Sher Mussali: Pseudo-socialists, pseudo-nationalists and Osama bin Laden’s shahadat There are many so called communists, socialists, ethno-nationalists who initially joined PPP because they were motivated by Bhuttoism. Some among them, the followers of ‘entryism’ (infiltration), were hopeful to overcome PPP’s leadership

Osama bin Laden and Pakistani media – by Zalaan: پاکستانی میڈیا اینکرز بہت غصے میں ہیں اور کہ رہے ہیں که اگر فوج ، حکومت اور آ ئی ایس آ ئی اسامہ بن لادن کی حفاظت نہ کر سکی تو وہ عام آدمی کی کیسے حفاظت کر سکتے

Osama bin Laden was a member of Vishwa Hindu Parishad – by Zalaan: روزانہ جسارت و امت – اسرئیل کے ایک یہودی اخبار الخلافہ نے خبر دی ہے کہ اسامہ بن لادن اصل میں ایک ہندو انتہا پسند تنظیم وشوا ہندو پرشاد کا سر گرم رکن تھا اس کا اصل مذہب ہندو

10 radars urgently needed by Pakistan army and Al Qaeda – by Ali Sher Mussali: Top TV anchors and the fake civil society (FCS) loyalists of Pakistan army have announced to collect funds and donations on urgent basis to purchase 10 radars to save at least 10 top Al-Qaida leaders in various safe houses

ISI assets begin their act to ensure “supremacy” of their masters: Related post: ISI Assets in action – II We have been talking about the various assets of the ISI in our media. Whether they do everything at the orders of theirs masters cannot be confirmed, however, they do feel

The world may help Pakistan through United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission on Pakistan (UNMOVICP): Related articles: A commodity called security Appeal to international community: Impose travel restrictions on all senior officers of Pakistan army On BBC’s Secret Pakistan and Ejaz Haider: Their denials and propagandists – by Abbas Daiyar A comment on

Pakistan’s Pro Taliban Media anguish: “We are Grieving the loss of our beloved Osama”: انتقال پرملال ہم نہایت افسوس، دل گرفتگی ومغمومیت کے عالم میں یہ اندوہناک اعلان کرتے ہیں کہ ہمارے مخدوم وممدوح مجاہد ملت، فاتح ورلڈ سینٹر و غازیئ تورہ بورہ اور شہید اسلام جناب اسامہ بن لادن مبینہ طور

Osama Bin Laden and Pakistan in Perspective from the U.S. – by Rusty Walker: Related Articles: Why did ISI dispose of Osama Bin Laden? – by Mahvish Afridi Bin Laden Killed in a joint operation?? Take a Bow Mr President Bin Laden’s death, Pakistan’s counterpunch to the United States – by Shiraz Paracha

A commodity called security: In the last few months, especially after the manner in which the Raymond Davis matter unfolded, I have been saying to friends that Pakistan (unfortunately) has a commodity to sell called “Security” which is now not going to be

Osama’s Death: Fact or Fiction – by D. Asghar: Like many when the news alert of Osama’s death popped on my Blackberry, I said, “Good Riddance.” The snippets of news started to trickle in. Initially CNN said in its alert, it was in Afghanistan. I sighed and said,

Take a Bow Mr President: Where President Zardari said to Americans he wanted the big fish *. He was right on money. He knows better than anyone else that his Military is more independent than the post war German army in Weimar Republic. He

Thank you Raymond Davis – by Mahvish Afridi: Thank you, Raymond Davis! The honour (ghairat) brigade in Pakistani media (sponsored by Aabpara) had presented CIA Operative Raymond Davis as an insult to Pakistan’s national honour and security. However, yesterday’s (May 1, 2011) surgical operation by the US

OBL’s death: Did the US threat work? Is it going to reap benefits in near future?: Not many people like The Friday Times’ editor Najam Sethi especially on LUBP. I am not too much of a fan of his commentary but his weekly paper does come up with some information that gives insights to the

Bin Laden’s death, Pakistan’s counterpunch to the United States – by Shiraz Paracha: After losing the 2004 presidential elections, US Senator John Kerry said that one video message of Osama bin Laden cost him the presidency. Days before the 2004 elections, bin Laden in a video message urged the US public not

Condolences to Taliban apologist, Imran Khan, on the death of Osama Bin Laden – by Maula Bux Thadani: First of all, let me congratulate all Muslims, all Pakistanis, all Americans, all peace loving people on this planet (who want to live a life free of terror) on the death of the most vile and most dangerous terrorist

Bin Laden Killed in a joint operation??: Editor’s note: Finally United States has killed Osama. The details are not clear yet but it seems Osama Bin Laden was killed in a missile attack on a compound in the city of Abbottabad, a place of huge military

The sinister side of Pakistan’s Sharif brothers – by Rajeev Sharma: For decades the Indian political and military establishments have been convinced that the deep anti-India mindset in Pakistan is rooted in Pakistan Army and the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI). However, available indications are that the rot is much deeper,

From Russia with Love: Main Ney Russia Mee kya Dekha – by Dil Nawaz: When Islamic Republic of Pakistan came into existence in 1947, Russia was known as the “Godless Empire” of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics under the “brutal” dictator Joseph Stalin. This inherent difference in ideologies resulted in tensions from the

Laden living ‘comfortably’ in Pakistan: NATO official: KABUL: Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden is living comfortably in a house in northwest Pakistan close to his deputy Ayman Al-Zawahiri, CNN yesterday quoted a NATO official as saying. The Saudi-born militant wanted for the Sept 11 attacks on

Viewpoint Interview: “Left supporting Taliban is short-sighted”, Nawal El Saadawi: Award-winning Egyptian writer and feminist Nawal El Saadawi hardly deserves an introduction. Author of over forty books—-translated to over 30 languages—-she has inspired women all over the world but particularly in Muslim world with her writings as well as

Daughters of Al Huda: A Farhat Hasmi enteprise – by Khaled Ahmed: We are wrong to look for terrorist tracts in the madrassa. The suicide bomber is not made through syllabi but through isolation from society. When we wish to produce a normal citizen we begin by socialising the child. Anyone

Pakistan’s Future: It’s choice–not chance – by Bilal Qureshi: For my mental health, I never watch Pakistani television, be it state run or the so-called ‘private’ channels. And if I am forced for whatever reason to put up with it for an hour or so, it is, and

Is Osama in Pakistan? – by Fawad Manzoor: CIA Director Leon Panetta: Source AP/Dawn If it is assumed by CIA director that Osama is in Pakistan then why dont they convey it to Pakistani agencies to capture him. Even if they dont convey us to capture him

Zakir Naik: Muslim preacher of hate is let into Britain – by David Leppard: Zakir Naik says the 9/11 attacks were an ‘inside job’ by the US THE home secretary, Theresa May, is facing a stiff test of the Conservative party’s claims to oppose radical Islam after her officials chose to allow a

Khalid Khawaja fallout and the Nawaz Sharif-Osama Bin Laden Connection — by Naeem Tahir: There is the mystery that many of the internet sites about Khalid Khawaja are now ‘restricted’! What does that mean? It is in the national interest of Pakistanis that they know who is a friend and who is a

Beyond state of denial: How blind hatred of United States is undermining our own interests: Raza Habib Raja has contributed this piece to LUBP which was previously published at Chowk. Here is Mr Raja’s brief introduction in his own words: I am an economist by education and a banker by profession. I have enormous