Good Governance and Bad Governance Archive

Lahore’s maddeningly worsening traffic, the ‘cheat’ minister of Punjab & the chief justice of Lahore high court – Shoaib Mir: Hail the reform-minded, independent but, most importantly, just, impartial and fair Chief Justice Mansoor Ali Shah who has ruled against the disastrous Orange train project, and earlier against the signal-free Jail Road-Gulberg Boulevard corridor. Unfortunately, he has

باشعور شہری کا بہترین اقدام – سید خرم زکی: آج پاکستان سمیت دنیا بھر کے ممالک میں سوشل میڈیا اپنے خیالات، تفریح اور آگاہی کا مقبول تریں زریعہ ہے۔ ہم سب ہی تقریباً سماجی ویب سائٹس کا استعمال کرتے ہیں، روزانہ فیس بک ٹوئٹر پر کوئی نہ خبر

Country’s biggest child abuse scandal jolts Punjab: GANDA SINGH WALA – Punjab’s leading child protection official has called for a federal inquiry into ‘the largest-ever child abuse scandal in Pakistan’s history’ after the discovery of 400 videos recording more than 280 children being forced

13 famous eateries of Lahore that are disgustingly filthy – Ali Gul: Caution: Some images will make you nauseous! One of the most famous features of Lahore is it’s food. You’ll often hear Lahoris rave about how great the food is in the city. And for the most part, they’re

کان رکھتا ہے دریاؤں کی روانی پہ نہ جا – فرنود عالم: تفنن برطرف۔ طنز ومزاح دوسری طرف۔ کسی نے کہا ’’آپ جانبدار ہیں‘‘ عرض کیا ’’جس معاشرے میں ہڑپ ازم سیاست کا بنیادی عنصر بن گیا ہو، وہاں غیر جانبدار رہنا در اصل استبداد کی حمایت ہے۔ میں چار حرف

شور برپا ہے خانہ دل میں – عمار کاظمی: بچوں اور بیگم کو جمعہ کے روز ایک دو دن کے لیے پنڈی نانا نانی کے پاس جانا تھا۔ ان کا پروگرام دیکھ کر سوچا کہ میں بھی دو ایک دن آوارگی کر لوں گا۔ دوستوں کی طرف جا

کب سنبھلیں گے ہم؟ میاں نواز شریف کے نام – از عمار کاظمی: میاں صاحبان کے گزشتہ دور حکومت میں ایک لطیفہ بہت مشہور ہوا تھا۔ اصل لطیفہ تو پنجابی میں تھا مگر میں یہاں اس کا اردو ترجمہ پیش کر رہا ہوں۔ واضع رہے کہ یہ انتہای گھسا پٹا لطیفہ

فاتح پٹرول پمپ – عمار کاظمی: گزشتہ دو دنوں میں چھ بار پٹرول ڈلوانے گیا اور لائن دیکھ کر سوچا کہ کوءی بات نہیں پھر باہر نکلوں گا تو ڈلوا لوں گا۔ اور پھر وہی ہوا جس کا ڈر تھا۔ بیچ راستے میں رات گیارہ

سندھ کے غیر حاضر اساتذہ اور تعلیم کی تباہی – حسن مجتبیٰ: Source:

شریف برادران کی گڈ گورننس کا ایک جائزہ – عمار چودھری: Source:

About PTI’s performance in KP – by A Z: Many people have talked about the PTI’s performance in the KPK. It has been far from optimal and surely should have been better. However, there has been palpable progress in the past 15 months frustrating the people who

سیلاب ، شریف خاندان کی باد شاہت اور پنجاب کے مظلوموں کا نوحہ – از ڈاکٹر بابر اعوان: Source:

سیلاب کی تباہ کاریاں اور پنجاب حکومت کی مسلسل بد انتظامیاں – از خالد مسعود خان: Source: Source:

PTI’s good governance in KP province and Shia genocide: 1 June 2013 to 10 March 2014: Here are some actual statistics on Shia genocide (target killed due to faith) in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province since Imran Khan’s PTI came to power on 1 June 2013. A higher number of innocent Sunnis has been killed by the

PPP’s four years of government in Sindh – by Raja Asad: Tou hae Meher-e-Subh-e-Nau Tere Baad Raat hae The people of Sindh specially rural Sindh have always been standing with Pakistan Peoples Party through Time and tide and for that Pakistan Peoples Party has been serving them when ever they

Shahbaz Sharif’s Pakistan doesn’t deserve me – by Usman Tahir: My name is Dr Khan, I am 26 and a government officer of BPS 17 working in Lahore in the largest hospital of Asia. I stood second in the medical college entrance test, out of 40,000 people. I studied

Benazir Model Village – Sinawan – Splendid execution: The government of Pakistan Peoples Party, always living under the shadow of swords hanging over it, has fulfilled a promise it made in the aftermath of the devastating floods of 2010. It has with the necessary support and assistance

Why the PPP government is good for Pakistan – by Fauzia Wahab: Predictions were made, bets were placed and wild speculations made the rounds. It seemed that the fall of the prime minister was imminent and the PPP-led government was doomed. One could see gloating faces on TV channels, faces that had been

Pakistan Democracy Review: Did PPP implement its vision of Roti, Kapra, Makan? – by Raja Asad Abbas: Related :Pakistan Democracy Review 2009 -by Humza Ikram Pakistan Democracy Review 2010 Did PPP implement its vision of Roti, Kapra, Makan? – by Raja Asad Abbas Benazir Employees Stock Option Scheme – by Saad Hassan Stellar yet sadly affronted

Pakistan: Frying Pan and the Fire – by Haris Gazdar: “But if the future of parliamentary democracy in Pakistan seems more certain now than at any time in recent history it is because the centre of political gravity has moved down to the provinces and regions, and at the

Some Unforgiven Crimes of Asif Ali Zardari -by Raja M Asad Abbas: While Watching different News Channels I was Wondering that what is that fact that has made Asif Ali Zardari to be one of the Most Criticized Person In Pakistan I was Wondering the Fact that why He is being

Has the PPP government ruined the economy? – by Khubaib Siddiqui: Rants against the economic performance of the current government have become such a common and recurrent feature of our political discourse that the statement “this PPP government has ruined the economy” has assumed the properties of an axiom or

Prophets of Doom – by Dr. Niaz Murtaza: Pakistan is probably the country whose demise is predicted most frequently and nervously. David Kilcullen, an American-based guerrilla warfare expert, wrote the most apocalyptic (and inaccurate!) obituary back in 2009: collapse within months. Political scientists, wiser than narrowly-focused warfare

Alone ZARDARI But So Many Enemies – by Chittan Janjal: As an impartial observer, I tend to feel sorry for many of those fellow countrymen, who are trapped in a sort of phobia—the Zardari phobia— and the most unfortunate thing is that there does not seem to be any

The Khadim-e-Aaala of Punjab’s Aala kaam: According to Express Tribune, Punjab Chief Minister is bolstering the security of CM’s camp office in Raiwind in the wake of assassination of Salmaan Taseer. Off course, the Raiwind Camp Office is a privately owned residence of the Sharif

Is democracy the right policy-matrix for good governance in Pakistan? – by Qudrat Ullah: According to the latest report “The State of Economy: Pulling Back From the Abyss,” released by the Institute of Public Policy of the Beaconhouse National University, Lahore “Pakistan remained abysmally at the bottom among South Asian States as it

Access to information stressed to ensure transparency, good governance: ISLAMABAD: Realizing the importance of transparency in governance and right to information legislation, Individualland– a nonprofit organization held a roundtable seminar on Friday, to promote a healthy debate that can yield positive results. Participants from number of different organizations

Media, democracy and governance — by Babar Ayaz: This is one of the problems of a society where we talk about democracy and criticise the government day in and day out, but when it comes to tolerating criticism on us we retaliate. Perhaps the democrat in us

The politically asexual ‘good governance and corruption mantra’ and the PPP’s ideology – by Ayesha Siddiqa: There is a growing tendency to shun politics. The response of a lot people to this it: What has it given us besides corruption and a poor image of the country in the eyes of the world? Nevertheless, I will

Good governance as they say?: A small news in Nawai Waqt catches the eye. Off course, Jang and Geo will never talk about this.

Media freedoms versus responsibility (holy cow syndrome): Published today in The News Much has been said about media accountability and the dire need of a regulation framework for Pakistan’s new power centre. Pakistani media has earned its freedom and independence after a long, often bloody, struggle

“Aisay dastoor ko, subh-e-bey-noor ko mayn nahee maanta”: “Aisay dastoor ko, subh-e-bey-noor ko mayn nahee maanta” – Shahbaz Sharif in his revolutionary speech in early 2009 This verse is from Habib Jalib’s poem, Jamhooriat. Shahbaz Sharif had taken it to the next level by singing it in

Balochistan: a ticking bomb – by Salman Latif: If today I endeavored to draw a parallel between East Pakistan and modern-day Balochistan, I’m sure it’d be a well-founded one. With the way the central governments have been playing denial to the rightful plights of the Baluchis and

An open letter to Asif Ali Zardari – by Javed I. Sheikh: I would like to share this letter posted almost one year before at another forum. Mr. President, Sir, 1. As one of the most senior founder members of the Pakistan People Party and Ex-General Secretary of the PPP District

Good governance in Punjab – contractors rally for dues worth Rs 10 billion: Doesn’t timely payment and honoring financial commitments come under the head of good governance? The contractors are demanding payment as they are in default of suppliers. Isn’t this circular debt in the making? The government owes the State Bank

A tribute to the rickshaw driver’s family – by Haroon-ur-Rashid: This post is a tribute to a family of six who consumed poisonous pills in a suicide attempt in Shahpur Kanjra, Lahore, in order to escape poverty. This tragic event took place a few days ago (on 15 June

Opacity of Transparency International Pakistan – by Imran Khan: Transparency’s opacity Results from Transparency International’s “National Corruption Perception Survey 2009” are being presented in the media as an infallible judgment on the corruption of the ANP-led government of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. One would be tempted to accept this judgment because

Cellular Governance in Jhang – by Qudrat Ullah: Pakistan is a victim of bad governance and corruption. Due to institutional decay and slackness of the top babus (bureaucrats), government infrastructure, especially in smaller districts and tehsils where gubernatorial feudal elite and corrupt officials often make lives of

A specimen of Shahbaz Sharif’s good governance in Punjab: Man sets himself on fire in front of CM’s complaint cell: Man sets himself on fire in front of Punjab CM’s complaint cell * Mehmood Akhtar sought financial help from provincial government only to be humiliated, beaten up * Faisalabad DCO ignored Mehmood’s requests for help * Nawaz calls for
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