General Hamid Gul Archive

افغان جہاد اور ضیا الحق کی زیر سرپرستی منشیات کی تجارت پر خلیل مسعود کے چشم کشا انکشافات: ضیا الحق کو دعا دیں کہ اس نے جن کو مجاہد بنایا آج وہ دہشتگرد ہیں ، جہاد کے نام پر اسلحہ جنرل حمید گل مرحوم کی موجودگی میں خریدا گیا ۔ مجاہدین کو ہیروئین کی سمگلنگ کے اختیارات

Hameed Gul: Demise of the Boogey man – by Dr. Muzaffar: In their hearts is disease, so Allah has increased their disease; and for them is a painful punishment because they [habitually] used to lie. And when it is said to them, “Do not cause corruption on the earth,” they

وہی ضیاء ہے – نعمان عالم: ( مظفر وارثی سے معزرت کے ساتھ ، جنرل ضیاء کی شان میں قصیدہ گوئی کی سعادت کی اجازت چاہتے ہوۓ ) کوئی تو ہے جو نظام دھشت گردی چلا رہا ہے وہی ضیاء ہے ، وہی ضیاء ہے

Hameed Gul, a patriot to Zia’s Pakistan, but a traitor to Jinnah’s Pakistan – by Shaan Taseer: Hameed Gul played a long and disastrous innings. Crazed quixotic fantasies that he devoted his life to fulfilling, of militarily conquering the whole region has not only created the Taliban, but worse , has weaponised religion within our

احمد قریشی کا ایک اور جھوٹ بے نقاب: احمد قریشی نے ہمیشہ کی طرح کل ایک بار پھر جھوٹ کا سہارا لیتے ہوے طالبان کے سب سے بڑے حامی اور پاکستان و افغانستان کے ہزاروں معصوموں کے قاتل حمید گل کو معصوم اور محب وطن ثابت کرنے

پسماندگان گل حمید و قبیلہ ضیاع الحق کے نام – عامر حسینی: سنتا ہوں کہ آج تزویراتی گٹر کا ایک اور پاسدار شریان دماغ پھٹ جانے سے گزر گیا ہے اور تم سب اس کا غم غلط کرنے کے لئے چند اور بارودی جیکٹیں وعدہ حور دیکر گم کردہ نوجوانوں

پاکستان میں فرقہ واریت اور مذھبی بنیادوں پر خانہ جنگی کون چاہتا ہے؟: سماجی رابطے کی ویب سائٹ پر General Hameed Gul کے نام سے ایک پیج موجود ہے اور اس پیج کی اکثر پوسٹس کا جائزہ لیا جائے تو صاف پتہ چلتا ہے کہ یہ پیج پاکستان میں بسنے والے سواد

خوشا ! حمید گل بولے ۔ از وجاہت مسعود: خوشا ! حمید گل بولے… تیشۂ نظر سبحان اللہ! خیال کی بلندی دیکھئے ، لہجے کا بانکپن ملاحظہ ہو، فراست کا نمونہ کہیے، تدبیر کی ندرت کہیے… زیب دیتا ہے اسے، جس قدر اچھا کہیے۔ لیفٹنٹ جنرل (ریٹائرڈ) حمید

سراج الحق دیوبندی اور جنرل حمید گل کے چہیتے دیوبندی طالبان نے بامیان کے مجسمے تباہ کرنے کے لیے شیعہ ہزارہ قیدیوں کو استعمال کیا: مرزا حسین 26 سال کے تھے جب طالبان کمانڈرز نے ان کو حکم دیا کہ بامیان صوبے میں واقع بدھا کے مجسموں پر بارودی مواد نصب کریں۔ بدھا مجسموں کو تباہ کر دیا گیا جس کے باعث دنیا

PTI and PMLN support Taliban – by Shahid Shigri: An attack on School in Peshawar in Pakistan took a total of 146 lives which included 136 children and injured more than 125 children. Taliban has taken the responsibility of this crime against humanity. It was the darkest

Saudi rogue lobby in Pakistani establishment using Deobandi terrorists to spoil Pakistan-Iran relations: It is with deepest concern that we notice Deobandi terrorists transnational terrorist operations against Iran and Pakistan on the Iran-Pakistan border. In the last few days, scores of Iranian security personnel have been killed by Deobandi terrorsits based in

Magnificent delusions and current peace talks with Taliban – by Pejamistri: “Magnificent delusions” is the most appropriate term for describing the psychology of Pakistan military, also known as establishment by many. Husain Haqqani, the former ambassador and “traitor”, wrote the book with the same title, which goes in depth explaining

Notorious co-founder of Taliban, Major Amir appointed by PM Nawaz Sharif to negotiate with Taliban – by Sabah Hasan: I am not an admirer of Generals Yahya or Musharraf. Yet I find it odd that while we find it appropriate to accuse one (sometimes along with a person who was then not yet in power) for surrender to

Lal Masjid fan club – by Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Someone please forward a copy of this to His Holiness Highness Hazrat Iftikhar Chaudhary (HHHHIC) aka Abu Arsalan. HHHHIC and his Chacha Supremes must be so proud of reading this as they have always shown a soft corner for

Khan, Taliban and the Crackpot Science by Anas Abbas: With Thanks : Dawn If nothing else we Pakistani agree on one thing. Whatever little hope there appears is the last hope. A recent example of this was the invention of water as fuel for cars, which soon came crashing down.

When drug mafia entered the Parliament: Nawaz Sharif’s narcotics connections—by Shiraz Paracha: In the 1990 elections Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif knowing or unknowingly awarded party tickets to people who were associated with drug mafia. As result some drug traffickers entered Pakistan’s national and provincial assemblies. Mr. Sharif not only introduced horse-trading

On extensions – By Ali Aftab Saeed, Pakistan Today: In Pakistan, old soldiers just don’t fade away Source: Pakistan Today Haroon-ur-Rasheed recently in a newspaper article fantasised about Imran Khan’s great relationship with General Kayani after becoming Prime Minister in 2013. According to Hamid Mir, when asked about

JuD says Gen Hamid Gul was wrong in denying Malik Ishaq’s presence at Difa-e-Pakistan rally: Related post: The banned outfit and General Hameed Gul’s Lies Chief of banned militant outfit Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Malik Ishaq was in attendance at the Difa-e-Pakistan Council rally in Multan, a spokesperson for the council’s member organisation Jamaatud Dawa has said. “General

Wajahat Khan facing death threats after exposing Hamid Gul’s lies about Malik Ishaq and Difa-e-Pakistan: Related posts: Pakistan army outsources the Defence of Pakistan to killers of Shias, Ahmadis and Christians JuD contradicts General Hamid Gul’s statement Pakistan is a dangerous country where independent journalists are exposed to terrible dangers, including being killed not

The banned outfit and General Hameed Gul’s Lies: The banned outfit By Rafia Zakaria IT has been a decade of bans and lists. As the world of terror revealed itself to be more and more amorphous, nation states have fought back collecting the names, identifying the leaders

What do Pakistan’s Shia Muslims think about Imran Khan? – by Laibaah: Source: Pakistan Blogzine A Shia Muslim scholar Allama Jawad Naqvi exposes the Saudi-ISI plan to revive a repackaged version of General Zia-ul-Haq Group (Religio-political fascists) in Pakistan In this post, we present a thought provoking analysis by a Shia

Imran Khan’s message to the Defence of Pakistan rally in Lahore – by Hakim Hazik: On behalf of the ISI, we welcome you to the biggest jalsa since the Pakistan Resolution was passed. This conference is fully supported by the Armed Forces of Pakistan, including Anjuman e Sipah e Sahaba, Lashkar e Taiba and

Pakistan and the Search for Identity (Part 1) – by Rusty Walker: About the author: Rusty Walker is an Independent Political Analyst, educator, author, Vietnam veteran-era U.S. Air Force, from a military family, retired college professor, former Provost (Collins College, U.S.A.), artist, musician and family man. Rusty Walker is an ardent

Imran Khan’s concert-type dharna -by Zalaan: عمران خان کا کنسرٹ نما دھرنا اور مشترکہ اعلامیہ عمران خان کے کنسرٹ نما دھرنے کے آخر میں تمام مذہبی جماعتوں ،طالبان ، چلڈرن آف ضیاء اسوسیشن پاکستان فور مودودی اور میڈیا میں شامل جہادی صحافیوں نے متفقہ قراردار

Pakistan: ISI rigged elections -by Inam R Sehri: On 2nd May 2011 evening, PPP ultimately joined hands with PML(Q) and offered them 18 slots in executive allocating them different assignments, mostly carrying ministreal perks. The young generation knows them little from days of Gen Musharraf when they

Raymond Davis sahib aur qiblah Hamid Gul – by Danial Lakhnavi: کل رات اپنے ناسٹلجیا کے تحت امجد خان مرحوم، آنجہانی سنجیو کمار، دھر میندر اور امیتابھ جی کی شاہکار فلم “شعلے” دیکھ رہا تھا، اس دوران بارہا نیوز چینل بھی دیکھتا رھتا جس میں ریمنڈ ڈیوس کی سلطنت سعودیہ

The Taliban feel insulted when our officials say that the CIA is funding them to kill innocent Pakistanis: Related article: Civil society demands Raymond Davis’s execution and Aafia Siddiqui’s release Culture of appeasement Express Tribune – Editorial, March 4, 2011 The killers of federal minister for minorities Shahbaz Bhatti must be puzzled by the way their murder, which

Pakistan’s Top 5 Liberal Fascists – by Razzak Memon: Editor’s Note: Our contributer, Razzak Memon, has provided us a list of 5 whom he defines as “liberal fascist”. Please bear in mind that while we support his right to express his views, we do not agree with the

Defeating the “Forces of Paganism”: Former ISI Chief Hamid Gul blends Pakistani nationalism and Islamic revolution – by Andrew McGregor: The retired former chief of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI), Lieutenant General Hamid Gul, is one of the most controversial political figures in Pakistan. Despite his once extremely close ties with the American Central Intelligence Agency during the Soviet

Fake Civil Society demands Raymond Davis’s execution and Aafia Siddiqui’s release: Related article: The Taliban feel insulted when our officials say that the CIA is funding them to kill innocent Pakistanis The following are two news items from daily Jang and daily The News (Chief Executive: Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman, Chief Advisor:

PML-N alliance with Musharraf League: Tariq Azeem to meet Nawaz in London: It seems, the Pakistan Muslim league Nawaz and it’s Chief Mian Nawaz Sharif have not learnt a lessons from past experiences.This is a true perception that, the PML-N and it’s leadership always went for their vested interest rather going after

Rigging Pakistan Elections: Justice Delayed is Justice Denied – by Aamir Mughal: LUBP presents a collection of articles and video clips compiled by Aamir Mughal, one of LUBP’s most valued readers and researcher on the subject of election rigging in Pakistan. Intense U.S. pressure has forced Musharraf to resign from the

IJI style game plan: Related articles: IJI style game plan: phase two The Project IJI – Second Edition The Islami Jamhoori Ittehad [IJI] alliance was a conglomerate formed of nine mainly rightist parties by the ISI under Lt General Hameed Gul to ensure

Triple Blasts in Youm-e-Ali (a.s.) Procession: Karbala attacked in Lahore – by Ch. Ahmad Khan: As the death toll from today’s gruesome attacks on a Shiite procession commemorating the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali, probably the most venerated muslim saint after the Holy Prophet rises, few if any are addressing the core issues that have

Hamid Gul callling Baitullah Mehsud and Faqir Muhammad “Mujahids”: Watch this video clip (submitted by Zalaan) which shows Hamid Gul in 2008 calling Baitullah Mehsud and Faqir Muhammad “Mujahid” and well wishers of Pakistan. Isn’t this treason? Now explain how and why our talk show hosts persist in

Breaking News: Latest video of Colonel Imam Sultan Amir Tarar kidnapped by the Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists: Find: Laila Ebadi Here is an evidence of how extremist Deobandis (terrorists of the Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba) are now attacking the very institution, i.e., the ISI, which once groomed and nurtured them. Yet, Generals Kayani and Pasha are unable

They killed Benazir Bhutto and this is how it happened – by Anas Abbas: Anas Abbas is a co-editor of Critical PPP/LUBP who also administers his own blog at: “Targeted assassination is a necessity of this modern world”. Those were the words of former MOSSAAD official in a recent BBC documentary programme

Rehman Malik’s U Turn: According to this report in Dawn Rehman Malik has removed Hamid Gul from the Exit Control List saying that he “personally thinks that Hamid Gul was not involved in Benazir Bhutto’s murder”. Rehman Malik is already under suspicion himself

The Zia-ul-Haq group stages kidnap drama or wants to dispose of used cartridges? Two ex-ISI officials and a dubious journo “abducted” by the Taliban: Have they been ditched and bitten by one of their own? Or the General Zia-ul-Haq group of Pakistan’s ISI has staged an interesting drama by claiming that two of its visible assets Squadron Leader (retired) Khalid Khwaja and Colonel