Boko Haram Archive

صومالیہ میں فوج کا احسن اقدام – تکفیری خوارج کے حامی دہشت گرد صحافی کو فائرنگ سکواڈ نے ہلاک کر دیا: صومالیہ میں تکفیری دہشت گرد تنظیم الشباب کے ساتھ مل کر اپنے پانچ ساتھی صحافیوں \کے قتل میں مدد کرنے والے صحافی حسن حنفی کی سزائے موت پر عمل درآمد کردیا گیا- مجرم کو ملک کے فائرنگ سکواڈ کی

John Kerry: ISIS committing genocide – by Agha Shaukat Jafari: The enclosed YouTube is a must watch because it unleashes, in a most clear and credible manner, the information with respect to the horrific happenings in the Levant for the past few years. Thursday, March 17, 2016 will

An open letter to ISIS and other Salafi and Deobandi extremists, from the World’s Muslim community: This is an open letter addressed to ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram and all other violent Islamist extremist groups ( Salafi, Wahhabi, Deobandi, ISIS, Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba); their members, followers, and supporters… We, the other Muslims of the world, would like

Nigeria: Army attack on Shia unjustified: (Abuja) – The killing of hundreds of Shia Muslim members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN), by Nigerian army soldiers from December 12 to 14, 2015, appears to have been wholly unjustified. The Judicial Commission of Inquiry set

Saudi backing of radical imams/schools bred the extremist ideology that is backbone of ISIS: Much of the world agrees that the Islamic State needs to be crushed. But how that can be accomplished, and what the unintended consequences may be, are a lot more complicated. The group, also known as ISIS, ISIL and

دہشت گردی کی مذمت کے ساتھ اسباب پر غور بھی ضروری ہے – عمار کاظمی: لشکر جھنگوی، سپاہ صحابہ، جیش محمد، جنداللہ، بوکو الحرم، داعش، القائدہ، طالبان وغیرہ وغیرہ، کیا یہ تمام گروہ، تنظیمیں اور لوگ دو مشابہہ مکاتب فکر کا حصہ نہیں ہیں؟ اتنی بڑی تعداد کے باوجود لوگ اپنی فکر کی اصلاح

سب باغی ایک جیسے نہیں ہوتے۔ سید عون عباس: تیونس میں ایک ماسٹرز کئے ہوئے لڑکے نے جب اپنے حقوق نہ ملنے پر خود کو آگ لگائی تو اس آگ نے صرف اس نوجوان ہی کو نہیں جلایا بلکہ پورے تیونس میں یہ آگ پھیل گئی، اور برسوں

There is a mini Boko Haram thriving in every Muslim society – Murtaza Haider: We know them as al Qaeda, Boko Haram, and the Taliban. Their branding may differ, but their misogynist ideologies do not. These so-called Islamists have promoted discrimination against women for centuries. Now, they abduct young women and threaten to

On that which cannot be named – Olga Tkachuk: “There is no such thing as radical Islam,” reads a recent headline of a popular American publication. Individual Muslims might be radicals, writes the author, but “[t]here is only one Islam” and it has nothing to do with violence.

Patrick Cockburn: If all right-thinking people are united against terrorism, where are the ‘Je suis Nigeria’ banners?: By far the worst atrocity committed this year by an extreme Islamist movement was the slaughter of more than 2,000 people last week by Boko Haram in north-eastern Nigeria. Satellite images publicised by Amnesty International show two towns, Baga

Blowback in Paris: how should we respond to the Charlie Hebdo terror attack? – by Nafeez Ahmed: The only way forward, says Nafeez Ahmed, is for people of all faith and none to stand together in rejecting violence perpetrated in our name, whether by state or insurgent. At least 12 people were killed in the shocking

From these terrified men what can we expect? – Ayaz Amir: The country’s two leading politicians are now Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan (mercifully not anymore Asif Zardari, and even more mercifully not the likes of Khursheed Shah). Nawaz Sharif is terrified of the Taliban and not in a hundred

Perversion of Faith and Secularisation – by AZ: The war of religion has always been a part of human history. Hence, it is hardly surprising if even today the acts of terrorism are perpetrated by people motivated by an abuse of religion. It is a perversion of

The shared history of Saudi Arabia and ISIS: The participation of young Saudis in the Syrian and Iraqi conflicts is neither surprising nor an historical accident, writes Madawi Al-Rasheed. The Saudi regime has imprisoned its moderate Islamists and allowed its radicals to cause mayhem in the

Silent massacres of Christians, Sunni Sufis and Shias by Boko Haram: From Indonesia to Nigeria, there is a transnational Wahhabi and Deobandi trend to kill the Shias, Sufi, Sunnis, and Christians. Th latest in the series of wholesale assassinations is attack on the central Sunni Sufi mosque of Kano in Nigeria where

Global Terrorism Index 2014: 4 Wahhabi Deobandi groups responsible for 66% of global terror killings in 2013: Editor’s note: Our readers should note two very key findings of the GTI vindicate the LUBP narrative and prove the fake liberal media and for hire think tankers and University Professors wrong. First, Four Wahhabi Deobandi groups with connections

Global Terrorism Index 2014 formally indicts Salafi and Deobandi cult for transnational terrorism – by Abdul Nishapuri: Global Terrorism Index 2014 reports that over 80% of the deaths from terrorist attacks in 2013 were in just five countries: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria and Syria. The index attributes terrorism by the ISIS, Al Qaeda, Taliban and Boko

Once again, Shia Muslims massacred by Salafi Deobandi terrorists in Nigeria: Today’s tragedy in Nigeria where Shia mourners were attacked – yet again – by Salafi Wahhabi terrorist groups affiliated with the Boko Haram, is an apt reminder of the failure in specifically identifying terrorist groups. As long as we

Nigeria: 20 killed as suicide bomber hits Shia gathering: Editor’s Note : Today’s tragedy in Nigeria where Shia mourners were attacked – yet again – by Salafist terrorist groups – most probably Boko Haram is an apt reminder of the failure in specifically identifying terrorist groups. As long

ISIS ‘ Harsh brand of Islam is rooted in Austere Saudi (Wahhabi) Creed: BAGHDAD — Caliph Ibrahim, the leader of the Islamic State, appeared to come out of nowhere when he matter-of-factly proclaimed himself the ruler of all Muslims in the middle of an otherwise typical Ramadan sermon. Muslim scholars from the

نائجیریا – تعلیمی اداروں میں پولیٹکل وہابی اسلام اور طالبات – از عامر حسینی: عورتیں کہیں بھی ہوں مرد بالادستی اور مرد شاؤنزم کا ان کو سامنا کرنا پڑتا ہے اور الجزائر کا سماج بھی اس سے مستثنی نہیں ہے ، مذھبی تعبیرات کی کوئی بھی شکل ہو اس میں پدر سری خیالات

Analysis: Boko Haram focuses on seizing territory – by Laura Grossman & Thomas Josceyln: As Boko Haram has continued to unleash its violence across northern Nigeria, the group seems to be gaining ground. Under the leadership of Abubakar Shekau, Boko Haram has evolved from a terrorist group into an insurgency that seeks to

Growing oppression of women in Muslim societies directly correlated to growth in Islamofascism – by AZ: Much as Islamists term as ‘Islamophobic’ the criticism of many Muslims’ treatment of their women, standing up for Muslim women is the most pro-Muslim thing to do. The women’s rights cataclysm in the Muslim societies has reached a new

دنیا بھر میں سلفی وہابی اور دیوبندی دہشت گرد خون کے پیاسے ہیں – از حسن نثار: Source :

براعظم افریقہ کے مسلم ممالک عالمی سلفی وهابی دیوبندی دہشت گردی کے هاتهوں صوفی سنی مسلمانوں کے قبرستان میں بدل رہے ہیں – از قلم محمد بن ابی بکر: نائیجیریا کے شہر کاڈونا میں معروف روحانی سنی صوفی پیشوا حضرت شیخ ڈاهارو باوچی پر دیوبندی وهابی دہشت گرد تنظیم باکو حرام کے خود کش بمبار کا حملہ سنی صوفی پیشوا باوچی کے سیکورٹی گارڈ نے درمیان میں آکر

Muslim world’s silence over Salafi-Wahabi outfit Boko Haram’s crimes against humanity: THE news from Nigeria is blood-curdling. Shrouded initially in mystery, the kidnapping of almost 300 Nigerian girls last month has now been owned by the Salafi-Wahabi extremist outfit Boko Haram, with its chief threatening ‘by Allah’ to sell