Benazir Bhutto’s Murder Archive

بسمہ مرگئی مگر بھٹو زندہ ہے – عثمان غازی: لیاری کے جیالے کی ایک 10ماہ کی بیٹی بلاول بھٹو کے پروٹوکول کی وجہ سے مرگئی، یہ واقعہ ناقابل برداشت اور قابل مذمت ہے، یہ معاشرتی المیہ ہے،وی آئی پی پروٹوکول کی جتنی مذمت کی جائے وہ کم ہے

Beware of pseudo Jiyalas who are apologists of Benazir Bhutto’s killers – by Abdul Nishapuri: According to media and police reports, it is now confirmed that the terrorists who murdered Benazir Bhutto and were also invovled in the terror attacks on Pakistan Navy HQs in Karsaz, Karachi, were students of notorious pro-Taliban ‘D’ seminary,

Why did a Pakistan army officer’s son kill Benazir Bhutto murder-case prosecutor? – by Amir Mir: ISLAMABAD: Abdullah Umar Deobandi, the alleged assassin of a senior prosecutor Chaudhry Zulfiqar, who was handling sensitive cases, including the Benazir Bhutto assassination, had joined the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) as a reaction to avenge the alleged humiliation his father

Imran Khan says his Deobandi militant brothers (Taliban) didn’t kill Benazir Bhutto: In a startling claim, Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf chief Imran Khan has said that former prime minister Benazir Bhutto was not killed by the Taliban. Speaking in an interview with British newspaper The Daily Telegraph, the PTI chief said that Bhutto had been “clearly

The Fight Must Go on – by Waseem Altaf: May 3, 2013, Chaudhary Zulfiqar, the public prosecutor in Benazir murder case was shot dead by unknown gunmen while he was on his way to the court. He had vital information. A message was conveyed to the conscientious. May

ISI’s top secret letter unfolds new dimension of Benazir Bhutto’s murder case: By Azaz Syed | DAWN.COM | 26th December, 2011 ISLAMABAD: Exactly four years after the brutal assassination of Benazir Bhutto, a letter of Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), country’s top intelligence outfit, has revealed that the extremists groups related to

Lack of state-protection enabled Benazir Bhutto’s murder, same is enabling Shia genocide – by Rusty Walker: Part 2 Part 1 of this article can be read here: How would Benazir Bhutto view Shia genocide today? – by Rusty Walker Where were the promised security forces for protection of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed upon her triumphant

The Life and Legacy of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed: Remember, remember, the 27th of December! The night that tore the heavens asunder! In her autobiography, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed writes of the time when she was allowed to travel to England in 1984 for medical treatment by the most

General Nusrat Naeem of ISI implicated in fraud and bogus cheque of Rs 35 million – by Umar Cheema: FIR against ex-ISI boss lands police officers in trouble An FIR against the former deputy DG ISI (Counter Intelligence), Maj Gen (retd) Nusrat Naeem on fraud charges has resulted in the removal of a Superintendent of Police, an SHO

Will the people who tasked Deobandi Taliban with Benazir Bhutto’s murder ever face justice? – by Owen Bennett-Jones: Related posts: LUBP archive on Benazir Bhutto’s murder and investigation In her posthumously published book, Reconciliation, Benazir Bhutto named a man whom she believed had tried to procure bombs for an unsuccessful attempt on her life in Karachi in

Remembering Shuhda e Karsaz: When she came, she saw and she wept with joy. When the state stood still, stunned and staggered before the Panorama of ‘Khalq e Khuda’. When streets of Karachi saw the zeal personified in ‘Ahl e Safa’

This is how Deobandi cleric Haq Nawaz Jhangvi, founder of Sipah-e-Sahaba, contributed to Benazir Bhutto’s murder: Related post: General Zia-ul-Haq personally intervened for Haq Nawaz Jhangvi’s release: Tariq Khosa’s revelations in the Senate It is a fact that Takfiri Deobandis (Sipah-e-Sahaba ASWJ, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Taliban etc) represent only a tiny minority of Pakistan’s Sunni population and

Briefing on Benazir Bhutto’s killing and the analysis of Jang Group’s Hizb-ut-Tahrir journalists: There is something which is called “shock and awe”. The PPP government in the last four years has been doing things which are considered disappointing for many, however, the most “shocking” things that it has done is to establish

Benazir Bhutto: The Eighth Queen of Bhittai – by Suleman Akhtar: If Bhittai were alive today, he would write about her eighth queen of Sindh. He would make her the queen of all the seven queens and would ask them to bow down to her. If he were alive, he

Pakistan at the Crossroads – Benazir Bhutto Interview with YaleGlobal: Benazir Bhutto came back to Pakistan in backdrop of an inconclusive dialogue with the former military dictator general musharraf. Before her return, she was highly critical of the terrorist activities of the Lal Masjid Clerics and amidst a hostile

‘Where is bin Laden?’ Asked Benazir Bhutto—by Shiraz Paracha: Former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto had enemies in the Pakistani military, Saudi Arabian ruling classes and the U.S government. Benazir had equipped the Pakistani military with missile technology, which she had successfully obtained from North Korea, and supported

She died as her father did: Bravely – by Tarek Fatah: Source: Counter Currents First publication date: 28 December, 2007 It was the summer of 1966. We were mere teenagers meeting Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who had just resigned as Pakistan’s foreign minister and was about to launch a new left-wing

BB assassination probe: ‘Murder plot hatched at brigadier’s home’: A fresh probe has uncovered the role of nine men, including an army brigadier, in the December 27, 2007 assassination of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto. Theassassination plot was hatched in the official residence of the army brigadier mentioned

We never asked you to investigate the role of ISI and MI in Benazir Bhutto’s murder: Here is a latest example of the notorious Teen Jeem Alliance (the pro-military establishment alliance of Pakistan’s judiciary, army and media). This news item was carefully censored or de-prioritized by most newspapers and TV channels in Pakistan. According to

Qari Saifullah Akhtar, ISI’s most valued asset, resurfaces in Punjab: About Qari Saifullah Akhtar is a senior al Qaeda military leader who operates in Paksitan. Akhtar is the influential leader of the Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami and commands Brigade 313, a unit in al Qaeda’s Shadow Army. Akhtar has direct links with

On BB’s assassination, revenge and electoral politics – by Qais Anwar: بھٹو کا قاتل کون تھا ؟ مہروں کے پیچھے ہم کتنے ہاتھ بھی تلاش کرلیں ، اس وقت سامنے صرف ایک چہرہ تھا ، ضیاء الحق کی قیادت میں متحد ملٹری ایسٹبلشمنٹ ، یہ قتل کسی قبائلی کا قتل

General Musharraf (and his military establishment) killed Benazir Bhutto – by Hamid Mir: شہید بی بی کو اپنے قاتل کا پتہ تھا قلم کمان …حامد میر وہ نومبر 2007ء کی ایک خوشگوار صبح تھی لیکن محترمہ بینظیر بھٹو کچھ افسردہ اور پریشان نظر آرہی تھیں۔ انہوں نے مجھے زرداری ہاؤس اسلام آباد

Why Benazir Bhutto’s killer can’t be taken to task – by Amir Mir: Three years after Benazir Bhutto’s tragic assassination in Rawalpindi and almost nine months after the United Nations Inquiry Commission released its report, carrying broad hints about her probable assassins, the actual mastermind of her murder still remains at large.

BB’s Assassination: A Strategic Murder – by Hasan Mujtaba: ڈاکٹر سکندر نیویارک میں ٹیکسی چلا رہے تھے جب ستائیس دسمبر سنہ دو ہزار سات کو پارک ایوینیو پر انہیں پاکستان سے ان کی بیٹی نے فون پر بتایا کہ بینظیر کو قتل کردیا گيا ہے۔ ڈاکٹر سکندر نے

Murder of Hope – by Suleman Akhtar: The dead teach me the lesson: there is no aesthetic beyond freedom

Benazir Bhutto, Why she was martyred? – by H.A. Khan: The month of December is felt as a very lovely month as winter season is in its full swing with a feeling of joys and happiness and with warm sentiments all around Pakistan. But 3 years ago we had

Salmaan Taseer should be careful in his comments on Benazir Bhutto’s murder: Related post: Baseless slander in the name of Shaheed Salmaan Taseer: Twitter In a recent tweet (23 December 2010), Mr Salman Taseer (Governor of the Punjab province) commends a “research” which concludes that Baitullah Mehsud was Benazir Bhutto’s

Benazir’s murder probe extends to Musharraf: The investigation into the assassination of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto has been extended to former president Gen (r) Pervez Musharraf and a questionnaire carrying 32 questions has been sent to him abroad, a private TV channel reported on

SP Ashfaq Anwer’s statement confirms rogue elements’ role in Benazir Bhutto’s murder – by Kamran Shafi: Good news at last By Kamran Shafi IT is one of the best pieces of news this year, yes, even more than the Supreme Court’s (SC) sagaciously and correctly signalling that parliament could legislate amendments to the constitution by

Institutions, accountability and the UN Report – by Raza Rumi: First published at Jahane Rumi The UN Report is a historic document for it brings forth a set of findings and actions that should become the cornerstone for democratic mobilisation in Pakistani politics The UN fact finding report on

Truth is the greatest revenge – by Duane Baughman and Mark Siegel: Dear LUBP readers, I wanted to let you know about a new article by Duane Baughman and Mark Siegel about the documentary film they have produced about the life of Benazir Bhutto. The film, Bhutto: You Can’t Murder a

Hamid Mir’s letter: The tape drama was organized by an intelligence agency after I wrote an article against a serving general of the Pakistan Army, General Nadeem Ejaz, who was involved in Benazir Bhutto’s assassination: Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir, who has been linked by several Pakistani websites to the killing of a former intelligence official by the Taliban, refutes the accusations in this e-mail sent to The Washington Times in response to an article

Benazir-Musharraf’s negotiations and Rehman Malik’s conviction – by Khalid Wasti: بے نظیر ، مشرف مذاکرات اور رحمان ملک کی معافی معذرت خواہانہ رویہ کیوں ؟ =============== پرویز مشرف کے اقتدار پر قابض ہوجانے کے بعد ملک کے نوے فیصد عوام کی حمایت یافتہ سیاسی قوت کی علامت پیلز پارٹی

The UN report on Benazir Bhutto’s murder is a time bomb – by Shafqat Mahmood: The drone attacks in the tribal areas have picked up since the Faisal Shahzad episode, as has the rhetoric from the United States. Attorney General Holder found a Pakistani Taliban link and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talked of

Who killed Benazir Bhutto? Who really is Qari Saifullah Akhtar? – by Yousuf Nazar: Pakistani police officers assist injured militant commander Qari Saifullah Akhtar, centre face covered, as he exits following a court appearance in Rawalpindi, Pakistan in 2007 (Photo source) Source: State of Pakistan The following was originally published on February 17,

They killed Benazir Bhutto and this is how it happened – by Anas Abbas: Anas Abbas is a co-editor of Critical PPP/LUBP who also administers his own blog at: “Targeted assassination is a necessity of this modern world”. Those were the words of former MOSSAAD official in a recent BBC documentary programme

Lengthening shadows of spy agencies’ rule in Pakistan – by Babar Sattar: Lengthening shadows Legal eye We will never know for certain whether or not Maj Gen Nadeem Ijaz, the former head of Military Intelligence (MI), ordered that the crime scene be hosed down following Benazir Bhutto’s assassination. The three-member fact-finding

Investigation of Benazir Bhutto’s murder by a committee and a half – By Kamran Shafi: A committee and a half The committee set up to fix responsibility for the hosing down of the site of Benazir Bhutto’s dastardly assassination is something to behold: a federal secretary, a provincial additional secretary and the vice chief
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