Ahmad Noorani Archive

Zaid Hamid’s commendable stance against takfiri Deobandi khawarij: Zaid Hamid and Ahmed Noorani are two of the most powerful and clear voices in Pakistan against takfiri Deobandi terrorists of Taliban (TTP) and Sipah-e-Sahaba (ASWJ). This clarity is completely lacking by fake liberal thugs such as Najam Sethi,

Pakistan army’s questionable conduct in Okara: LUBP strongly condemns the cold blooded murder of two landless peasants at the military farm in Okara. Three others were injured in the attack. This matter should be thoroughly investigated and the those involved in this brutality should be

Is generic rightwing bashing by Pakistani liberals any good?: Generic rightwing bashing by Pakistani liberals doesn’t help when the only CLEAR condemnation of radical Deobandi terrorists of TTP-ASWJ comes from the rightwing eg Sunni Barelvi SIC and Shia MWM. Rightwing-liberal binary is increasingly irrelevant in Pakistan given than

Ahmad Noorani’s clear stance on ASWJ-SSP terrorists shames elitist liberals: While elitist liberals, known for selective morality, commerically-oriented liberalism and populist bashing of easy targets (eg pro-Taliban thugs such as Javed Chaudhry and Orya Maqbool Jan), remain silent or vauge on systematic terrorism against Shias and Sunnis by Takfiri

Ahmad Noorani’s commendable coverage of Rawalpindi Ashura violence: LUBP Editor’s note: Political differences apart, Ahmad Noorani (investigative reporter of Jang Group) is one journalist who has earned our utmost respect because of his bold, honest coverage of the Ashura day violence in Rawalpindi. Mr Noorani clearly demonstrated

Rawalpindi Ashura violence: ASWJ militants are threatening Jang’s investigative journalist Ahmad Noorani: Related post: Ahmad Noorani’s report on ASWJ’s pre-planned attack on Ashura procession in Rawalpindi https://lubpak.com/archives/290705 Breaking: Investigators (of Punjab government) so far hav not probed any ASWJ (reincarnation of banned terrorist outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba) people who ran big campaign before

Ahmad Noorani’s report on ASWJ’s pre-planned attack on Ashura procession in Rawalpindi: Related post: Rawalpindi Ashura violence: ASWJ militants are threatening Jang’s investigative journalist Ahmad Noorani https://lubpak.com/archives/291451 I think these tweets by ASWJ (Sipah Sahaba Rawalpindi) are complete evidence as to who did all this (violence on Ashura day in Rawalpindi)

Ahmad Noorani and Sadanand Dhume’s bold stance on #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan – by Samina Faruqi: Jang Group’s journalist Mr. Ahmad Noorani has clearly condemned Shia Muslim genocide and killings of Sunni Muslims by Takfiri militants of banned Deobandi outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan aka Lashkare-e-Jhangvi (currently operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ). On Twitter, in

World Shia Forum lauds HRW’s report on #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan, condemns harassment tactics by security establishment: Coverage of Shia genocide in Human Rights Watch 2013 report on Pakistan Religious minorities continued to face insecurity and persecution as the government failed to provide protection to those threatened or to hold extremists accountable. Islamist militant groups continued

Jang Group’s reporter Ahmad Noorani should remain moderate – by Attar Qadri: Ahmed Noorani Deobandi is an Islamabad-based correspondent of The News (spends equal time in Lahore and Bahawalpur), working under journalist-turned-Taliban-spokesperson Ansar Abbasi Deobandi. Ahmad Noorani is the same person who recently tried to incite violence against the HRW director

Jang Group’s Hizb-ut-Tahrir wing inciting vigilante justice against Ali Dayan Hasan of HRW: We at LUBP condemn yet another targeted incitement of vigilante justice Jang Group’s Ahmed Noorani, a notorious journalist belonging to Ansar Abbasi gang and links close to banned organizations like Hizb ut Tahrir and Sipah Sahaba Pakistan against the

Jang Group must stop harassing Ali Dayan Hasan of Human Rights Watch: Related posts: HRW is concerned about the fear of judicial over-reach in Pakistan: Interview with Ali Dayan Hasan AHRC appeal: DG ISI Gen Shuja Pasha must be prosecuted for hatching conspiracy against democracy Critical readers of Pakistan’s politics are

ISI Assets in action – II: Related Articles: ISI assets begin their act to ensure “supremacy” of their masters Ahmed Noorani belongs to Ansar Abbasi gang at Jang Group. His agenda along with his boss has always been to malign the PPP government on one thing after

Ijaz-ul-Haq Bhutto and the Real PPP: Reflections of a Jiyala – by Maula Bux Thadani: Last week, Pakistan’s Fake Civil Society (FCS) who are actually the real PPP supporters, were using Ijaz-ul-Haq (son of Pakistan’s Islamofascist military dictator General Zia-ul-Haq) to diss Babar Awan. Many of them were inflamed that Babar Awan was representing the Government

Politics of Plot Allotment – concern of Ahmed Noorani: Rauf Klasra is doing a series of reports on the beneficiaries of politics of Plot Allotment during the last few years. The first piece was on the high and mighty judges who have been allotted plots in Islamabad, even

Toon Talk: Yellow Journalists pale further – by M. Ali: In simple words…second loss in one week.

Zardari cronies attempt to buy honest lawyers!: All I had to do was to read the headline and it made sense. In Pakistan, you are damned if you do, damned if you don’t! The recent nomination of ex-Senator Dr. Khalid Ranjha, a PML linked politician

Asma Jahangir’s victory is a loss for Jang Group’s yellow journalism – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: Related articles: Congratulations, Asma Jahangir won the SCBA elections – by pejamistri Asma Jahangir becomes first female SCBA president; success of democracy in Pakistan I was in my class teaching a very dry subject when I saw an email

Senator Talha Mehmood’s Media Circus -by Mahmood Adeel: The following article by Mahmood Adeel was originally posted on New Pakistan. This article is an excellent examination of the poor conditions of too much of our right wing political type and is recommended to read.The sentenced of Dr

The feud with Ansar Abbasi that led to Rauf Klasra’s departure from The News, and the role of pkpolitics: Our fellow bloggers at Cafe Pyala have recently posted a story on The News senior investigative journalist Rauf Klasra‘s potential move from the Jang Group to the Express Media Group. But now that the daily Express itself has confirmed it, Cafe

We look forward to the follow up story to the plot to kill Justice Sharif- by Chaudry Ahmad Khan and Ahmad Iqbalabadi: Even “yellow journalists” would be insulted to be in the same category as the Jang Group. A media group that has always promoted the interests of dictators, bigots and fascists has been at the forefront in maligning the current

Same old formula – Divide the Party and Win the Elections – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: The media of Pakistan, which until the bombardment of TV channels comprised mainly of newspapers, has a love-hate relationship with the Pakistan Peoples Party. When the party is not in power, it is hounded by the media yet agreeably

Another Glaring Example of Yellow Journalism by The News Investigative Cartel – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: I have not been very keenly following the matter of “massive losses” of Pakistan Steel and the alleged perpetrator of those losses. All fingers are pointed towards Riaz Laljee and a connection is somehow or the other made with

Four elements of “Dr” Babar Awan: (1) Dark past as a faithful of General Zia-ul-Haq, (2) Hate speech against Ahmadis, (3) Financial corruption (e.g., distribution of funds (bribery) to various bar councils and lawyers, charges of bribery in Haris Stell Mills) (4) a fake PhD

Ahmad Noorani mischaracterizes Zardari’s statements, contradicts own newspaper – by Pakistan Media Watch: Source: Pakistan Media Watch Ahmad Noorani writes a ‘top story’ in The News today that is an example of yellow journalism at its worst. The article, “President confuses PPP Jialas and the nation“, is a political ‘hit job’ and not

Asma Jahangir against Ansar Abbasi’s henchman: Ahmed Noorani is part of the group that is controlled by Ansar Abbasi at The News and Jang. Ahmed Noorani is known for taping conversations. He has done so with Nazir Naji, inciting him to hurl abuses at Ahmed

Asma Jahangir’s rejoinder to The News / Jang: Shame on Ansar Abbasi and his gang of blackmailers in Jang / The News (who are known to be on the payroll of the Jamaat-e-Islami and Hizbut Tahrir) for writing malicious, misleading articles against one of the (very few)