Shia Genocide & Persecution Archive

Don’t push Pakistani Shias to invite foreign intervention to get rid of a genocide: Editor’s note: Departing from collective silence in Pakistan’s mainstream media, Daily Times is the only outlet in English and Urdu media which has published at least two articles highlighting the 17 Feb 2012 Shia massacre in Parachinar in which
Who will speak for Qaisar Hussain? – by Maisam Ali: Here on the slopes of hills, facing the dusk and the cannon of time Close to the gardens of broken shadows, We do what prisoners do, Our losses: between two and eight martyrs each day. And ten wounded. And
Protest against Shia killings outside Pakistan High Commission in London: Hundreds of Pakistanis of diverse religious backgrounds (Sunni, Shia, Christian etc) gathered outside Pakistan embassy in London to protest against the ongoing genocide of Pakistan’s Shia Muslims by Saudi-funded, Pakistan army-supported Jihadi-sectarian militants (namely Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (previous
Thousands of Shia Muslims mourn 34 massacred in Khanpur: Today was the chehlum (end of formal 40 days of mourning) of 34 Shia Muslims who were massacred by Pakistan army backed Jihadi-sectarian terrorists (Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan SSP aka Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ) on 15 January 2012 in Khanpur
Massacre of Shia Pashtuns in Kurram bazar and the collective silence of media, activists and politicians – by Dr. Mohammad Taqi: Editor’s note: In the following rare op-ed, in fact first by any Pakistani columnist on the Kurram massacre (17 Feb 2012), Dr. Mohammad Taqi highlights that the catastrophe in Kurram Bazaar of Parachinar did not end just with the
Name and Remind: Nasim Zehra’s silence on Shia massacres in Pakistan – by Mustafa: [poll id=”9″] The present post is the first in LUBP’s series of Name and Remind articles aimed at encouraging and reminding progressive media persons to pay attention to the ongoing, silent genocide of Shia Muslims in Pakistan. Realistically, we
Progressive journalists’ silence on Shia genocide in Pakistan: Name and Remind Policy: [poll id=”9″] The Shia Muslims in Pakistan are the most targeted faith group in terms of sheer numbers. In the first 50 days of 2012 (from 1 Jan to 20 Feb), more than 100 Shias have been massacred through
A comment on Difa-e-Shia Conference – by Allama Arif Najafi: Commemorating the Chehlum (40th Day) of Askari Raza’s martyrdom, thousands of Shia Muslims gathered in Karachi to mark the Difa-e-Shia Conference (DSC) (or Difa-e-Tashayyo Conference) on February 18, 2012. While Pakistan’s mainstream media gave no coverage to this conference,
Pakistan army’s gift to visiting Iranian President: 49 Shia Muslims slaughtered in Parachinar: Related posts: Graphic pictures of Shia Muslims’ massacre in Parachinar on 17 Feb 2012 Who will speak for Qaisar Hussain? – by Maisam Ali Previously we have highlighted how Pakistan army is enabling further Shia massacres in Pakistan by
Saleem Safi defends banned sectarian terrorists: سلیم صافی پاکستان کے ان صحافیوں میں سے ہیں جن کے پاکستان کی فوجی اسٹیبلشمنٹ کے ساتھ طالب علمی کے زمانے سے گہرے تعلقات رہے ہیں – زمانہ طالب علمی میں اسلامی جمیعت طلبا میں شامل ر ہے سی
AHRC Report: Brutal sectarian violence against Shias continues unabated in Pakistan: Editor’s Note:  In cross posting the Asian Human Rights Commission Report on the continued Shia massacres in Pakistan one should acknowledge the efforts of princpled and uncompromising human rights activists like Mureed Bizenjo, Salma Jafar, Laiba Marri (all 3 from
Pakistan’s Sunni Muslims reject Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba and Taliban: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: Sipah-e-Sahaba’s attacks on Sunni Barelvis Should we not condemn Sunni genocide taking place in Pakistan? Forensic examination reveals that Sipah Sahaba behind murder of both Sunni and Shia in Karachi Ahl-e-Hadith Muslims reject Jamaat-ud-Dawa
Shia killing: If we tolerate this, our children will be next – by Absar Ul Hasan: Related posts: Dr. Jafar Mohsin, yet another Shia doctor, target killed in Karachi Dr Jaffer Mohsin Rizvi, Shia doctor in Karachi, becomes new target of sectarian violence – by Hassan Naqvi Last week, I heard the news of the
Shia Genocide Report: 58 Shia Muslims target killed in Pakistan in January 2012: Related post: 71 Shia Muslims target killed in Pakistan during February 2012 Shia Genocide Report: 30 Shia Muslims target killed in Pakistan in March 2012 We have now spent considerable time in compiling and presenting a relatively comprehensive data
A plea of those who are less equal than others – by Suleman Akhtar: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others” – George Orwell (Animal Farm) The phrase is from George Orwell’s allegorical novella ‘Animal Farm’. A group of animals establishes a commune to safeguard the rights of
Opening a vein: ‘One Shia after another is killed and you want us to stay silent?’: KARACHI: Protesters blocked Sharah-e-Pakistan for more than six hours on Monday, causing a massive traffic jam during and after the funeral procession of the two Ahle Tasheeh activists murdered earlier o.n. One of them, Jaffar Mohsin Rizvi, was killed
Pakistan army outsources the Defence of Pakistan to killers of Shias, Sunni Barelvis, Ahmadis and Christians?: [poll id=”8″] Pakistan army revives Al-Shams and Al-Badr in the shape of Difa-e-Pakistan, JuD and SSP Dear Pakistan army, just relax and open new Fauji fertilizers and other similar corporations with our money; Malik Ishaq of Sipah-e-Sahaba/Lashkar-e-Jhangvi  (also known as
Media Review: DAWN’s insensitive portrayal of Shia killings: Related post: Is Shia genocide in Pakistan an outcome of Saudi-Iran proxy war? DAWN’s continual slide is best encapsulated in some of the editorial and opinion pieces today.  For instance, Huma Yusuf’s “Sectarian Scourge” is a typical example of
Dr. Jafar Mohsin, yet another Shia doctor, target killed in Karachi: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related: Articles on killing of Shia doctors in Pakistan Dr Jaffer Mohsin Rizvi, Shia doctor in Karachi, becomes new target of sectarian violence – by Hassan Naqvi Shia killing: If we tolerate this, our children will
6 Shia professionals target killed in Karachi and Quetta by Deobandi ASWJ militants: Related post: Pakistan’s military state enables further Shia killings in the name of Difa-e-Pakistan Six Shia Muslims were killed in Karachi and Quetta on Wednesday 25 January 2012 in the latest incidents of target killing of Shia Muslims in
A Shia widow’s story: Pay the ransom, receive a body bag – by Zehra Abid: Source: Express Tribune, January 22, 2012 KARACHI: It had been a long wait: 22 days. On the last day, Batool* waited all night for her husband to come home. She had cooked and kept aside change to pay the taxi
Pakistan’s military state enables further Shia killings in the name of Difa-e-Pakistan: [poll id=”8″] Related posts: Sipah-e-Sahaba will host ISI-backed Defence of Pakistan Conference on 29 Jan 2012 in Multan Imran Khan’s PTI joins banned terrorist groups in pro-army rally in Lahore Pakistan army outsources the Defence of Pakistan to Shia
LUBP exposed: Mahdi Army Terrorists – by International Professor: Related post: Who is international professor? Editor’s note: Our long-time friend Earthman also known as International Professor has written yet another critical article on LUBP “exposing” our editors and authors’ secret connections with Mahdi Army terrorists. LUBP readers will recall that previously
Less than a week after Shia massacre by PMLN-backed LeJ in Khanpur, Punjabi judges release Malik Ishaq: Related posts Thank you, ISI-backed Supreme Court, for releasing Malik Ishaq Malik Ishaq wielded clout in jail; helped Pak army First the sorrow, now the fear Khanpur massacre: 34 more Shia Muslims victim to Pakistan army’s policy of Strategic
Khanpur massacre: 34 more Shia Muslims killed by PML-N sponsored LeJ terrorists: Shia Muslims continue to pay the price for Pakistan army’s policy of Strategic Depth While Pakistan’s pro-military establishment media initially tried to misrepresent (by attributing it to an electric transformer blast) the latest terrorist attack on the Shia Muslims
Nadeem Afzal Gondal speaks in Pakistan’s parliament against target killing of Shia Muslims: Related posts: LUBP Archive on Nadeem Afzal Gondal Chan A few months ago, I wrote a post on the distinction between Pakistan’s lifestyle liberals and political liberals. Of late, I have been asked by some friends on Twitter and
A stark contrast in words and actions – by Shabber Abbas: On 31 December 2011, as the rest of the world was anxiously awaiting the midnight bell to toll, to celebrate with magnificent multi-million dollar elaborately orchestrated fireworks and other musical and cultural programs manifesting peace, harmony, and tranquility, the
Yazid’s children: Islami Jamiat Talaba’s attack on Shia students at Punjab University: According to news reports, extremist Deobandi-Wahhabi affiliates of Jamaat-e-Islami’s student wing Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba (IJT) on Thursday 22 December 2011 attacked Shia students of the Punjab University with bamboo sticks and stones and opened the indiscriminate firing to sabotage a
LeJ kills Shias with impunity even in areas where state authority is well established – by Ali Dayan Hasan (HRW): Sectarian cleansing By Ali Dayan Hasan December 31, 2011 On Oct 4, gunmen stopped a bus carrying mostly Hazara Shia who were headed to work on the outskirts of Quetta. The attackers forced the passengers off the bus, made
Mullah Mohammad Fazl, responsible for Shia Hazara genocide in Afghanistan, about to be released by Obama administration: Adding to the miseries of Hazara Shias, who are already living under the severe kind of persecution and violence in Pakistani provincial capital Quetta at the hands of radical Shia haters i.e. likes of Malik Ishaq who had been
An open letter to Prof Saleem Ali – by Mustafa: Related post: In defence of Shia rituals on Ashura – by Fawad Manzoor To a not-so-victim, from a real victim! Mr. Saleem Ali, I read your articles and followed your twitter timeline in an attempt to understand your argument
Let’s burn a Shia mosque and desecrate an Ahmadi mosque: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: If they burn a Quran, they’re evil Attack on Shia mosque in Peshawar kills 7 (Guardian – 2008) Here is a documentary proof of how Shia Muslims in Pakistan are routinely harassed, persecuted
You don’t have the right to keep misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan: A comment on HRCP 2010 Report: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: LUBP: Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan Ahmadiyya Times: Activists slam rights organization statement as ’very weak,’ lacking integrity Today, the first thing I received on Twitter was the following message from
Al-Qa’eda’s new war: The main targets are Shia innocent civilians – by Ahmed Rashid: Sectarian bloodshed, in Afghanistan and Egypt, is a tool to thwart democracy and diplomacy Lahore, Pakistan From a distance, the devastating attacks on Shia Muslims in three Afghan cities this week looked like the type of sectarian religious attacks
New low: DT editorial on Lashkar-e-Jhangvi’s attack on Afghan Shias: One might have thought a new low for Pakistan’s reputation would have been a little difficult to achieve given the attention it gets on a daily basis for ‘strategic depth’-led support for criminal and extremist elements within and without
Pakistan army re-exports Shia genocide to Afghanistan – by Rusty Walker: It is Ashura  Day, remembering last year, today my heart is suspended, I am breathless, and with the Shiites today, as I pray that they and their children are safe from heartless terrorists. There will be Shia processions today
Kabul attack: Did ISI exact revenge on Afghanistan in the aftermath of Mohmand?: A number of well coordinated attacks clearly targeting Shia Muslims in Kabul, Mazar-e-Sharif and Kandahar have killed at least 58 Shias in Afghanistan. A Pakistani anti-Shia group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi has accepted the responsibility of the attacks. (Source) A spokesman for
For Shia Muslims worldwide, Karbala is not over, Ashura has not finished yet – by Maisam Ali: Karbala is infinite, eternal and ever-encompassing. This is not only the Euphrates (A river flows through Syria and Iraq) that has beheld atrociousness incarnated by Karbala, but the Nile, the Oxus, the Helmand and the Indus are also among
List of non-Hazara Shia Muslims killed by ASWJ-LeJ terrorists in Balochistan – by Marya Mushtaq: Related posts: Government data: From 2008 to 2012, 420 non-Hazara Shias, 338 Hazara Shias killed in Balochistan Can we combat terrorism without identifying the terrorists? Fortunately, the Sunni Hazara brothers are safe in Quetta – by Mehdi Changezi Munawar
HRW urges Pakistan to protect Shia Muslims: (New York, 3 December 2011) – The Pakistani government should urgently act to protect Shia Muslims in Pakistan from sectarian attack during the Muslim holy month of Moharram, Human Rights Watch said today.  In recent years, Sunni extremist groups