Science Archive

Muslims in the world of Modern Science – by Muhammad Faisal Younus: Thousands of years ago, it was a golden era of Muslims in terms of science and education. 800 AD to 1100 AD was a time when Baghdad was well-known for its scientific knowledge and inventions. A large number of

تاریخ میں عظیم ترین مسلمان سائنسدانوں کے نام اور شعبہ جات – وقار احمد: آپ نے اکثر سنا ہو گا ملحدین سے کہ مسلمانوں کی سائنسی طور پر کوئی خدمات نہیں ہیں۔ آئیں آج ان کو منہ توڑ جواب دیتے ہیں یہ بتا کر کہ ہم مسلمانوں کی سائنس میں کیا کیا عظیم

تہذیب کا آغاز اس وقت ہوا جب کسی نے غصّے میں آکر پتھر کی بجائے لفظ سے وار کیا – ریحان نقوی: تنقید کا آغاز الفاظ کہ وجود میں آنے سے پہلے ہی ہوگیا تھا یا یہ کہیے کے زمین پر انسانی زندگی سے بھی قدیم تنقید کی حیات ہے، تنقید کا اصل موضوع کانٹ جھانٹ یا تلاشِ خوب ہے، بگ

پروفیسر نرگس ماولوالہ: ادارتی نوٹ : تعمیر پاکستان بلاگ پاکستانی نژاد کوانٹم آسٹرو فزکس کی ماہر سائنسدان نرگس ماولوالہ کو عظیم سائنس دان البرٹ آئن سٹائن کے نظریہ اضافیت میں موجود زمان و مکان میں کشش ثقل کی لہروں اور امواج کے

کیا صحیح نظریات کے لئے مغربی تھذیب سے سیکھنا ضروری ہے؟ – مبارک حیدر: میری راۓ میں صحیح نظریات صرف وہ ہیں جو ارتقا اور بقا کو بنیادی مقصد مانتے ہیں – اس سے سوال پیدا ہوگا کہ کس کا ارتقا اور کس کی بقا ؟ جس کا جواب یہ ہے کہ ساری

Indonesia president says Islamic State ’embarrassing’ Muslims: The president of the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country, Indonesia, has called the actions of Islamic State militants “embarrassing” to the religion and urged Islamic leaders to unite in tackling extremism. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said the scale of the

British Muslims blame jihadi subculture after beheading video – by Kate Holton and Raheem Salman: LONDON/BAGHDAD (Reuters) – A British Muslim leader called for action on Thursday to tackle a jihadi sub-culture after an Islamic State video showed a suspected Briton beheading U.S. journalist James Foley, held hostage in Syria. In Washington, U.S.

Expect exponential increase in home grown terror, thanks to the internet – by Ali Abbas Taj: While we appreciate Secretary Kerry and the administration finally seeing the light on the dangers of funding and arming Syrian rebel, now manifested as ISIS, it cannot be emphasized enough that this is an ideology that the world

Wahabi/Deobandi ISIS bans philosophy, chemistry in Syria schools: A terror organization that issues its own passports Editor’s note: The news that ISIL has banned philosophy as a subject at schools should not come as a surprise. Philosophy is also banned in Saudi Arabia under Wahabbism (a branch

Our generational struggle against a Wahabi/Deobandi poisonous ideology – by Christopher Hope: The West is embroiled in a generational struggle against a poisonous brand of Islamic extremism that will bring terror to the streets of Britain unless urgent action is taken to defeat it, David Cameron warns today. Writing in

Syrian Rebel Commander says he Collaborated with Israel – by Elhanan Miller: Sharif as-Safouri, abducted by Al-Nusra Front in July, confesses to receiving antitank weapons in return for protecting the occupied Golan Heights border. August 14, 2014 “ICH” – “Times Of Israel” — A Free Syrian Army commander, arrested last month

UK PM Warns of terror state on Europe’s doorstep: David Cameron has warned that if the Islamic State’s onslaught continues Europe will be facing a “poisonous” terrorist state on the shores of the Mediterranean. The Prime Minister said urgent action needs to be taken to defeat the extremist

Morphology of Human Intellect – by A Z: We all know, whether it be the execution of a policy, the determination of the price of commodity, the optimal use of space, or the pursuit of a degree, knowing is always a phase of life and

ایجاد کی ماں ضرورت نہیں،علم ہے – مبارک حیدر: کہتے ہیں ضرورت ایجاد کی ماں ہے – ہمارے معاشرہ کو ان گنت دنوں سے ان گنت ضرورتوں کا سامنا ہے — تو کیا ہم نے کچھ ایجاد کیا؟ کیا رکی اور پھنسی ہوئی ٹریفک میں ضابطے توڑ کر

Rational Thought And Religion – by A Z: The religion often distrusts rational thought because of its inability to build the essence of religious or mystical experience into a conceptual framework. However, not only can rational thought accommodate the intuitive knowledge of metaphysical reality manifested by

Misinterpreting science and religion – by Niaz Betab: The science and religion, both of which have an uneasy relation, are enormously misinterpreted to achieve personal and political aims easily that are, owing to their extremely dishonest nature, hard to be obtained through simply honest and virtuous means.

How Hazrat Imran Khan debunked science and Professor Hoodbhoy – by Syed Riaz Bin Al-Malik Hajjaji: While some liberal fascists have cast doubt on Hazrat Imran Khan’s (HIK) intellectual prowess, they only need to read how the great HIK bowled out the scientists in his magnus opus “Why the West Craves Materialism and why the

A dream come true: A tribute to Dr. Salam -by Ammad Khan: He was one and only, who won the noble prize for his country. But he also was the one whose country did not recognize him. He was the one on whose death, whole world of science mourned on this

Instead of blindly following Saudi Arabia, use scientific method for moon-sighting: Can we put a stop to the self-created Deobandi-Barelvi, Shia-Sunni, Pashtun-Punjabi conflict in the name of moon-sighting in Pakistan, UK, USA and other countries? Can we put a stop to the Saudi-ization of Eid and Ramazan in Pakistan and

Sciences ends in the world of Islam – by Nadeem Paracha: Science ends here Source: Dawn, 20 June 2010 I am itching to get my hands on a recently published book, God Created the Universe by Fatehulla Khan. After reading the review of the book, I can safely assume it

Taliban and science – An interview with Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy: “Islam and Science Have Parted Ways” Middle East Quarterly Winter 2010, pp. 69-74 Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy (b. 1950) is one of South Asia’s leading nuclear physicists and perhaps Pakistan’s preeminent intellectual. Bearer of a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute

Imran Khan vs Charles Darwin – By Irfan Husain: THIS year will see a large number of celebrations at campuses and scientific institutions around the world to mark the 200th year of the birth of Charles Darwin, and the 150th year of the publication of his seminal work.

Do we need science or Islamic science? What do pro-liberal and pro-jihadi Pakistanis think?: Ghost of TK says: December 23rd, 2008 at 2:34 pm Beardo’s are cargo-culters. Look at Ajmal Kasab (who I did think at the time looked like a pacific islander) … this is a man who allegedly joined some group

Eid, the moon-sighting dispute in Pakistan and Europe, a self created problem!: Masood Ashar’s column in Jang 7 October 2008