Salmaan Taseer Archive

Tariq Ali’s backhanded tribute to Salmaan Taseer – by Mahvish Afridi: Is Tariq Ali a reporter, a Marxist activist or an author of fluffy Islamist novels reminiscent of Nasim Hijazi? Or is he just an ideologue past his sell by date, cashing in on his Communist Cows. Nonetheless, he clearly has

Fake Civil Society must stop blaming the PPP: A rebuttal to Naveen Naqvi and Sana Saleem: Related posts: The blaming the victim brigade and Shahbaz Bhatti’s murder Three musketeers and the “PPP abandoned Salmaan Taseer” narrative An open letter to President Zardari — by Shahid Saeed We, at LUBP, have been exposing the shenanigans of

On Salmaan Taseer’s murder: We, the South Asian people, will never let religious fanatics to decide the destiny of future generations – by Dhirendra Sharma: The Governor of Punjab in Pakistan, Salmaan Taseer, was assassinated by a policeman who fired twenty seven bullets before surrendering himself with a sinister smile to a dozen security policemen around him. The bodyguard was assigned to protect him

Taseer’s murder and Islamic fundamentalism in Pakistan: A rebuttal to Prof Shahid Alam – by Badruddin Gowani: I read Professor M. Shahid Alam’s recent article “Pakistan: A political murder or war” (Counterpunch Weekend Edition January 14, 2011) His allegations of the United States role in Pakistan and the corrupt Pakistani establishment that have screwed up the

The republic of silence — by Saroop Ijaz: An LUBP reader has recommended to cross-post this article. According to the reader, “Saroop isn’t a PPP basher. He is a supporter. His uncle stood against Pervaiz Elahi. These are dissenting voices within the party [which the party should

There was a naughty boy: Salma Mahmud remembers her brother Salmaan Taseer: There was a naughty boy, And a naughty boy was he, He would not stop at home, He would not quiet be. – John Keats There are so many memories of those days gone by, that it is almost

Scared of mullahs? Civil Society needs to ally with the PPP for survival – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: Related articles: Taseer’s murder and the call for a ‘broad-based alliance’ between PPP and the ‘civil society’ – by Ahmad Nadeem Gehla Some myths and realities about the self-labelled civil society – by Shahid Khan To say that we

The PPP, the mullahs and the blasphemy law – by Abbas Ather: Source: Daily Express, 18 Jan 2011

Rose petals for a killer -by Shehrbano Taseer: My father’s assassination could teach us something. My father, Salmaan Taseer, governor of the Pakistani province of Punjab, was murdered on Jan. 4, shot dead in broad daylight by the policeman tasked to protect him. Acting out of a

Taseer’s murder and the call for a ‘broad-based alliance’ between PPP and the ‘civil society’ – by Ahmad Nadeem Gehla: Related posts: Deconstructing Pakistani liberals: A response to Shashi Tharoor and Raza Rumi The Civil Society Bulletin – by Abbas Baloch Some myths and realities about the self-labelled civil society – by Shahid Khan “Supreme Court shall not remain

The “epicentre” of terrorism – by Ayesha Siddiqa: So we don’t like what US Joint Chief of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen said about us: that Pakistan has become an “epicentre” of terrorism. Many have disliked the statement and consider terrorism as a temporary phenomenon linked with American presence

The drone of the ummah and the infidel blasphemers – by Hakim Hazik: Cross-posted from Justice Denied Note: This post was written two days before Salmaan Taseer’s martyrdom. From Khyber to Karachi and from Wahga to Naukundi, the lovers of the faith and of the blasphemy law came out in force. Armed

295-c, A Black Law – by Abbas Ather: Related article: ‘Everyone Declare Pakistan’s Blasphemy Law as Black Law’ Campaign

What is the common message in Salman Taseer’s murder and Justice Javed Iqbal’s parents’ murder?: چند روز پہلے تک حکومتی اتحاد میں کوئی دراڑ نہیں تھی۔ مگر اچانک مولانا فضل الرحمن نے حکومت سے علیحدگی کا اعلان کر کے سیاسی ہلچل بھی پیدا کر دی۔ ہرچند حکومت اس میں سے عارضی طور پر بچ

humara hero pagal hai – by Khalid Wasti: ہمارا ہیرو پاگل ہے ============ ممتاز قادری کی ویڈیوز دیکھنے سے معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ وہ صحیح الدماغ شخص نہیں ہے – اب اس انبوہ ِ کثیر کے بارے میں کیا کہا جائے جو ایک فاتر العقل کو اپنا

A “righteous” confusion – by Imran Khan: What differentiates the smiling face of Mumtaz Qadri from that of an apprehended criminal is a lack of guilt. Mr. Qadri is beaming with pride because according to his religious beliefs he has not done anything wrong. But this

Justice Sharif’s murder plot ‘a remarkable tale’: Report: Further reading: We look forward to the follow up story to the plot to kill Justice Sharif- by Chaudry Ahmad Khan and Ahmad Iqbalabadi Special Branch Report to kill Khwaja Sharif “false and baseless” The alleged Plot to kill

Salmaan Taseer: the content soul —Dr Mohammad Taqi: Source: Daily Times, January 13, 2011 To let these hordes be the judge, jury and the executioner would be the exact opposite of what Salmaan Taseer stood for. They have succeeded in killing Salmaan Taseer but must not be

On Salmaan Taseer: A cry in the wilderness – by Kamran Shafi: Source: Dawn, 11 Jan 2010 I DON`T know where to begin, what to say. There are so many questions: the governor`s murderer could have been a fundamentalist, obscurantist, extremist, terrorist, whatever. But why did the other guards who were

Salman Taseer’s assassination: can Pakistan survive as a viable state?: After Salman Taseer murder Pakistani Society seems very much divided. A cold and calculated assassination, not only highlights political turmoil in country but it also raises very fundamental questions related to the viability of state. And it appears the

Right or wrong? – by D. Asghar: We take positions based on our views and our perceptions of the world. Mostly our views are guided by our domestic and external education, religion and morals, personal experiences and above all our environment. We are a bitterly divided

“God instructed me to kill” – by Junaid Noor: The chief justice of Pakistan, Justice Iftikhar Hussain Chaudhry, has taken suo motu notice against the murder of governor Punjab, the late Salman Taseer. The suo motu notice has been taken because the police does not want to take

My father’s murder must not silence the voices of reason in Pakistan -by Shehrbano Taseer: There is a real danger that extremists could triumph if good people do not continue to speak out I can’t help but roll my eyes when I’m informed I must keep a guard with me at all times now.

The LUBP commends Mr Bilawal Bhutto Zardari for his bold and timely rejoinder to Islamofascists: The LUBP commends Mr. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, PPP chairperson, for his bold and timely rejoinder to the Islamofascists. At a time when the PPP government is being besieged on all fronts, it is important not to loose focus and

Salman Taseer’s murder and the footsoldiers of media – by Qudsia Siddiqui: Related posts: Three musketeers and the “PPP abandoned Salmaan Taseer” narrative “The blaming the victim brigade” and Shahbaz Bhatti’s murder An open letter to President Zardari — by Shahid Saeed “Civil” Society must stop blaming the PPP: A rebuttal

In the name of God, you are dead – by Amir Mir: When Punjab Governor Salman Taseer stepped out of the Table Talk restaurant in Islamabad, after having lunch with his hotelier friend Sheikh Waqas on January 4, he was most likely aware of the possibility of religious extremists lurking around

Did the media play a role in Salman Taseer’s murder?: Who killed Salman Taseer? Did Mumtaz Qadri, the assassin who sprayed the bullets, kill Salman Taseer? Did he really kill Taseer or is it a prevalent mindset in our mainstream media and it’s business interests alike exploiting religion for

A survey of blasphemy laws in Muslim countries – by Wusatullah Khan: Related article: Namoos-e-risalat or namoos-e-zia-ul-haq? – by Abbas Ather کاش انہیں ضیا مل جائے وسعت اللہ خان بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، کراچی اس کرہِ ارض کی آبادی چھ ارب نوے کروڑ ہے۔اس میں ایک ارب ستاون کروڑ

My father died for Pakistan – by Shehrbano Taseer: Related article: Not unlike Benazir Bhutto, Governor Taseer was martyred because of his belief in a secular and democratic Pakistan – by Rusty Walker TWENTY-SEVEN. That’s the number of bullets a police guard fired into my father before surrendering

Namoos-e-Risalat or Namoos-e-ISI? – by Yousuf Nazar: Related articles: Namoos-e-risalat or namoos-e-zia-ul-haq? – by Abbas Ather Politicizing blasphemy law: who is behind Namoos e Risalat movement? A plan well executed The cat is out of the bag. For months, I have suspected that the ISI is

Qadri Episode: Where All Of This May End Up – by D. Asghar: From an unknown Elite Policeman to a Ghazi, Qadri Sahib has been declared the new super hero of our nation by some misguided clergy. Any sane person can deduce that Qadri Sahib’s action is considered a “Gunah e Kabeera”

Salman Taseer’s assassination exposes ‘the cancer of religious fanaticism’: A few days ago, Mgr Lawrence John Saldanha, president of the catholic Bishops’ Conference of Pakistan, said, “it is clear that anyone that opposes the blasphemy law is at risk.” Mgr Rufin Anthony, bishop of Islamabad-Rawalpindi, told AsiaNews that

Finding a new governor – time for a fitting tribute to Salmaan Taseer: His blood hadn’t even dried that the focus of all the right wing media moved towards making the condemned, here and after, Mumtaz Qadri into a hero and then speculating who will be the new governor of Punjab. Such

Taseer’s murder: This is Jinnah’s Pakistan – by Ayesha Siddiqa: One hopes that after January 4, the ruling elite will realise that the majority of people are not peaceful onlookers, but a mob which will happily condemn people to death without understanding their logic. Salmaan Taseer was against a

Allama Tahir Ashrafi’s views on the blasphemy law and Taseer’s murder – Abbas Ather’s Column Kaar: Before watching the following talk-show, you may wish to read the following article: Namoos-e-risalat or namoos-e-zia-ul-haq? – by Abbas Ather Talk-show participants: Allama Tahir Ashrafi (PUC), Azam Nazir Tarar (PBC), and Syed Mumtaz Shah (Analyst) in today’s episode of

Namoos-e-risalat or namoos-e-zia-ul-haq? – by Abbas Ather: Source: Express, 8 January 2010 Link to Column Kaar’s episode mentioned in the above article: Allama Tahir Ashrafi’s views on the blasphemy law and Taseer’s murder – Abbas Ather’s Column Kaar