Kashmir Archive

’پیلٹ گن مارتی نہیں زندہ لاش بنا دیتی ہے‘: بھارت کے زیرِ انتظام کشمیر میں سکیورٹی فورس مظاہرین کو منتشرکرنے کے لیے پیلٹ گن یعنی چھرے والی بندوق کا استعمال کر رہے ہیں۔ یہ بندوق جان لیوا نہیں ہے لیکن ان بندوقوں کے سبب کئی مظاہرین کو شدید

Pity the nation that has to silence its writers – Arundhati Roy: I write this from Srinagar, Kashmir. This morning’s papers say that I may be arrested on charges of sedition for what I have said at recent public meetings on Kashmir. I said what millions of people here say

In Kashmir, Indian security forces use pellet guns that often blind protesters: These are pallet gun wounds and nearly 300 cases admitted in various hospitals and about 150 surgeries performed so far and doctors are not hopeful on majority of these cases that they will gain their eyesight and 14

Kashmir is not ‘normal’, let’s not negate it: Kashmir is the most sought after place which tempts one and all. According to Mughal emperor Jahangir, “Agar Firdaus bar e zameen ast, hameen ast, hameen ast, hameen ast, which means, ‘’If ever there is a heaven on

گلگت بلتستان: کشمیریوں کو پاکستان میں انضمام سے خدشات: پاکستان کے زیرانتظام گلگت بلتستان کے وسیع علاقے کو پاکستان کے آئینی نظام میں ضم کرنے کی باتیں ہورہی ہیں۔ اس امکان پر بھارت کے زیرانتظام کشمیرکے عوامی حلقوں میں تشویش پائی جاتی ہے۔ اکثر حلقے کہتے ہیں کہ

Times of India: Pro-ISIS stir is visible in Deobandi and Wahhabi communities in India and Kashmir: SRINAGAR/MUMBAI: The unexpected appearance of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS flags during recent anti-Israel protests in Srinagar has left government authorities, Sunni-Barelvi scholars and even Kashmiri separatists searching for answers. Masked Kashmiri youngsters were seen

بلاول پر ٹماٹر پھینکنے والے عمران خان سے دوستی کا ثبوت نہیں دے رہے- عمار کاظمی: بلاول پر ٹماٹر پھینکنے والے عمران خان سے دوستی کا ثبوت نہیں دے رہے۔ جہالت اور غیر مہذب رویوں کی ہر مہذب شخص کو مذمت کرنی چاہیے۔ حیرت ہے کہ پی ٹی آءی کے عمران اسمعیل ٹی وی پر

نواز شریف کی خارجہ پالیسی ناکام – ایاز امیر اور نذیر ناجی: Source: http://jang.com.pk/jang/oct2014-daily/15-10-2014/col1.html Source: http://e.dunya.com.pk/colum.php?date=2014-10-16&edition=LHR&id=38718_33490925

The Furqan Battallion: The historical role of Ahmadiyya community as Pakistan army’s Jihadist proxy in Kashmir: The historical and important role of Pakistan’s Ahmadiyya community as willing participants and volunteers in Pakistan army’s Jihadist operations for the intended liberation of (Azad) Kashmir remains largely under-explored. In this post, we are collecting some of the material

The chicken has come home to roost – by Riyaz Wani: Hero’s welcome Mast Gul and Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan chief the late Qazi Hussain Ahmad at a rally in Rawalpindi after the former escaped the siege in 1995, Photo: AFP For two months through the winter of 1995, the army

Wahhabi-Deobandi Impact: Influence of Wahhabi and Deobandi Islam on the Indian Muslim community is growing – by Ajoy Ashirwad Mahaprashasta: THE PHENOMENON of Islamist terrorism has received considerable attention in recent times. Pointing to a trend of increasing radicalisation of Indian Muslims, Indian intelligence has expressed concern that it is becoming a paramount national security issue. However,

Are Kashmiri Shias The Next Pandits? – by Saba Firdous: Fatima received a fatal injury in police action during sectarian clashes that broke out in Budgam district of Kashmir valley in July this year. According to her relatives, Fatima was looking for her grandson outside her house when

Complex dimensions of Syria crisis – By Syed Zafar Mehdi: There is an extraordinary tendency in some of our argumentative political analysts and commentators to at times go overboard and miss the larger picture. Going through Happymon Jacob’s column this week on Syrian crisis was painful, if not agonizing.

Taliban in Context of Kashmir – by Syed Zafar Mehdi: A palpable buzz in the town is that after the withdrawal of NATO forces from Afghanistan by the end of 2014, the hard-bitten Talibani guerillas may trickle over to the Indian-occupied-Kashmir. Local media has been sent into a

KKF The Best Example Of Serving OF Humanity: The Holy Prophet PBUH said, “The greatest worship of all is to serve humanity”.Khidmat-e-Khalq Foundation (KKF) is a Pakistani charitable organization that comes under the jurisdiction of the Mutahida Qoumi movement . As highly organized, active and effective social organization the wide spectrum

For India, worries of another 1989 moment in the region – by Shivam Vij: With NATO pulling out of Afghanistan in 2014, foreign policymakers in New Delhi are concerned that Pakistan may refocus militants on Kashmir. As NATO troops solve the logistical challenges of a draw-down from Afghanistan, there is a sense

Indo-Pak Cricket: Why The Grass is Greener in Kashmir: Kashmir shuts down when India and Pakistan play a cricket match, with Kashmiris always rooting maniacally for Pakistan. Syed Zafar Mehdi on the political roots of this attitude Cricket is a fascinating game in more ways

Victims of malignant malice: By Azam Inqilabi/ Kashmir Reader New Delhi superciliously bulldozed the democratic political resistance institutions in Kashmir and should not now feel worried about the unpredictable militant bulge in Kashmir. They should try to understand that carnage could

No fear of Deobandi militants in India: Shias in Srinagar observe the Arbaeen of Imam Hussain: Srinagar: 3 January 2012 – Tens of thousands of Shia Muslims in Indian administered Kashmir observed the Arabaen, the fortieth day (Chehlum) of the martyrdom of Prophet Mohammad’s grand son, Imam Hussain. Streets in the Kashmir valley were flooded

This All Began in 1947: The Jihadist Operations of Pakistani State: Related post: This too was Pakistan (1947-71): A response to Nadeem Paracha’s “Also Pakistan” General Zia-ul-Haq and to a lesser extent Zulfikar Ali Bhutto are often blamed for using or cultivating non-State actors (Jihadi proxies) to promote Pakistan’s (or

Balochistan is not Kashmir! – by Saad Mansoor: From Facebook statuses to Twitter tweets and from online blogs to statements by secessionists Baloch leaders published in Pakistani newspapers, I am perturbed to see the comparison of Balochistan to Kashmir. The innuendos of familiarity of the word

Mullah, the Talib and Pashtun society – by Asad Munir: Originally Posted at: The Friday Times Pashtuns are believed to be the largest segmentary lineage society in the world today. They have been living in their defined homeland areas since ages, in a social order loosely defined by the

Investing in Balochistan’s human capital -by Murtaza Haider: The armed struggle in Balochistan is between the haves and have-nots of Pakistan. On one hand are the Baloch tribesmen who belong to the most impoverished parts of Pakistan and on the other hand are the Pakistan’s armed forces

Military as an obstacle -by S. Akbar Zaidi: ACADEMICS who work on the political economy of Pakistan have no doubt in their minds that Pakistan’s military, primarily its army, remains the dominant power in any equation regarding the distribution and use of power and force in Pakistan.

Ghulam Nabi Fai admits to receiving money from ISI -by Huma Imtiaz: ALEXANDRIA: In a federal courthouse, nearly two and a half hours after his case was scheduled to begin, Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai was brought into Courtroom number 501, filled primarily with his supporters and journalists from the subcontinent. As

Sayana Kawwa …. Khaye?: Ghulam Nabi Fai has been arrested in Washington for collaborating with the Pakistan’s once invincible Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) for funneling money of around US$ 4 million to influence United States policy on Kashmir. The reasons for his arrest

Fai called his ‘ISI handlers’ 4,000 times: FBI: The Federal Bureau of Investigation has made public the phone numbers and emails addresses of the alleged Inter-Services INtelligence handlers of Ghulam Nabi Fai arrested in Washington for collaborating with the Pakistani spy agency by funnelling money to influence

US charges two illegal lobbyers, ISI funelled $4 mn to influence Kashmir policy: The US has accused two men with being unregistered lobbyists of funneling millions of dollars on behalf of Pakistan’s intelligence service in payments to US officials, and other efforts to influence Washington’s policy. Federal Bureau of Investigation agents on

Time to change: ‘Iman, Taqwa, Jihad fi Sabilillah’–by Shiraz Paracha: India centric mindset of the Pakistan military is one of the root causes of Pakistan’s problems. From generals to soldiers most men in the armed forces are paranoid about India and some have racist tendencies, too. This mindset has

Making his Trip on Govt Expense: Fazlur Rehman in Brussels – by Mujahid Hussain: Source: Daily Aajkal

PPP, PSF Gilgit-Baltistan Chapter strongly condemn JUI’s statement – by Naeem Khan: In recent All Parties Kashmir Conference, Maulana Fazlur Rehman of the JUI said that according to his party’s policy, Gilgit–Baltistan is an integral part of Kashmir. The participants of the so called All parties Kashmir Conference have no right to

Thank you, General Kayani and Shahbaz Sharif, for Hafiz Saeed’s speech on Kashmir Day: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Hafiz Saeed Hafiz Saeed makes public appearance, alongside an ex-PM, in Islamabad after over 2 years The ISI-judiciary alliance and the Jamaat-ud-Dawa Online factories of suicide bombers: An ISI production JD chief, religious leaders

Freeing kashmir, chaining Baloch – by Rashed Aurakzai: Khabar Nama lines of innocents disappearance, killings and tortures, house-searches, bullet spreeing on rallies in Indian Held Kashmir comes to one’s mind when Balochistan insurgency is in news. How naive or dishonest of us not seeing both through the

Salafi cannon fodder: ISI’s jihad in Kashmir through JuD/LeT: ’جب تک زندہ ہوں تم کشمیر نہیں جاؤ گے‘ ذوالفقار علی بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، مظفر آباد ’تعلیم مکمل کرنے کے بعد ایک مذہبی تنظیم کے ساتھ ٹریننگ حاصل کی‘ پاکستان کے زیر انتظام کشمیر کے دارالحکومت

Kashmir Bleeds, Does Anyone Heed?- by Hafsa Khawaja: Befittingly termed once as ‘Heaven on Earth’, with millions martyred since the past 6 decades, thousands of half-widows, orphans and missing – Kashmir today is a Palestine-in-the-making of Asia. As the Kashmir intifada continues, anyone keeping a keen eye on

Viewpoint Interview with Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa: Military’s predation is an institutional feature’, Ayesha Siddiqa. A dissident’s job is always fraught with dangers. In case of Pakistan, the risks involved in criticizing all-powerful Khakis and their proxy Taliban hardly need an elucidation. Still, dissident voices keep

Accepting foreign help — by Ishtiaq Ahmed: In an interview given to Lyse Doucet of the BBC and shown on August 16, 2010, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi pleaded passionately for help from the international community for the unprecedented monsoon floods that are wreaking havoc in

“Pakistan has to shift its strategic focus”, Prof Walter Russel Mead: LAHORE, Aug 14: Pakistan should move away from the zero-sum security rivalry with India to be able to emerge as a successful, modern democratic society, says a distinguished American foreign policy expert. “It is vital for Pakistan to shift

Floods Opening The Floodgates For Pakistan’s Extremists- By Daud Khattak: Devastating flooding in northwestern Pakistan has now taken more than 1,400 lives and a left about 1 million people homeless. Although the government has announced it is stepping up relief efforts, it has been widely criticized for its slow
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