Judiciary Archive

Messy yet workable: The Raza Rabbani framework for judicial appointments – by Cyril Almeida: The Rabbani committee may actually have set up a rather workable framework for judicial appointments. –Photo by APP The Raza Rabbani court By Cyril Almeida Let’s walk through the process for appointing superior court judges devised by Raza Rabbani’s

A poem on Pakistan’s controversial chief justice Iftikhar Chaudhry and his Talibanic cronies – by Syed Saif Zulfi: Contributed by: Ahsan Abbas

In order to save Cheif Justice Iftikhar, Nawaz League forces PPP to abandon the Charter of Democracy: As per the Charter, all PCO judges should be kicked out including the Islamofascist Chaudhry Iftikhar Appointment of judges: PPP, PML-N say goodbye to CoD By Amir Wasim and Ahmad Hassan Wednesday, 03 Mar, 2010 ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan People’s

Secularism triumphs? Bangladesh Supreme Court sets an example – by Farooq Sulehria: Secularism triumphs? The Supreme Court of Bangladesh, on January 3, not only bucked an apparently prevalent trend in the Muslim world, but also dismissed a stereotype: Islam’s incompatibility with secular democracy. By ordering a ban on the abuse of

Q&A with an ordinary Pakistani – by Nadeem Khan: It has been an honor to have today a simple and honest, I bet, Pakistani with us. Let’s hear him and try to understand the conditions, situations, turmoil, achievements, developments of this unique great nation, now very popular in

Reassessing the lawyers’ movement — by Ayesha Ijaz Khan: The judiciary must pick its battles carefully and avoid the type of crescendo that would altogether remove its focus from its primary function of delivering justice. It must be mindful that unless people begin to feel the results of

Would the PPP workers in Rawalpindi vote for PML-N? – by Ahsan Abbas: سیاسی طالبعلم بمقابلہ سیاسی طالبان ضمنی انتخابات نے سیاسی ماحول کو ایک مرتبہ پھر گرما دِیا ہِے۔ راولپنڈی حلقہ ٥٥ کے ضمنی انتخاب کی مُہم جوئی کا کل آخری دِن تھا۔ پوٹوھار کی خلقِ خُدا جلد ہی اپنے ووٹ

Judicial coup in Pakistan – by David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey: Source: Wall Street Journal- ASIA EDITION When U.S. President Barack Obama sharply challenged a recent Supreme Court decision in his State of the Union address, prompting a soto voce rejoinder from Justice Samuel Alito, nobody was concerned that the contretemps

Mrs. Janjua where art thou? – by pejamistri: A few days back when I wrote “Do you remember Sajjad Ali Shah”, in the heart of my hearts I prayed that I was wrong. It is true that during the struggle against the 21st century mad dictator (General

Two years of democracy and counting – by Raza Rumi: ‘The obvious fallout of the media-government war has been a virtual blackout of what the civilian governments have achieved’, Writes Raza Rumi in his excellent article in The News on Sunday. Two years and counting Given the average shelf

These are the courts, and yes, this is the justice – by Saria Benazir: Today , the democracy is being challenged in the courts. Those cases, which stayed unproved after years of exploration are being opened again, and people, who themselves took illegal steps in the past, this day speak of law and

In a democratic system, the primacy of the elected institutions and leaders should be respected. – by Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi: Beyond the executive-judiciary crisis The executive-judiciary crisis has another dimension with implications for the future of democracy in Pakistan. This can also be viewed as an attempt by a non-elected state institution, i.e. the judiciary, to restrict the role

Pakistan’s apex court decides not to examine evidence against intelligence agencies in the missing persons case: Evidence against agencies not to be examined: SC Friday, 19 Feb, 2010 ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court of Pakistan said on Friday it will not examine evidence against intelligence agencies in the missing persons’ case. A written order released to

Advocate Naeem Bokhari’s letter to Pakistan’s controversial Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry: In the light of the recent emphasis on principles of merit and justice as reiterated by Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry on numerous occasions, it is pertinent to revisit the letter written by the Supreme Court Lawyer

A new dawn – by Agha Haider Raza: Over the past few days – out-of-public viewing – Pakistan has witnessed a welcoming shift in policy. With the capture of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar and Mullah Abdul Salam, the trust deficit between the United States and Pakistan or

Did the match between President Zardari and CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry end in a draw?: Here are two thought provoking articles on this topic. The first one is by Zafar Hilaly in Daily Times, and the second is by Cyril Almeida writing in Dawn. The game not worth the candle — by Zafar Hilaly

Time out for reading, CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry – by Ayaz Amir: In his recent article in The News, Ayaz Amir recommends Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry to read Bacon’s essay “Of Judicature”. We provide below an excerpt from Ayaz Amir’s article as well as Bacon’s essay in full with an aim

Military judiciary nexus is a threat to parliament – by Junaid Qaiser: Good news for Pakistan’s undemocratic forces and bad news for Pakistan’s Parliament and its supremacy: Government accepts judiciary’s recommendations. We are continuously moving towards judicial dictatorship. Pakistan army has always played an integral role in Pakistan government and politics

Pakistan is heading towards judicial dictatorship – Asma Jahangir: Asma says judicial dictatorship on the cards KARACHI: People will soon witness a judicial dictatorship in the country if the judiciary continuously moves ahead in its present direction and then we would forget military and political dictatorships, HRCP chairperson

The Greater Game of Rightist Establishment: What we are today witnessing is a completely de-politicized youth of Pakistan trying to define Pakistan’s politics in a haste and in black and white. There are many grey areas in politics too. Our youth today needs to understand

Hijacking Democracy – by Anas Muhammad: Today we live in an increasingly dangerous world, which is filled with people who have their ulterior motives and willingness to harm others to benefit themselves. Our world is filled with criminals, gangsters, murderers, and terrorists. The people who

It smells like General Zia – by Ahsan Abbas: مطلع میں آ پڑی ہے سخن گسترانہ بات ‘ججز بحران‘ کی جڑوں کو یہ لکھ کر تن آسان اور سہل پسند عوام کے سامنے لا کھڑا کروں کہ ’اس میں ضیاءالحق کی بو آتی ہے‘۔ یہی وہ نایاب الفاظ

Judicial activism may lead Pakistan towards a military intervention – by Amir Mir: LAHORE, 15 February 2010: A fresh tussle between the Pakistani President Asif Zardari and the Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry over the appointment of the superior court judges has snowballed into a major political crisis which may lead to yet

Why is Governor Salman Taseer blocking appointment of new judges in Lahore High Court?: Apparently, a very valid question, and according to Justice (retired) Fakhruddin G. Ebrahim, the real bone of contention. Thus, there are valid reasons for us to scratch this issue a bit further. If one is to believe Senior Adviser

The Rightist Judicio-Politico Mafia – by Anas Muhammad: Saturday February 13 – The Chief Justice of Pakistan defied Presidential orders through a suo moto action against the Presidential notification for appointment of certain judges. Chief Justice, in a rare nightly emergency session, formed a three members

The latest troika of Pakistan: judges, jihadis and generals – by Shoaib Mir: The question, “Why is Iftikhar Chaudhry destroying Pakistan?” is worryingly valid. A short answer could be because he’s not a politician, so the CJP is making a mess of mixing politics, which he doesn’t know, with his so-called constitutionalism.

Sifarish udooli ka haq – by Anwar Sin Rai: سفارش ‘عدولی’ کا حق انور سِن رائے اگرچہ ابھی یہ واضح نہیں ہے کہ پاکستان کے چیف جسٹس صاحب، لاہور ہائی کورٹ اور سپریم کورٹ میں تقرریاں روایت کے برخلاف کیوں چاہتے ہیں اور حکومت یا صدر کو ان

Unprecedented in legal history: Punjabi judges boycott their own courts: By Omar Khattab in Islambad Yesterday (15 February 2010) all the judges of the Lahore High Court boycotted their own courts in condemnation of President Zardari’s assertion of his legal right of appointing Saqib Nisar as the Chief Justice

Clashing egos and the so-called clash between the judiciary and the executive – by Nadeem F. Paracha: Clashing egos The day President Asif Zardari supposedly unleashed yet another round of the so-called clash between the judiciary and the executive – nay, an ‘independent judiciary’ and a ‘tainted, corrupt executive’ – I rushed home to catch the

Lawyers’ struggle: another view – by Kaiser Bengali: In light of the current situation, we consider it pertinent to re-print the following article written by Kaiser Bengali. Reprinted from Dawn, 30 March 2009. THE successful movement for the reinstatement of Iftikhar Chaudhry is being billed as a

Why is Iftikhar Chaudhry destroying Pakistan? – by Bilal Qureshi: Every objective analyst who follows Pakistan has come to the same conclusion – Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry is becoming a serious threat not only to the country, but also to the entire democratic system that is already under tremendous

Reconciliation Is No Silver Bullet – by Anas Muhammad: Two years ago – February 2008 – Pakistan began its transformation to democracy with a general election that brought Benazir Bhutto’s PPP (Pakistan People’s Party) into power. The party decided to continue its policy, introduced by its slain leader

Independence of judiciary and military boots – by Bawa: عدلیہ کی آزادی اور فوجیوں کے بوٹ عدلیہ کی بحالی سے عدلیہ کی آزادی تک مصنف: باوا ایک طویل جدوجہد کے بعد اٹھارہ سو پینسٹھ میں امریکی آئین میں تیرھویں ترمیم کے ذریعے امریکہ میں غلامی کا خاتمہ کر

Aafia Siddiqui: An Objective Overview – by Anas Muhammad: President Asif Ali Zardari directed the government to provide legal assistance to Dr Aafia Siddiqui, after the jury found her guilty on all seven counts. The government of Pakistan has so far spent $2 million in defense of the

Selecting the superior judges — by Elf Habib: Giving a final and binding say to the chief justice, despite his sublime office and status and worthy of all respect and reverence, destroys the very spirit and purpose of popular will and sovereignty. It would be an unfortunate

Judiciary, executive on collision course? – by Cyril Almeida and Saleem Safi: Here are two articles on this topic by Cyril Almeida and Saleem Safi. Legally speaking By Cyril Almeida Lawyers tend to complicate things. Ask them to describe the colour red and soon you’ll be hearing about ‘vermilion’, ‘burnt sienna’

Long live Punjabi Chief Justice and Punjabi fascism!: Accountability — why only non-Punjabis? By Shafiq Awan There can be no doubt that the Supreme Court’s judgement on the National Reconciliation Ordinance was a historic decision and speaks volumes for the independence of the judiciary. But the verdict

Half-truth of the Supreme Court of Pakistan: An interesting conversation: Here are some excerpts from an interesting conversation at pkpolitics where ‘Bawa’, a pro-democracy blogger (with anti-Zardari inclinations), has raised some interesting points about the anti-NRO stance of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. آدھا سچ ہم میں سے ہر

Leaders of lawyers’ movement oppose the strike call by Qazi Mohammad Anwar: Aitzaz Ahsan termed the decision for a strike premature, warning that it would divide the lawyers’ community. He said the decision had been taken in spite of PM Gilani’s assurance that the NRO judgment would be implemented.

Mubashir Lucman’s chargesheet against Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry: In an episode of Point Blank by Mubashir Lucman with Wasim Akhtar (MQM) and Fauzia Wahab (PPP), the anchor issued a bold charge-sheet against CJP Iftikhar Chaudhry stating that CJP Chaudhry should have been booked and punishable by death