Judiciary Archive

At last, insaf for Rehman Malik – by Khalid Wasti: انصاف ہوتا نظر آگیا ہے کسے وکیل کریں کس سے منصفی چاہیں ============================= رحمان ملک کو ہتھکڑی لگوانی تھی – رحمان ملک پر پانچ تولے سونا چرانے اور ایک کار رشوت میں لینے کا الزام لگایا گیا – اعلی

Justice Jahanzeb Rahim’s 28 Questions: There is an interesting column by Athar Abbas in today’s Khabrain newspaper that is titled “Justice Jahanzeb Rahim kay 28 sawalat” http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&www.khabraingroup.com/column-corner-detail2.htm

Lawyers’ strike against Iftikhar Chaudhry’s statistical juggling (National Judicial Policy): Mumtaz Mustafa, Chairman Punjab Bar Council, while talking to reporter of Daily Pakistan newspaper said that Bar Councils of Sindh, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtoonkhua are with us to strike against National Judicial Policy on today 15th May 2010. He

Justice Jehanzeb Rahim of Peshawar High Court challenges contempt notice by the Supreme Court: Peshawar PCO judge asks SC to recall contempt notices Monday, May 10, 2010 ISLAMABAD: Justice Jehanzeb Rahim, Judge of the Peshawar High Court, asked the Supreme Court to recall contempt notices issued to various judges of the Supreme Court

Scoundrel as justice: When a chief justice provokes people to violence Lahore High Court’s Chief Justice has been provoking the lawyer community to take vigilante actions against Pakistan’s People’s Party (PPP) so that the democratically elected government is either sacked and the

Constitutional obligations of judiciary — by Mohammad Azhar Siddique: A constitution is the aspirations of the people. It is the experience of the past, the present desires of the nation, and last, but not the least, a hope for the future. A constitution is a document for all

From Presidential Dictatorship of Army Generals to Judicial Dictatorship of Bureaucrats – by Junaid Qaiser: Pakistan was conceived by its founder as a parliamentary democratic country. Political forces in Pakistan have a consensus on the parliamentary form of democracy, which the two constitutions of the country, 1956 and 1973 drafted by the two respective

God, Qazi Anwar and I – by Hakim Hazik: Extraordinary Rendition By: Hakim Hazik Source: Justice Denied We don’t need bread, we need ideology. We don’t need a country, we need a religion. We don’t want our children to go to school, get qualifications and live in prosperity. We

Q&A about supremacy of parliament or judiciary – by Khalid Wasti: =============================== پارلیمینٹ اور عدلیہ کے حوالے سے سوال و جواب =============================== اٹھارویں ترمیم – اٹھارہ پوائنٹس (1) ———– سوال : حکمرانی کا حق کس کا ہے ؟ – فوج کا ؟ – بیوروکریسی کا ؟ – سپریم کورٹ کا

Short March to Despotism – by Asad Sayeed: Asad Sayeed’s timely article highlights the dangerous path being currently coursed by the country’s Judiciary where the mandate of 170 million people is not considered more important than the political vendetta of the establishment. Short March to Despotism For

Accountability of Pakistan’s judiciary – by Saeed Khurshid: Justice begins from me The ‘National Judicial Conference 2010’ – which is in the last day of its session – began with the objective to come up with a plan to make the dispensation of justice possible for all.

Ansar Abbasi Out LBW (Learn Before Writing!): Thanks: Pakistan Media Watch Poor Mr. Ansar Abbasi – he does not know how to quit while he is ahead. After his very poor showing on Friday, Mr. Abbasi has decided to have another go at writing his “news analysis”

Save the parliament to save the country – by Khalid Wasti: پارلیمینٹ کو بچاؤ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ !! ملک کو بچاؤ قائد اعظم کے پاکستان کو ایک ملاں (ملا) کا پاکستان بنانے میں جن غلیظ ذہنوں نے اپنا کردار ادا کیا اور قرارداد مقاصد کی منظوری سے لیکر اسلامی جمہوریہ بنانے تک

Punjabi judges must stop the witch hunt in the name of justice or risk backlash from other provinces – by Farrukh Siddiqui: Source: State of Pakistan blog The News reports the following on March 29, 2010 ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court (SC) warned the Chairman of National Accountability Bureau (NAB) that he may be put behind bars if the judicial ordersdelivered on National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO), were

Ansar Abbasi’s “Truth” Problem: Cross-posted from Pakistan Media Watch Just this week I posted about Jang Group’s problem with facts. Now, as if to prove my point, Ansar Abbasi writes an article filled with so many problems and errors that it’s hard to keep

Plenipotent! Rule of law or rule of judges – by Saad Mansoor: The lawyers’ movement beginning on 9th March 2007 and ending after the restoration of judges on 16th March 2009 was a major milestone in the struggle for rule of law by people of Pakistan. However, little that goes on

A critical perspective on Pakistan’s Supreme Court, PPP and PML-N – by Honest People: Supreme Court Supreme Court under Iftikhar Chaudhry is utterly dishonest, highly incompetent, intellectually corrupt, politically motivated and totally biased. Reasons for this are detailed below:- 1. In the judgment of 31st July 2009, 14 PCO judges including Chief Justice Iftikhar

Ameerul Momineen Nawaz Sharif respected the judiciary once – by Saeed Minhas: ISLAMABAD: Ministers disclosing the misdeeds of their colleagues, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani ordering a probe into the shabby deals of cabinet members coupled with the twinge of the judiciary and arm-twisting of political players remains the order of

Qazi Anwar’s vilification crusade against politicians: Explicit or implicit supporters of military dictatorship in Pakistan, who usually lack significant vote bank in masses and dance to the tunes of right wing establishment, often criticise politicians holding them as solely and predominantly responsible for Pakistan’s failures

Nawaz Sharif – No more advice: Nawaz Sharif’s recent U-turn on constitutional reforms has surprised every one. But more astonishing is not his U-turn but his series of advices. Advice :Firstly he asked PM to intervene and talk to Chief Justice to end this crisis. Fact: PM is not

A parochial stance – by Murtaza Razvi: Originally Published at DAWN MIAN Nawaz Sharif’s abrupt about-turn on the constitutional amendments that MNAs of his own party hammered out after intense negotiations with their counterparts from other major political parties will be seen as doing little service

Injustice in the case of Kalim Khan (Senior Civil Judge, Multan) – by Farhad Jarral: The ‘promotion row’ has triggered a second resignation from the subordinate courts in Punjab; this time in Multan, as a senior civil judge Muhammad Kalim Khan resigned here on Wednesday. This resignation also sparked a serious judicial crisis in

Justice Iftikhar protects scoundrels and ignores honest judges: Civil judges in Punjab rally against lawyer Dawn Report Saturday, 27 Mar, 2010 LAHORE, March 26: Judicial officers took to the streets on Friday in protest against slapping of a civil judge by a lawyer in Faisalabad earlier this

Nawaz Sharif Backtracked – by Sajid Ali: The Constitution Reform Committee worked for about 9 months at 18th amendment for repealing 17th amendment. The Committee consisted of senior parliamentarian of all parties, treasury as well as opposition. All nation put their eyes at the 24th of

My name is Nawaz Sharif and I am proving Zia-ul-Haq was my daddy – by Farhad Jarral: Nawaz Sharif is proving himself that he is not a democratic leader but he is a son of a military dictator who played a big role to ruin Pakistan’s sovereignty and its youth. General Zia-ul-Haq was the man behind

Back to square one – by Faizi Mughal: A political system usually has two choices, one option leads towards autocracy and other towards, rule by the people that is democracy. There could be no other third option. The entire civilized world believes that democracy is the best

Adalat ho gi ma kay jaisi – by Honest People: Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry is unique. His judges are his soldiers. The judiciary functions under his chain of command. Every judge is at his beck and call. His is the last word. He constitutes benches comprising of judges of

NA needs to clear judicial slur – by Captain Mansoor A. Mughal: Originally Published at DAWN RECENTLY an eminent Journalist, speaking on a private TV talk show, talked about Nov 3, 2007 short order by seven honourable judges of the Supreme Court, declaring the PCO illegal and barring all judges of

Missing persons: No relief from the courts: Cross posted from: FKPolitics.wordpress.com While Dawn asks us to feel “relief” over the issue, the courts have once again failed miserably at bringing relief. All the big talk by Justice Javed Iqbal appears to be a tempest in a teapot. A

Unprecedented Zardari- by Faizi Mughal: The unprecedented Zardari has set new precedents in the history of Pakistan. He is no doubt a trend setter, who has set several living and everlasting examples. From Iskander Mirza to Musharraf, Pakistan’s history has witnessed several heads of

Justice Khawaja Sharif speaks once again, this time against Hindus – by Abdul Nishapuri: Chief Justice of Lahore High Court, Justice Khawaja Sharif, has spoken once again, with the hate speech and prejudice which are his usual characteristics. Justice Sharif is notorious for his unflinching support for PML-N and Taliban and for his hostility

Judge Saeed Khurshid’s resignation: LUBP has previously posted two articles on this topic, which can be read here and here. Given the lack of attention to this issue by the lawyers as well as Pakistani media, we find it pertinent to post the

Time to wakeup for PPP- by H.A. Khan: If you have some love with the history and the current affairs of Pakistan, then it is very easy to assess some important things going around. Certain things that are happening around these days are making some more clarity towards

To be dashing, keep bashing! – by Mian Saifur Rehman: PML-N leaders in various cities of Punjab have taken out rallies and resorted to public display of arms and firing to express their (shameless) support for the police chitrol (bashing). Here is an article on this topic by Mian

Justice Iftikhar’s “love” and “respect” for law – by Saeed Minhas: A quest for personal glory or strength of an institution? By Saeed Minhas ISLAMABAD: Preceded by kangaroo, jiyala and Dogar courts, the Chaudhry court is certainly the product of a months-long lawyers’ movement that shook not only the power

Brain-dead Nawaz Shairf Rangeela wants Justice Iftikhar to interfere in Parliament’s affairs: Nawaz wants CJ’s input in Rabbani panel’s proposals Tuesday, March 09, 2010 By Tariq Butt ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) Quaid Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has urged Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani to seek opinion and input of

Narcissism, vanity, selective memory loss and Pakistan’s judiciary – by Aamir Mughal: Does the present democracy owe its existence to Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry? At least that is what Justice Javed Iqbal thinks: ISLAMABAD: Senior judge of the Supreme Court Justice Javed Iqbal on Thursday said the present democracy owed

Where is the Lawyer Community now? Why did Judge Saeed Khurshid resign?: Unsung hero of lawyers’ movement parts way with judiciary By Saeed Minhas ISLAMABAD: An unsung hero of the landmark lawyers’ movement – former Civil Judge Saeed Khurshid – is busy finishing his LLM degree while practicing law in the

Pachyglossal!! Thy shall not speak – by Saad Mansoor: Coming back from work, I tuned into the daily news at nine bulletin. As the shalwar kameez adorning pretty news caster started firing off the headlines, I realized that my first five minutes would consist of yet another narcissitic

Most popular chants and slogans in Pakistani politics – by Nadeem Khan: When PPP is ruling, the chants are like: In favor of PPP or by PPP 1- Democratic 2- We believe in reconciliation with all parties, Army, ISI & Judiciary 3- Anti establishment 4- Anti fundamentalist 5- Anti feudalistic 6-