European Union Archive

European Union assures to take up Khurram Zaki’s murder case with the Government of Pakistan: A delegation of European Union met with Syed Jazib Qamar and Asif Mumtaz Malik Advocate at Islamabad today and discussed about the services of Khurram Zaki in detail, they showed their concerns over the security of the family

UK has ‘legal duty’ to challenge Saudi Arabia over Yemen airstrikes: The British government must challenge Saudi Arabia over whether it is using UK weapons to breach international humanitarian law by launching indiscriminate airstrikes in Yemen, a leading lawyer has told the UK arms export control

Saudi funding to the mosques in Europe must be completely stopped – Pejamistri: Hope all Western countries listen to this German politician. There is no doubt that Political Islam, Deobandi Islam, Wahabi Islam or Islamism whatever you call it is the worst form of Islam that does not allow muslims to adopt

Brussels Attacks-The unquestioned questions – by Zahra Abidi: The suicide attacks of March 22nd, 2016 in Brussels killed 35 and wounded 180. This was indeed tragic, but the bigger calamity that hit Brussels was in the aftermath of the event when the government, media, security

John Kerry: ISIS committing genocide – by Agha Shaukat Jafari: The enclosed YouTube is a must watch because it unleashes, in a most clear and credible manner, the information with respect to the horrific happenings in the Levant for the past few years. Thursday, March 17, 2016 will

The Saudi origins of Belgium’s Islamist threat: The roots of Islamist extremism in Belgium are deep and complex. In the wake of Tuesday’s attacks in Brussels, investigators are puzzling over the scope of the terrorist plot, in which bombs exploded in the capital’s main airport and on its busy metro,

دیوبندی صحافی کا اعتراف، دیوبندی اور سلفی جہادیوں نے اپنے مقاصد کے لئے امریکہ اور یورپ کو استعمال کیا: نوٹ: اپنے فیس بک پیج پر شائع کردہ اس نوٹ میں مشہور طالبان و لشکر جھنگوی پرست صحافی فیض الله خان دیوبندی نے اعتراف کیا ہے کہ دیوبندی اور سلفی وہابی جہادی دنیا بھر میں اپنے تکفیری خارجی ایجنڈے

How narratives killed the Syrian people – Sharmine Narwani: On March 23, 2011, at the very start of what we now call the ‘Syrian conflict,’ two young men – Sa’er Yahya Merhej and Habeel Anis Dayoub – were gunned down in the southern Syrian city of Daraa.

Yemen: Embargo arms to Saudi Arabia: (Sanaa) – The United States, United Kingdom, France, and others should suspend all weapon sales to Saudi Arabia until it not only curtails its unlawful airstrikes in Yemen but also credibly investigates alleged violations. Since March 26, 2015,

An open letter to ISIS and other Salafi and Deobandi extremists, from the World’s Muslim community: This is an open letter addressed to ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram and all other violent Islamist extremist groups ( Salafi, Wahhabi, Deobandi, ISIS, Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba); their members, followers, and supporters… We, the other Muslims of the world, would like

Saudi Crown Prince’s stinging riposte to those mourning the Wahhabi afflicted terrorist attacks in Brussels: THIS AL-AGGRESSION WILL NOT STAND AL-MAN” – Riaz Malik Hajjaji: Dozens are once murdered in the tragic attack in Brussels by Saudi/GCC sponsored Wahhabi terrorists. After coming under pressure, Saudis revert to their favourite lobbyists – CNN and BBC journalists, Hamid Mir and some other Pakistani “liberals” to

Brussels attacks: will European leaders again profit from terror they helped unleash?: Over 30 innocnt people killed in terrorist attacks in Brussels – headquarters of EU and NATO – today. So let me guess, this is another moment for Europe to have a shared grieving experience; to apply Belgian flag filters to Facebook profiles, to

یورپی پارلیمنٹ نے یورپی حکومتوں کو سعودی عرب کو اسلحہ فراہمی پر پابندی کی قراداد بھاری اکثریت سے منظور کرلی: یورپی پارلیمنٹ نے 25 فروری ، 2016ء کو بھاری اکثریت سے سعودی عرب کو یورپی حکومتوں کی جانب سے اسلحے کی فراہمی پر پابندی لگانے کی قرارداد منظور کرتے ہوئے سعودی عرب پہ الزام عائد کیا کہ وہ یمن

EU Parliament adopts resolution calling for arms embargo against Saudi Arabia over Yemen: The European Parliament has adopted a resolution calling for the introduction of an arms embargo against Saudi Arabia over its operation in Yemen, The Greens political group reported on its website. The resolution calls for an EU-wide arms embargo

EU never threatened Pakistan with sanctions over hangings: BRUSSELS (Agencies) – European Union (EU) spokesman said that they never stopped Pakistan on implementation on death sentences in the country. Capital punishment is legal in Pakistan and is ranked fifth after the People’s Republic of China, Iran,

EU should not remain silent over ‘horrendous’ human rights violations in Pakistan: The increasing evidence of widespread human rights violations highlight the need for the EU to strengthen its role in the troubled region of Baluchistan, says Niccolò Rinaldi Baluchistan is one of the most troubled and poorest provinces of Pakistan. Bordering with

Human rights: persecution in Syria, Pakistan and Iran, censorship in Sudan, Iraq: Parliament passed three separate resolutions on Thursday, condemning violence and persecution against Christians in Syria, Pakistan and Iran, calling for protection for journalists and free access to the internet in Sudan and condemning acts of terrorism and sectarian violence

EU Council conclusions on Pakistan: Summary: 18 July 2011, Brussels – Council of the European Union 3106th FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting conclusions on Pakistan The Council adopted the following conclusions: 1. The EU reaffirms its commitment to building a strong long-term partnership with Pakistan,

Shift in Turkey policy worries EU, NATO – By Shiraz Paracha: Keeping Turkey under control and on board is becoming a serious challenge for the United States and the European Union (EU) as the Turkish public and government are frustrated with Western double standards and hypocritical policies. Turkey is transforming

Political stability must for economic growth: Gilani: * PM appreciates duty-free access for 75 Pakistani products to EU markets * US trade markets next target for Pakistan By Hussain Kashif LAHORE: The national economy cannot strengthen without political stability, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said on

Pakistan looking forward to free trade agreement with EU: President Zardari: * President meets with FoDP countries’ ambassadors * Says country’s already fragile economy suffered setback due to flood devastation ISLAMABAD: Pakistan looks forward to a comprehensive free trade agreement with the European Union and a solid, multidimensional and comprehensive

Zardari for out of box solutions to meet energy needs: * USAID to build 150MW wind power plant in Sindh * President calls for phasing out of gas geysers in government buildings KARACHI: President Asif Ali Zardari, on Tuesday, called for stepping up search for an out of the

EU Commission wants to waive €100 million in tariffs to help Pakistan recover from floods: The European Union has proposed some €100 million in trade liberalization measures to help Pakistan recover from floods. EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht said Wednesday he will propose the suspension of import duties affecting over a quarter of

EU deal is a landmark by S Rehman: Source: The News, September 19, 2010 If some people are of the opinion that the success in breaking the protective cocoon of European Union has come by itself or without any consistent struggle, they are mistaken and unaware of

The Price of EU Trade Concessions: So many people complained when Zardari continued his trip to EU despite the flooding. There are valid arguments that he could have brought some relief by being with the people in their time of suffering, but even that would

EU agrees to grant Pakistan trade breaks: Great Britain and Germany were pushing the 27-nation summit to offer Pakistan trade advantages to help the country battle flood devastation. European Union countries agreed on Thursday to grant trade concessions to Pakistan to help it overcome the impact

As they say, “Sabr ka phal meetha hota hay” – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: One and half months back, David Cameron said something which as a patriotic Pakistani, I would not have liked to hear. While replying to a question during his visit to India, he warned Pakistan that it should not be

David Cameron to push EU to ease Pakistan trade terms: British Prime Minister wants to give Pakistan ‘enhanced access’ to EU markets, but is likely to find opposition from more protectionist countries David Cameron is pressing the European Union to agree a new regime of trade concessions to Pakistan to alleviate the

Blasphemy laws used to justify murder – EU Parliament: Source Business Recorder STRASBOURG (May 21 2010): The EU parliament on Thursday called on Pakistan to guarantee minority rights, claiming that its blasphemy laws could be used to murder members of political, racial and religious minorities. In a resolution