Monthly Archive:: December 2015

Research paper: ISIS-Turkey list: Is Turkey collaborating with the Islamic State (ISIS)? Allegations range from military cooperation and weapons transfers to logistical support, financial assistance, and the provision of medical services. It is also alleged that Turkey turned a blind eye to ISIS

Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik have a clear Saudi connection – Riaz Malik Hajjaji: I would request muslims to stop appearing as apologists for the tragic killings in San Bernardino by Saudi-radicalized Wahhabi couple. We can no longer afford political correctness for some deluded notion about an Ummah. If you are a

قطر اور سعودی عرب نے ریڈیکل اسلام ( وہابیت ) کو پھیلانے کے لئے پیسے فراہم کرکے پوری دنیا کو ایک ٹائم بم پر لاکر بٹھادیا ہے – جنرل جوناتھن: ادارتی نوٹ : جنرل جوناتھن شاہ برطاںیہ کی فوج کے سابق اسسٹنٹ چیف آف سٹاف رہے ہیں انھوں نے حال ہی میں دئے گئے انٹرویو میں ” ریڈیکل اسلام ( وہابیت ) کے پھیلاؤ کا زمہ دار قطر اور

Arbaen of Imam Hussain is a resounding blow to ISIS – Riaz Malik Hajjaji: I got this picture from my Facebook friend Sheheryar Naqvi‘s wall and it is one of several pictures that highlights the Universality of the Arbaen commemoration at Karbala of Imam Hussain Ibne Ali and his family and companions.

More than 5,700 innocent Muslims killed by Saudi bombing on Yemen: The Independent: Yemen’s capital city has been largely reduced to rubble by Saudi Arabia‘s continuing air strikes, with residents describing “huge explosions” and buildings shaking as if they were in the “centre of an earthquake”. Riven by civil conflict since the 2011

عراق میں شیعہ اور سنی داعش کے خلاف متحد – صداۓ اہلسنت: Sunni tribes joining Shia militias as war against IS heats up in Iraq Note :As readers of Voice of Sunnis know well about our stance of political set up in Iraq .We support demand of formation of Sunni

ننھے ایلان کردی کی لاش کو ترکی نے کیش کرالیا – عثمان غازی: ترکی کو تین ارب یورو کی فیس مل گئی، اب وہ شامی پناہ گزینوں پر ٹوٹ پڑے گا- یورپی ممالک میں ترک شہریوں کو ویزافری رسائی کی سہولت ملتے ہی اب عظیم اسلامی ملک ترکی نے شامی مہاجرین کے

We wouldn’t dare call any of these world leaders terrorist sympathisers: Tony and Cherie Blair with Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, and his wife Asma, outside Downing Street in 2002. His regime has been accused of killing tens of thousands of civilians. Margaret Thatcher and former Chilean dictator, General Augusto

Inside Saudi Arabia’s campaign to charm American policymakers and journalists: Soon after launching a brutal air and ground assault in Yemen, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia began devoting significant resources to a sophisticated public relations blitz in Washington, D.C. The PR campaign is designed to maintain close ties with

Sunni tribes joining Shia militias as war against IS heats up in Iraq –: KARBALA, Iraq – Wearing elegant gold-fringed robes and traditional Arab head-dresses, three Sunni tribal leaders waited respectfully in an upstairs reception room inside the Imam Hussein shrine in Karbala one morning last week. The shrine is one of Shia

from Iraq to Syria: repeating a debacle: Proof that the British political class hasn’t learned anything after Iraq came with David Cameron’s ludicrous assertion that there are 70,000 moderate rebels fighting in Syria. It was an outright fabrication to rank with Blair’s sexed up dossier on

The spread of Wahhabism, and the West’s responsibility to the world: François Hollande’s declaration of war against Isis (also known as Islamic State) was, perhaps, a natural reaction to the carnage in Paris but the situation is now so grave that we cannot merely react; we also need sustained, informed

ISIL Created by US Interventionism, Saudi Money & Wahhabi Ideology – Assad: Commenting on the origins of the Islamist terrorism plaguing the Middle East, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad noted that terror groups including Al-Qaeda and ISIL have been able to find fertile soil in Iraq as a result of US interventionism,

Former NATO commander Wesley Clark: ‘ISIS serves the interests of Turkey and Saudi Arabia’: Former Supreme NATO Commander Gen. Wesley Clark is quite a character. Immediately after the Kosovo War, Clark actually ordered NATO troops to attack Russian peacekeeping troops (the order was ignored). But sometimes he does or says things which

Senator Richard Black: War in Syria would end if US stopped supporting terrorists: Virginia State Senator and decorated Vietnam veteran Richard Black says it like it is. The United States continues to supply terrorists in Syria with weapons, making them a grave threat to global security as well as deepening the conflict

why Turkey stabbed Russia in the back: It’s absolutely impossible to understand why the Turkish government would engage in the suicidal strategy of downing a Russian Su-24 over Syrian territory – technically a NATO declaration of war on Russia – without putting in context the Turkish

نصیرالدین طارق – سب جیالوں کے بھائی جان – عامر حسینی: پی پی پی خانیوال کے سٹی صدر شیخ عرفان کا فون آیا کہ بھائی جان نصیر فوت ہوگئے میں اس کے بعد ایک ایک کرکے اپنے سینئرز، جونئرز جیالے دوستوں کے فون سنتا رہا اور ہم سب ایک

Will the UK target the tankers being used by the Erdogan regime to facilitate oil smuggling by ISIS?: In the ongoing debate in the UK on whether or not to “bomb ISIS”, PM Cameron and his cabinet are deliberately omitting any mention of related extremist groups in Syria like the various factions of Al Qaeda and their

داعش کے بھوت میں انسانیت تلاش کرنے کا مغربی جنون – عامر حسینی: آج ڈیوڈ کیمرون کی سربراہی میں ہونے والے برطاننوی کابینہ کے اجلاس میں شام میں ” داعش ” کے ٹھکانوں پر بمباری کرنے کی قرارداد کی اصولی طور پر منظوری دے دی گئی جبکہ برطانوی پارلیمنٹ سے اس قرار

سانحۂ پشاورمیں ملوث چار تکفیری دہشت گردوں کو پھانسی دے دی گئی: سانحۂ پشاورمیں ملوث چار تکفیری دہشت گردوں کو پھانسی دے دی گئی، جہنم رسید کیے جانے والوں میں دیوبندی مولوی عبد السلام شامل ہے پاکستان کے عسکری ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ صوبہ خیبر پختونخوا کے دارالحکومت پشاور میں

The shrine that is the Lahore Museum – Ayaz Amir: On Sunday with my son Sheheryar I went to the Lahore Museum after a long time. The word epiphany, or revelation, I find is a bit over-used these days but it was very much like that. I have stood

Iran, Hezbollah and Russia – the real coalition – Ayaz Amir: Daesh or the Islamic State is the most extreme form of Salafist Islam, so toxic that it makes the Taliban look mild and Al-Qaeda look like a backward cousin. Al-Qaeda was only an ideology, Daesh is ideology plus geography.

One of the world’s biggest and most dangerous pilgrimages is underway: One of the biggest pilgrimages in the world is underway, with millions of Shia Muslims risking their lives to travel through Iraq. They are making their way to the city of Karbala, 62 miles south-west of Baghdad, for the