Will the UK target the tankers being used by the Erdogan regime to facilitate oil smuggling by ISIS?


In the ongoing debate in the UK on whether or not to “bomb ISIS”, PM Cameron and his cabinet are deliberately omitting any mention of related extremist groups in Syria like the various factions of Al Qaeda and their support to it. Most importantly, there is no mention of another intervention in that region. We are of course referring to the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003 of which the UK was a part of. That invasion directly lead to the creation of ISIS.

The phrase “bomb ISIS” is in quotes because its unclear what NATO and its 60+ plus allies have been doing in Syria for the past year and half.

What will be different in this new bombing campaign by the UK in Syria?

Will the UK actually target the tankers being used by the Erdogan clan and regime to facilitate oil smuggling by ISIS? Or will UK simply bomb more Syrian infrastructure and allow ISIS to grow stronger like it has along with the US and NATO for the last 16 months!

The only credible force fighting ISIS is the Syrian Arab army of President Assad. He is supported by the Russians, Iranains and Hizbullah.

NATO and its allies like Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are not only facilitating ISIS but also its parent organisation, Al Qaeda along with that groups various avatars like Al Nusra Front, Ahrar Al Sham and the scores of other extremist, Salafi Jihadist factions.

There can be no honest fight against ISIS without cutting its support from NATO members and allies. Similarly, only the Syrian government can authorise bombings within its territory. Any other action could be counted as illegal as per International Law.

