Monthly Archive:: November 2010

New LUBP Poll: who do you think is responsible for suicide bombings in Pakistan?: LUBP Poll Who do you think is responsible for suicide bombings in Pakistan? Taliban: told you not to support America RAW and CIA agents (Taliban are innocent) Pakistani Agencies No clue! View Results With thanks to Saad Mansoor for

Daily Times Editorial: Nuisance of loudspeakers: The move by the National Assembly on Friday to pass The Regulation and Control of Loudspeakers and Sound Amplifiers (Amendment) Bill 2010, is a step in the right direction. The bill is intended to curb attempts to create sectarian

Pakistan looking forward to free trade agreement with EU: President Zardari: * President meets with FoDP countries’ ambassadors * Says country’s already fragile economy suffered setback due to flood devastation ISLAMABAD: Pakistan looks forward to a comprehensive free trade agreement with the European Union and a solid, multidimensional and comprehensive

A review of Christian-Muslim conflict and a modest proposal to counter it: If outside experts could help disentangle religion from the other issues, the argument goes, that could help neutralise religion’s capacity to mobilise and inflame, in the hope of leading to a de-escalation of the crisis. Is this idealistic? Maybe………

The politically asexual ‘good governance and corruption mantra’ and the PPP’s ideology – by Ayesha Siddiqa: There is a growing tendency to shun politics. The response of a lot people to this it: What has it given us besides corruption and a poor image of the country in the eyes of the world? Nevertheless, I will

Sectarian and Talibanic dimensions of the Orakzai Operation – by Asad Munir: Orakzai is the only tribal agency not bordering Afghanistan. It got the status of tribal agency in 1973. Prior to that it was under the administrative control of the DC Kohat as part of the Frontier Region. The agency’s

‘President’ Kayani is the most powerful man of Pakistan: Happened to read the following news report. Wonder if authority is directly proportional to responsibility, who is to be held responsible for the following: (1) krruption, (2) bad governance, (3) increasing drone attacks, and (4) suicide bombings. (A.N.) Chief

The holy cows in uniform – by M Usama Kabbir: This is a bird’s eye view of military control in Pakistan. It is easy to point out and criticize ‘Democratic Political Governments’ for their incompetence and their ‘force’ of cabinet members who are a burden on the “National Treasury”
![Rich [Irresponsible] Media, Poor Democracy](
Rich [Irresponsible] Media, Poor Democracy: Robert McChesney argues in his book, “Rich Media, Poor Democracy”that the media, far from providing bedrock for freedom and democracy, have become a significant antidemocratic force in the United States and, to varying degrees, worldwide. Rich Media, Poor Democracy

A response to Ejaz Haider: Blatant lies and partial facts on Balochistan – by Shaista Aazar: Related article: On Ejaz Haider and his kudos to our saviours Ejaz Haider, as a political analyst wrote about him, “Ejaz Haider is just defending what he has always believed in. He is a former cadet and would have

Christians ask Obama to condemn violent Hindu extremism: Christians in India are asking U.S. President Barack Obama to stand up for issues such as human rights, peace, justice, and dialogue, says Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay and Chairman of the Bishops’ Conference of India, in an

Friday massacre at mosques: Deobandi Taliban massacre 70 namazis: More than 70 people including children have been killed in bomb and grenade attacks on two mosques in northwest Pakistan, according to reports. Up to 70 people have been killed in two attacks on mosques in north-western Pakistan. A

Balochistan: endless despair — by Mohammad Akhtar Mengal: The appalling poverty, desolation, unemployment, worsening health conditions, malnourishment, tribal in-fighting, mounting corruption, support for drug barons and religious fundamentalism in historically peaceful and secular-oriented Baloch society are the domino effects of systematic policies imposed by the Islamabad super-establishment

Lies and half-truths on Balochistan – by Ejaz Haider: The situation in Balochistan is throwing up lies and half-truths. While partisans can’t be trusted with truth, what about some so-called libs whose favourite pastime is to find fault with the state without offering viable policy solutions? Let me put

Pak Tea House’s criticism of LUBP: Related articles: Do we need parental guidance on blogging? An open letter to Pak Tea House and Pakistani blogging community – by Ali Raja Much more than a petition: A critical view on the PTH-LUBP differences – by Qudsia

Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry and Zulekha – by Ali Raja: is saadgi pe kon na mar jae ae khuda? There is a cute little proverb in our Punjabi language “Zulekha mard si ke aurat.” This proverb is applied to a person who proves to be a symbol of innocence

There cannot be justice without freedom – by Dr. Zafar Baloch: Dr. Zaffar Baloch, the president of Baloch Human Rights Council of Canada delivered his speech in a conference called “Mining (in)justice: at home and abroad” organized by Community Solidarity Response Toronto (CSRT), it was held in Toronto-Canada from May

Media’s view on political alliances – by Sikandar Mehdi: We don't need to be a rocket scientist to see what media is trying to do.Media has its own interest in the fall of the government. They along with their Taliban sympathizers will have a field day. They want

The 1995 Islamic coup attempt against Benazir Bhutto’s government: Cross-posted from Shahid Saeed’s blog This is the first of a non-consecutive series of posts profiling the major coup attempts in Pakistan, both successful and failed. The series would not be chronological for a variety of reasons, primarily because

Pakistan’s endangered Sufi spirit – by Shaheen Buneri: A man weeps while praying for victims at the Data Darbar Sufi shrine in Lahore, , where a double suicide attack in July killed 40 people and injured more than 200. Peace, tolerance, and humanity are the fundamental values

Ukrainian-Born Female Rabbi Ordained In Berlin: Ukrainian-born Alina Treiger has become the first female rabbi ordained in Berlin since before World War II. The ceremony — attended by German President Christian Wulff and leading rabbis worldwide — hearkened back to the ordination of the world’s

Synod: Christians and Muslims demand religious freedom, to fight extremism -by Samir Khalil Samir: New strengths in mission emerge at the Synod for the Middle East: the scourge of extremism that suffocates Christians and Muslims, the need to recognize Christians as citizens with full rights in society, the right to the proclamation of

Obama’s loss – lessons for progressives: It is arguable, but two factors in Obama's character proved to his downfall. His sense of duty and his aversion to political soundbites and showman ship

The Civil Society Bulletin – by Abbas Baloch: Related articles: In rejection of pseudo-liberals of Pakistan – by Sarah Khan Another pseudo-liberal muck-raking of the PPP: So what’s new? – by Qudsia Siddiqui Adil Najam and his pseudo-liberals’ outpouring of sympathy for Sherry Rehman – by Sarah

Happy Diwali to all – by LUBP team: Divali, Deepavali or festival of lights is an important five-day festival occurring between mid-October and mid-November, as it is based on lunisolar Hindu Calendar It is celebrated in almost all the South Asian countries by the followers of Hinduism,

Women’s issues in Pakistan and how the PPP Government can help women – by Rida Baloch: Women form an important part in building the society and our lives. Being a daughter, a sister, a wife and a mother a woman’s responsibilities increase with time. Despite the role she plays, her abilities, status and existence are under-estimated,

In response to Declan Walsh’s article on Karachi’s deadly divide – by Shaista Aazar: Sheen Alif is as an avid LUBP reader who has written this piece exclusively for LUBP. He maintains his own blog titled “Backbenches”. I am writing this post after reading a recent article by Declan Walsh, the Guardian correspondent

YouTube has started removing Al-Qaeda’s videos: YouTube has reportedly started removing hundreds of videos of Anwar al Awlaki, the radical American-born cleric based in Yemen who has been linked to several terrorist plots against the US and the UK, under the instructions of American and

Jew-hatred infects Muslim world, activist says – by David Lazarus: Video link of the interview: Tarek Fatah: Blood and Brotherhood In his continuing quest for ecumenical understanding, Tarek Fatah, Author of “The Jew is not my Enemy”, explores the historical roots of Muslim anti-Semitism. MONTREAL — Tarek Fatah

Enmity—At whose cost? – By Khawar Ayaz: Enmity—At whose cost? Khawar Ayaz Daily Mail, 4th November, 2010 DESIRE for a cup of tea with Ch. Pervaiz Ellahi has stirred a storm in the political circles. When Palestinians can meet and talk with Israeli government officials

PPP and its sympathisers – by Ali Arqam: ہمارے ناراض دوست اور میڈیا پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی اپنی تمام تر مصلحت آمیزی، ہییت مقتدرہ کی خوشامد پر مبنی روش، سیاسی اصطلاح میں درست اقدامات کے باوجود اپنے نام و عنوان، اپنے ماضی اور عوامی بنیادوں کے باعث کبھی

Karachi’s deadly divide unites two families in grief – by Declan Walsh: Escalating political battle for control of Pakistan metropolis is conducted through drive-by shootings, stabbings and murders One bleeding city, two grieving families. In a shabby apartment block in northern Karachi, Hina Muhammad and her sisters sat quietly in a

Kurram: the forsaken FATA – by Dr Mohammad Taqi: General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani visited a tribal agency last week but he did not tender an apology to some local families, whose dear ones — including children — were killed by the Pakistan Army gunship helicopters this past September.

General Ziauddin’s revelations – by Mohammed Hanif: بٹ اچھا، بدنام برا گزشتہ چند ہفتوں سے آئی ایس آئی کے سابق سربراہ اور بارہ اکتوبر 1999 کو چند گھنٹوں کے لیے اپنے آپ کو پاک فوج کا سپہ سالار سمجھنے والے جنرل خواجہ ضیالدین بٹ شہ سرخیوں

Raiwand’s Dream shattered as all political parties opposed mid term poll: It seems Mian Nawaz Sharif who don’t believe in democratic institutions and political process, along with his buddies (especially Chaudahry Nisar), wants to build a anarchist state or Talibanized society in which modern representative system, voter’s choice and individual freedoms will

Salafi cannon fodder: ISI’s jihad in Kashmir through JuD/LeT: ’جب تک زندہ ہوں تم کشمیر نہیں جاؤ گے‘ ذوالفقار علی بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، مظفر آباد ’تعلیم مکمل کرنے کے بعد ایک مذہبی تنظیم کے ساتھ ٹریننگ حاصل کی‘ پاکستان کے زیر انتظام کشمیر کے دارالحکومت

Adil Najam and other elitist liberals want to save Sherry Rehman from armed goons of PPP Lyari: Adil Najam has once again posted an article on his urban-elite website (All Things Pakistan ATP) which, as usual, speaks of his and the (fake) civil society’s political opacity, intellectual dishonesty and selective morality against the PPP in general

Investigating the corruption of politicians — by Hassan Iftikhar: Investigating in dark alleys —Hassan Iftikhar Sometimes, investigative journalism in Pakistan remains merely a case of whole-scale copying of files handed out by aggrieved bureaucrats whose only bone of contention lies in being on the losing end of the