Monthly Archive:: November 2010

On “do more” – by Omar Ali: I had a facebook exchange after the news. A senior journalist in Pakistan had complained that we are suffering in the war on terror and the US is asking us to “do more” without realizing how hard things are.

Imran Khan’s PTI is the most civilized political party in Pakistan?: Related posts: On PTI’s jihad against Ataul Haq Qasmi This is the scum of Pakistan who call themselves liberals – by Imran Khan The PPP is a party of feudal lords and robbers. The PML-N is a party of

Pakistani Generals and Innocent Mullahs: Understanding the Taliban-ISI alliance: جنرل اور معصوم مُلاّ آئی ایس آئی کے سابق سربراہ اور 1999 میں چند گھنٹوں تک اپنے آپ کو پاک فوج کے سپہ سالار ماننے والے جنرل خواجہ ضیاالدین بٹ نے اپنے ایک حالیہ انٹرویو میں جہاں بہت سی

‘Karachi card’ to backstab democracy – by Ali Arqam: Karachi, the economic hub of the country, depicts the complex social, political and economic problems afflicting Pakistan. The failure of the state to accommodate its ethnicities and diverse cultures in a national narrative, has logically resulted in rising political

Takfiri Deobandis (ASWJ/Taliban) massacre policemen in Karachi, 22 killed, 100 injured: Pakistan police are a soft target for the ISI’s strategic assets, i.e., jihadi and sectarian terrorists of the Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba. Recently CID section of the Karachi police had been warned by the ISI to stop arresting their jihadi

Bush faults Pakistan on extremism: "In his book "Decision Points" published Tuesday, Bush said he had "complex" relations with Pakistan and its former military leader Pervez Musharraf, who pledged to support the United States after the September 11, 2001 attacks."

On Arundhati Roy: The Burden of Proof – by Nimer Ahmad: Arundhati Roy, a name that needs no introduction even in Pakistani government’s “or” religious intellectual circles and she is often quoted in mainstream media because she is not just a fierce critic of US foreign policy but she had

Why Obama bows to the Chinese – by Sindhyar Talpur: foreword: Apologies if this essay seems to be simplistic in nature, however this essay is meant to be basic in its content. It is part of an endeavor by LUBP to highlight economic situation around the world, its effects

Toon Talk: Mian Sahab ka 25 Sala Meesaq-e-Pakistan- by M. Ali: Bolti Tasweerain: Nawaz Sharif and his 25 year Agenda of Meesaq-e-Pakistan.

Toon Talk: Aaj Kamran Khan k saath ‘Sotay Huay’- by M. Ali: Well I must say that this is what Kamran Khan don’t have in reality ‘Sukoon Ki Neend’. Excellent work by M. Ali !!

Toon Talk: Emotional Kamran Khan on the PPP-PML-Q meeting- by M. Ali: ‘Tasweerain bolti hain’ : Our regular contributor has expressed his feelings on the emotions of Kamran Khan on PPP-PML-Q meeting through the following cartoon.

The real story- by Peja Mistri: ISI routinely hires Pakistan’s right wing journalists to feed the stories in order to improve the image of military mafia. Such stories are usually very abstract and are written by the ISPR ”master minds” in such a way which

Muslim youth in Iqbal’s view – by Amjad Rashid: “You are eagle! Your duty is to flight freely! You have even more horizons before you”, this is the translation of the famous verses of Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal which is often written on the walls and charts of

Violation of Labour Laws in Pakistan – by Shaukat Masood Zafar: Under the 1973 Constitution labour is defined as a ‘concurrent subject’ making liable for implementation both the Federal and Provincial Governments. The Industrial Relations Ordinance makes provision for the appointment of a Collective Bargaining Agent (CBA) to determine the

TFT Interview with Asad Sayeed: A new agenda for Pakistan: I visit the LUBP site almost daily and my compliments for the great service you are providing. Attached is an interview that TFT did on welfarism a couple of weeks ago. If you think it is relevant and useful,

The conflict within – by Eqbal Ahmad: Once religion becomes a hard political currency it has to be deployed in the political arena by means fair and foul. Those aspirants in politics who lack other political capital - large land holdings , modern education, industry, family

Bhutto’s nationalization policy: Workers’ prespective: Related Post Bhutto’s nationalization policy: A response to PM Gilani’s statement – by SulemanAkhtar Was Bhutto Natiaonalisation policy a mistake ?

LUBP condemns ban on The Baloch Hal – by Abdul Nishapuri: We have recently learnt about the ban on Balochistan’s first online English newspaper, The Baloch Hal, by the military establishment of Pakistan. Our dear friend, Malik Siraj Akbar, is the Editor-in-Chief of this excellent online newspaper. The Baloch Hal

Chief Justice and his cronies must be tried under Article 6 of Pakistan’s constitution – by Dr Amjad Cheema: Chief (or Cheap?) Justice and his cronies must be tried under Article 6 of Pakistan’s constitution. The idea cropped up in my mind when the Cheap Justice threatened Prime Minister with trial under article 6 during that fateful night

Do we need parental guidance on blogging? An open letter to Pak Tea House and Pakistani blogging community – by Ali Raja: Related Articles: In criticism of LUBP – by Raza Habib Raja Much more than a petition: A critical view on the PTH-LUBP differences – by Qudsia Siddiqui Pak Tea House’s criticism of LUBP Adil Najam and his pseudo-liberals’ outpouring

In criticism of LUBP – by Raza Habib Raja: Previously published as Setting the Record Straight: What it Really Means to be A Critical Supporter, this post is being cross-posted from Pak Tea House, an excellent pro-PPP and pro-secularism blog. We thank the author for his candid criticism

Civil society’s appeal in support of Dr Ajmal Khan, the vice-chancellor of the Islamia College University – by Zalaan: وائس چانسلر اجمل خان کی رہائی کے لیہ طالبان کے نمائندوں سے اپیل اپیل ،اپیل ،اپیل وائس چانسلر اجمل خان کو کوئی دو ماہ پہلے کیمپس سے اس وقت نامعلوم افراد نے اغوا کر لیا تھا جب وہ گھر

The (misplaced) wrath of the LUBP hardliners – by Yasser Latif Hamdani: Related articles: Much more than a petition: A critical view on the PTH-LUBP differences – by Qudsia Siddiqui Do we need parental guidance on blogging? An open letter to Pak Tea House and Pakistani blogging community – by Ali

Who is responsible for suicide-bomber academies? – by Peter Chamberlin: Contributed by Peter Chamberlin Captured suicide-bombers from Swat In the following report, Yet Another Mosque Suicide-Bombed Near Peshawar, we read all that we can stand to read about the latest suicide-bomber to strike that embattled country. An interesting Pakistani website

Plot to kill Justice Sharif found baseless – yet another loss for Ansar Abbasi and gang of Geo TV / Jang Group: Related Articles: We look forward to the follow up story to the plot to kill Justice Sharif- by Chaudry Ahmad Khan and Ahmad Iqbalabadi Special Branch Report to kill Khwaja Sharif “false and baseless” The alleged Plot to kill

Steps to calm the gathering storm – by Ali Wahab: Source: Express Tribune The country has faced an acute energy crisis over the last three years. Be it a supply gap in electricity generation resulting in prolonged outages, a demand surge because of unplanned growth in gas consumption or

What happened in New Delhi conference? – by Malik Siraj Akbar: “I really don’t understand your (Pakistani) people,” regretted this Indian journalist fellow who was also one of the organizers of the recently held India-Pakistan conference: A roadmap towards peace in New Delhi. It was a tea break. Both of

Gandhi’s legacy – by Bhikhu Parekh: Cross posted from Mahatma Gandhi information website I am most grateful to the staff of the Centre of South Asian Studies of the School of Oriental and African Studies for doing me the honour of inviting me to deliver

Pakistan army’s friendly surrender to the Taliban: Pakistani Army’s friendly surrender to Taliban in Waziristan 4 Dec 09 Aim: to distribute latest weapons to jihadis of Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba. Source Pakhtunkhwa Peace Forum:

Who fixes corruption index and why? – by Shiraz Paracha: A senior manager of the World Bank who served in the organization at a time when the Bank’s policies led Africa and Latin America into debt, destruction and extreme poverty, later on established the so-called Transparency International (TI) —

Much more than a pro-Sherry Rehman petition: A critical view on the PTH-LUBP differences – by Qudsia Siddiqui: Related articles: Pak Tea House’s criticism of LUBP Adil Najam and his pseudo-liberals’ outpouring of sympathy for Sherry Rehman – by Sarah Khan Response by PTH: The (misplaced) wrath of the LUBP hardliners – by Yasser Latif Hamdani Some

My Muhajir identity and partition: A burden for generations – by Naveed Ali: It was a mild winter day, as it should be in Karachi, I was standing in line to enter to the University. We were almost daily ordered to enter only from a particular gate from four or five at

Hezbollah vs. the international community – by Hanin Ghaddar: Last Thursday, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah declared an open war against the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL). He set a new stage in the Lebanese political scene, whereby any Lebanese citizen who supports or cooperates with the STL

Balochistan’s relentless quest for freedom — by Lal Khan: In the 1950s, 60s and 70s, the national struggle in Balochistan had a strong socialist content. The overtones of revolutionary socialism in this nationalist movement had attracted not just the Baloch youth but also inspired young students from the

General Musharraf’s CV and bloody civilians – by Ali Raja: It’s always charming to remember good old Qudratullah Shahab. You talk about spirituality, you talk about crisis, you talk about politics, in short you talk about any aspect of intellect, he jumps into your memories from the galaxies of

Smuggling and its effects on economy – by Shaukat Masood Zafar: Smuggling severely harms the economy of a country in multidimensional ways. It undermines the local industry, discourages legal imports and reduces the volume of revenues collected from duties and levies by the state. Unfortunately a parallel underground economy has