Monthly Archive:: November 2010

Government must act to address perceived corruption – by Fasi Zaka: No proof of perceived corruption Consistent suo motu actions by the judiciary, Transparency International’s (TI) raising of Pakistan’s rank as a corrupt country and the media howling fiduciary murder every few days is rattling the PPP. The prime minister recently

Our saviours in army: Two top generals found involved in yet another multi-million-rupee corruption – by Rauf Klasra: Two top army generals have been found involved in yet another multi-million-rupee scam in the National Logistics Cell (NLC) after it was disclosed in aPublic Accounts Committee (PAC) meeting on Tuesday that the pair had quietly given a loan

Chaudhry Sahab, let’s have local bodies elections first – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: It is interesting to see whenever the Prime Minister speaks his heart out. He usually keeps his best for the floor of the National Assembly. Yesterday, was no exception. The PM strongly rebuffed calls for political change in the

Meesaq-e-Pakistan: PML-N’s olive branch to PPP -by Muhammad Akram: Related Article: Arshad Mahmood’s column on Nawaz Sharif’s Meesaq-e-Pakistan and Mubarik Haider’s response Nawaz Sharif now wants a “Meesaq-e-Pakistan” PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif’s proposal for 10 years political accord with the name of Misaq-e-Pakistan is an olive branch to the

Zardari for out of box solutions to meet energy needs: * USAID to build 150MW wind power plant in Sindh * President calls for phasing out of gas geysers in government buildings KARACHI: President Asif Ali Zardari, on Tuesday, called for stepping up search for an out of the

Imran Khan will sweep next elections: Related articles: Is Imran Khan the new choice of agencies (ISI) in Pakistan? Voters in NA-55 mistakenly gave vote to ‘Lion’ thinking it was Imran Khan? A sneak peek into PTI Forum Pakistan Tehreek-e-Khaal and the future coalition government

A critical view on animal cruelty and religious dogma in Pakistan – by Shiraz Paracha: Slaughter of cow calves is common in some parts of Pakistan but the society is shockingly insensitive to such cruelty. It seems insane to raise the issue of animal cruelty in a country where violent human deaths are

Arshad Mahmood’s column on Nawaz Sharif’s Meesaq-e-Pakistan and Mubarik Haider’s response: Mubarik Haider’s Response: I wish to appreciate the conciliatory stance taken by Mr. Waseem Altaf. Even worthier is his emphasis on evidential logic and on the need for intellectually honest discourse. Let me add another emphasis: correction of concepts

Iqbal’s vision: A guiding light for LUBP: نگاہ فقر ميں شان سکندري کيا ہے by Allama Muhammad Iqbal (Source: Bal-e-Jibril) نگاہ فقر ميں شان سکندري کيا ہے خراج کي جو گدا ہو ، وہ قيصري کيا ہے بتوں سے تجھ کو اميديں ، خدا سے نوميدي

Khadim-e-Aala’s corruption in Punjab Government’s Health Department – by Farhad Jarral: In recent past, Khadim-e-Aala Punjab (CM Shahbaz Sharif) and his party chief (Nawaz Sharif) were found actively playing the flood politics against President Zardari and the federal government. A lot of press conferences were conducted by PML-N Chief to

A critical perspective on recent hike in fuel prices – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: OGRA announced an increase in petroleum products on 31st October. The increase is for sure going to fuel inflation, something which the whole nation has to endure, however, it is important to realize that why petroleum prices are to

Pakistan army’s Taliban strategy – by Kamran Shafi: Making sense of it all WHEN Musharraf made his U-turn on the Taliban upon American `urging` after 9/11, some of us thought he meant it. And, being the boss of bosses of the establishment of the Land of the

Stop this hatred: No place for Ahmedi body in a Muslim graveyard: BHALWAL: Interred body of an Ahmedi was exhumed here on Sunday from a Muslim graveyard after some local clerics led protest against the burial and the Sargodha tehsil police forced the dead man’s heirs to remove it from the

Human rights, Islam and cultural argumentation — by Ishtiaq Ahmed: A distinction must be made between making an argument for universal, non-discriminatory and inclusive human rights with the help of some Islamic moral and ethical principles and, on the other hand, creating an argument for an Islamic package of

Passionless mourning for Farooq Leghari: Former President Farooq Leghari died a couple of weeks earlier of a heart failure. The man was buried in his native DG Khan district where a decent crowd was in attendance. It is a gesture of Parliament that whenever

Politics of Plot Allotment – concern of Ahmed Noorani: Rauf Klasra is doing a series of reports on the beneficiaries of politics of Plot Allotment during the last few years. The first piece was on the high and mighty judges who have been allotted plots in Islamabad, even

Bhutto’s nationalization policy: A response to PM Gilani’s statement – by Suleman Akhtar: Related article: Was Bhutto’s nationalisation policy a mistake? This is response to P.M.Gilani’s statement “Nationalization of educational institutions was blunder“ I’am not going to vindicate Socialism, to be implemented as economic system of country, nor advocate the rhetorical demands

Pakistan’s ‘Mother Teresa’ saving flood victims -by Mark Lobel: A tiny, frail lady – her silver grey hair tucked under a white head scarf with a red floral trim – stands defiantly at a relief camp she set up for minority people displaced by Pakistan’s recent deadly flooding.

Schizophrenia on women’s rights – by Mahmood Adeel: Two diametrically opposed articles on the status of women’s rights in this country appear in today’s news. They should both be read together, hopefully resulting in an open and honest discussion of one of the great . For all

Arundhati Roy’s Statement on media and mob justice: There is too much similarities between Pakistani and Indian right wing media, both are inciting hatred and violence among the country’s citizens and especially against those having unpopular views and thoughts. Indian media was present around Arundhati Roy’s house with live coverage facilities

Express Tribune sets an excellent example of self-accountability by media: میڈیا میں خود احتسابی کا آغاز فخر الدین جی ابراہیم سابق وزیر قانون ، جج اور اٹارنی جنرل کے عہدوں پر فائز رہے ہیں۔ پاکستان کے ایک انگریزی روزنامے دی ایکسپریس ٹربیون کی جانب سے محتسب کی تعیناتی کو

Takfiri Deobandi militants’ jihad against mushrik Barelvis and kafir Shias: A year of sub-sectarian massacre On October 29, the Sunni Ittehad Council, led by Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan (JUP), staged a protest in Karachi and a dozen cities of Punjab against the destruction of tombs and shrines. This multi-city protest was

Why this public obsession with religion? – by Faheem Younus: Lateef Khawaja was a retired man who lived a few houses down the road from us in Lahore. Everyone considered him to be a pious man but there were a few things he would never do: carry prayer beads

Was Bhutto’s nationalisation policy a mistake?: Related article: Bhutto’s nationalization policy: A response to PM Gilani’s statement – by Suleman Akhtar Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani termed the nationalisation of educational institutions in 1972 a ‘mistake’. Speaking at the death anniversary of Zamindar College founder

How remittances can aid development – by Ali Wahab: Express Tribune, 1st November 2010 Remittances sent by expatriates have traditionally played a key role in the development of economies back home. India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Indonesia rely heavily on workers’ remittances and so does Pakistan.