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VIEW: A budget speech with a difference —Imtiaz Alam: Source :Dailytimes VIEW: A budget speech with a difference —Imtiaz Alam Inflation cannot be brought down simply by fiscal measures, although they are very crucial. Without improving security environment, lowering of interest rates, overcoming the energy crisis, reducing the cost

Pakistan: Draconian religious laws and frenzied atmosphere – by B.R. Gowani: Since the creation of Pakistan, Muslim parties wanted the Ahmadi Muslims to be excommunicated. Finally in 1974, they succeeded when the Z. A. Bhutto government caved in for political reasons. More restrictions were imposed on them by General

Budget 2010-2011 – A reminder for policy makers (Part I): Education Benazir Bhutto promised to allocate 4% of GDP to Education sector; which according to UN each country must allocate . According to education policy budget allocation can never be less than the previous year and government has shown

Punjabi Taliban / Sipah-e-Sahaba attack two Ahmadi Mosques in Lahore: At least 70 killed, scores injured.: LAHORE: Gunmen attacked two mosques in Lahore on Friday, where gunfire and explosions rang out as people gathered for prayers, police said.
“Unknown gunmen have attacked two mosques,” police official Mohammed Hussain told AFP by telephone.
“Firing is still going on.

No respite – by Kamran Shafi: Source :Dawn I write this at the start of the week during which the Supreme Court starts hearings on the 18th Amendment and the NRO non-compliance case (both hearings have been adjourned). But, just last week, two earthshaking happenings rocked

Balochistan govt to invest in oil, gas, mineral exploration-DAWN: Source : DAWN By Saleem Shahid Sunday, 23 May, 2010 QUETTA: The Balochistan government has chalked out a comprehensive plan to secure its financial resources by making investments in major oil, gas and mineral exploration companies operating in the

Crimes of Rehman Malik – by Humza Ikram: Crimes of Rehman Malik CRIME 1 He allegedly tried to erase the phrase “We can’t do anything to stop suicide bomber” which was extensively used by previous interior minister i.e. former interior minister Faisal Saleh Hayat, Aftab Sherpao and Lt

The Facebook shame – by Ahmad Rafay Alam: source : The News There’s a new joke doing the rounds: what’s the difference between Facebook and the Lashkar-e-Taiba? Answer: Facebook is banned in Pakistan. The Lahore High Court’s un-technical appreciation of social networking sites, the mechanics of the

Economy expands 4.09pc in FY10: Source : DAWN According to the figures presented to the NAC, the overall manufacturing sector performed well and recorded a growth of 5.1 per cent this fiscal year compared with negative growth of 3.7 per cent in 2008-09. ISLAMABAD:

Pakistan to export record shipment of rice: source : The express Tribune Pakistan is planning on shipping a record 4.1 million metric tons of rice by the end of next month. This record is as much as 37 percent more than last year. According to the Rice

Who is the biggest beneficiary of Benazir Bhutto’s murder: By Humza Ikram Media with all its zeal is currently busy in bashing the UN report. The Ghairat (national honour) brigade has already termed it as a second attack on Pakistan’s military establishment after the Kerry Lugar Bill. Thanks

Punjab on knife-edge as extremists take hold: Taseer: Punjab Governor Salman Taseer is consistently showing his concern on the rapid progress of Sipah Sahaba under the patronage PML-N punjab provincial government. Recently I observed Maulana Ahmed Ludhinvi banners all over Gujrawala city which was quite alarming for me . We

Presence of Mehmood Khan Achakzai in the Presidential Address: It was really heartening to see Mehmood Khan Achkzai sitting in VIP gallery of the parliament listening to the Presidential address. Although his party boycotted 2008 general election but his senators were a part of the Constitutional reforms committee.

Nawaz Sharif – No more advice: Nawaz Sharif’s recent U-turn on constitutional reforms has surprised every one. But more astonishing is not his U-turn but his series of advices. Advice :Firstly he asked PM to intervene and talk to Chief Justice to end this crisis. Fact: PM is not

Shahbaz Sharif – Reality Check: Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif’s statement to spare the Punjab from attacks since both Taliban and N -league has same agenda was condemnable . My question to Mr Sharif is if both N-league and Taliban has same agenda ;wheter the agenda

President signs services tribunal amendment bill: The Pakistan People’s Party has its roots in the working class of the country. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto envisioned a Pakistan where the Labor Class could live with dignity and honor. Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto durgin her governments pursued extensive agendas

Oppressed Mindset: Recently Punjab opposition MP Samina Khawar Hayat gave a disturbing statement while speaking on the issue of rising number of single women in the country who are in their 30’s. She gave the bizarre idea of encouraging married men

Two Provinces: Different Local Government Bills: After a lot of confusion and campaigning against the fate of local government bodies, the Punjab Government finally brought the local government amendment bill in the parliament this month. The new bill was passed by PML-N with majority votes

The cost of being a Muslim League worker – by Humza Ikram: Last week, Shahbaz Shairf finally announced that Nawaz Sharif will not contest the NA 123 election. The official reason given in this regard is that Nawaz Sharif wants to give chance to a party worker who struggled against the Musharaf regime

NRO verdict: a murder of history – by Humza Ikram: Recent NRO verdict is an attempt to distort our 64 years of political history. And the thing which makes me sad the most is that how easily Supreme Court picked up Benazir Bhutto’s book (Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy, and the

An open letter to Chairman PPP – by Ahsan Abbas Shah: چیرمین جناب محترم بلاول بھٹو زرداری صاحب شریک چیرمین جناب محترم آصف علی زرداری صاحب السلام علیکُم عوام کی حکومت کے قائم ہونے کے بعد ہر پارٹی کارکُن اور ہر مُحبِ وطن پاکستانی آپ کی جان کی سلامتی کے

Pakistan Democracy Review 2009 – by Humza Ikram: In this article, Humza Ikram offers a comprehensive review of the performance of the PPP government in 2009. JANUARY 2009 OFFICIAL LAUNCH OF Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) In January 2009, BISP was officially launched after its form distribution

Enclosed in my heart – by Saria Benazir: Enclosed in my heart, Are a few words? Not merely words,

Elections in Quetta and Baltistan, Some Questions for the LHC – by Humza Ikram: In last 48 hours two general elections were held, First one took place in Gilgit -Balistan and the other one took place in Quetta. Although official election resulta are not announced yet, unconfirmed reports suggest that in both places PPP candidates

After the NRO -Ayesha Siddiqa: The Supreme Court’s NRO judgement must be seen in the broader context of political tactics and power dynamics.Here is the article of Ayesha Siddiqa which does exactly that. In her opinion military is the prime beneficiary of the Judgement. By Ayesha Siddiqa Friday,

Another aspect of the judgment – by Asma Jahangir: Saturday 19th,Dec,2009.With Thanks.DAWN The NRO case, Dr Mubashar Hasan and others versus the federation, has once again stirred a hornet’s nest. There is thunderous applause for bringing the accused plunderers and criminals to justice and widespread speculation on the

17 Good Men: NRO bench: With due respect to azad adlia Media’s position on NRO before the court proceeding NRO was always a controversial law because it was discriminatory law; many political pundits and columnist lead the campaign against it under the leadership of