Yasser Latif Hamdani Archive

Pakistan’s social media commentators weigh in on Hussain Haqqani’s oblique opposition to the US-Iran nuclear deal: LUBP’s complete tag of articles on Husain Haqqani https://lubpak.com/archives/tag/husain-haqqani LUBP’s complete tag of articles on Husain Haqqani https://lubpak.com/archives/tag/husain-haqqani LUBP’s complete tag of articles on Husain Haqqani https://lubpak.com/archives/tag/husain-haqqani As per the Huff post article,

The discourse of Shia genocide in Pakistan and the role of Abdul Nishapuri and social media: A brief historical account: Shia Public Affairs Committee is a community organisation based in New York City. ShiaPac would like to recognise the efforts of the Let Us Build Pakistan portal in highlighting the systematic and tragic targeting of vulnerable communities of

Deobandi Loyalists of the British Empire – by Yasser Hamdani: Almost all Deobandi religious leaders — supposedly the most militant of anti-British elements were on the payroll of the empire. This is how they sustained a living and ample proof can be found in their own books. For

Ahmadiyya persecution in Pakistan: Deobandi cleric Tahir Ashrafi forces Yasser Latif Hamdani and Mehmal Sarfraz to tender apology: Pakistani blogger Yasser Latif Hamdani, known for his active campign in support of equal rights of Ahmadiyya community on Raza Rumi’s Pak Tea House (PTH) blog, where he is a co-editor, was recently harassed by none else than Rumi’s

Deobandi cleric Tahir Ashrafi explains his position in response to Yasser Latif Hamdani’s allegations: Editor’s note: We are cross posting the article by Daily Times which explains the position of Allama Tahir Ashrafi about Ahmadiyya activist Yasir Latif Hamdani. The article uses terms like “Qadiyani” for Ahmadiyya Muslims which is a derogatory term

جن پہ تکیہ تھا وہی پتے ہوا دینے لگے: طاہر اشرفی بنام یاسر لطیف ہمدانی اورمحمل سرفراز – از عامر حسینی: مجهے بڑی حیرانی ہوئی پچهلے دنوں ٹویٹر پر اچانک ایک ایسے آدمی کی مولوی طاہر اشرفی کے خلاف ٹویٹس پڑھکر جو ابهی کچه عرصہ پہلے خود اپنے مرشد خاص نجم سیٹهی اور لبرلز میں اینٹی شیعہ، اینٹی سنی بریلوی

Yasser Latif Hamdani should ask comrade Raza Rumi to grant him an NRO –: Yasser Latif Hamdani should ask comrade RR to grant him an NRO. YLH also claims that he is from a Ahmadi and Shia background. I thought that YLH hatred against LUBP and Shias had made him subservient to

Pakistani Canadian “liberal” Tarek Fatah’s views about Ahmadiyya Muslims: Source: Twitter and Facebook Written by: Tarek Fatah Did you hear about the new ‘Caliph of Islam’ in Iraq? But did you know there is a dude in London who is also #KhalifaOfIslam ‘Caliph of Islam’? I’m not demonizing

لائف سٹائل لبرلز اور تکفیری دیوبندی دہشت گردوں کا معاشقہ – از عامر حسینی: ڈاکٹر نجیب کی افغانستان میں برسی تهی جسکے لئے کابل میں ایک بہت زبردست پروگرام کا انعقاد کیا گیا تها تو میں بهی کابل گیا تها اور وہاں بہت سے لوگوں سے ملا تو واپسی پر میں نے ایک

Ahmadi rights activist Yasser Latif Hamdani’s hate campaign against Shia Muslims: Related post: Mazhar Ali Azhar Deobandi and Ahrar: Yasser Latif Hamdani recycles Shia-phobia! – See more at: https://lubpak.com/archives/307463 Pakistan’s Sunni, Shia and secular activists have strongly condemned and rejected blogger and Ahmadi rights activist Yasser Latif Hamdani’s hate

Mazhar Ali Azhar Deobandi and Ahrar: Yasser Latif Hamdani recycles Shia-phobia!: In his recent post on Pak Tea House blog (chief edited by Raza Rumi), lawyer-blogger Yasser Latif Hamdani has recycled one of his own articles published on Pak Tea House on 15 November 2009 to implicate Shia Muslims in

After Taseer, haka is ready for Bilawal?: Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s bold speech against TTP terrorists must be appreciated by all those who believe in tolerance, peace and progressive values. However, the appreciation of his speech seems a bit odd by those urban elite thugs who simultaneously

PTH’s blogger Raza Rumi renders apology to LUBP: Note: We welcome Raza Rumi’s reconciliatory post which he has written on behalf of the Pak Tea House (PTH) blog in which he apologized for the abuses hurled at LUBP by Yasser Latif Hamdani. Below is a copy of

Do we need parental guidance on blogging? An open letter to Pak Tea House and Pakistani blogging community – by Ali Raja: Related Articles: In criticism of LUBP – by Raza Habib Raja Much more than a petition: A critical view on the PTH-LUBP differences – by Qudsia Siddiqui Pak Tea House’s criticism of LUBP Adil Najam and his pseudo-liberals’ outpouring

The (misplaced) wrath of the LUBP hardliners – by Yasser Latif Hamdani: Related articles: Much more than a petition: A critical view on the PTH-LUBP differences – by Qudsia Siddiqui Do we need parental guidance on blogging? An open letter to Pak Tea House and Pakistani blogging community – by Ali

Much more than a pro-Sherry Rehman petition: A critical view on the PTH-LUBP differences – by Qudsia Siddiqui: Related articles: Pak Tea House’s criticism of LUBP Adil Najam and his pseudo-liberals’ outpouring of sympathy for Sherry Rehman – by Sarah Khan Response by PTH: The (misplaced) wrath of the LUBP hardliners – by Yasser Latif Hamdani Some

Basic structure myth – By Yasser Latif Hamdani: Thank heavens the apex court in our country has shied away from answering the question of basic structure and binding, as it were, the dreams and aspirations of the future generations of this great state of ours to what

JI Mentor Maudoodi exposed – by Yasser Latif Hamdani: Pakteahouse Co-editor Yasser Latif Hamdani has shared with us this piece exposing the hypocricy of JI and their mentor Maudoodi. We are posting it here from the pakteahouse blog. Here is an English translation of the 10 Urdu quotations