Propaganda Archive

Kerry : US allowed ISIS to grow as leverage against Assad: In leaked audio between secretary of state John Kerry and Syrian opposition reps, Kerry says the US allowed ISIS to grow as leverage against Assad. Quite an admission. At the 26:30 mark: “The reason Russia came in is because

Maria Saadeh, Syrian Christian former member of parliament, speaks at IDC Side Event: “Syrian Women in politics faced with war and double standards.” By Maria Saadeh, Member of the Syrian Parliament IDC Side Event, UN Geneva, 16 June 2016 I would like to talk about my experience as a Syrian woman facing

CAIR representative expressing joy at the Russian plane crash that claimed 90+ lives: This is a CAIR representative expressing joy at the Russian plane crash that claimed 90+ lives. I wonder if he is related to Zahran Alloush – the late genocidal hate leader of the Al Qaeda-affiliated Ahrar Al Sham

How wars got privatized and media became part of the war machine: During the Vietnam war, many in the establishment thought the US media played a subversive role forcing the military to ‘fight with one hand tied behind the back’. Next the US went to war (1st Gulf war), it

The assassination of Russian Ambassador in Turkey: A few points to ponder – by Syed Hasnain Baqri: Words of condolences and condemnations are pouring in from around the world after an off-duty Turkish riot Police Officer Mevlut Altintas shot dead the Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov, 62, in Ankara, Turkey yesterday, as he delivered a speech.

Erdogan had nothing to gain From murder of Russian ambassador To Ankara: What this means is one of two things: Version 1: there was nobody in charge of security at this exhibition Version 2: the room where this murder happened was considered ‘safe/sterile’ because it was inside an outer security

Deobandi Taliban from Afghanistan to Global terrorists: Not long ago, so-called Afghan Mujahideen were romanticised as quintessential Pakhtun warriors by the ‘free world’ and certain Muslim states. The media, even movies (Rambo) told us that a handful of moderate freedom fighters were fighting the evil

10 massive fake news stories Western media has been feeding you on Aleppo: Editor’s note: As events continue to highlight the mendacity of the neoliberal cheerleaders ofAl Qaeda, there are those who prefer to double down and continue their lies on Syria. We witnessed this when the FSA acronym for Al Qaeda/Ikhwan

روسی سفیر کو قتل کرنے والا شہید ہے – اوریا مقبول جان: پاکستان کے نامور تکفیری و داعشی صحافی اوریا مقبول جان نے روسی سفیر کو قتل کرنے والے ترکی پولیس اہلکار کو شہید قرار دیدیا ہے، انکا کہنا ہے کہ حلب کے مسلمانوں کے غم کی شدت کی وجہ سے

Eva Bartlett exposing AlQaeda propaganda: Dear hacks, paid and amateur, you who write from the comfort of an armchair. You have more than a few facts wrong about me, as do your colleagues in the paid-business of promoting the NATO line on Syria.

Amnesty International or Saudi ministry of disinformation: If you visit the Amnesty International web site, you will be overwhelmed by the slogans dominating its front page. One slogan cries out: “Demand the safe evacuation of people from Aleppo.” Another one shouts:“Help us expose lies, demand

کیا شیعہ اسلام، یہودی ابن سبا کا تخلیق کردہ فرقہ ہے؟ تکفیری خوارج کے پراپیگنڈہ کی حقیقت – محمد ایف علوی: پچھلے ساڑھے بارہ سو سال سے ناصبی افراد ایک دیو مالائی شخصیت ابن سبا کو قتل عثمان کا الزام دیتے آ رہے ہیں اور ان کا پروپیگنڈہ اسقدر زیادہ ہے کہ ہمارے اہلسنت بھی اس کی زد میں آنے

The dirty war on Syria: barrel bombs, partisan sources and war propaganda – Prof. Tim Anderson: War propaganda often demands the abandoning of ordinary reason and principle, and the Dirty War on Syria demonstrates this in abundance. A steady stream of atrocity stories – ‘barrel bombs’, chemical weapons, ‘industrial scale’ killings, dead babies – permeate

روہنجیا مسلمان اور ’جعلی‘ تصویریں: ذشتہ ماہ میانمار سے بھاگ کر سمندر میں پھنسے بے یار و مددگار روہنجیا مسلمانوں کی حالتِ زار ٹی وی سکرینوں، اخبارات اور دیگر میڈیا کا موضوع رہی لیکن آن لائن پر دکھائی جانے والی سبھی تصاویر وہ نہیں

Counter psychological warfare policy? – by Shiraz Paracha: Reportedly four to five people attacked the residency building in Ziarat, Baluchistan. The number of militants and suicidal bombers is small. Out of nearly 200 million residents of Pakistan suicidal bombers and militants could be no more than a

Muslim killings in Burma: Islamist parties spread fake pictures – by Faraz Ahmed: In now a days, certain people are posting pictures with captions like Muslim massacre in Burma, Muslims slaughtered by Buddhists in Burma. I have tried to check the reality of some of the pics shared frequently by the activists and sympathizers of

Showmen, not statesmen rule U.S. and the West? By Shiraz Paracha: Three years ago young Barack Hussein Obama, a man with mixed cultural and religious identity, made history when he became the 44th President of the United States. A Black man entered the White House riding a wave of popularity.

Building bridges between Pakistan and the United States? – by Shiraz Paracha: Let us assume that some American writers such as Rusty Walker are sincere in their desire to build bridges between Pakistan and the United States. It is a noble cause and Mr. Walker should be admired for his wish

British double standards–by Shiraz Paracha: Last week, hundreds of the BBC World Service employees gathered outside the Bush House in London to demonstrate against the detention of one of their colleagues, Urunboy Usmonov, in Tajikistan for his alleged links with an extremist militant group,

Kidneys for sale: A rebuttal to Ejaz Haider – by Rashid Aurakzai: A new propaganda genre is churned by our ‘Security Intellectuals’. The misleading term ‘civil-military equation or imbalance’ is in vogue. The term not only takes our military’s usurpation for granted but also tends to assume that they should share

Differentiating between Propaganda and Facts III – Automotive Sales up 11% despite high prices: Relevant Reading: Differentiating between Propaganda and Facts I – Exports show biggest growth in history Differentiating between Propaganda and Facts II – Remittances touch USD 6.96 billion, up 20% If one reads the newspapers, watches the news, listens to

Differentiating between Propaganda and Facts II – Remittances touch USD 6.96 billion, up 20%: If one reads the newspapers, watches the news, listens to our right wing media anchors and follows the proceedings in the courts, it seems that Pakistan is sliding on fast pacing downhill slope. On the other hand, there is

Internet hoax about Asif Zardari’s marriage: Currently a hoax is in circulation about President Asif Ali Zardari’s alleged marriage to a PPP worker in the USA. Apparently the Zardari phobes of Islamist and urban middle class backgrounds are making use of yet another ‘opportunity’ to

Nawaiwaqt is a pet of Nawaz Sharif – by Muhammad Amjad Rashid: Today the hawker apologized to me while handing over a copy of daily Nawa-i-waqt to me and said: “Sorry! Today there is no Jang, no Express and no Aaj Kal, so please accept this good newspaper this Sunday”. There

Western information contradicts facts – by Shiraz Paracha: Five years ago, when hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in the United States, the rich and affluent people of the city escaped in big cars, leaving behind hundreds and thousands of mostly poor African Americans to drown and die.

Unpacking the governance debate -by Raza Rumi: If the intent of the unregulated media and a recalcitrant establishment is to dismiss the government to achieve better governance then this is at best a delusional goal Recent weeks have witnessed a supercilious debate on how the current

Terrible Flooding in Pakistan and media is still playing politics: 13.8 million people in Pakistan are affected by the worst flood in a century. More than 1,600 are dead and many more unaccounted for. Entire villages and towns have been consumed by rising water levels, and hundreds of thousands

Floods’ management: A perfect script for a black comedy: Raza Rumi As I write these lines, millions are stranded and vulnerable to disease in the wake of perhaps the greatest natural disaster of recent times. Communities in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa are stranded, Sindh is facing the wrath of gods and

A Profile of the Taliban’s Propaganda Tactics – by Abdulhadi Hairan: Published in Huffington Post “The latest sad news is that the Christian Crusaders (Americans) have burned a copy of the Holy Quran in Wardak province and have thus shown their enmity with Islam and the Muslims… The saddest aspect

Convince people of absurdities and get them acquiescing to atrocities: The enduring power of Machiavellian political science – by Zahir Ebrahim: Source: Project Another case study of the brilliance of Machiavellian Political Science Once the hectoring hegemons have created a core-lie and got people to believe or accept it, namely, that ‘war on terror’ is real and “our war”, then many

The SMS war against Zardari – by Kaleem Butt: Day in and day out, PPP and President Zardari has to contend with an onslaught of negative propaganda on air waves, in print media and in cyber space. The enemy is media savvy and knows the impact of psychological