husain haqqani Archive

Memogate, plagiarism and ghost writers – by Murtaza Haider: While we may never know who indeed authored the ever so memorable memo, which has cost former ambassador Husain Haqqani his day job, we do know that President Asif Zardari has been a prolific writer who has contributed several op-ed

Supreme Court, a circus for the media circus – by Shiraz Paracha: The Judiciary in Pakistan was not free in the past and it is not independent now. The military has been using the Supreme Court of Pakistan as a rubber stamp but now there are serious questions about the integrity

Why the memo issue is not dying down – by Fauzia Wahab: Cross posted from The News, November 28, 2011 We thought with the resignation of Husain Haqqani, the issue of the memo will die down. It has not! With each day the issue bounces back more forcefully than ever. Is

Husain Haqqani and Mansoor Ijaz deserve each other – by Ayaz Amir: Ours must be the most insecure country in the world, and the most paranoid. We are terrified not just by our nightmares but our very shadows. And judging by our behaviour we seem to think that the rest of

Pakistan’s urban, elitist liberals must not uncritically promote Sherry Rehman: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: Some gems from Declan Walsh’s article promoting Sherry Rehman Where Ansar Abbasi and Mosharraf Zaidi converge: “PPP killed Sherry Rehman’s bill” Adil Najam and his pseudo-liberals’ outpouring of sympathy for Sherry Rehman –

Husain Haqqani’s replacement with Sherry Rehman was jointly engineered by Uncle Sam and Pakistan Army – by Laibaah: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine This is not a definitive post, however, there are some indications to suggest that at least some USA officials were, to some extent, on board with Pakistan army in trapping and ultimately deseating Ambassador Husain

An open letter to LUBP – by Salma Jafar: Dear LUBP editors, Just a few thoughts for what they are worth. Although I am not a part of LUBP team and you have every right to define the parameters of your debate and LUBP

Make Husain Haqqani a Senator and Slap the Military: There are no two doubts that this blog is of critical supporters of the Pakistan Peoples Party, who are operating independently of party guidelines and support. Pakistan’s Ambassador to USA, Husain Haqqani has been forced to resign from one

The case of a curious memo – by Ali Aftab Saeed (Beygairat Brigade): First published at Pak Tea House Related posts: LUBP archive on memogate LUBP archive on Beygairat Brigade Let’s start with a simple thought, why does one write a letter to someone? Clench that answer in your mind and now

Pakistan army too should learn to forgive bloody civilians: Editor’s note: We provide below extracts from two Urdu articles (from BBC Urdu and Top Story Online) in order to remind the Deep State that while Pakistani nation forgave or was forced to forgive military dictators (Generals Ayub, Zia,

Memogate: Pro-establishment fake liberals and right wingers’ coordinated plan against democracy: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related post: Husain Haqqani’s resignation and urban elites’ sham-e-ghariban on Twitter Usual suspects have approached the Lahore High Court to place Ambassador Husain Haqqani’s name in the Exit Control List! This is a serious development which

Rinse and Repeat – by Sindhyar Talpur: Once a director of popular films was asked in a casual meeting- why his last three films seemed similar to another. His candid reply: if public is willing to pay money to watch same film over and over, who am

An open letter to Nawaz Sharif — by Gul Bukhari: Because you have firsthand experience of how democracy and the people’s will is thwarted and corroded, you must be cognizant of the role you must play at this crucial time, as you have done in the service of the

Mansoor Ijaz says Zardari had no knowledge of the memo: If the following version of events is true, then this is either a case of dishonest representation or dishonest advice by Ambassador Husain Haqqani. It was a shocking error of judgement to engage with and get entrapped by someone as unscrupulous as Mansoor

Memogate: This is not a new game the establishment is playing – by Shah Hussain Lahori: Husain Haqqani is not an ordinary diplomat. He is the finest of intellects Pakistan has produced. Despite his penchant for changing political loyalties, it is a fact that he remained loyal to the Pakistan People’s Party and its leadership

Memogate: Two psychopaths, a ‘new threat’ to Pakistani democracy? – by Shiraz Paracha: After the 1993 Elections, the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) under the leadership of Benazir Bhutto formed the government for the second time. Husain Haqqani became the Press and Information Secretary in that government. At a meeting with Haqqani at the Prime Minister’s

Husain Haqqani’s resignation letter – by Hakim Hazik: Source To, President Asif Ali Zardari President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan And, Field Martial Avatar P Kayani The Supreme Leader, In-charge S Wing Father of the Nation Through the Good Offices of, Mr Mansoor Ijaz, Interlocutor to

Husain Haqqani or no Husain Haqqani, PPP will survive: Let me very frankly say that whatever is happening to Ambassador of Pakistan in the USA, Husain Haqqani is not good either for Pakistan’s image or the Pakistan Peoples Party, which seems to be the target of all that

Haqqani must resign: A PPP Jiyala’s view on the memogate: A few things come to mind when observing the fallout of Mansoor Ijaz ratting out Hussain Haqqani on the Memo. The first is that PPP’s media strategy or lack therof has reached a crisis point and secondly that few

Express Tribune must not distort facts about Husain Haqqani – by Laibaah: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: Husain Haqqani, memogate and urban elites’ pandemonium on Twitter A critical analysis of Husain Haqqani vs Mansoor Ijaz saga It is now well established that by virtue of his influential position as Pakistan Ambassador

Husain Haqqani, memogate and urban elites’ pandemonium on Twitter: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: Husain Haqqani’s resignation and urban elites’ sham-e-ghariban on Twitter A critical analysis of Husain Haqqani vs Mansoor Ijaz saga Express Tribune must not distort facts about Husain Haqqani There is a great pandemonium of

Memogate: Mullen throws Husain Haqqani under the bus: Related posts: A critical analysis of Husain Haqqani vs Mansoor Ijaz saga Express Tribune must not distort facts about Husain Haqqani Mansoor Ijaz saga: An example of media mismanagement by PPP Adm. Michael Mullen has exclusively confirmed to The

Mullen confirms existence of secret memo; Husain Haqqani offers to resign – by Josh Rogin: Source: Foreign Policy Related posts: Memogate: Mullen throws Husain Haqqani under the bus A critical analysis of Husain Haqqani vs Mansoor Ijaz saga Mansoor Ijaz saga: An example of media mismanagement by PPP Pakistani Ambassador to the United

Is a Palace Coup Unfolding in Pakistan? – by Tarek Fatah: Source: Huffington Post A palace coup could be in the offing in nuclear-armed Pakistan as pro-Taliban army generals try to undermine democratically elected civilian government of President Asif Ali Zardari. First indications that something foul was afoot in Islamabad

A critical analysis of Husain Haqqani vs Mansoor Ijaz saga: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related posts: Deconstructing Husain Haqqani – by Aamir Mughal and Sarah Khan Express Tribune must not distort facts about Husain Haqqani Husain Haqqani, memogate and urban elites’ pandemonium on Twitter Mullen throws Husain Haqqani under the

Mansoor Ijaz saga: An example of media mismanagement by PPP: Related post: A critical analysis of Husain Haqqani vs Mansoor Ijaz saga Mullen throws Husain Haqqani under the bus The Mansoor Ijaz saga has been clearly mismanaged by certain leaders and office-bearers of the Pakistan People Party. Perhaps the

Dirty politics, now or always? – by Shaista Aazar: Related article: MQM and PML-N introduce each other The recent war of words between PML-N and MQM leaderships and a showdown in front of the parliament house that saw the parliamentary leaders dragging in each other’s families and personal

Senator Talha Mehmood’s Media Circus -by Mahmood Adeel: The following article by Mahmood Adeel was originally posted on New Pakistan. This article is an excellent examination of the poor conditions of too much of our right wing political type and is recommended to read.The sentenced of Dr

Hussain Haqqani says, Flood relief cooperation could be a turning point in the relations between Pak- US: Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States Hussain Haqqani said on Wednesday that flood relief cooperation could be a turning point in the relations between Pakistan and the United States and hoped it would help faster a much greater mutual

Political homosexuality – by Dr Ayesha Siddiqa: Can I suggest that politics is also highly gendered. Just like things fall in the category of masculine and feminine, political ideology also has its types. Considering my own bias for the feminine, I would argue that there are

Pakistan Should Reform Fatigued Foreign Policy – by Ibrahim Sajid Malick: Pop quiz: do you know Pakistan’s Ambassador to Chile, Malaysia, Venezuela, Brazil, or Russia? It is very likely that you don’t and, there is a reason – these countries don’t get adequate visibility in Pakistan. Hussain Haqqani (USA), Wajid

Wishful Journalism: Rehman Malik Fired!: Thanks: Pakistan Media Watch President Zardari is not the only government official in the sights of our Wishful Journalists. If one were to believe these pseudo-reporters, Interior Minister Rehman Malik has been preparing to leave his position for several

Hijacking Democracy – by Anas Muhammad: Today we live in an increasingly dangerous world, which is filled with people who have their ulterior motives and willingness to harm others to benefit themselves. Our world is filled with criminals, gangsters, murderers, and terrorists. The people who

The Rightist Judicio-Politico Mafia – by Anas Muhammad: Saturday February 13 – The Chief Justice of Pakistan defied Presidential orders through a suo moto action against the Presidential notification for appointment of certain judges. Chief Justice, in a rare nightly emergency session, formed a three members

The Roots of Articles 62 & 63: Extracts from Husain Haqqani’s Article Islamist Parties and Democracy Source: Journal of Democracy, July 2008, Volume 19, Number 3 More substantively, however, the potential or actual force of the Islamist legacy is bound up with the question of the

Amb. Haqqani – Lobbying for “Transformation” – by Anas Muhammad: On January 15, 2009, Ambassador Husain Haqqani, was a special guest to a gathering at the Nixon Center, which discussed the US-Paksitan relations. This is one of the many forums Honorable Ambassador has addressed, since being appointed at his

Hussain Haqqani, Mere Mutabiq – by Ahsan Abbas Shah: حسین حقانی میرے مُطابق کل سے میرے ذہن میں ایک بھونچال سا مچا ہُوا ہے،پپلز پارٹی میں اندرونی اِختلافات کو جس طریقے سے میڈیا پیش کر رہا ہے اُس سے شاید یہ تاثر دینے کی کوشش کی جا رہی

Deconstructing Husain Haqqani – by Aamir Mughal and Sarah Khan: From the days of General Zia ul Haq, the Islamofacist dictator of Pakistan, one name never seems to die out. Like a roach, it has survived the test of time and come back to haunt the scene once again

Ambassador Husain Haqqani is all over the airwaves in America defending Pakistan’s case – Times of India: EDITORIAL COMMENT | The War of Words 30 Dec 2008, After a week of belligerence, during which sharp words were traded, Indian and Pakistani officials are cooling it, for now. India’s patience is running thin and it is not